Rise of Humanity

Chapter 183: Loyalty

Zhong Yue and Shui Zi'an walked in the old forests of the mountains. From time to time, you can see the broken pillars, the fallen plaques, and the totem poles burnt by fire.

There is no people here, and you can only hear bird calls and low whistle of insects, which is extremely quiet.

Shui Zi'an fluttered with big sleeves, and flew across the treetops of this mountain forest, while Zhong Yue followed behind him, uneasy and silent in his heart.

"Zhongshan's Zhongyue, you seem to be very guarded against me."

Sui Zi'an never looked back, and suddenly laughed: "It also seems to have a deep prejudice against me. Can you tell me, what is it that makes you very alert to me?"

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Zhong Yue's heart was stunned, and Shui Zi'an voluntarily asked to be with him, which originally made him a little uneasy. Now he suddenly said such a word, making Zhong Yue's heart more uneasy.

"What does Elder Water say?"

Zhong Yue cautiously said, "Did the disciples have prejudice against the elders?"

Shuizi An leisurely said: "I sometimes do things not very authentic, it is easy to cause others to doubt, that I betrayed Jianmen, betrayed the people. You suspect that I am understandable, right?"

Zhong Yue was more alert and smiled. "Elder Shui is my elder of Jianmen. He has done great work for Jianmen. If this elder Shui came to contact other gods, my Jianmen would be dangerous."

Shui Zi'an kept his back to him, talking with him while walking, shaking his head and saying, "It's not really dangerous, isn't it? Even if you give Xiaomang a tribe a reason to start a war, they won't go to war, because the gatekeeper of my sword gate is still Undead, you ca n’t commit a war at this time. It ’s the best time for them to go to war and annex the Great Wilderness when the doorkeeper dies. So this time I went to the strong people of all races this time, but it ’s not very useful. I don't invite the strong of all races. The filial piety of the gods will only continue to pull skins with me. "

Zhong Yue frowned. Others often took credit for themselves and put gold on their faces, but Shui Zi'an did not want this credit, but analyzed why the filial priests would not do it.

Shuizi An laughed, "You doubt me, is it because of Mother Tianxiang?"

Zhong Yue was creepy. I almost exclaimed, but I didn't mess with my position!

Shui Zi'an turned his head and gave him a deep look. He could not slow down a bit, and went forward with Zhong Yue. He smiled and said, "Mother Tianxiang is Shui Qingyan, isn't it? You noticed this, and you know my Shui Tu's Some people in the high-level summoned Shui Qingyan, which caused the mother of Tianxiang to parasitize in Shui Qingyan, right? "

Zhong Yue's hair was upright. It only seemed that he looked at himself like a viper, and staring at any change in his expression seemed to be able to see through all the thoughts and thoughts in his heart!

"In the non-taboo showdown in the upper court, you faced Shui Qingyan, and Shui Qingyan used my sword cocoon sword silk, and you suspected that I had called Shui Qingyan, and let the mother of Tianxiang parasitize in her body. Right? "

Shuizi An smiled, "The sword cocoon sword silk is the ten murderer. I am the master of this set of ten murderer again. Shui Qingyan can have a sword cocoon. Naturally, I can only give it to her, so you doubt it. To my head. "

Zhong Yue coughed, but felt that her lips were dry and her tongue was a little hoarse: "Elder Water said so much to me, what did you want to say?"

Shuizi smiled angrily: "What is my mind, can you still understand?"

Zhong Yue took a long breath. Shen Chan said: "Please also elder Shui speak!"

Shuizi An leisurely said: "Of course it is killing people. It is a rare opportunity. I was guessed by you as a human traitor, but in the past, if I wanted to kill you, there were many difficulties and it was easy to be guessed by me. But now. This is a godsend. We are hunted down by the Xiaomang and other gods, and we are in danger. At this time, I will kill you, and no one will guess that I did it. "

Zhong Yue's scalp was numb, and all the pores in her body were closed by the strong body. No cold sweat flowed out, and the essence could not be leaked out. But now he felt that the cold sweat in his body almost broke open the closed pores!

