Rise of Humanity

Chapter 255: Crazy

??? Two young girls appeared in front of the town hall. One stood and one was in a wheelchair. Both were sunny young girls. One was gentle like water, and the other was bright like moonlight.

That "brother Yue" was not called by Qiu Yueer, who looks like Qiuyue. Qiu Yueer only called him "brother" and "brother". The word "brother" was "Shui Qingyan". Old devil.

"Sister Tonger, haven't your legs already been good?" Zhong Yue was wondering, and walked forward.

Qiu Yier's wooden wheelchair turned and drove towards him, laughing: "I can already move freely. Just the day before yesterday when I tried with the sailor girl, I was inadvertently discounted by the sailor girl. So far, so I can only First in a wheelchair. "

Tong Zhongyue's eyes flashed a fascination, and she looked at the "Shui Qingyan" aside, restrained herself, and smiled, "Sister Shi is good at it. I wonder if sister Shi can discount my legs?"

"Shui Qingyan" is gentle and watery, her eyes are affectionate, and she smiles softly: "If there is a chance, people would like to try it."

She saw Zhong Yue's eyes, her heart was stunned, and she immediately noticed Zhong Yue's murderous power.

Tong Zhongyue leaned down, pinched on Qiu Linger's jade legs, and checked her bones, lest "Shui Qingyan" would break and break her leg bones or leave any dark illness.

Lu Qiu's face was reddish, and she said, "The mother-in-law of Deer is not around, her brother is really shabby, and she can touch other people while they are inconvenient ..."

刚刚 She just thought of this, and suddenly felt Zhong Yue's mental power was flowing. She was searching for the position of her bones, inspecting the broken part of the wound and reconnecting the broken ribs. Then she knew that she had misunderstood Zhong Yue.

"I originally thought he was messing around, it turned out to be checking my body. Fortunately, I didn't pat his hand, otherwise he would misunderstand me."

Wu Qiu'er only felt warm in his heart, and whispered, "Master, it's not a big deal. I just got a little bit injured, and the sailor girl was also injured."

"Shui Qingyan" frowned. Suddenly: "Brother Yue, someone hurts his chest, his chest was pierced by Sister Qiu, and his heart was almost picked off by Sister Qiu. Would you help others rub it?"

"The heart was almost taken off? Is sister-in-law able to keep pace with Mother Tianxiang now? Well, most of them are the true biography of the master's free sword sword, and all have been passed on to sister-in-law."

Zhongyue knew in his heart that the free-spirited sword qi was the skill handed down by the first-generation Jianmen Gate Master, which itself was a God-level skill. Only the master can practice. However, because Qiu Er'er was weak, the gatekeeper passed down the sword brand early. Later Zhongyue discovered the mystery in the sword brand and learned the sword pattern of the sword sword, which was passed on to Qiu Yier.

When heading to the Temple of Xiaomang, the door master also taught Qiu Linger the great magic sword power. Zhong Yue estimated that the time when he left, the door master taught her all the secrets of the sword sword, so this girl Only by leaps and bounds, and juxtaposed with the sky mother.

"Brother Yue does not help others rub?" "Shui Qingyan" rubbed her bulging chest. Wan Wan said.

Zhong Zhongyue looked up at her with a smile, and said with a smile: "Okay, as long as you dare let me rub, what can I do?"

He stepped forward and "Shui Qingyan" quickly backed up and giggled: "Brother Yue, they are afraid of being taken advantage of by you. If you break your breast, your heart will belong to you." . "

Zhong Zhongyue really wanted to crush this old devil's head, and took off his heart and squeezed it to make it thin. It's a pity that the old devil did not give him a chance to start.

"Mother Tianxiang is still in my Jianmen, and the ambassador is still in my Jianmen. The death of Lei Hong is just a farce. It is a chess piece used to divert attention. Unfortunately, Lei Hong did not know that he was only a chess piece until his death. ... "Zhong Yue said in his heart.

Qiu Yier asked him why he was here, and the two girls realized that Zhong Yue had taken over Nan Qianfang's seat and became the new Zhenfengtang owner. "Shui Qingyan" secretly made a bad noise, and she had originally told Zhenfengtang The Lord's seat looked at him with jealous eyes, but he did not expect to be won by Zhong Yue!

"The ambassador also said. Nan Qianfang is old. He has enough confidence to make me become the town's owner steadily. Now it seems that his arm still can't twist the thigh of the doorkeeper!"

Her gaze flickered and her heart secretly said, "Why did the old ghost of Jianmen send Zhongshan to come? Did he find it?"

She couldn't help feeling restless. Zhong Yuenai was a close relative of the Jianmen Gatekeeper. This was a sure thing. The Jianmen Gatekeeper favored him and taught him the freedom of sword energy. Although not all were taught, only the sword pattern was already Nothing trivial!

"Zhongshan's is half a disciple of Jianmen Lao Gui, Qiu Linger is the whole disciple, and now one and a half disciples sent by that old ghost are all here, mostly to keep me in check and not let me do it!"

Wu Zhongyue glanced at the woman, and said, "The sister of the sailor didn't leave, it really surprised me."

"Shui Qingyan" chuckled: "Brother Yue is still in Jianmen, how can others be willing to leave?"

The two boys and girls looked at each other secretly, grinding their teeth secretly, thinking about **** each other. Qiu Aier asked about Zhong Yue's retreat in the past six months, Zhong Yue responded casually, but the picture in his head was ignorant The ghost killed "Shui Qingyan".

