Rise of Humanity

Chapter 257: immortal

The bronze hall is dark and the temperature is extremely low. The divine power coming from the hall is not the divine majesty, but the oppression of the protoss. Although the two breaths are similar, the prowess of the protoss has the nobility of the protoss but has no dignity. (◥◣ See the most recent chapter, please go to ^^ see お 阁 w.аΝΗu.СM)

There is a saying in the old saying, "Look at you who is energetic. The enchantment refers to the spirit of the protoss, only noble and not majestic.

Zhong Yue has seen the divine spirit and also the divine soldiers. He knows the divine power of the tribe and the divine power of the gods more or less. If he is another church owner, he will be timid when encountering this divine power. Demon, but this mighty power has no effect on him.

Zhong Zhongyue, Qiu Yier, and "Shui Qingyan" walked into the depths of the bronze hall. The divine power became stronger and stronger, giving people a great sense of oppression in their hearts, which made people fear, fear, and awe.

Xi Zhongyue has seen the gods of the first generation of Jianmen, and also the gods of the Dragon clan. He also masters the sword and the golden sword of Peng Yu. Naturally, he does not take this godly power to heart.

Lu Qiu Qiu Er is a natural spirit of the wooden clog. The spirit of the wooden clog is equivalent to a **** in her body, and she is naturally not afraid of it.

"Shui Qingyan" is simply a demon, and naturally does not take it to heart.

The three of them rushed in, the blue lights were faint, and the air exhaled from the mouth was so cold that they turned into ice slag, and it looked extremely gloomy.

Suddenly, the three eyes suddenly dazzled with bright light, and the light shook violently. When they opened their eyes to see, they saw a blue sky and white clouds overhead, and there was a round of scorching sun in the sky, and a round of Baisensen moon beside it. !!

Around them, the mountains and rivers are beautiful and the sun is shining.

The three men Yue Zhongyue looked farther away and saw a more peculiar scene. They saw several other heavens, and there was a colorless film between heaven and sky. Only when the sun shines can you tell where the sky is.

有 Some of the other heavy days are shrouded outside the heavy sky in which they are located. The larger moon and sun hang from the sky, while others are connected to this heavy sky and can see the huge bright moon and sun.

Looking from a distance, you can see four rounds of the sun and four rounds of the moon!

不好 "No! We broke into the mystery of the Protoss!"

Ye Zhongyue's face changed slightly. I hurriedly looked back and saw that the bronze hall disappeared. The bronze hall they passed seemed to have never appeared!

Qiu Qiu Er Er gave a light whistle, a light wheel emerged from the back of his head, and a sword stabbed into the air fiercely, but stabbed an empty space, unable to penetrate this secret realm at all!

"Shui Qingyan" sacrificed sword cocoon sword silk and cut it into the air. It was also unable to cut through this mystery, and could not help frowning slightly: "This man is dead and his soul is dissipated, but his strength during his lifetime was too strong, which caused the mystery in Yuanshen's body to never collapse and disintegrate. We estimate that he entered the mystery without paying attention It ’s easy to come in. If you want to go out, it ’s hard. ”

Zhongyue's palm pressed with a false touch. There was a thunder in the air, but the mystery was not broken. Frown too.

He flew up into the air, flew towards the edge of the mystery, and the two women followed him, rushing to the edge of the mystery.

秘 This mystery is not that big, the more it is three hundred miles away, it reaches the edge. Zhong Yue used her hand as a sword, and her palm was cut off from the film, and a golden light appeared on the edge of the palm, which was severely cut off, and the film was slightly shaken that day. Suddenly, a huge force erupted from the sky, and Zhong Yue moaned, and was bombarded for several miles.

Lu Qiu Qiu Er Qu refers to flicking, planting a sword species on the sky membrane, and then the sword species grows, turning into sky sword air, suddenly the sky film vibrates, sky sky sword gas is out of control, and chopped off to Qiu Chener!

Qiu Qiu Er was sitting in a wooden wheelchair. The wooden wheelchair spun quickly, her dress flipped, and swords flew out of her body, colliding with the sky's wooden swords, blocking the attack, and she was surprised.

"Why is this? Obviously it is my sword energy, why attack me?" She wondered.

Zhongyue flew back, frowning, "I attacked Tianmou just now, but I was also counterattacked by my power. Weird, really weird."

"Shui Qingyan" sneered: "This is not easy? This is the mystery of the Protoss giant. After your power is issued, it is not your power, but the power in the mystery. When you attack the mystery, you are attacking you Yourself! "

"Sister Shi, do you have a way out?" Qiu Aier asked.

"Shui Qingyan" shook her head and said sorrowfully: "If my strength is still there, or if I get a complete sword cocoon, I can break this secret. But now, I can do nothing ..."

She is also the cultivation of the spiritual realm, which is about the same strength as Zhong Yue. It is really difficult to break the secret. If she attacks the mysterious sky film, she will also be counterattacked by the sky film. Unless she can break the sky film in one fell swoop, any attack will bear the same strength of counterattack!

"Shui Qingyan" sighed and walked towards the round of hot sun in the air, saying: "We are trapped here. It is estimated that we will grow old and have children here. Unfortunately, there is only one man ..."

Qiu Qiu Er'er's face turned red, and he looked at Zhong Yue secretly, and said, "If I am really trapped here, do I really have to have children with Brother Zhong? What should I do?

