Rise of Humanity

Chapter 236: Dengdonghuang, moving situation

Zhong Yue was shocked and delighted, and hurriedly grabbed Peng Yu's golden sword. The divine power hidden in Peng Yu could no longer hurt his physical body. The divine power was restrained and hid in the sword.

Zhong Yue waved, Peng Yu's golden sword was as fast as lightning, cut the air, split the sea below, the sea separated, and the sides were as steep as cliffs, and then closed with a bang.

"Too big, smaller. Too light, heavier!"

Peng Yu's gold sword moved with his heart, from 20 feet to only 1 foot and 2 feet, the weight went from nothing to light and became tens of thousands of pounds.

This weight is not light or heavy in his hands, and the length is just right. It can show various swordsmanship changes in close combat. If it is longer, it will not work. If it is shorter, it will not be well defended. .

Zhong Yue held the golden sword, waved a lost body, felt the impact of power, and ecstatic in his heart: "This sword is simply a magic soldier ... no, it is a magic soldier, not only a magic soldier, but also a **** A holy weapon in the army! "

This Peng Yu has a big and small heart, and changes as much as he wants, much better than his sword blade.

And this Peng Yu is the size of the heart, the strength of the heart, the weight of the heart, is a treasure he has never seen before!

"big big big!"

Zhong Yue suddenly threw the golden sword of Peng Yu, only to see that the golden sword became larger and taller, and gradually erected three thousand feet high on the sea surface, and could no longer continue to grow.

From a distance, this feather-shaped gold sword is terrible. Zhong Yue is standing below, just like an ant. He picked up this peng feather. Swinging hard, I felt extremely strenuous, and quickly turned Jin Jian back to Zhang Er.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Zhong Yue drank again. Peng Yu's golden sword became heavier and he couldn't hold it gradually. Peng Yu's golden sword became heavier and heavier, it seemed heavier than the mountains and the sea heavier.

"What is the limit of Peng Yu?"

Zhong Yue had just thought of it, and the gold sword in his hand suddenly became extremely heavy. With a click, his shoulders were dislocated, and the whole man was planted from the air. Severely smashed into the sea below, buried under the sea, and a big pit was hit.

"Good stuff, good stuff!"

Zhong Yue let Peng Yu's weight resume as usual. Rushed out of the sea, even sounded: "Little little!"

Peng Yu's golden sword shrank into a normal feather size, and it would not change any more. Zhong Yue was so pleased that he threw the feather at his will, and five light wheels emerged from behind. This Peng Yu flew into the round and disappeared.

"It is indeed a part of the sacred weapon! If all the Peng Yu from the Divine Wing can be pulled off, that's fine. You can set up a sword array of ten thousand feathers."

Unfortunately, the divine sword is too powerful, and he has not been sacrificed. He did not erase the imprint of the strong Peng Peng tribe, so he said that.

The reason why he was able to remove this Peng Yu from the Divine Wing is mainly because the Panlong Sword destroyed the divine power in the feathers, interrupting the Peng Totem, causing the brand of the Peng Peng tribe to be completely wiped out. Yue can imprint his soul on Peng Yu's golden sword.

If Zhong Yue himself wiped away the brand of the Xunpeng tribe, it would be extremely difficult. I'm afraid that only the gods can wipe off the imprint. Moreover, even the gods and demons may not be able to do this step. After all, the **** wing knife is the holy weapon of the Xunpeng tribe. If it can be erased so easily, the Dragon tribe may have erased it with tentacles.

"This half-blade of God Wings is indeed a hot item. It ca n’t be lost or taken. How to deal with it is a difficult problem. However, there should be a way to erase the brand of the Xunpeng people? This time, Firework has helped me to consume the energy. I don't know when I can wake up ... "

Zhong Yue looked at the copper lamp worriedly. The small flame on the wick was dim, and it was estimated that there was no time to wake up for a month or two.

"Peng Yu's Golden Sword is still used as Zhongyue's face, while the Sword is used as Longyue's face. In this way, both of my identities have a heavy weapon!"

He walked on the sea and walked eastward. The blade is also very important to Zhong Yue. Although the power of the blade is far less than this golden sword of Peng Yu, but it is also made by the **** bones, and if Sacrifice the blade to a tangible and insignificant level, leaving only the totem pattern, which can definitely be called a first-class soul soldier!

The soul soldier is shaped with various black gold and iron and rare materials, but the true superior soul soldier, after day and night nurture by the refining practitioner, the totem pattern is constantly branded, and the spiritual power is constantly refreshed. Down form without specific materials. If you get to that step, the soul soldiers can be divided and solved, they can be big or small, and change as desired.

The ten fierce soldiers of Jianmen are all soul soldiers who have been sacrifice to this level. The goal of Zhong Yue is to conquer the blade to that step.

Of course, in addition to this level, the ten fierce soldiers have other fierce connotations, which are extremely terrible, and are magical properties that Jianmen Lianqi cannot control.

If Zhong Yue refined the blade to the point of being tangible and imperfect, then the blade was not as good as the ten fierce soldiers. But he was still far from that step, and now he is still step by step.

One day after Zhongyue left the ice and snow continent, many dragons rushed to the battlefield. Among them, more than a dozen old dragons shook their bodies and turned into an old man. It is the elders and suzerains of the five major clan in the East China Sea. They looked around and looked. dignified.

