Rise of Humanity

Chapter 252: Zhenfeng Tangzhu

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Zhong Zhongyue stepped forward, sat next to the old man, took off his shoes, and his feet went into the pool of water, and laughed: "Master is really interested."

The old man said angrily, "Zhongshan's, your feet smell, I have smoked all my fish away!"

Zhong Zhongyue stunned, but did not put his feet up. A fish demon swam in the pool, sniffed his feet, and swam away with a look of disdain.

Wu Zhongyue felt the deep twilight of the old man. The old man's death breath became stronger and stronger, and the speed of life passing accelerated, giving him a feeling that he could die at any time.

After a while, he tentatively asked, "Isn't Lei Hong dead wrong?"

The old man shook his head: "No, it's not wrong. You just came back from a foreign country. What do you think about this?"

"Brother Lei Hong is a traitor, and cooperates with the ambassadors of the Xiaomang Protoss, and starts with Brother Jun Sixie and Brother Feng Wuji to kill them, so he died unjustly."

Zhong Zhongyue's eyes flickered and he said, "Your old **** is fishing, there must be some speculation, right?"

"You're fine, not a guess."

The old man sighed and said, "Internal traitor is internal traitor, God ’s ambassador is God ’s ambassador. Internal traitor is different from God ’s ambassador. Internal traitor is human race, and God ’s priest may be a hybrid of human and god. , The knife is hidden behind the shield, and just staring at the shield, you will not see the knife smashing out of the shield. Also, the shield may be to hide another shield. "

Zhong Zhongyue felt a slight shock in her heart and said, "What do you mean?"

The old man stopped talking, but Zhong Yue set off a stormy sea in his heart: "There is only one god, but there is more than one insider! Lei Hong is a chess piece launched by the insider to cover people's eyes!"

"Lei Hong, it really is too young. Where can I fight these old foxes ..."

He was horrified that even such intellectual battles, such as Lei Hong, were easily played to death. These old-fashioned plots are truly terrifying.

Leihong is also an innate spirit, and his strength is even more terrible than some elders. He conspired to become the new generation of Jianmen, and he was not hidden, but he was killed by a knife and pushed out as a shield. Became a dead ghost.

He has the strength and potential to become the master of the door, but went too fast and was too biased and used by others, so the old man only said that he was ambitious and a silly child.

"I have a plan that I can use."

Zhong Zhongyue fixed his mind and said, "Lang Qingyun, a big disciple who is difficult to master, is a **** ambassador who is placed beside Shi Yi, who captures him. You can find out who the gods of Jianmen are from him!"

"Lang Qingyun turned out to be a filial piety?"

The old man finally showed his surprise, and laughed: "It is not easy for a teacher to be so embarrassed. He is even more unbearable than me. Even the most important disciples of his own are filial piety!"

He laughed loudly, and immediately coughed, almost coughing out his lungs.

Ji Zhongyue quickly stepped forward and hammered him two backs, saying: "The ambition of the filial priests is great, not only to annex the great wasteland, but also to annex the eastern wasteland. If they can capture the waves and clouds ..."

The old man stopped the cough and said leisurely: "Why is it difficult for the division to solve the problems? Lang Qingyun still makes it difficult for the division to have a headache. Jianmen does not need to intervene. Moreover, the division is not easy for this old fox, and most of them can also catch Lang Qingyun's heels . "

"Why is the doorkeeper unconcerned about catching God?"

Zhongyue was shocked, suddenly her heart was slightly shaken, and she lost her voice: "You already know who the **** is, so you don't want to catch Lang Qingyun! That god, who is he?"

The old man laughed: "The **** makes things small. The other shield is big. Only the **** makes it impossible to call the wind and rain in the sword gate and make waves, the **** makes only cooperates with him because he only seized his greed. Before I made the door Before the Lord ’s seat is surrendered, he must be found out. Let the next generation of gatekeepers succeed in succession and lead the sword gate to the right track. All the gatekeepers of the past have opened up the sword gate for me for 500 years. If I ca n’t do this, Why did you go to see the ancestors? "

Ji Zhongyue was silent. After a while, he asked again, "Who is the God?"

"You do n’t need to check who the **** is. You are still too weak. Just look at it honestly. This is not something you can ask. At the end of this year, most of it is my death. By the time the sword There must be a change in the door. If you are too noticeable and know too much, I will hardly protect you when Jianmen changes. "

The old man coughed again, and said, "I need to do too many things before I die, internal traitors, ambassadors, filial priests, and the devil's forbidden zone below the ground. Ahem! I will announce the next door before the end of the year. Lord ’s choice, you will need to come back no matter where you are. In the second half of this year, it will be the most intense time of the battle ... "

"Have the master decided to choose the next master?" Zhong Yue tentatively tried.

The old man didn't answer again, and laughed: "Anyway, it's not yours. You are very good. With the little girls of Qiu Tan's and Shui Tu's, you have cultivated to the spiritual state in such a short period of time, and you can become the master of the church. . Pu Lao comes in! "

Mr. Changpu walked in, and the old man laughed, "You took him to see Yu Changji, and you said it was me, let him be the master of the town's church."

Changpu was stunned and said, "What about Nanfengfang, the owner of Zhenfeng Church?"

The old man laughed: "Where can she withstand the two deputy church masters? The two deputy church masters, one is a wooden spirit, one is ... not a character she can hold. Let Zhongshan go to town Living with them, she can breathe a sigh of relief. "

Changpu always said that he took Zhong Yue to see Elder Yu.

