Rise of Humanity

Chapter 269: Teijin Shubo

"There is the distillery of wine making, the place where the gods make wine. +,"

吉祥 That auspicious lamp quickly said: "The wine in the distillery is divided into many wines. The higher the wine, the higher the position of dedication. As for the danger, it should be wine bugs and wine jars."

"Di Winery?"

Min Zhongyue and others moved slightly in their hearts, and there were such treasures in the emperor forest. No wonder the smashing gas refiner would shout "What did I find?"

The Zhuzhu Giant Mountain even rolled its throat knots, apparently being attracted to the tapeworm.

"Is there any Divine Wine in the Distillery?"

The four quietly walked towards the distillery. In the emperor forest, there are thousands of auspicious lights, but those who grow eyes, ears, nose and nose, only those who have eaten the heads of the gas masters and martial arts masters, as if only the lantern Put on their heads, they can speak, have their own wisdom and thinking, talk and laugh, and sing.

If there is no head in the lantern, then there is only one instinct, which is to eat a head!

The auspicious lamp didn't see the auspicious meaning in the slightest, but instead became a fierce in the emperor forest, and became the lifeblood of gas refiners and martial arts masters who came to experience treasure hunting!

Wu Zhongyue and others did not take a few steps to hear more than a dozen screams. It should be that the gas refiner who entered the treasure hunt of the emperor forest had been poisoned.

四 The four of them are only half a mile away from the "baby", but they are still cautious, lest these auspicious lights be alarmed, otherwise they will be vulnerable to accidents. These auspicious lights come and go like electricity. Their roots are extremely tough and can grow at will. If they are **** by the roots, even Zhong Yue can't break free. He opens his mouth and bites his head. After a bite, the head is installed. Into the lantern, you can see the danger.

And their only weakness is on the top, as long as they catch the hanging buckle of the lantern. These lanterns will be honest.

"You have to cover your heads. Those auspicious lights can't find their heads and they won't come to mess with you."

The auspicious lamp captured by Zhong Yue was a traitor to the race, saying: "We like to eat our heads, because we can speak after eating our heads, and then we can have our brains. With the brains we eat, we think and become Your eyes and ears are smart. If you do n’t have a head, we wo n’t bother to bother. ”

Zhong Yue, Qiu Yier, Ao Shanshan, and Zhujushan suddenly realized that they quickly took out their spare clothes and covered their heads and faces. Sure enough, the red lanterns floating in the imperial forest did not chase them, but they wandered in the imperial forest. Search around for other gas refiners and martial arts masters.

Before long, they came to Dijiufang. I saw the flag fluttering, the winery was very wide, and it was built next to a mountain, and there was a river next to it that flowed out of the mountain.

The Emperor's Distillery has become shabby and shattered, with ruined bricks and collapsed beams everywhere, but the foundation of the palace is still there. You can also see the prosperity of the time, and there should be many wine gods making wine here. Work, for the gods and emperors to enjoy.

"It's so rundown, I don't know if there is still God wine?"

The giants in Zhangdong looked east and west, and they all saw the broken wine altar. Not only were they a little disappointed, they shook their heads and said, "This place once appeared in the history of the emperor's residence. The divine liquor of the emperor's distillery was mostly gone by those old guys ... ... "

He just said here, another wave of gas refiners came here, it should be the protoss of Xihuang, and they saw Zhongyue four. In the eyes of these dozen gas refiners, they have to do something. Suddenly, a protoss gas refiner saw Zhong Yue's face, his face changed slightly, and he quickly transmitted his mental energy. The other gas refiners were shocked and hurried to converge and kill each other.

"Sword Demon Zhongshan, don't mess with him ..."

Suddenly, the ground shook, and then a large wine jar three or four feet tall moved the jar difficultly, and climbed out of the ground.

"咚 ——"

The wine jar climbed out of the ground and landed heavily. Two stout arms were extended from the jar, and then two eyes were exposed on the jar, turning slowly and glancing at the four Zhongyue.

Zhong Zhongyue stayed awake, only to feel strange, in this imperial forest, the lanterns were refined, and the wine jar was also refined!

"There must be a **** bar in such a big jar?" Murmured the giant mountains.

"I don't have legs yet ..."

酒 The eyes of the wine jar turned around, and finally fell on the mountains, and the big jar shouted and flew towards the mountains, whispering, "Give me your big thick legs!"

Zhong Zhongyue, Qiu Yier, and Ao Shanshan took a step back, leaving the giant mountains in place.

"Would you not be so emotional?"

The giant mountains shouted, to meet the wine altar, the Zhuzhuang protoss was the second deity of Xihuang, and the power was extremely tyrannical, but just after contacting the wine altar, the giant mountains issued a scream and was spit in the mouth by the big altar. , Flying backwards!

Suddenly the jar of wine flew over, pressing him on his body, pressing his limbs straight, and then the jar of wine jumped out, protruded out the sturdy arms, lifted the giant mountains and put it into the jar.

"Save me!" Cried Zhu Jushan.

Zhong Zhongyue sacrificed Peng Yu's golden sword. One sword was cut, and the arm of the wine jar was extremely hard. Peng Yu's golden sword failed to cut its arm.

"So hard?"

Zhong Zhongyue was startled, spinning wildly around the wine jar, the sword light flickered, and the sword fell like rain. Zhong Yue slashed hundreds of swords, which cut off the two arms of the wine jar.

