Rise of Humanity

Chapter 276: Blue Dragon Cloud Flag

"This dragon's paw print should be the mount of Xiahou, the footprint left by the two fire dragons. M Lewen's moving net moves along the paw print, there should be no danger."

Zhong Yue and Qiu Er'er looked around along the way. The traces of battle in the Qinglong camp were more terrible than the battlefield of the gods. These four camps should be the guardians of the emperor's tomb, and the arch saint reincarnation. Tomb, if you want to enter the emperor's tomb, you must first break its guard.

In this case, it is not difficult for Xiahou to explain to the four camps on the planet.

He is searching for the location of Emperor's Tomb!

"There should be more than one planet like this."

Xu Zhongyue looked around and saw large planets floating above the land. There were also mountains and planets connected to the planet. They should be the important grounds of other arch guarding the emperor's tomb, and the gods and demon inside were all guarding the emperor's tomb!

It is not easy to find the emperor's tomb. In addition to the four camps on this planet, Xiahou also has to deal with the demons and camps on other planets, and they must be destroyed in order to find the exact location of the emperor's tomb.

"Are these gods recovering and fighting against Xiahou?"

Zhong Yue is a little confused. The existence of the level of gods and demons has surpassed his cognition of life and death. Xiahou existed 50,000 years ago. In the age of Xiahou, these gods and monsters have also died for 50,000 years. Can there still be wars between them?

"The treasures here are really countless. Unfortunately, who can get these treasures?"

He looked at the fragments of the magic soldiers, the demon bones and broken secrets, as well as many huge totem poles, as well as the magical fire, different water, and divine light. They should all be great treasures. Unfortunately, the remaining magical powers are still there, thinking There are many difficulties to obtain these treasures.

Although Zhong Zhongyue is very jealous of these treasures, she knows her strengths. Don't talk about his gas spirit in such a terrible and dangerous place. I am afraid that even the giants of the French heaven are all serving food.

I am afraid that those giants, holding heavy equipment or magic soldiers, dare not say that they will definitely survive this battlefield.

气 The gas refiners who entered this place should also follow the path that Xiahou went out in an attempt to harvest some treasures from the edge of the battlefield. As to whether there is any gain, it is unknown.

Suddenly, the people in the barracks flickered, and there was a faint clash of magical powers, and then the towering gods and ghosts rose from the barracks. As high as a thousand feet, the roar shook people's hearts!

Suddenly a god-man appeared, confronting the demon ghost. The two giants confronted each other, and the scene was shocking.

"Is the ghost and ghost a shadow, is it the dead gods in the Qinglong camp?"

Zhong Zhongyue's dignified face, the gods and demons showed sacredness, meant that Xiahou had not completely broken the layout here, and the sudden appearance of the god-man. It is the martial arts gods of the Chongli Protoss: "This battle is so fierce. Is it possible that the giants of the Chongli protoss have touched the layout and led the gods to manifest the Holy Spirit. Have to sacrifice the Martial Gods and fight against the gods and ghosts of Xiansheng?

It wasn't just the gas refiners who entered the emperor's residence. The older generation of the Chongli Protoss also entered here with the weapons and spirits of the Chongli Protoss. The strong people of the Chongli Protoss should have a different picture, so they came straight here.

"Xiahou is one of the ancestors of the Chongli Protoss. The elders of the Chongli Protoss went straight here, maybe it was Xia Hou's arrangement. The great gods fought and all beings suffered."

Zhongyue Shen said: "Sister, we found Ao Shanshan and left immediately. This is a dangerous wall. I don't know when it will fall!"

Qiuqiu Er'er nodded, and the two continued to search forward, getting closer and closer to the battlefield between the giant urn and Shenmoxian Sheng. Suddenly, Shenmoxian disappeared, leaving only the martial arts **** who respected the Xia family of the Li **** tribe to stand there.

Suddenly, a vigorous laughter came from the front, Zhong Yue's eyebrows cracked, showing the third god's eye, and looking forward, I saw a few martial art masters standing on the shoulders of the martial art **** man. Laughing, it is very cheerful: "Hahaha, finally broke the last ban here, you can start the arrangement of the ancestors and let the emperor's tomb be born!"

A martial arts master laughed and said, "The other barriers have been broken, and only this Qinglong camp is left. This is the last Qinglong flag. Remove this Qinglong flag, and you can break all the camps. With Qinglong flag , Gathering other big flags, you can start the arrangement of the ancestors and let the emperor's mausoleum be born. I have waited 50,000 years for the Protoss of Li Li and finally paid off! "

"All of you, who will take this blue dragon cloud flag?"

Zhong Yue looked around, and saw a flagpole as high as a thousand feet, with a triangular flag hanging on it, and a green dragon painted on the flag, with a dragon scale cloud pattern on the side, and a martial arts master flying on him. Before holding the flagpole with both hands, pull it up.

Jain ’s flagpole is getting smaller and smaller, and the triangle-shaped banner is getting smaller and smaller. It is only the size of a slap, and the flagpole is only six or seven inches tall.

The martial arts master who picked the flag laughed and said, "Now you can motivate the ancestors to arrange with other big flags ..."


The void broke, and suddenly there was a billowing divine light flowing from the void, sweeping around.

"It's a trap, let's go!"

A loud scream came, and the martial arts masters turned into powder on the spot, and then they saw that the martial arts man who became a **** was torn apart, melted in the light of God, and turned into ashes!

"Sister, close your eyes!"

Zhong Zhongyue yelled, only felt the third eye tingling, and closed his eyes in haste, a line of blood shed in his brows.

的 The god's light spurting from the void didn't hit here, but seeing that god's light damaged his god's eyes!