Elder Yu is walking out of the windy cave house. Pu Lao hastened to say it again. Elder Yu glanced at Zhong Yue and wondered: "Let Zhongshan be the master of Zhenfengtang? He is so How can you bear such a burden when you are young? "

Mr. Pu Lao laughed: "The elders have no idea. Zhongshan is now a spiritually powerful person. He is better than I am. He is more capable than I am! With his current strength as a master, he is also a master. Enough. You know, Zuo Xiangsheng also became the master of Bikongtang when he was in a spiritual state. "

Elder Yu shook his head: "Bikongtang is a disciple who takes care of the outer door. Things are not big. Zuo Xiangsheng is not the master of the church. But Zhenfengtang is extremely important. How can you easily give it to a hairy boy. Zhongshan's repair It is indeed worth cultivating to make rapid progress, but rashly handing such a heavy and full power to him to take care of this matter, I think the doorkeeper did not think deeply! I went to see the doorkeeper! "

He left in a hurry, leaving Zhong Yue and Pu Lao there.

After a long time. Elder Yu returned with a calm face, and said lightly, "Zhongshan Family, you go with me to the Presbyterian Church! Appointing a new Zhenfeng Church Lord is not trivial. It is not as simple as the Deputy Church Lord. Unseal the seal of the Nantang Lord. Pu Lao. Go and ask the Lord of the Nan Tang and let her take the town seal to the Presbyterian Church. "

Mr. Changpu said yes, stepped away.

Zhong Zhongyue followed the elder to the Presbyterian Church, and when he reached the hall of the Presbyterian Church, he saw one elder rushing into the hall.

Wu Zhongyue looked one by one, and saw that the elders were still old faces, except that the elder of Thunder Mountain and the elder of Shuizi Anshui were missing, among them. Elder Leishan was replaced by Elder Lei Ting because of his serious illness, while Suizi An died, and Elder Lei of the Shui Tu Family replaced him.

Elder Yu told the nine elders again and said: "The master wanted Zhongshan to be the town's official. I said the matter was important. Zhongshan might not be able to afford this burden, but the master still Not willing to take it back. I can do nothing about it. I have to convene all the students, sisters and sisters, and invite the owner of Nantang. Unseal the town seal and let Zhongshan control the town seal. "

The elders exclaimed, and to Zhong Yue, the elder Taolins were surprised and said, "Zhongshan has become the owner of Zhenfeng Church? Are you already in a spiritual state?"

Zhong Zhongyue nodded and bowed, "The disciples practiced spiritual unity not long ago, and this was saved by the doorkeeper."

Your elders marveled. The elder Junshan smiled: "The elder, Zhongshan is a sundial spirit body, a body that is hard to find, so there is no future for him to become a spiritual body in such a short period of time. He can also afford this town's owner."

Elder Li Shanshi also laughed: "He is now the spiritual realm, but at his speed, Dan Yuanjing may not be able to take a few years. The owner of the Nantang is also Dan Yuanjing, but the person is old and should have been Let her offload her old age. "

Elder Yu Yu nodded and said, "That's the truth. It's just that Zhongshan's is too young, and Shuizi'an died ..."

He sighed and said sadly: "I always remember that Brother Shi died because of saving him, and I have a whimper. Zhongshan, after you became the town's master, I will not spare you if there is a half fault !Understand?"

Zhong Zhongyue bowed and said, "The disciples understand."

After a while, Nan Qianfang followed Mr. Pu Lao into the Presbyterian Church, and saw that Nan Qianfang was an old man with white hair and dangling.

Although the old man was old, his eyes were extremely sharp. He looked at Zhong Yue and said sternly: "Elders, I don't dare to disobey the intention of the doorkeeper, but if I want to take the town seal from me, I must show me the clock. Has Shan's ability to take over the seal! "

The elders frowned slightly, and saw the old seal of Nan Qianfang taking a big seal from the mysterious realm of Yuan ~ www.readwn.com ~ This big seal is square, three inches high, nine inches wide, and the handle of the seal is the sword handle.

Around the Great Seal, various seal totem patterns are densely interwoven into four beast shapes, including Pulong, Hege, Xi, and Chitu, which are four kinds of monsters with dragon blood. They are extremely powerful seals.

Zhong Zhongyue's expression moved slightly, and she said, "What do you think of my ability?"

Nan Qianfang panted, and said, "I am old and have insufficient blood, not as good as your young people. Naturally, I cannot fight with you, but my mana is still there. The old man doesn't bully you, do n’t use Yuandan, only use Yuanshen. Fight against you. If you can pick it up, you can take the stamp from your old body. "

Zhongyue Suran said: "Sister please."

Tao Nan Qianfang suddenly emerged from behind a mountain **** yuanshen, no face, eyes in the palm, clouds around him, suddenly blasted to Zhong Yue!

Zhong Yue stood still, and suddenly a scorching sun broke out behind him. I saw Da Ri Jin Wu flying from the scorching sun, and when he landed, he turned into a three-legged godhead with a bird's wings, and his four fists blocked in front of him. .

But at this moment, I saw the four punches of the mountain **** opened, the eyes of the four punches dazzled with light, and turned into four yellow orange orange sword qi. The four sword qi opened and closed side by side. It was amazing. The whole hall was The rounded sword's air was shaking with wind and rain, shaking endlessly!

This old man is really showing his true skill. The sword qi is as strong as a pillar. Vaguely, you can see that the sword qi in the thickness of the pillar is composed of countless small sword qi. A mouthful of sword qi outwards, constantly rotating and cutting, like a gear !!

"Good skill!" Zhong Yue finally moved. (To be continued ...) R1292

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