Rise of Humanity

Chapter 170: Living with a young girl

The white robe sacrificed for a long inhalation. He pressed his heart to kill the kid, and was about to speak. Suddenly, a filial piety prodigal exclaimed: "Human race, don't be arrogant. If it does, a finger will pinch you! "

不错 "Yes, Brother Chu Wen is the first master of my Protoss, and the elder priest's personal disciple. He is also one of the warriors this time. It's easy to kill you!"

"Go and invite Brother Xiaochu to come."

Zhong Zhongyue stopped and showed joy: "Let him come over quickly and kill him so we can rest as soon as possible."

One of the filial priests was so angry that they swarmed up and went to look for filial piety. The white robe sacrifice was immediately anxious, and he quickly spread his voice. "Stop for me! Xiao chuwen is not his opponent!" Let him come over to die! "

孝 One bit of Xiaomang Protoss was creepy, one by one on the spot.

At the beginning of the filial piety, Xiao Wen was the master of the birthplace to fight against Jianmen Gas Refiner. He was the first to emerge from the filial piety of the filial piety, but now the white robe sacrifices even said that he came to death!

The sacrifice of the white robe is the existence of the elders in the temple. His words are absolutely correct!

But this sentence really makes them difficult to accept.

"Why don't you go and ask Xiaochu Wen?" ≥ "

Xun Leiteng urged: "Hurry up, some of our brothers and sisters hurry up and kill him so we can rest."

Many filial priests are there, at a loss.

The white robe sacrifice the eyebrows and shake the eyebrows, resisting the idea of ​​killing Zhong Yue on the spot, some regrets in the heart to give these human refining practitioners a disappointment, and even regret saying that Xiao Chuwen is not Zhong Yue's opponent.

一 As soon as this sentence came out, it defeated the faith of the tribe of Xiaomang!

However, Zhong Yue struck and killed his opponent twice in a row, which also hit his confidence. He failed to save the clan once. There was no time to shoot, Xiaozheng Xiaotian was killed by Zhong Yue!

In fact, it wasn't just him. When Zhong Yue fought with "Shui Qingyan" in the upper taboo showdown, it also caused a lot of headaches for Jianmen ’s gas refiners, and even Jianmen Chenlong had no time to stop the two. Could the elders come forward to block the desperate fight between the two.

When Dang Zhongyue fought with "Shui Qingyan", it was extremely fierce. Fighting close, without giving others a chance to intervene, the explosive power is so fast that people ten times and hundred times stronger than him have no time to stop, not to mention how much stronger he is now than then?

The white robe sacrificed Lengheng, and stepped out of the square, saying: "Jianmen Lianshi, don't get cheap and sell well, go."

Zhong Zhongyue, Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzong, Lei Teng and others followed suit. Everyone's mind was relaxed a lot, and they were no longer as nervous as before.

Zhongyue narrowed his eyes and said, "Every filial piety, first filial piety, all carry a first word. What is their relationship?"

"There is an incredible man in the sword gate."

At the highest level of the Temple of Xiaoxiaomang, the Shanshen sacrifice and laughed and said, "The Wind Sword God is really enviable. In his later years, he not only got five spirits. There is also such a talent. Thin bamboo, your tribe has prosperity."

Wu Feng's skinny bamboo brows laughed. Humble said: "Brother has won the prize, Zhongshan's little guy is naughty, I told him on the road not to cause trouble, and now it causes trouble again. Fortunately, this boy is modest, not even 30% of his ability has been used."

The corners of the sacrifices are all jumped, and even 30% of the talents have not been realized?

If this sentence is not bragging. That's too scary!

However, looking at the expression of the old guy Feng Fengshouzhu, it looks like he is holding back the small pride in his heart and sticking gold on his face.

Ming Feng Shouzhu has a good reputation and walks in various wastelands all year round. He has also been seen in various wastelands overseas. Several protoss sacrifices have also seen him, knowing that he is an unscrupulous old man, and I did not expect that the uncle would also make a joke, which is really eye-catching.