Shuizi smiled angrily: "This is a rare opportunity, and I will never find a good time again. I may not even have to fight against you, but let other protoss kill you, and I will fight blood, kill the encirclement, and then The host and Feng Shouzhu can only sigh, lamenting that you died young and died under the siege of the protoss without any doubt about me. They even comforted me so that I don't have to care about your death . "

In Zhongyue's knowledge of the sea, Xunhuo looked at the thunderous thunderous sea. This is because his mind was irritated by the words of Shui Zi'an, so he knew the sea.

"Yue, don't be excited, this old man hasn't given you any intention to kill you so far." The salary was lazy.

"No killing intentions?"

Zhong Yue froze slightly, making it difficult to say: "He didn't mean anything to me, why did he say these things?"

"It's not clear."

Little flame yawned and said, "Maybe it's to make you play."

Zhong Yue was uneasy in his heart. Although Shui Zi'an had no intention of killing or killing, if he wanted to kill himself, he could indeed kill him without the help of other protoss!

Shui Zi'an's gaze fell on his face tightly and continued: "You are about to be killed by me, don't you worry?"

Zhong Yue smiled slightly and said, "Am I worried about usefulness?"

"It's really useless."

Shuizi An gave a haha ​​and said, "If I want to kill you, it is too easy, but I am worried about it. An ordinary boy has been obscured after entering my Jianmen. He stayed in the outer courtyard of the outside gate for four years. How much progress. However, one day, this young man suddenly broke out, broke through in one fell swoop, achieved his soul, and shocked Zuo Xiangsheng and Zuo Tangzhu. "

His words turned sharply, and he no longer said himself, but suddenly transferred to Zhong Yue: "Since then, this boy seems to have changed his personality. In the magic market, so many outside students have died, even the elders have died. After two people, but he was unpretentious. After that, his performance was even more amazing. In the beast **** ridge, there were countless deaths and injuries, or he came back alive! When there was no contraindication in the upper court, he even beat the disciples trained by the top ten clans. Take the first place and even compete with the suspected mother of sky elephant! "

He recounted Zhong Yue's experience, like several Jiazhens, but his eyes became sharper: "Then it was unexpected. He didn't feel the spirit of my sword gate, but quietly left the sword gate and went to the demon. Become a gas refiner Later, on his way back, he actually rescued Jun Sixie, one of the four masters of Jianmen, and returned to Jianmen. He was shocked by the four, and became a refining gas refiner and a spiritual realm. She jumped to her place without passing through. Zhongshan, a disciple of a small clan, has been unknown and not outstanding. Suddenly, if there is a divine help, you tell me, is this person worthy of doubt? "

Zhong Yue was relieved. Laughing: "It is indeed doubtful. I wonder what Elder Water suspects?"

Shuizi An smiled, "I didn't doubt him simply because of his experience. I have a suspicion. Before this boy became outstanding, a big thing happened to my sword gate, and that was the outbreak of the demon soul."

His eyes are sharp like swords, like the same swordsman, piercing the heart of Zhong Yue: "The demon soul Yin is a disaster for other gas refiners, and those gas refiners don't know what is in the sound barrier. . But for the giant prince, the things in the yin yang are vivid. That is the remnant spirit of the demon! So I suspect. There is a remnant spirit of the demon who has entered the body of this little clan disciple, this little clan disciple. Already It ’s not the same clan disciple anymore. Am I right? ”

Zhong Yue mumbled and laughed: "Elder Shui has a good story."

Shuizi Anha laughed and said, "The story is really just a story. I have no way to prove that you are a demon soul, nor can you prove that I am a traitor to the human race. You and I just guess each other."

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered and she said, "Even so, but Elder Water has a way to let me die here, right?"

Shuizi An stepped forward and said leisurely: "There is naturally a way. Let's go. The major protoss are about to catch up."

