Rise of Humanity

Chapter 262: Shock Myth List

The speed of that name jumped fast and it was dazzling. There are millions of surnames on the list of champions, and the number of surnames on the Qingxiu list is innumerable, as many as 100 million. In a few breaths, I have come from the tail to the top of the Qingxiu list and rushed into the top 100!

Then, the Qingxiu list was shaken. One by one, the gas refiners were sent out from the Qingxiu list. These gas refiners turned out to be spirit refiners. The vitality was greatly damaged. Kill "those gas refiners.

The Langya list and the small void are very mysterious. They are the magic soldiers and space refined by Xiahou. Death in the small void is not a real death. The dead gas refiner will come out of the Langya list.

Some gas refiners once suspected that gas refiners passed through the Langya list to enter Xiaoxu ~ Pig ~ Pig ~ Island ~ fiction www.zhzhuam Kong, in fact, they did not actually enter Xiaoxu, but their bodies and spirits were left behind. In the list, the gas refiner who entered the small void should be the physical body and the Yuan God copied by the magic soldier of Langya Bang.

There is some reason for this speculation, but no one can confirm it, and it can't explain why the refining gas resurrected from the Langya list will lose vitality.

Throughout the ages, gas refiners of all generations and ethnic groups have made various speculations about the Little Void and Langya List, but none of them can perfectly explain it.

At this moment, there are more and more gas refiners coming out of the Qingxiu list. In a short moment, there are two or three hundred spirit refiners coming out of the list!

This shows that a terrible battle has taken place in the small void of the spiritual realm, letting two or three hundred gas refiners in the spiritual realm die in such a short time!

This is not the most frightening thing, the most frightening thing is that there are still gas refiners coming out of the list, and the number of resurrected gas refiners is increasing!

The cause of this is probably the owner of the name that is constantly turning up on the Qingxiu list!

This man slaughtered hundreds of spirit-enhancing gas refiners, and let Langyabang calculate his combat achievements, battle results, combat power, and potential, so his ranking kept improving!

"That name is still turning up!"

Qingxiu list. Some gas refiners screamed. The speed at which the name turned from the bottom of the list to the top 100 was too scary, attracting the attention of many gas refiners. It's just that the name flips too fast, making it hard for anyone to see who caused the scene.

In a short moment, turning from the bottom of the list to the top 100 is unprecedented, but the speed of turning has not stopped. It doesn't even slow down in the slightest, which is terrifying!

And on the Qingxiu list, there are already four or five hundred refining spirit refining gas refiners!

"Did it happen that the gas refiner in Danyuan Realm entered the small void of the spiritual realm and then opened the killing ring?" Some gas refiners mumbled.

This horrifying scene is heartbreaking. It is also where the spirit refiner can achieve such a terrible slaughter. Like the little chicken cub, he can kill the spirit refiner in pieces and can do At this stage, I am afraid that only the gas refiners in Danyuan Realm can invade the spiritual void to explain this situation.

However, they also know that this is impossible. After all, the small void and the Langya list were cultivated by Xia Hou, and such low-level flaws can never occur.

"It must be the son of the family's big valve, let the gas refiners in a small virtual spirit line up and let him kill." Some people speculated.

This explanation is also impossible. The gas refiners who enter the small void come from various ethnic groups. No family member can have such a large authority and let the gas refiners of all ethnic groups line up for him to be slaughtered.

In full view, I saw that name all the way to the top of the youth list. Then the name disappeared from the youth list!

"Battle of Kings!"

"That name is on the battle list!"

"Hurry up! Enter the little void!"

I don't know how many gas refiners poured into the small void, and flew frantically to the small void in their respective realms. There is a small void in one realm, and each heaven has its own independent small void.

Each small void has a small void city, which does not involve each other and does not interfere. Gas refiners in the high level cannot enter the small void in the low level, and gas refiners in the low level cannot enter the small void in the high level. But all little voids have one thing in common. That is, the first name and last name on the battle king list and myth list are the same!

In the small empty cities, many gas refiners gathered and looked at the list of battle kings, but the name on the list of battle kings was still leaping frantically and kept turning up. The momentum that has not stopped at all makes the gas refiners in front of the battle list almost going crazy!

"What the **** happened? Why is the name still going up?"

"Is Xia Hou's Langfang list broken?"

"What happened to the little void in the spirit state?"

"Which big devil has appeared?"

"The news from the resurrected gas refiners came that the Zhongshan family of the Terran Sword Gate killed them!"

"The resurrected gas fighter told me just now that Zhongshan had eight arms and eight feet and eight heads. They fought **** battle with Zhongshan's monster for three hundred rounds before they were killed!"

At this moment, the city of fire is also very lively. One by one, the gas refiners who died in the small void and resurrected from the Langya list came out of the small void, and the news spread, causing a second wave of sensation, even those of the city of fire. The forces also got the news one after another, sending people to investigate in the little void.

"Brother Fenglou, brother Fenglou!"