The voice of "Shui Qingyan" came: "Sister Qiu, let's go and see if we can find the baby. If we can find this giant soul soldier, maybe we can use the power of his soul soldier to break the sky. If you find a giant soul soldier, you don't need two women to serve as husband! "

Qiu Qiu'er's face turned redder, and he should claim that the wooden wheelchair was held in a green leaf, and flew towards the moon, searching for the giant soldier's soul soldier.

"Two women are serving a husband?"

Bian Zhongyue blinked: "Mother Tianxiang, you want to be beautiful! Salary, do you have any way to leave this place?"

Xuan Huo looked around with his eyes and said, "It's easy to go out. Use your Peng Yu's golden sword to split the mystery. This kind of giant priest's mystery is not as good as the god's mystery, and it is too late to devour Peng Yujin. The power of the sword will be cut open, but if you split the secrets, these secrets will collapse, and some will lose more. "

Zhong Zhongyue also meant to use Peng Yu's golden sword, but the power of Peng Yu's golden sword was too strong. If it was rebounded by the sky film, he would die without doubt, so it was not used rashly.

When He heard Salary Fire say this, he was relieved and wondered, "Is it worth it?"

"The mysterious realm of this giant has been so large, the birthday month of the void, and the earth and mountains, it can be seen that there is a near god! If he collects his secret realm, he can be made into an excellent soul soldier. It is easy to collect and receive things ! "

Xi Xunhuo laughed: "It can also be used for captivity and lock-up. They are all good babies."

Jie Zhongyue's heart moved slightly, Qiu Aier's treasure bracelet was such a treasured child, who sealed her own mysterious realm before death. The refined soul soldier can be used to collect some treasures.

I just do n’t have much space inside, so it ’s not very useful.

But Huo Huo said that the giant's secret realm can collect people's possessions, lock up and hold them. It is thought that this giant was extremely powerful during his lifetime, so the mysterious realm must surpass the law and heaven.

Xinhuo continued: "This protoss giant must hide his soul soldier in his secret place. After his death, the soul soldier should not disappear? The soul soldier refined by the giant ..."

Ye Zhongyue flipped through the parchment. Looking at the profile of this protoss, he shook his head and said, "This man is called Zhengzheng. He is a giant of the protoss of the dragon dragon. His soul soldier is destroyed in the battle. There can be no other soul soldier in the secret area."

In order to capture this protoss giant, Jianmen also paid a great price. In the fierce battle between giants, few soul soldiers can keep it.

虽然 Although this person does not know how to make an immortal body. But the soul soldiers were all broken, and after the Jianmen strong captured him. Imprisoned Yuan Shen, searching for his mysterious realm, it is estimated that any baby has been ransacked by the predecessors of Jianmen.

After all, some of Jianmen's old predecessors are tricky, and they are almost nothing to search for.

这样 "In this case. It can only break through this place and make this mystery collapse."

Salary regrets: "It is estimated that the five mysteries of this Protoss have been cleaned up, and the remaining five mysteries are still treasures, and the others are not worth mentioning. Unfortunately, this mystery is the Vientiane mystery , The most suitable to use for treasure ... "

"Master, I found a baby!"

Suddenly, Qiu Yueer's voice came, shocked and happy, Zhong Yue flew up quickly, and flew towards the bright moon, "Shui Qingyan" also flew in quickly.

Ji Zhongyue landed on the moon and found that this bright moon is only li Xu big, and it is not a rock, but a liquid sphere. Qiu Yier swept away, rejoicing, "Master, look!"

"this is……"

Xu Zhongyue was shocked, and saw a strong light from this moon. This moon is like a lake, and it is a lake that can shine.

"This is the condensed form of Yuehua? No, such a strong vitality ..."

Zhongyue was startled, this moon turned out to be an agglomeration of extremely strong vitality, the vitality of which is unprecedented!

Qiu Linger is also full of vitality in her body, but it has a strong woodiness and is easy to hurt her body. Jun Sixie is a leeches spiritual body and her vitality is extremely huge. See little witches!

丘 妗 儿 pulled a hair from his hair, stirred it in the moon, and threw the hair up.

Ji Xiufa grew long in the wind, and instantly grew into three or four miles long, thick as a dragon, across the sky!

This scene is really scary. The hair is motivated by the vitality hidden in the moon ~ www.readwn.com ~ Although it is dead, it still grows!

"The mystery of the immortal body of the dragon dragon is in this moon?" Zhong Yue secretly said.

The three of them all had their eyes brightened, looking at this round of Mingyue, "Shui Qingyan" coughed, his eyes flickered, and he chuckled, "I have a share of the audience, we all have three of them in this round of the moon. "

Qiu Qiu Er'er looked at Zhong Yue, and Zhong Yue smiled and said, "This is the treasure found by my sister-in-law, naturally it belongs to her."

He Qiuheer hesitated, "Master, this moon is too big, I can't take it away ..."

Zhong Zhongyue laughed: "Relax, you can take it away later."

He turned to look at the sun. "Shui Qingyan" noticed his gaze, and his heart flew into the air. He flew towards the sun and drank, "I discovered the treasure in the sun first! "

"That's not necessarily, you haven't had time to discover the mystery in the sun at all!" Zhong Yue's figure burst into shape and rushed towards the sun. (To be continued ...)

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