Rise of Humanity

Chapter 262: No 1

The body of the mother of Tianxiang was closed, and the heads and feet that had been cut off also flew back to form a complete form. When her body was closed, Zhong Yue faintly heard the sound of sacrifices coming from her body. Force to keep her spirit immortal.

"Salary, how can you destroy the spirit of the devil?"

Zhong Zhongyue frowned, and continued to urge Peng Yu's golden sword to attack the mother of Tianxiang. There is a huge gap between him and the mother of Tianxiang. The only weapon that can threaten her is Peng Yu's golden sword.

Xun Pengyu's golden sword is small in size and light in weight, which is why he can hurt his mother.

However, Peng Yu's golden sword took an unexpected advantage. If this way of fighting was found out by the mother of Tianxiang, it would be difficult for Zhong Yue to threaten her again.

In addition, the real body of the mother of Tianxiang is sealed in the bronze hall. If the real body breaks the seal of the bronze hall and suppresses it, it will come out of difficulties. Not only Zhong Yue will die, but Qiu Yier will also fall into her control. The sword There will also be a **** storm at the door.

Lu Qiu Qiu Er is a wooden magpie spirit body. If her body is occupied by her, I am afraid that the future mother of sky elephant is more terrible than 10,000 years ago, and even more terrible!

"There are many ways to destroy the spirit of the demon god, but it is difficult to save the fire near the water."

Salary fire quickly said: "A powerful demon can trace the origin of the sacrifice when the soul of the opponent is broken and the sound of sacrifice comes, find the source of all the sacrifice sounds, and kill all sacrifice in one fell swoop. You can also find the sacrifice place of the opponent and eliminate all sacrifice. If you have a deep understanding of the soul, you can also study the magical powers that target the soul but not the spirit, and kill the opponent ’s soul without the soul. The soul is broken down, and only the spirit remains. "

Zhong Zhongyue has a big head, and every method that Firewood says is not applicable to the situation at hand. Killing the opponent's sacrifice along the sound of sacrifice requires boundless mana.

In ancient legends, this is the case. Some creatures or races worship the evil gods when they are killed. All the people in the tribe died suddenly. Hundreds of thousands of millions of creatures died all at once. The scene was extremely horrible. They were shot by the gods and traced the origin of the sacrifices.

This kind of mana is already the level of the demon, and Zhong Yue naturally does not have this kind of power.

Find a place to worship. Eradicating all sacrifices is a place for sacrifices and sacrifices to destroy the opponent's spirits and spirits, let the other spirits and spirits fall asleep and disrupt the other's strength.

The magical powers or soul soldiers targeting souls are the most suitable scenes at the moment, but for the magical powers like souls, Zhongyue has hardly been involved, and there is no soul powers specifically targeting souls.

And. Even if he had such a magical power, he did not have enough strength to compete directly with the mother of Tianxiang.

Thus, the three methods mentioned by Firewood are useless!

Only useful. May be Peng Yu's golden sword.

Xun Pengyu's golden sword's might can threaten the mother's soul, which is the only reason for the mother to be afraid of this sword.

Now Zhongyue finally realized the hardship of Jianmen's predecessors to set up Zhenfengtang. When encountering demons and gods such as the Mother of Heaven, they can neither kill nor let go. Only repression can take time.

"It hurts!"

Sister Tianxiang's mother screamed, and Peng Yu's golden sword kept up and down, constantly creating more wounds for her. Forcing her away from the bronze hall that suppressed her real body, delaying her real body's escape from difficulties.

Xu Pengyu's gold sword hurt her. The main thing is not sharpness, but the might of the golden sword. After all, this sword is part of the holy weapon of the Kunpeng Protoss, and its might has damaged her soul.

Instead, Peng Yu Jin Jian cut off her body, and the only injury she caused was pain, which made her yell in pain, but with the voice of sacrifice, her body would return to normal.

"Unfortunately, the divine power in the Peng Yu's golden sword is not very strong, and it is far worse than the divine power of the Divine Sword. If I can sacrifice the Divine Sword, I'm afraid I can cut her with one stroke!"

Zhong Zhongyue exerted the power of Peng Yu's golden sword to the extreme. This power is also a great threat to him, so he can only sacrifice and not hold it, otherwise his physical body cannot bear it.