In the Dragon Palace Pavilion, a dragon gas refiner broke into quickly and exclaimed, "Brother Fenglou, something happened! Something happened in the little void!"

Ao Fenglou hurriedly walked out, frowning and asked, "What happened? As for such a fuss?"

The dragon clan refiner was too late to breathe, and said quickly: "You let the Shan Zhongshan that Sister Shanshan bring to you, something big happened! That guy is a ruthless character, killing five or six hundred spirit spirit refiners Even the gas conqueror who our Dragon family experienced in the little void was killed! Now his name has appeared on the list of kings of war. When I came, it is said that he has already entered the list of more than a thousand of kings of war It's up! "

Ao Fenglou moved slightly, and then smiled: "Zhongshan's five rounds of reverse, should have such combat power, this is just his normal level, what is surprising?"

He secretly said, "If the other major forces knew that Longyue Zhongyue was all alone, I would not be surprised."

Although others know that Zhong Yue is a five-round refining gas refiner, he still does not know Zhong Yue's other identity, Long Yue, but Ao Fenglou knows Zhong Yue thoroughly, so he is only slightly moved and not attentive.

Suddenly, another Dragon gas refiner came to report: "Brother Fenglou, Zhongshan has already entered the top 100!"

Ao Fenglou laughed: "Normal. It is estimated that Zhongshan's five rounds will not stop at the top 100. After all, it is the same as the first-time Jianmen master. In my opinion, Zhongshan can Break into the myth list and leave a name on the myth list. Go, let's go and see in the little void. "

He couldn't help but be intrigued, walked out of the Dragon Palace Pavilion, and walked towards the small void.

Before Ao Fenglou came to the small void, I knew how big the sensation caused by Zhong Yue was. I saw the endless stream of colorful clouds and clouds in the city of fire. Existence, and even giant puppets and martial arts masters were shocked, ready to go to the small void city to see what happened.

They can't enter the small void of the spiritual realm, but fortunately, there are also their own small void cities in the corresponding realm. You can see Zhong Yue's record from the battle king list.

By the time Ao Fenglou and others entered the small void of French heaven, I saw that the speed of Zhong Yue's name had slowed down, and he had entered the top ten of the battle king list!

"Now with Zhongshan's masters are the martial arts masters of the Xia family and Zhu Rong family. Twenty-three martial arts masters are under siege!"

The news came astonishing: "One martial arts master is not very strong compared to ordinary gas refiners, each has a victory and defeat, but two martial arts masters can defeat the top masters, and three martial arts masters can slaughter Dragon, the four martial arts masters are invincible! Now there are twenty-three martial arts masters besieging Zhongshan family! "

"What about other gas refiners?"

"All are dead!"


At this moment, I don't know how many eyes are watching the battle king list, paying attention to this battle, if Zhong Yue wins this battle, I am afraid it is a myth, and his achievements in battle are enough to let his name enter the myth list!

And in the small void city of the spiritual realm, in the air, twenty-three martial art masters joined forces to besiege Zhong Yue. This is a chasing battle. Each martial art master exists like a dragon. If twenty-three martial art masters are Surrounded by him, even if Zhong Yue has the ability to go against the sky, it is a dead end.

Therefore, Jinwu's wings shook behind him, and he stretched his body to the extreme, trying his best to widen the distance so that he would not fall into the siege.

He tried his best to control so that only four or five martial arts masters who could attack himself could go immediately beyond this number without stopping.

In the midst of the air, all the silhouettes were like a thunder, and the sound of thunder was rolling down and suddenly coming and going, as fast as lightning, the arrogance of the martial masters of the Xia family and Zhu Rong family was revealed in this air chase, even if It was Zhong Yue who was repeatedly wounded, and no longer simply slaughtered the chicks as before.

Below, there is a blood-stained little void city. In the city, Ao Shanshan looks around in horror, and then looks a little timidly at Qiu Linger in a wooden wheelchair ~ www.readwn.com ~ around her There are countless huge vines like dragons, creeping like dragons and pythons, then slowly disappear, leaving only the remains of one place.

Just at the time of the chaos, a lot of gas refiners attacked them. Ao Shanshan was prepared to resist the protection of Qiu Linger, but at this time, there were countless vines stirring, and I will know how many gas refiners strangled the scene. Jian Qi swept through a large area, and it was this scene in front of Ao Shanshan when she returned.

Qiu Yier did not continue to do anything, but looked up, nervously watching the battle in the air, secretly cheering for Zhong Yue.

Others only noticed that Zhong Yue's name was constantly jumping, but no one noticed that Qiu Ai'er's name also appeared quietly on the battle list.

Ao Shanshan was shocked and ashamed. She wanted to protect Qiu Yier just now, but it was Qiu Yier who protected her.

"Da Zi Jian Jian Qi, is the supreme mastery of the human race Jianmen, Da Zi Jian Jian Qi!"

Ao Shanshan murmured in her heart: "What kind of people are these brothers and sisters, why are they so perverted?" (To be continued ...)

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