Zhong Yue kept up with his steps, and he was stunned in his heart. I wondered what the purpose of the chief of the Shui Tu clan was. What did he just say to himself and what it meant.

"I doubt him, and he also doubts me, does that mean that? Is Suizian a traitor to the human race, or is it true that the gatekeeper can never betray himself for the sake of Jianmen?"

This old man cannot be seen through.

The Xihuang was extremely vast. When Zhong Yue came, he crossed the mountains by a boat, so as not to alarm those temples and cause unnecessary trouble, but now he is almost flying against the ground.

The two different ways of rushing to the road also have their own different scenes, each with its own beauty, but Zhong Yue doesn't have much thought to watch the fascinating scenery.

"Shui Zi'an just doubts me, or does he really want to kill me with the hands of the Protoss? Or is he trying to **** me and return to Jianmen alive?"

He really couldn't guess the old man. Sui Zi'an made his doubts clear, and made clear the doubts on Zhong Yue. If he wants to kill Zhong Yue, he can do it at any time. There should be no need to say Come out these words.

"If he didn't want to kill me, why would he tell me what was wrong with him? Shui Zi'an, Elder Shui, are you loyal or treacherous?"

Unconsciously, they walked out of the forest, and Sui Zi'an turned suddenly, instead of advancing into the direction of the Dahuang Sword Gate, he fell into the territory of a Protoss.

Zhong Yue was startled: "I have turned away from the mysterious realm of the Five Great Yuan. Even Shui Zi'an himself said that it is not safe to enter any Protoss territory. All Protoss will treat me as a enemy. Be sure to kill me. Kill, so avoid the Protoss. Why did Elder Water enter this Protoss' territory? Does he really have to kill with a knife? "

He was uneasy in his heart, and to this day, he could only bite the bullet and follow the steps of Shui Zi'an.

This is a small race of the Protoss. It is desolate along the way, with only ancient ruins standing. Occasionally, some human races and demons are breeding. Giant totem poles and palaces are visible along the way, but no one lives.

Zhong Yue looked at these totem patterns, and saw that there was a strange **** painted on it, human face, horse body, tiger back, wings, tiger tail, and horse mane.

This race has fallen, and Zhong Yue has not seen the disciples of this protoss all the way, leaving only palaces and temples that have been in disrepair for years.

Soon after, they came to a small hill, the gate was high, but there was no gatekeeper.

Shuizi Anjing walked in, and came to a broken temple with Zhong Yue on the top of the mountain. The temple was also torn, but Shuizi An respectfully said, "Brother Ying, remember the agreement between you and me?"


An old voice came from the ruined temple, saying, "I owe you a favor, and I have to pay you back. Now, you are carrying a human race boy, and there are dozens of strong breaths not far behind you. Maybe you want me now Is it your kindness? Huh, is this person you brought with the name Zhongshan's Zhongyue? I heard that he is a man who has broken away from the top five secret realms. If you brought him here, wouldn't you be afraid that I would kill him? "

Shuizi An laughed: "Brother Ying naturally wouldn't do this ~ www.readwn.com ~ Because you owe me too much, you are rare in Yingzhao Protoss. Only you and a girl are left. That was me. Save the only tribe of your heroine. "

"what do you want me to do?"

The voice in the ruined temple asked: "Is this boy safe?"

Shuizi An nodded and said to Zhongyue, "You enter the temple with the old man from the British to keep you safe."

"What about you, elder?" Zhong Yue asked.

Shui Zi'an smiled, "There are too many chasers behind me, I will help them reduce the number. Brother Ying, I gave it to you, I lost a little hair when I returned, and I killed the only girl in your tribe. , Let you watch your heroes and exterminate the tribe! "

"Hum! Let him in!" A groan came from the broken temple.

———— Silian even more today! This is the third change, and the fourth one right away! !! It's all right, brothers, cast two monthly tickets for fun! !! (To be continued ...)

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