In mid-air, the dragon flew, and there were dragons roaming on the sea floor, searching around.

"The breath of the magic wing sword!"

"And the breath of the wooden puppet Xinghai!"

"Here is the wreckage of the Muxing Xinghai clan, a red mother anemone!"

The dragons moving around have been found, and they have reported that the five clan masters have a solemn look, and an elder of the Clan whispered: "The Qiang Peng strong man fled with the sword of the God Wing. I did not expect to hide here and leave The Red Mother Anemone lined up for him to heal. Depending on the situation, he was overtaken by the strong, breaking the seal of the anemone, beheading him, and taking away the God Wing Knife! "

"The one who took the God Wing Knife must be extremely terrible. He has a mighty power and may even be a god!"

Thousands of miles of ice and snow continent smashed. This destructive force is no longer the destructive force of mortals and gas refiners, but the damage caused by god-level battles!

Ao's lord said, "Where is Zhang Qianli?"

An eight-claw monster suddenly emerged from the sea, and the eight-claws unfolded, sliding like a huge column of meat across the sea and mid-air slowly, and a huge sucker was shocking.

The eight claws were several miles long, and then a large pile of pink meat mountains rose slowly under the sea, exposing large eyes of several acres, and two tentacle-shaped claws arched, saying, "What does the Lord Ao command?"

Ao's old master Shen said, "In the ocean, you can smell the unparalleled in the world, sniff the scent in the sea, and see if you can sniff out the two sides at war. This destructive battle is so destructive that it must be god-level. It is impossible to fight without leaving clues. "


The giant octopus sank into the water, one by one sucker opened its mouth and swallowed the sea, and distinguished from the odor in the sea. There were as many as eight hundred suckers. Each sucker was equivalent to a mouth. Eight hundred mouths distinguished countless smells, so he It is the unique existence of the olfactory world in the sea.

Zhang Qianli carefully discerned and said, "More than a day ago, there was a smell of flesh and meat rot, a smell of red mother anemone, and the breath of twenty-three giant salamanders of the Xunpeng tribe. There was also a breath of gods. , And there is a dragon **** breath. There should be a young dragon beside the dragon god. "


One prince lost his voice: "How could there be a breath of dragon god?"

All the lords and elders looked at each other and found it unbelievable. Although the dragons are powerful and have many hidden strengths hidden in various secret spaces in the East China Sea, a dragon **** shot here and they didn't even know it. That ’s weird. Already.

The giant octopus respectfully said, "It is indeed the spirit of the dragon and the god, and it is very old and very powerful."

The lords and elders were even more puzzled. The lord of the Yushi clapped their hands and let many dragons search for it. Several lords discussed: "There is a legend in the East China Sea that there is a dragon **** living in the sea, but no one has ever seen it. True or false. Is there really a dragon **** hiding in the East China Sea? This ancestor shot and killed the Xunpeng tribe and took away the god-winged sword? "

"Zhang Qianli also smelled the breath of twenty-three Kunpeng clan giants and a spirit of the Kunpeng clan. It must be that the Kunpeng clan sacrificed at Muxing Star and wanted to take back the god-winged sword, but was blocked by the ancestor and fought here. "

"Most likely. The Kunpeng clan on the wooden star has so much capital, can that dragon **** regain the **** wing sword?"

They speculated, but they never thought that the dragon **** breath that Zhang Qianli smelled was actually the breath of beast **** Nedan. The inner **** of the beast **** is the inner **** of the dragon god, which is consumed by Zhongyue for urging the copper lamp, so the breath is strong. If a **** comes down in person.

After more than ten days, Zhong Yue walked out of the sea and landed on the land of Donghuang, and then he was relieved. He was also worried that he would be stopped by the dragons and many incidents would happen again out of thin air.

After all, the dynamics caused by his tooth extraction and the capture of a half-knife from the Kunpeng tribe are too great ~ www.readwn.com ~ There will definitely be dragons to investigate. If he is stopped, there will be another right and wrong.

"Not only that, but the Red Sisters have recruited the strongest of the Shi Family, how can the Shi Family give up? In addition, the name of my Eastern Wasteland Lord will attract the obstruction of the Old Family and divide the Eastern Wasteland interests. And Now let Ao's have a headache. "

He took out Qinghe's soul lamp and sensed it, confirming the position of Qinghe, and said, "Qinghe they are now on the Donghuang, but they are too far away from me, about 40,000 to 50,000 miles away. They are in Donghuang I ’m in the far north, and I ’m in the far north. I ’m afraid it ’s too late to find them now. I ’ll go to Guxia City and join them again. ”

Zhong Yue discerned her position, stepped towards the eastern hinterland, and walked into the holy city.

He is as imposing as a rainbow, swaying in the air, and stirring the clouds!

"Previously, I relied on a lonely son, it was not easy to rely on the teacher, and I trained on the red, so I came to the East China Sea alive, but this time, I want to see, who dares to move me!"

Zhong Yue's chest surged with pride: "From here to the empty holy city, it may be a storm of blood, but from the empty holy city to Guxia city, no one will dare to chase me! Because anyone who dares to chase me is killed Now! "(To be continued)

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