Rise of Humanity

Chapter 607: Lord of anger

"Prince Shi Yun is dead?"

Bai Canghai exclaimed, and Qiu Linger and Jun Sixie were also shocked. They quickly looked at Prince Shi Yun, only to see Prince Shi Yun still standing still, there were no scars on the outside, no trace of wounds.

Even, Prince Shiyun's breath is still strong and powerful, and his blood is still sky-high. He even has a totem pattern formed by a combination of strong mental power and mana, and still rotates around the body.

But then Qiu Yier, Jun Sixie, and Bai Canghai also saw something wrong. Although Prince Shi Yun had no wounds, the totem texture rotating around him had a thin crack, from top to bottom, and cuts. Cut out the texture of the totem that rotates around him!

~ Pig ~ pig ~ island ~ small ~ say ~ www ~ zuhu ~; "how can there be no wounds?"

Bai Canghai wondered: "How can you die without injury?"

Zhong Yue regretted: "If he doesn't make a big move and doesn't let me do three tricks, he can still fight with me happily and beheaded by me. It is he who despises me and wants me to make three tricks. There was a problem with this mentality. When I launched the move, his magical power was not brewing. When he tried to urge magical power, it was too late. I have been brewing three types of sword-like intentions for four years. Where would the sword appear. He was one step behind, so he died. "

In four years, I cultivated three intentions for the sword.

"Where is his injury?" Bai Canghai asked.


Zhong Yue stepped forward, Jun Sixie, Qiu Yier, and Bai Canghai quickly followed, and the four of them circled behind Prince Shi Yun's head. Zhong Yue pointed at the five beams of light behind Prince Shi Yun's head. Look."

The three looked at it quickly, and saw a slight crack appearing in the five light wheels. Imperceptible at all.

The three could not help but startled, and immediately saw the terrible place. This fissure tore the prince Shi Yun's five mysterious realms and cut them all!

Looking inside the Yuan Shen, they saw all the totem patterns of Prince Shiyun. All were cut open, all broken!

They looked up at Prince Shiyun like the blood of a torrential waterfall, and saw a knife mark. This knife cut his blood in half.

And when they continued to look, they found in horror that Prince Shi Yun's mana was also cut off with one stroke, and Jun Sixie parted his spirit into the sea of ​​consciousness, and saw the sea of ​​rift open!

And there is a Qinglong **** in the sea. The eyebrow, chest, back, and lower body are also thin knife marks!

Zhong Yue's sword, after the sword invasion, the Sun God sword also arrived immediately, cutting him two sections, but he could not see any scars on the outside, but Yuan Shen was dead!

"His Yuan Dan has also been cut off!" Qiu Yier muttered.

Jun Sixian looked dignified: "So is the true spirit!"

The three could not help fighting a cold war, thinking of Zhong Yue's sword invasion. Wherever the sword went, Daoguang came there.

In other words, some parts of the body feel the knife. The sun-knife has already arrived there, and when it feels dead, it's really chilling!

"Brother Zhong, what did you call your style just now?" Bai Canghai asked.

Zhong Yue said: "Sundial."

Bai Canghai sighed: "The sundial erupted, it was gorgeous, when you saw the sundial. In fact, the sundial has arrived. Good magical power, really good magical power! Prince Shiyun should not let you do three tricks, he could not compare to you, let You shot first, you really gave up your life. "

"Masters fight. If there is not much difference, how can you want it?"

Zhong Yue laughed: "The two are of equal strength, and if they are matched, they may die in one stroke. You also need to keep in mind that if you want to compete, you must not underestimate the opponent and let the opponent have a few moves. "

Jun Sixie exclaimed: "Master, your combat cultivation is already a demon level."

Qiu Yier nodded again and again.

The three continued to study Prince Shiyun's Yuanshen. From his wounds, he figured out the wisdom and supernatural powers Zhong Yue used in this battle. Each of them released their spirits and deduced how to deal with this knife.

In addition, participating in the research of Prince Shiyun ’s Primordial God is also very beneficial to them. Although Prince Shiyun was beheaded by Zhong Yue, but this person is more powerful than them, especially the ethnic totem pattern of the Qinglong Protoss. Such a magical place.

It is good for them to study it.

The three entered the secret realm of Prince Shiyun again, and the treasures harvested were numerous and countless. Not only there were all kinds of panacea, all kinds of gold and magic materials, and even the treasures of the gods and demons also had many pieces. straight.

"This prince seems to have a very long history."

Bai Canghai burst into his heart and said, "The net worth is so rich, it must be a big deal!"

Zhong Yue also saw this, frowning slightly, and said, "I didn't kill his soul, it was a line for him, I didn't do anything."

"I'm afraid of the existence behind him, and don't miss your mercy."

Jun Sixie shook his head and said, "If my lover is killed, even if I can be reborn, I will find this place."

Zhong Yue laughed: "When did Sister look forward and look back?"

Jun Sixie realized suddenly and sighed: "I think too much, this is the sequela of being a master of Jianmen. No wonder I have been slowly improving in recent years, and looking forward to the future has created one after another for my own mood The mountain to climb is an insurmountable obstacle. "

They continued to study Prince Shiyun's physical body and Yuanshen, and Zhong Yue also studied it in detail and was impressed and learned a lot from it.