After a brief moment, Zhong Yue opened her eyes and hurriedly looked at Qiu Yier, only to see Qiu Yier's face pale, two lines of blood and tears shed in her eyes, and she was also stabbed by Shenguang.

"Master, I can't see my eyes ..." the girl cried.

Zhong Yue let the girl open her eyes, look at the pupils, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I wasn't blinded by the **** light, but I just hurt the pupils. The wooden spirit was so strong that I could recover soon. Wait here, I'll go ahead and see if I can find Ao Shanshan. "

Qiu Yier gave a good response, Zhong Yue walked forward, but didn't go far, and saw a corpse. These corpses were on the edge of the god's light just now, and many gas refiners were cut off by God's light. Body, failed to escape the envelope of the light of God.

Some are lucky enough to escape from the enveloping area of ​​Shenguang, but the hollow of the eye sockets, as well as the brain, are also evaporated by Shenguang, they are too close to Shenguang. The power of the Divine Light is extremely strong. Although they do not cover these gas refiners, they also kill them.

"Ao Shanshan is also dead ..."

Zhong Yue found a dragon head. It was Ao Shanshan. Her heart moved slightly. When she checked the dragon's head's knowledge of the sea, she did not find the trace of the Yuanshen, nor did she find the collapsed secret. She said: "The power of Langya Bang Sure enough the shrouds who died under the light of God were here. They would all be resurrected in Langya list, not really dead ... eh? "

He suddenly stopped, but saw on the ground not far ahead. A small flag of six or seven inches in height was fluttered. The flag fluttered slightly, and a winding blue dragon was painted on it.

"The martial arts masters of the Chongli Protoss will also take off the blue dragon cloud pattern!"

Zhongyue's heart was beating, and she looked at the small banner. The ghost sent the **** forward. The banner's might is pervasive, but it is much more astringent than other soldiers.

Divine soldier!

This is definitely an amazing soldier!

Min Zhongyue licked her dry lips. After moistening his throat, the detective grabbed the small banner. In the mysterious state of income, my heart was beating wildly, and then he turned away.

"This flag is absolutely no small matter. Just now those martial art masters said that the flag is the key, which can motivate Xiahou to arrange and let the emperor's tomb appear."

His footsteps are getting faster and faster. Fei generally comes to Qiu Linger, mana gushes out, picks up the girl, and she sings: "Master, let's go!"

The Lizong Protoss, including Xiahou and 50,000 years of layout, are all in order to take off this blue dragon cloud flag. This blue dragon cloud flag is certainly very important.

No matter how important the blue dragon cloud flag is, this flag alone is the core of the formation of the blue dragon camp, you can know the value of this magic soldier!

This is a magic soldier!

For the first time, Zhong Zhongyue got a complete soldier!

"Those martial arts masters of the Chongli Protoss will definitely be resurrected from the Langya list, and will rush here for the first time to search for this Qinglong Banner. You must leave immediately, you cannot stay!"

Qi Zhongyue's footsteps are getting faster and faster. Almost a gust of wind wrapped up Qiu Linger and rushed out of the Qinglong camp. He went up the mountain and rushed towards the mainland where the emperor lived.

He was getting faster and faster, and soon after he rushed to the mainland where the emperor lived and went straight to Wangyang Dize.

At this moment, under the Langya list, a martial arts master who relied on the Protoss of Li was looking up from the Langya list, resurrected from the Langya list, walked down the list, and sat down and resumed cultivation.

Shen Xia's patriarch Shen Chan said: "Send a message! Immediately send a message to You and Quan, let them immediately go to the Qinglong camp and get the Qinglong cloud pattern flag in their hands. Never lose anything!"

Another martial art master promised, took out a mirror, and quickly wrote a few lines of text on the mirror. On another planet, a giant celebrity of the Chongli ethnic group stood in the camp guarding the emperor's tomb, and suddenly his heart moved slightly, took out a bright mirror, and saw only a few lines of text appearing on the mirror. Rushing towards the planet where the blue dragon camp is located.

At this moment, Zhong Yue has come to Wang Yang Dize, and is struggling to hurry.


火 The sky was so flaming with fire, Zhong Yue looked up, her face changed slightly, and saw the flaming flames in midair, a godlike old man stepping on the fire in the clouds of fire, and the sky was sky-high.

Ji Zhongyue immediately turned around and turned towards the direction of the planet where the Qinglong camp was located.

The spirit of the Zhongli Protoss giant who drove the clouds of fire swept away around him, swept over him, and then hurried away to the distant planet.

Zhong Zhongyue breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately reversed his direction again, stepping across the sea, and rushed towards the emperor forest.

In the Emperor's Forest, Zhong Yue was carrying the auspicious lamp's light button. His face was not good, and the auspicious lamp screamed: "Hero, don't kill me ~ www.readwn.com ~ I don't see anything!"

Xie Qiu Er Er showed an intolerable color: "Master Brother ..."

Zhong Zhongyue shook her head and said, "Sister, this sister knows too much."

Auspicious lights cried: "Heroes are killing me, I have old and young, there are little ..."

Zhong Zhongyue laughed and shook her head: "Spit out your head in the stomach."

The auspicious lamp opened his mouth quickly, spit out his head in his stomach, and his head left the lantern. This auspicious lamp immediately became dumb and could not speak.

Zhong Zhongyue smashed his head on the ground and let go of the lantern. This auspicious lamp was murky and flew into the distance.

Zhong Yue put her shirt on Qiu Linger's head, and took Qiu Linger all the way through the emperor forest. Looking at it from afar, the void in the sky was looking, she could not help but sigh, and whispered, "Master, we are out of here, immediately They left the little void, and if they were questioned, they said that we hadn't been to the barracks, don't say a word! "(To be continued. (.))

Uh ...

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