Rise of Humanity

Chapter 208: Limelight no 2

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Zhongyue screamed across two portal-shaped mountains, and the eagle's spirit was still covering his crotch and screamed, and he ran violently, chanting, "The eagle's family, kill this owl, He cannot be returned to the holy city! "

The eagle's spiritual body strong man resisted the severe pain, and the wings cut off with a whistle. Zhong Yue's heart was stunned, and saw that the blades suddenly burst out on the ground and lined up in two rows along the direction of his sprint. !!

Each blade stood up in a straight line, and two dragons ran under his feet. The two rows of blades opened the belly and broke the magical power!

When Zhong Zhongyue landed, I saw two rows of blades rising up in the air, converging into a torrent of knives in the air, and at this time more blades were coming out of the ground!

Chiba sword array!

Zhong Yue's body flickered, showing eight arms and three eyes, grabbing her palm, and saw eight weapons of knives, swords, double shields, hammers, double hooks, and whip being visualized. They were chopped in a whirlwind, chopping off a single blade. , Rushing forward, but there are still countless blades chasing him down.

At the rear of the eagle, the strong eagles flew close to the ground, and suddenly dozens of dragons were drilled to the ground. They bit their wings and snapped down to the ground.

Suddenly, the eagle family was unexpected, his body was pressed against the ground, and he slid forward and backward a hundred feet away.

Behind him, he leaped energetically, falling from the mountains like a mountain, the blades of light flickered in midair, and he saw the blade coming from the oblique stab to meet his trajectory.

Five Elements Wheel, refer to the mountain seal! "

I flipped my hands and printed a cover, and saw the five fingers shaking, and the five mountains conceived by the mental force slammed down. The five mountains were divided into five colors, which obviously contained the five elements.

The encounter between the mountain seal and the blade of the sword refers to the fact that it is not a real mountain, but it is a mental force that is conceived and cannot be compared with the **** bones. They were split one by one.

She took the opportunity to twist her huge body, and she fell to the ground, smashing the rocks and dirt around, and Zhong Yue had gone. The eagles also cut off the dragons that trapped themselves and fluttered their wings. Both spirits were ashamed. Continue to hunt down Zhong Yue.

"Don't worry, in front of you is the ambush of Tushi Mountain, the strongest of Tujia!"

Xuan shouted loudly: "The Tushi Mountain must be able to stop him!"

刚刚 He just said here, he saw the earth shaking, and suddenly there were high walls in front of him, and one side of the city wall rose from the ground. A huge stone like a wall turned into a labyrinth, and between the stone wall and the stone wall, a stone pillar stood up. The various totem textures imprinted on it are a killing array!

This killing line has been opened, the billowing murderous spirit has risen to the sky, but it is Tujia Mountain, the strongest of Tujia, ambush here, Zhong Yue stepped into his killing line, and the killing line started immediately!

In just a moment, there was such a huge killing ground, Tu Shishan's accomplishments on the soil magical power. Stunning.

She was overjoyed and laughed: "Okay. As long as the surnamed Dragon enters the battlefield, then there is no need to worry about him being able to escape. Even if he escapes, he will not be able to escape the pursuit of Tushishan. If he is broken, And fled, unable to escape the hunt of Brother Eagle, and on the ground, he is not my opponent! "

"Drive me!"

Detective Zhong Zhongyue grabbed the flying blade. He slashed with a knife. One side of the city wall was split openly. The totem pattern on the wall and the stone pillars did not block at all. He was cut all the way and split from one end of the large array to the other. Go away.

There was a roar during the battle, and when the earth shook, a large lizard man stood up and looked at Zhong Yue far away in shock and anger, suddenly plunging into the ground, the ground was undulating, and Tushi Mountain turned out to be Walking through the ground, chasing Zhong Yue away.

I rushed to see the majestic formation rising up and down, and the formation was cleared up. This large formation had just risen from the soil, and the formation power was not fully urged, so it was held by Zhong Yue. The knife cut from one end to the other, and it was completely useless.

"It's that knife again. This rampant spirit is turned into a thunder pool, and the **** teeth are transformed into soldiers. Our soul formation is easy to trap him! There is still a strong man in front, I hope I can enter the trap when he Stop him before the empty holy city! "

In the sky, Qinghe drove the small boat into the holy city, landed, and parked the boat in the port near the city, letting the four daughters of Longchuner enter the trapped city together. Yue got rid of it, and when the holy city was trapped, I immediately contacted the porch through the totem pole and asked my master to send masters. Then I went out of the city to meet the masters of the porch and waited for Longyue to cast a net and kill him ... "

The trapped city was extremely lively. The demons were bustling. Qinghe and her four daughters immediately went to find the entrance of the entrance to the holy city. Suddenly, there was an uproar all around. Many demons flew up high, and some who could not fly were shaken. He showed his original shape, jumped and climbed, ascended the tower, and looked out.

"There is a master showdown outside the city!"

"The two strongest players in the Eastern Kailuan world, Yuan Ji and Hua Feiyu, are playing against the chain of Suocheng today to compete for the first place in this world!"

"Both of them are masters who have become the third form of Yuanshen. They can be called the strongest existence in Kailun. This showdown is the biggest event of Kailun Jing gas refiners!"

"I heard that these two masters are destined busters. They have fought in more than 20 games and have never decided!"