"No wonder Prince Shiyun's blood and mana are more vigorous than the Kunpeng Protoss. The Kunpeng Protoss is known for their mana and blood. The Qinglong Protoss is more vigorous than the Kunpeng Protoss. It is precisely because of the totem pattern of Lei Ze.

Zhong Yue's eyes opened, and the eyes of the three gods were inexorable. Looking for the totem texture from Prince Shiyun's totem pattern is exactly the innate totem pattern of Reiser's.

The Reed's congenital totem pattern in Prince Shiyun's body is more refined than the ancestral Donghai Dragon family, and his bloodline is much more than that of the Donghai Dragon family. It has its uniqueness and is worth studying.

When encountering an incomprehensible place, Zhong Yue directly took out the piece of scale mirror that he got and shone, and enlightened by the force of the scale.

The four of them are studying Prince Shiyun, and a demon outside the twin galaxy has been frightened and overwhelmed.

Prince Shi Yun encountered Zhong Yue and was beheaded with a knife. He was extremely happy and invigorating. Even when they saw the sword, they had to give thumbs up and praise the supernatural power.

But this is Prince Shiyun!

The reincarnation prince of the king of the heavens, the king of the heavens worked hard to send him to the world of Vientiane and became the Qinglong protoss. He spent countless talents to cultivate him. hope?

In this way, Zhong Yue was slashed to death!

It is conceivable that how angry the King of Heaven will be when he hears this news?

The king was furious, and the three thousand galaxies in the left star field would tremble and tremble!

These four guys didn't even know how much trouble they had done. They were still studying the physical body of Prince Shi Yun's Yuan Shen, and they also ransacked Prince Shi Yun's mysterious realm. The prince looks like a booty!

"Stop them!"

Suddenly an old demon raised his finger to the teacher and the six old men, and shouted, "You can't let them get away, waiting for the King of Heaven!"

The teacher's face was not easy to change suddenly, his heart was crying bitterly, his eyes were scrambled, looking for a way out. The six old men were also a little embarrassed, and secretly said badly: "So many demon gods, as well as heaven demon gods, I'm afraid I can't kill them ..."

"Hurry up and notify the prince, tell him this bad news!"

After three or two days, Zhong Yue and others thoroughly researched Prince Shi Yun, and Prince Yuan ’s mysterious realm also began to collapse. After all, his Yuan mysterious realm was cut in half by Zhong Yue ’s sword. Although Zhong Yue ’s knife Very fast, but after all, the mystery of the meta is broken and difficult to maintain.

The four then left and continued searching. At this time, the gala has been going on for three days. Seventy to eighty percent of the gas refiners who have entered the twin galaxies have died. The survivors are the strong among the strong, the elite among the elite, and each strength is no small feat. .

"Prince Shi Yun said that he would take advantage of my killings to challenge He and He, Li Tianxing and against the Emperor. It seems to him that the strength of He, He, Li Tianxing and against the Emperor is above him, so he needs to leverage . "

The reason why it is called borrowing is because killing a master, the momentum and mind will be greatly improved, and can play a stronger strength.

"I hope they won't let me down like Prince Shiyun." Zhong Yue said in his heart.

At this time, the news of Prince Shiyun's death was finally transmitted to the Pleiades galaxy in the left tooth star domain. The shape of the galaxy galaxy is like the fangs. On two planets.

"My prince is dead ..."

The voice of a woman came from the towering palace. The clear sky was suddenly overcast with thunder and lightning, and it was terribly gloomy.

The king is furious!

"My prince lost to a Terran boy from the countryside? And the other side only used one knife?"

King Bitian looked at a picture from a demon god, in which Zhong Yue beheaded and killed Prince Shi Yun ~ www.readwn.com ~ Big Tian Fa giggled, but there was no smile on the face of the beautiful woman: "Actually let him do three tricks. Silly boy, where can the masters fight? Don't say let the three tricks, let a trace be dead! Stupid, stupid, die well, do n’t know the lesson. Unfortunately, I spend so The big price just let you incarnate into the Qinglong Protoss. Now the chickens are flying .... The order goes on. All the gas refiners in the event will give me the best effort to kill this human race boy. Where my prince died there, let him also die there. , Funeral for my prince! "

The demon horrified, and quickly returned to the twin galaxies, conveying the meaning of the Fawang.

When Shi Shi heard this command, he could n’t help but be furious: “Do n’t you say that the King of Heaven is so thirsty? Why are you now so ashamed that you want to kill my disciples?”

Many demon gods glanced at him coldly, continued to send messages, and ordered their disciples in the twin galaxies to kill Zhong Yue with all their strength.

"If your apprentice kills any other gas refiner, the King of Fa will beg to protect you if you are thirsty, but if you kill her prince, she will naturally not be thirsty."

Toad Tohara sneered, "Do you know how much effort and princely treasure the King has spent in order to succeed the prince? Adding your mean lives together is not enough!" (To be continued.)

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