Suddenly the wine jar slammed heavily, Zhong Yue snorted and was blown out, vomiting blood in his mouth. The arms of the jar were cut off and a long bang was issued, and at the moment Zhong Yue was hit by a fly, Peng Yu's golden sword flew around the jar for weeks and weeks under his spiritual control. Absolutely.


The mouth of the altar was cut open by Peng Yu's Jin Jianping. Suddenly, there was a squealing noise, and the black wine bugs flew out of the altar.

The giant mountains screamed, grabbing with both hands, lest there was something weird about the wine bug. Suddenly he caught a wine bug and saw that the wine bug looked like a firefly, but it was much larger, two inches long and four pairs long. The wings kept shaking, to escape from his hands.

酒 The wine insect is crystal clear and transparent, and its belly is a small wine jar, which is also transparent. It contains a small mouthful of wine and is constantly shaking.

"God wine is in the belly of wine bugs!"

When the giant mountains were overjoyed, he shouted, "Don't let go of these wine bugs!"

酒 The wine bugs have four wings and are extremely fast. The wine bugs flew away from the jar in a flash.

Zhongyue landed and stabilized his body. Qiu Linger sacrificed Yunluo tent, and went to the Jiuzhe net flying in the air. Ao Shanshan also sacrificed a net to catch a dozen Jiuzhe.


Xu Zhongyue shook his shoulders, and saw the dragon's skin fly out, and dozens of feet of cowhide covered dozens of wineworms under the skin. Still struggling.

The dozen or so Protoss gas refiners next to the puppet looked envious, and suddenly the ground of the distillery shook, and a huge wine jar jumped out of the ground.

The dozen protoss gas refiners were so overjoyed that they hurried forward and suddenly heard only a loud noise. One gas refiner was smashed by the punch of the wine jar, and the whole person burst into flames!

When other gas refiners were shocked, a gas refiner was caught by the altar and thrown into the altar. I only heard two gurgles, and the wine jar actually grew two legs, and walked around excitedly, shouting, "I have legs, I have legs! You all come out, we have legs!"

Suddenly, he just listened to Suddenly's voice, the ground of the winery shook, and huge wine jars jumped out from the ground one after another. In the blink of an eye there were hundreds of wine jars flying up. Xiang Zhongyue and others and the wave of gas practitioners just pounced!

Jie Zhongyue's face changed drastically, and she stole the dragon's skin and yelled, "Rewind!"

I saw more and more wine jars jumping out of the ground, flying in the midst of the air, pounced on those gas refiners, and caught one and shoved it into the jar. Two beeps and two legs grew.

The four of them retreated quickly and saw a huge mouthful of wine jars chasing after him. These wine jars were not slow in the air, and the speed of the underground was as fast as flying. Can't escape hunting.

If it was just one or two jars, Zhong Yue was injured and he could still use Peng Yu's golden sword to cut the jar and catch the wine bugs, but the number of jars emerging from the ground of Nadi Winery was countless. The altar was so powerful that he had no chance to cut the altar.

Alas, he still had a chance to kill one or two wine jars while walking away. With the cooperation of four people, Zhong Yue sacrificed Peng Yu's golden sword to cut the wine jar, and the other three captured wine bugs.

Soon, another wine altar was cut open. The wine bugs had just flown out, and they were masked by the giant dragons, Qiu Linger, and Ao Shanshan, sacrificing the skin of the dragon, and all the wine bugs were wiped out.

In other places, there are also many gas refiners besieging the altar, fighting their lives to break the altar, catching wine bugs, but with heavy casualties.

Fortunately, there is a Langya list, these gas refiners are not really dead, but they will be resurrected in the Langya list.

The sky was getting dark, the red lights in the imperial forest were shaking, and suddenly a lot of red lanterns flew up. Many of those auspicious lights had grown their eyes and mouths, flying around happily, singing nursery rhymes.

"Large magpie, small magpie, all are poisonous insects in the human industry. There are a hundred feet attached to the cymbal margin, if the flying sky can eat dragons!"

Thousands of auspicious lights illuminate the emperor forest, dancing around the distillery, singing more and more cheerfully, singing the same nursery rhyme over and over again: "Bacchus, thieves steal your wine!"

"This is ... these lanterns are sacrificed, ready to revive the **** of wine!"

Zhong Zhongyue is dealing with the third bottle of wine ~ www.readwn.com ~ Wen Yan's face changed drastically, and he said loudly, "Leave Emperor Lin!"

The four rushed madly outside the emperor forest, and suddenly only heard a loud bang. The ground of the emperor's distillery suddenly exploded, and a huge skeleton crawled out. It turned out to be a thousand feet long, thousands of miles long. Wing, thousand bone wings!

This skeleton with only bones is extremely scary. It has been dead for a long time, but it seems to be alive. It shakes the bone wings and rises in the sky. It is so powerful that each bone wing hangs several jars of wine. During the mid-flight flight, the wine jar was undulating with the vibration of bone wings.


Large wine jars fell from the bone wings and chased down the gas refiners, put the gas refiners into the wine jars, opened their mouths wide, and saw a ray of **** light blast from the mouth. The screams were numerous, with countless deaths and injuries.

"Thief thief, thief thief is here!" Shouted auspicious lights, followed by Zhong Yue and others.

Ji Zhongyue immediately felt that the horrible divine power came to his side, and when he looked back, he saw the dragon turned and chased himself. (To be continued ...) u

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