Wu Qinghe was also very curious, and took the four women up in the air and fell towards the tower. The five girls looked at the chain that locked the holy city, and couldn't help but sigh. I saw two gas refiners in the Kailuan state standing on the chain. One was a master of the ape family, one tall and sixty-seven, and one of the golden retrievers. He was unusually strong. He was full of muscles, strong and powerful. A wooden stake, more than two feet tall, spreads across the totem texture, and engraved the golden totems of the apes, making the stake golden and bright, which is Yuan Ji.

The other is a handsome young man, embroidered with white robes, embroidered various flowers on the robe, holding a folding fan, and the fans are also colorful flowers.

These two monster clan refiners have a long-standing reputation, and Qinghe also heard their names. Although the Huafei language of the Hua tribe is also a plant into a demon, it is not a vein of skill, but it is from the Huahuang tribe. Young strong.

The Huaqing Ningcheng Hua tribe is a large family with a long tradition and worships the spirit of the flower god. The flower **** is the deity of the demon tribe. Although Shu Qianqiu is the leader of the porch, he is a monster demon giant that has risen in recent years. No large race has been established, and the foundation is still shallow. The spirit worshipped in the porch is not the same as the spirit in the same vein, but the spirit worshipped during the establishment of the porch.

矶 Yuan Ji is a juvenile strong from the ape tribe in Baihuguan. The ape tribe is also a large race with a long tradition. The two of them have their own backgrounds and are the most dazzling masters in the world.

On the city tower, a gray-haired old demon twisted his beard and laughed: "The human race has the Zhongshan clan that is eight feet high and eight feet wide, and the protoss has three masters of the Kailuanjing, and my demon, there is Yuan Ji Hefei Feiyu! Today the two masters are definitely not inferior to the battle of Zhongshan's invasion of the Protoss! "

Xun Long Xia Er was very curious and went forward. "This master, the Zhongshan family, is it really tall and tall?"

"is not that right?"

The old monster saw that these girls were human races, but Qinghe was a demon race, thinking that they were Qinghe's maidservants, took out a roll of pictures, and began to draw pictures: "This is my sacred hand Dan Qingzi according to rumors Look at the transformed portrait of Zhongshan's. "

Wu Qinghe and the four girls stepped forward. I saw a fierce-looking monster on the picture, square and square. It has eight legs, eight hands, eight necks, and a head on each neck.

怪物 The monster's face or smirk, or opened his mouth wide, or chewed the Protoss's Lianqi with blood in his mouth. It's terrible. In contrast, the strange-looking monsters are actually beautiful men.

Long Chuner and other girls fought a few cold wars, and the old monster sneered: "Not so perverted, how can you eat so many protoss? You know. How powerful is the protoss? How many years have I enslaved the demons! He is like a bean Eating the Protoss alike also naturally looks fierce and evil! However, my demons are blessed by gods, and Yuan Ji and Hua Feiyu are not weaker than that Zhongshan family! "

Outside the city, the large iron chains that locked the holy city were extremely thick. Each iron ring weighed hundreds of thousands of kilograms. The iron chains could run side by side. Yuan Ji and Hua Feiyu stood on top of each other.

Hua Feiyu shook the fan lightly, and when he saw the fan moving, he saw fresh flowers all around him, flying around him, very beautiful, and leisurely said, "Brother Yuan, today you and I have to fight again, but today, you are destined to fall Defeat, destined to fulfill my reputation and be my stepping stone. "

Yuanji laughed loudly. He was born with grandeur and grandeur: "Huajia children, you have to fight to know!"

The flower bloomed, and a large flower suddenly appeared behind him. The flower bone blossomed at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. From it stood a delicate goddess, a hand-held flower basket, and a hand-held flower tincture. She smiled and said, "I made me for you. The 36-style burial of the Hua tribe, the 36-style burial of the flower, I have completely refined it. Today, I want you to die under the sacredness of my Yuanshen, be buried by the flowers, and leave to die! "

Yuan Ji's body shook, and the fighting ape spirit emerged from behind him. It was his Yuanshen. The breath was wild and overbearing: "You have become 36 styles of funeral flowers, and I have also become my peerless ape race. Today you and I Let's go down ~ www.readwn.com ~ and see if you die or I die! "

On the head of Yuncheng, a demon tribe was elated and exclaimed: "Did you feel their powerful momentum? This is the momentum of the talents of heaven, respectable, awesome!"

"So powerful, are they really the gas refiners in the open world?"

"This kind of momentum, I am afraid that even a powerful person in the spiritual realm may not have such an amazing momentum!"

Uh ...

On the iron chain, Yuan Ji and Hua Feiyu became more and more powerful, and soon the breath soared to the extreme. When the war broke out, I do n’t know how many demons in the city stared nervously at the two masters. At this time, suddenly outside the city The smoke was rolling, the lightning flashed and thundered, and I saw a strong spiritual body roaring and rushing straight to the empty holy city!

In front of these strong spirits, a figure rushed forward, avoiding the assassination of a magical power, and suddenly jumped on a chain, like a fury dragon running along the iron chain, coming up the mountain!

"Flash away!"

The angry dragon-like figure was rushing forward, only listening to a loud noise. Yuan Ji, who was below, collided with that figure. The two gas practitioners touched each other, and Yuan Ji spit blood. For a split second, I didn't know how many magical powers were hit, and was blasted high.

Immediately, Hua Feiyu seemed to be hit by a giant rhinoceros in the deep sea, flying backwards like a meteor, hitting the wall severely, blood blooming in his mouth like flowers, and watching the many demon gas refiners on the city's head, One by one dumbfounded, I don't know what to say.


Finally, the demon clan saw the figure clearly and shouted, "It's Longyue 厮!" (To be continued ...) R1292

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