Suddenly, Tianxiang's mother was cut off a head, and that head was about to fuse with her body again. Zhong Yue suddenly rushed to it, punched the head with a punch, and blasted the eagle head to a copper. The portal of the temple crashed!

"Zhongshan's useless!"

Tianxiang's mother screamed, and the tail hook was drawn. Zhong Yue urged Peng Yu to cut off the golden sword. The tail hook did not dodge and did not dodge, and went to him. The tail hook was cut off by the gold sword, but the huge hook was still to the clock. Yue hit!

卡 嚓 ——

Zhong Yue was hit by a huge tail hook. The sound of a bone burst came from her body, and her ribs were broken. At this moment, the eagle's head of the mother of sky elephant hit the door of the bronze hall. Suddenly The town seal appeared in front of the bronze hall's portal, and the light shone brightly, and four strange beasts emerged, opening the portal.

The portal of the bronze hall opened, and the eagle head crashed into the bronze hall. Then the four alien beasts revealed from the town seal returned to the town seal, and the portal was closed.

Wu Tianxiang's mother screamed endlessly and rushed to the bronze hall, but she did not have time to save her own eagle head.

At this time, Zhong Yue clung tightly to the tail hook that hit her, and flew to another bronze hall, the light of the town was shining, and the lightning flew, the four alien beasts appeared again, the claws, and the bronze hall The portals opened.

Zhong Zhongyue strove to throw the tail hook into the temple and seal the bronze temple again.

Wu Tianxiang's mother screamed in anger, and Peng Yu's golden sword flew up and down around her, constantly chopping off her limbs, cutting her feet, chopping her arms, cutting her tail, and cracking her body.

Suddenly, Zhong Yue was desperately approaching, holding up the stump of Tianxiang's old mother, opening up the bronze halls and throwing them in, and sealed again to separate her limbs.

扔 "Throw to me, throw to me!"

Wu Fengxiaozhong's face appeared on the copper wall, shouting: "I need to study it carefully! Rest assured, I will not take the opportunity to run out! Open my door ..."

Zhong Zhongyue turned a deaf ear. The bronze halls he chose were all dead halls. The suppressed existence in the halls had been confirmed to be dead by the previous town hall owners. As for those bronze halls that were not confirmed, he would not touch them.

As soon as he opened the door of the dead palace, there was an astonishing movement in the other bronze halls, as if the sleeping thing inside was startled, and a huge eyeball appeared on the copper walls of the bronze halls. Scrolling constantly, watching the movement of Zhong Yue.

有 Some of these huge eyes are full of magic, and some are full of divinity. The other is filled with demon, looking at the figure of Zhong Yue hopefully. I hope he can faint and open the hall to suppress himself.

This scene seemed weird, making Qiu Yier shuddering in the dragon's skin.

"Zhongshan Family, I will kill you, I must kill you, I will crush you to death!"

The eight heads of Xitianxiang's mother were chopped off three, and the remaining five roared. The body flew around the bronze hall that suppressed her flesh, using the bronze hall to avoid the golden sword of Peng Yu.

Although Xun Pengyu's golden sword is as big as it is intended, it is too sharp, but if you accidentally cut it on this bronze hall, I'm afraid that it will be a tiger, and she will let her body out of repression.

Tian Tianxiang's mother had grasped the weaknesses of Zhong Yue and Peng Yu's golden sword, and flew around the bronze hall, making him stretched and unable to hurt himself.

"My physical body is out of sleep. It makes you die terribly!"

Wu Tianxiang's mother screamed. Even if Peng Yu's golden sword had not cut through the bronze hall, her previous life's true body was not far from getting out of trouble. In that bronze hall, the movement was more and more amazing. Her previous life was attacking the bronze hall with madness, and continued to extend the walls of the bronze hall, reaching the limit of the bronze hall seal!

Suddenly, Zhong Yue was also wounded at this moment. It seemed simple to hold the stump of Tianxiang's mother in the hall of death, but the stump of Tianxiang's mother also contained extremely terrible energy, which repeatedly injured him.

"Yue Xiaoyue. Mother Tianxiang's true body is going to get out of sleep!" Cried Huohuo.

