Rise of Humanity

Chapter 215: greedy

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"Naturally have opinions."

The eyes of the Lilong tribe flickered and sneered: "How vast a territory is Donghuang, how can you give it to a dragon dipper to take care of it? My dragon clan has advanced bloodlines such as ao, 蛟, 螭, jade, and wife. The strength is far beyond yours! Countless dragons have a higher status in my East China Sea than the Hai people, and you want to become the ruler of the Eastern Wilderness. I mean, do you want to do it deliberately or not?

"I thought you had any opinions. It turned out that you just talked without your brain. I don't know what it means."

Zhong Yue stepped away and shook his head and said, "The Donghuang is so big, there are places that can tolerate me and you. If you have the ability, you can go to Donghuang to build a territory by yourself. Swallow up and become the lord of the Eastern Wasteland. Shut up without any patience, and look at it honestly. "

Dongdonghuang is the territory of the demon tribe. In addition to the dragon renegade who established the Qinglong Pass in Donghuang, only Zhong Yue was able to establish a foothold in Donghuang.

The dragon and half dragon and half demon who set up Qinglong Pass were hostile to the Dragon set and built Qinglong Pass to resist the landing of the Dragon set. The Dragon set in the East China Sea was regarded as a strange shame and shame.

There are other dragons in history who want to go ashore and establish territories on land, but they are often besieged by experts and have never succeeded. For so many years, the only one who can establish a foothold in Donghuang is Zhongyue. Therefore, the senior members of the Dragon clan have paid so much attention to Zhongyue that he was not allowed to be the leader of Donghuang.

Even if this is the case, Zhong Yue is not too rare. The Ao Dragons are white wolves with empty gloves, dividing his territory into 40%. Many elders of the Ao clan want to see him this time, just to show their goodness and make him sincere to the dragon clan.

At the same time, Zhongyue also had to use the Dragon forces to suppress the demons, so as to prevent the demons from invading the barren land. The idea of ​​fighting between the two tigers was used to protect the barbarians.

If not. He did not risk many dangers, and ran 100,000 miles to the East China Sea. When he arrived at the Dragon Clan, he encountered a provocation from a juvenile dragon clan. He naturally did not have a good face.


The Naolong dragon teenager's face was blue and white for a while, if he also went to Donghuang, he would definitely be regarded as an intruder. Obliterated by the demon strong!

虽然 Although he is a dragon clan refining man in Kailuanjing, he is far superior to other races, but only a dragon clan refining man in Kailuanjing wants to establish a foothold in the east, there is no possibility at all, only a dead end!

"Longyue, you are just a Longhu tribe. You have a higher status in the East China Sea than the Hai tribe. The half dragons and half demons also want to swallow up the Eastern Wasteland and become the Lord of the Eastern Wasteland?"

A dragon girl of the dragon family came forward. "Don't you think your appetite is too big? How vast is Donghuang? How can you give it to a dragonfly to take care of it? Without Ao's support, you are nothing! You can become the lord of Donghuang, Naturally, we can become Lords of the East! "

The other Yulong dragon nodded and said leisurely: "The sister said it well, that's the truth. The Eastern Wasteland is a big plan for whether my Dragon family can land. Longyue, Ao's also use you. For the time being, you will be the Lord of the Eastern Wasteland. But as long as you occupy more territory. Ao will have to swallow the East alone and kick you out. By then, you will be nothing! "

The granddaughter dragon girl smiled and said, "Ao's wants to swallow the Eastern Wasteland alone. How can we sit and watch Ao's grow? We must score a point for it!"

The Nine Dragons nodded and said, "Donghuang shall be divided into five parts, one Ao family, one family family. One family family, one family family and one family family."

"This is an opportunity for us, an opportunity to become the Lord of the Eastern Wasteland!"

The gleam of wisdom flashed in the eyes of the Jayosaurus juvenile, excited: "If we can get this done. The tribe will definitely look at us differently, and we won't have to suffer in this Lufu Division, but we will be named the Eastern Sovereign Lord!"

Twenty-four dragon teenagers are excited, and the wasteland is vast. Even if it is divided into five, it is an extremely large territory. His Majesty will have countless slaves of the monster race. The output every year is an unimaginable wealth!

The Dragon Girl of the Nine Dragons looked at Zhong Yue and smiled, "As for you, the blood of the Nine Dragons is low, but you have a lot of credit, and then you will naturally have your benefits. Now, you only need to sign an agreement with us Five points for the land, one for each of us! "

Qing He was so shocked that he looked at Zhong Yue's eyes full of fear: "He really was sent by the Dragons to break into the Donghuang of my Eastern Wasteland. Famine, enslave my demons! What to do, what to do? Now Master sends me to be a girl, should I tell you? "

少女 This girl is in a chaotic mood, she just feels that she has heard many secrets, fearing that she will be killed by Zhong Yue's killing the demon, and she will be frightened. Now that she is in the Dragon clan, there is nowhere to escape even if she wants to escape.

"Four idiots, it's no wonder they will be sent to Lu Fusi."

Zhong Zhongyue shook her head and left with Qinghe, calling for a sea clan manager of the Lufu Division, saying, "Take us to rest."