Feng Shouzhu's heart was dark: "Good job! Zhongshan is not a man born out of battle. His goal is to start the round, which first hurts the birthplace master of the filial piety of the Xiaomang Protoss, Xiaomang The Protoss thought that the birthplace could not win, and the gas refiners in the birthplace would no longer be so attentive, and their attention would inevitably be focused on the other contests. Qiu Yier's hope of winning would be a little bit greater! If Zhongshan ’s can Take down the Kaikai again, and this time I can win a great victory! However, we must help him to reverse the mystery of the Tao early, and practice a round! "

He was about to bid farewell to several sacrifices. Suddenly he saw the clouds floating in the sky. The clouds were like fire, and the sacrifice of the God Crow tribe moved slightly. He said, "My elder elder priest has arrived in person. Brother Shouzhu, the face of your sword gate. Isn't it small? "

In the temple of Xiaoxiaomang, many white robe sacrifices of the Xiaomang protoss came out to welcome the priest, and even the elder priest of the temple met him personally.

The status of the elder priest is equivalent to the master of the Jianmen. This kind of existence came and was invited by Jianmen Shuizi'an. This was why he personally came to help Jianmen and become the just man. You ca n’t lose the courtesy!

Feng Shouzhu was busy and cold, and after half a day, the elder priest of the ghost **** tribe arrived again, and another busy busy, and then the elder priest of the mountain **** tribe came to the scene, letting his heart secretly anxious, withdraw from the heart, but he really pulled away. Don't leave.

"It would be nice if Shuizi was there. The old boy is dazzling and airy, and he will be able to do everything properly."

The three elders and priests arrived to discuss the details of the duel with the high priest of the Xiaomang tribe. If Feng Shouzhu did not attend the meeting, the first was a loss of etiquette, and the second was if the four high priests discussed what to do with the sword. The matter of the door, clap it down, then it will be a big deal.

So he couldn't leave in half a step, only anxious.

"If you can't help Zhongshan's turn round, then you lose!"

Zhong Yue, Zuo Xiangsheng, Tian Yanzong, etc. lived under the arrangement of the white robe sacrifices, and the people lived not far from each other. Outside their residence, they were guarded by filial piety soldiers, guarded by layers and monitored. They move.

There are large wooden eyeballs in the air, each of which is the size of a washbasin. They are a delicate soul soldier, flying around in the air. There are often wooden eyeballs flying on the promenade, also to monitor their movements. .

Putian Yanzong inspected each room. I saw eye-shaped totems imprinted in the flowers in the flowerpots. Black eyes turned from time to time on the petals, sneer: "Be careful, the Protoss of Xiaomang has done everything in order to monitor us, here and there. It's all monitoring. It is estimated that we should explore our respective skills from the dynamics of our cultivation. "

Lei Teng hehe laughed: "What if I take a bath?"

"It will be seen by the filial piety!"

After all, Tian Yanzong was more decent, glaring at him, and said, "Elder Feng hasn't come over, everything must be careful! Take a bath, be convenient, practice, and pay attention to being spied on by the filial priest from time to time. Small objects in the room may be filial The soul soldiers of the Mang Protoss. There are diets, their food, do not eat or drink, you can only eat our own dry food and miracle! "

Everyone quickly said yes.

"I'm a little scared ..." Qiu Aier said to Zhong Yue.

He Zhongyue hesitated. Road: "If she doesn't hate, she can live in my room ..."

"Okay!" Qiu Aier was complacent.

"Shui Qingyan" pitifully said: "Brother Zhong, people are a little scared."

Zhongyue's eyes flickered, and she smiled and said, "Sister Shi can live if you don't hate ..."

"Okay!" "Shui Qingyan" said happily.

Zhong Zhongyue explained, "I mean, sister can live in Brother Lei Teng's room."