Zhongyue gritted his teeth, his wings vibrated. His body accelerated sharply and flew towards the bronze hall. The wall of the bronze temple cracked. The billowing magic gas blasts and corrodes everything, and a vague **** can be seen standing behind the wall, behemoth, bathed in the monstrous magic gas.

"Sword is coming!"

Zhong Yue roared, Peng Yu's golden sword flew, and fell into his hand. The moment his arms were held, the skin of his arms suppressed by the might of the sword floated like a butterfly's clothing, blood was like a bead, a piece of blood The particles floated in the air.

"Ah ah ah-"

Yiao Zhongyue shouted, her black hair was floating behind her, and her golden sword was a hundred feet long. When the wall of the bronze hall cracked, a sword light fiercely fell into the crack!


With a loud noise, Zhong Yue and Peng Yu's gold sword cut into the bronze hall, rushed into the hall, and the monstrous demon power suppressed and his twenty-foot body began to collapse and disintegrate.

I saw a ray of swords breaking freely from the four walls of this bronze hall and up and down. Well, he penetrated the hall.

The mother of Tianxiang Xiang was in the back of the hall and saw a sword light stabbing, her face changed drastically, and then she saw that the hall was torn apart, collapsed, and the walls fell in all directions.

Above the hall, the demon gods of Zhong Yue and Tianxiang mother stood there, one as high as one hundred or two hundred feet, and one as high as twenty feet high.

Next, the plasma ran like a waterfall, and saw Tianxiang's mother's real body slipping from the body, huge pieces of meat fell like mountains, and they fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the demon turned into a pile of rotten meat!

Wu Tianxiang's mother screamed, and in the rolling dark magic air, Zhong Yue's body began to collapse and disintegrate, corroded by the magic power of magic air, magic power, and Peng Yu's golden sword, and her whole skin disappeared, like a blood person.

His muscles began to fall off, piece by piece from the bones, and they were about to be dispelled by magic.

After all, this is the body of a demon god, even if he has been dead for thousands of years, it is not something he can afford.

He broke into the Bronze Hall at the moment when the Bronze Hall seal was breached, attacking him unexpectedly, and smashing the heavenly mother's physical body, but the mighty magical power would also kill him.

He is about to melt the whole person in the magic!


Qiu Qiu'er flew, and the dragon's skin fluttered, and he went to Zhongyue Hood from a distance. He put it on Zhongyue's shoulders and wrapped his body to prevent the magical power and magic power from continuing to invade.

But his injuries are too serious, the physical body has been corroded by magic gas, the magic power and the divine power flooded the physical body, causing his physical body to disintegrate for almost half, almost a fatal situation!

"You kill my physical body in the previous life, I will not let you die so easily!"

Tian Tianxiang's mother rushed at the same time, not at Zhong Yue, but at the flying Qiu Linger, screaming: "I will take the flesh of your little lover first, and then come to make you better!"

Zhongyue turned back and looked at the returning Qiu Linger, his flesh-stained face smiled: "Shimei ~ www.readwn.com ~ With me, she can't take your body. Don't be afraid ..."

He raised the golden sword of Peng Yu in his hands, and saw that the golden sword became smaller and smaller, turning it into a golden feather, restrained by divine power, Zhong Yue pressed it gently, and put this piece of golden feather on Qiu Yier's brows.

Wu Tianxiang's mother flew, her body twisted, and she darted to the heart of Qiu'er's eyebrows, but she was bounced away by sword light and stabbed with air by the sword.

Wu Zhongyue's eyes became darker and her eyes closed gradually: "Salary, it's over to you ..."

His eyes were closed completely, and then slowly opened slowly, full of eye-catching radiance, another voice came from his mouth, which was completely different from Zhong Yue's voice, full of madness and immortality.

"Small boy, he gave it to me after he had broken his body, hehe, really great as I am the most reliable and reliable!"

Zhong Yue is covered with blood, but her breath is getting wilder, and she laughs with her hips on her hips: "Awaken the greatest bloodline from ancient times to the present! Break the seal and suppress the lock, reappear the world, let the gods and demons tremble with fear and sorrow, let Let them see, the gesture of true God! Hahahaha— "(to be continued)

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