Jain Hai clan manager said quickly: "Master please."

Suddenly, the figures of the dragons flickered and stood in front of Zhong Yue. The juvenile dragons laughed and said, "Don't leave now. Do you think you can leave now? Ao's can't swallow the wasteland alone, you must share it. One of our other four clans, you can attach to the Ao clan, or you can depend on our four clan. Today, we will agree with you on our territory, and there will naturally be elders of our clan and Ao's elders. ! "

The Juvenile Dragon clan laughed: "You have too much greed, you don't know what the status of Lord Donghuang is. The Ao family cannot swallow it alone, and can only give it to our other four clan."

The Dragon Girl of the Nine Dragons laughed: "If you only cooperate with Ao Family, you will surely be eaten by Ao Family without even a half of your bones! In cooperation with our four clan families, you can drink some leftover soup!"

Zhong Zhongyue's face calmly: "Go."

The faces of the four of them changed, and they said in unison, "What did you say?"

Zhong Yue was not good-hearted: "What is your status and status? You are worthy to talk to me about the division of the Eastern Wasteland? Even if your elders of all ethnic groups come, you need to be equal with me in order to talk to me. Even Ao's The elders are also kind to me. Please come and talk to me. It ’s good for me. What are you guys? It ’s kind of letting you go. "

The Xiaolong tribe laughed, was greedy, and took a step forward, saying, "If you want to talk with equal status, you must have the corresponding strength! You also want to talk with the elders of my tribe, I will now teach you how Talk to an advanced dragon! "

Buzz buzz--

There were five rounds behind him, five rounds of rotation, Longwei broke out, urging the mysterious realm of the Five Yuan Yuan, suppressing Zhong Yue, and sneering: "The dragonfly is only a low-level dragon race. If you have blood of the demons, how can you enter Donghuang? Those with impure blood are in front of higher castes, and you are worthy of arrogance? "

His supernatural power broke out completely, the totem pattern swelled, transformed into the shape of a 蛟 dragon, and rushed to Zhongyue!

Under the impetus of his five rounds, the great magical power of the Dragon Dragon tribe broke out with arrogant power, domineering, solemnity, which made Qinghe and the sea tribe beside him frightened!

This is the natural majestic suppression. In the face of pure Long Wei, other lower races can only bow their heads and have no resistance!

Tong Zhongyue raised her hand, and her palm cover fell, and she saw half a acre of palm prints falling down. She shattered the tortoise with the totem pattern, her palm roared, and her big hand slammed against the young dragon.

The young man was shocked in his heart, hurriedly raised his hand and stopped, only listening to the loud noise, and the next moment he was treated as a nail and slapped in the slate.

The slate is also imprinted with various totem patterns, which are hard and abnormal. After all, this is the Lufu Division where Ao Fenglou lives, and it is the important place of the Ao clan. Whether it is slate or promenade pavilion, it has been tried and tested with totem patterns. To solidify, so as not to be destroyed when encountering a battle.

But in this chapter of Zhong Yue, he slaps him into the slate, showing how terrible the power is in his palm?

The nagging juvenile was spitting blood in the palm of his hand, his head was groggy, and the teeth in his mouth were broken. I was shocked and furious and wanted to struggle, but how solid was the slate? He can never break free!

Zhongyue lifted his feet, stepped on his head, and stepped down heavily, stepping him into the slab, only two dragon horns were exposed outside!

"I was first when the demons were born, and first when I started the round, so I got the demons' esteem and were jealous of the demons. Do you think I am the Eastern Wilderness Lord rewarded by the Ao Family? "

Zhongyue looked at the other three dragon girls and teenagers ~ www.readwn.com ~ and said indifferently: "I, the lord of the Eastern Wilderness, was killed! Some of you are too ignorant of the heights and heights of the land, so you are here to reflect."

"His strength is so strong?"

The three dragon clan boys and girls were unsure and resigned: "It doesn't look good to force him to give us the territories, let me tell the middle and high-level clan first ..."

The Dragon Girl of the Dragon Dragon family just wanted to leave, and suddenly saw Zhong Yue's five fingers spread apart. The five fingers turned into a head, and the Dragon Dragon's tentacle held her in her hand, entangled firmly, strung to the ground, and inserted into the slab. .

"Don't mess around!"

The Nagasausaurus hurriedly turned around and walked away, exclaiming: "You need to know that you are only a mixed-race dragon race, whose status is incomparable with mine, you ..."


Xuan Zhongyue took a photo and drew him into the floor. Another dragon girl had already flew up and fled outside the house. The next moment she was torn back by the dragons.

Xuan Zhongyue took a picture, and also took the dragon girl into the slate, leaving only his head.

The dragon girl had only one head left, and said, "Dragon, you are too presumptuous ... uh!"

Zhong Yue lifted her foot on her head and stepped on it heavily. The Dragon Girl was stepped on the slab. Zhong Yue stepped over, and the Polong girl and the Yulong boy were also stepped on the slate. .

Qinghe and Nahai's stewards were shocked. How distinguished were the four clan identities? This stature alone was much higher than that of Long Mao, and Zhong Yue casually humiliated the four dragon clan, afraid that they would Attracted no small storm! (To be continued ...) R1292

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