Tong Lei Teng was grateful, and "Shui Qingyan" hummed and left. Tian Yanzong coughed and told Zhong Yue Shen: "Brother Zhong. Sister Qiu's legs and legs are inconvenient and she really needs to be taken care of. However, there are eyeliners for the filial piety of the filial piety of the filial piety, so the brothers don't want to mess around. And the day after tomorrow is duel and you need to save physical energy."

Qi Zhongyue's face was reddish, and she nodded and said, but Qiu Yier wondered, "Tiantang Lord, what's wrong?"

Putian Yanzong finds it a little difficult to explain. A few words turned around and left. Qiu Linger and Zhong Yue were alone in the room. The girl slowly got out of the wooden wheelchair, carefully climbed to the soft bed, closed her eyes, and opened her eyes after a while. Pathetic: "Brother, I can't sleep, my heart beats so much ..."

Tong Zhongyue had this girl by her side, and she was also indifferent. It was difficult to calm down, and she was at a loss when she heard the words. Qiu Yier pulled the quilt to her neck, her hair was covered with snow-white pillows, and she blinked, "The mother-in-law Deer told me stories when I couldn't sleep."

Zhong Zhongyue thought about it, and honestly said, "I don't know many stories, I'm afraid I can't tell you well ... yes, let me tell you a ghost story!"

She Qiu'er quickly said, "Changing another! Mother Lu's mother said that men are not good intentions when they tell ghost stories to women!"

Zhong Yue's face was reddish, and she honestly told a dry story, but the girl heard it with great interest, and asked him to tell another one, and Zhong Yue told another, only to feel that the story in her head was about to be emptied Then, turning his head, he saw that the girl had fallen asleep somehow, and her little hand was still scratching her head.

Zhong Zhongyue breathed a sigh of relief, wiped off the sweat from her forehead, and just felt that telling two small stories was more tiring than going through a fierce battle.

"If mother-in-law Deer is here, she will yell, don't let us live together?"

He sneaked a glance at the sleeping girl, and saw her pale face glowing with pale blush, which was sweet and lovely, distracting, and said, "My sister-in-law is even more lovely than the fairies of the monsters ... strange "Why hasn't Elder Feng come to me? If he got caught up in something, wouldn't I be able to go back to a secret state and go into a wheel-opening state?"

Zhong Yue felt only a little uneasy. The heart ape was just thrown away, and his face was dignified: "There is no master protection method, if I go against a secret situation, the chance of success is too low, and the doorkeeper said there is only a 10% chance. If I fail The battle between Jianmen and Xiaomang Protoss has no chance of winning! And now the elder Feng is trapped and cannot get away, and time is tight. Should I take a chance ... "

"If it fails ..."

A Secret Realm ~ www.readwn.com ~ The relationship is too big, it is related to whether Jianmen has to cut the ground to accompany people. If there is no such relationship, Zhong Yue will probably give it a try, but with this relationship, he can't help feeling his shoulders. It's like a mountain that is extremely heavy, and some of them are suffering.

"Who dreamed of the big dream? I knew it all my life! Sleeping well, the teenager of the Fuxi Protoss, the master of fire and fire woke up, oh, what is this place? Why is there a girl lying on the bed?"

In Zhongyue's understanding of the sea, Wakefire woke up from her deep sleep. She looked around with Zhongyue's eyes and saw the girl who was asleep on the bed. She couldn't help exulting, praising: "You are really enlightened, boy. Heavy responsibility! How did it work? He still hides the master of fire ... Well, how can there be a lot of Tengu here? How did you run into Tengu's nest? "

———— I ’m so hungry, the house pig is so hungry, I have n’t eaten dinner till now, my wife and children are waiting for me to write, and then I ’ll have dinner together! Brothers remember to vote for the Supreme Humane after reading it, I still remember! !! (To be continued ...)

Uh ...

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