"Shui Qingyan" smiled and listened next to him, and suddenly laughed: "Brother Yue, there is also a brother Yue in Donghuangli, called Long Yue. This Long Yue can compare you, this person killed dozens of people The spirit of the demon tribe is strong. Would Brother Yue find a gesture? "

Zhongyue's face was slightly heavy. Others did not know that "Longyue" and "Zhongyue" were the same person, but the old devil had already known that it was threatening him!

"This is a warning to me that she has my secret. If I don't follow her, she will preach around."

Zhong Yue's eyes shivered, and "Shui Qingyan" said: "Zhong Shanshi, if you don't want me to say it, you can open the Zhenfeng Hall and let me take one thing. After taking this thing out, I Go right away, never look back, never go back to Jianmen and back to the wilderness, and never help the filial piety to deal with you! As long as you let me get what belongs to me! "

Zhong Zhongyue's heart moved slightly, and she almost had to promise. Then she thought that Mother Tianxiang is the devil of the demon tribe. The devil has always seduced the world. Can she also believe her words?

Moreover, after giving her what she wanted, she would only help to increase the power of the demon, but she did not get any benefit, she only got her promises that she would violate at any time.

"I almost believe you."

Zhongyue's eyes flickered, and she said, "Okay. Sister, do you want to get your own body? You will enter Zhenfeng Hall with me."

水 "Shui Qingyan" blinked. Seeing a gleam of cold light in his eyes, he thought in his heart: "He wants to kill me in Zhenfeng Hall!"

"You help me take out the flesh in Zhenfeng Hall and give it to me." She preached again.

"I was noticed by her."

Zhong Zhongyue sighed and ignored her. Pushing the wooden wheelchair outward, he said, "No mother-in-law is following, but it is a good opportunity to be alone with her sister-in-law, and her legs are inconvenient ..."

He and Qiu Yier have not seen for half a year, the hearts of boys and girls are hot. But they all hold the passion in their chests. They do n’t go beyond.

"Wow, the scenery here is so good, why didn't I find it before?" Behind Zhong Yue, "Shui Qingyan" exclaimed and made a wait-and-see attitude.

Zhong Zhongyue turned back and gave her a stern glance, "Shui Qingyan" only when she didn't see it. Follow all the way, always give up.

Zhong Yue was completely disgusted by her. She returned to Zhenfengtang with Qiu Aier. Zhongyue took out the seal and laughed: "Sister, the seals outside are fake, and the repression inside are all dead. I The real town of Zhenfeng Hall is here. You are now the vice-owner of Zhenfeng Hall, can you not see the real town of Fengfeng? I will open the town of Fengfeng. Take you to take a look. By the way clean up the hall of death. "

"True Town Hall?"

Qiu Qiuer was curious, and said, "Zhenfengtang actually has a distinction between true and false? Brother, what is the hall of death?"

"After the repressed demon monster died. It is the dead hall that needs to be vacated to suppress other demon heads."

Zhong Zhongyue looked at "Shui Qingyan" and said with a smile: "Sister Shi, you are also the deputy, and you are qualified to take a look at the real Zhenfeng Temple. Are you interested in going in together?"

"I broke his good deeds. This guy is so ashamed that he wants to kill me in Zhenfeng Hall!"

"Shui Qingyan" was panicked and knew that Zhong Yue controlled the town seal. This is probably the only chance for her to enter the Zhenfeng Temple. Even if Zhong Yue wants to kill her, she can only break through!

"As long as my body is sensed and my body is broken, the ten seals will kill me!"

"Shui Qingyan" gritted her teeth and laughed, "Naturally, I want to ask Brother Yue to lead the way."

Zhong Yue smiled slightly, sacrificed the town seal, four alien beasts flew out, opened the mountain wall, the portal appeared, invited the two girls into the town hall, and said, "Even if you can't kill this old demon, you have to Suppress her seal so that she can't stand up forever! Later, I will go to those dead halls to search for treasures, let the old devil explore the way, and then lock her in after crossing the way! "

In his heart, Da Chi was thinking about it. In the mysterious Yuan Dynasty, Peng Yu's gold sword was about to move, ready to shoot at any time.

The three walked into Zhenfeng Hall. Zhong Yue smiled more on his face. He pushed a wooden wheelchair on the thick chain and walked deep into Zhenfeng Hall. He told Qiu Yier what was suppressed in the bronze halls around him. Fierce.

咚 ——

Suddenly a bronze hall vibrated violently ~ www.readwn.com ~ It seemed as if a giant inside was hitting the bronze hall, trying to break the seal!

Zhongyue hurriedly looked, his heart was slightly shaken, the bronze hall was the house of the suppression of Feng Xiaozhong, the son of the master!

"Three juniors outside, I see you!"

The bronze hall shook violently, and the impact sound became louder and louder. Only a thick and magical sound came from inside. A twisted and crazy face appeared on the copper wall and iron wall of the bronze hall. It seems: "Let me out, I will give you the supreme peerlessness, the peerlessness I created, the mystery of the gods! As long as you let me out, I will also teach the mystery of the immortality of your gods!"

Zhongyue Shen said: "Don't bother him, let's go!"

"Hahaha, didn't you notice?"

The face on the iron wall of the copper wall laughed wildly: "You haven't noticed the sixth round of the Yuanshen? That's the six reincarnation, there is a six reincarnation in each soul ... let me out, I tell you to open the six Secret ... "(To be continued.) Hao Ruoshu ~ www.readwn.com ~ Home! Unique URL:

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