Rise of Humanity

Chapter 616: Non-professional

The idol had a strong tone, and his voice was lowered: "He is half a fuxi!"

"Fu Xi?"

Suddenly He and He thought, "Isn't Fuxi already extinct?"

"It is not completely extinct, but it still exists in the crape myrtle. Also, not long ago, a pure-blooded Fuxi girl was already a prince, which caused a great deal of movement and shocked a lot of existential battles for a long time. Rumors of Fuxi hiding The power is moving ... "

The idol suddenly stopped talking and said, "This matter is too much involved. You better not know too much. When you have completed the rebirth of the Red Dust, you will be able to know about this and know the (pig-pig- Island) novel. Zud. Great. Now, your distant cousins ​​come from afar, you entertain, you don't have to alarm me. "

He respectfully said, "Dare to ask God the Father, how to entertain?"

I asked, "I heard that Fu Xi has so many enemies. If we are too deeply involved ..."

The idol lingered, "Not too far, not too close.

He and He were dumbfounded, the power in the idol dissipated, and the call no longer responded.

"The words of the Father and God are very profound. Not far or close, if you are away, you are not close or close."

Martingale: "Not far away, because it is connected with us by blood, is a distant relative, and needs to be entertained from a long distance. Not too near, they are down, they are too involved, and they ca n’t be involved because of them. If they are, then they are in trouble. As a relative, you need to help one or two. If you leave, you need to support, but you also need to separate the boundaries, so as not to cause us trouble in the future. "

Martyrdom: "Non-relatives are to show the attitude to the outside world, we have little relationship with them. Non-sparse is also a gesture, to show to the outside world that we still have a relationship with him, not too much."

The two nodded together and said, "Father God is hot. With his advice, we know how to get along with this cousin."

And among those golden flowers and bones, the heaven and earth are full of vitality and spirit, and the law of heaven and earth is also full and strong. Zhong Yue, Qiu Yier, Jun Sixie, etc. each chose a treasure place to sit down and learn from each other.

Jun Sixie focuses on the strong place of the water system avenue, and Qiu Yier focuses on the strong place of the wood system avenue. It is not easy for the teacher to find a strong place on the demon avenue, while the six old men are rooted in the strong place of the heavens and the earth, draw the aura and spiritual power, and also smash out the big carrot and three embers to let him practice under him.

Bai Canghai looked around, wondering how his curse spirit should practice and awaken. After searching for a while, he simply found a place where he felt comfortable and comfortable.

"This one hundred and ninety-six flower is extraordinary. There seems to be some terrible existence in the flower."

Zhong Yue was also looking for a place suitable for her cultivation. With the help of his god, Shenhuo looked around at this golden flower, but it was surrounded by the royal totem texture. It was difficult to see the flower. What is in the end.

"Yue, the origins of the brothers Lu and Lu, they are absolutely terrible. They are not the characters that can be accommodated in the prison world. There is a lot to come. The reason why the heaven and earth aura is strong and the heaven and earth road is complete. I am afraid that with these big gold Flowers. What's hidden in these gold flowers? "

Xiu Huo looked around and suddenly laughed: "Yue, this is good, here is the location of the ninety-ninth Pandora flower, which is best for you to cultivate here."

Zhong Yue was surprised: "The ninety-nine double-flowered flowers? There are obviously only ninety-eight double-flowered flowers here. Where is the ninety-nine?"

"Not yet. But there will be."

Liu Huo's eyes flashed and he speculated: "The position of these daffodils does not seem to have any rules, but it is actually a battle formation. The first daffodils are here, and the second daffodils are in this position. . "

He pointed to the first and second plants and tied flowers. Zhong Yue looked carefully, revealing the dignified color, the totem pattern between the two flowers was connected, forming a strange formation.

This battle was not easily noticeable, but upon closer inspection, he immediately found that the two flowers were in a supporting relationship, and the energy contained in the first and the second flower supported the second.

"This is the third strain!" Salary continued.

Zhong Yue took a closer look, and the third plant also had a supporting relationship with the first two plants, and the two plants combined to support the third plant.

Then he saw the same for the fourth strain, then the fifth, the sixth ...

At the ninety-eighth plant, the previous ninety-seven pandora flowers supported this large flower.

In other words, there are ninety-seven formations here, which form a ninety-seven-degree support relationship. The more you follow, the more support you will get!

"And according to the trend of these formation methods, the ninety-ninth double flower should be here! This is the next spiritual cave! You practice here, a hundred times better than other places!" Salary Road.

Zhong Yue settled down and connected to the 98th Pandora flower according to her dedication method. Suddenly a surge of energy surged in, and it poured into his flesh and Yuanshen. The energy inflated his physical body and swelled up. The six mysteries of Yuanshen were suddenly filled with all kinds of energy!

The six mysteries contain the power of yin and yang, the power of heaven and earth, the power of gods and demons, the power of Vientiane, the power of the five elements, the power of the blood vessels and the power of the six ways, and the power that comes from the daffodil is full of these six forces!

Not only that, but also the imprints and feelings of various heavens and earth avenues, which are also numerous, countless, complex and profound.

"So pure power!"

Zhong Yue was shocked and delighted, and quickly mobilized six forces to strengthen her secret place. This is indeed the place where the laws of heaven and earth are consummately strong, and even the power of the six is ​​extremely strong!

He also cultivated successfully in the incomplete world of Zuxing, the incomplete avenue in his body. Here, he realized that filling in his deficiencies can make his cultivation a leap in strength!

The power of the Six Ways has a greater effect on him.

The secret sacrifice of Limin came from the secret realm of Tao. It was the sacrificial sacrifice of the six reincarnations of all living beings. It surrounded the gods and men of Pangu. Various mysterious and profound six opinions came to him, constantly pouring into his mind Go and turn it into his knowledge.

What's more important is that the medicinal power of Liudaoguo is also immediately stimulated. The six insights contained in this magic medicine are the first six Taoism realms broken. The six elderly people absorbed the six Taoyuan powers and experienced up to ten It took thousands of years to turn the power of the six and the broken six into fruit and bear fruit.

The conditions required for refining Liudaoguo are extremely harsh. There is only one way of refining this divine medicine, which is perception, and you can get as much as you can. If you ca n’t understand, you will get nothing if Liudaoguo is gone. No.

The first six fruits of Zhongyue Refining & Chemical Co., Ltd. borrowed the reincarnation of the saint emperor under the Peach Peach tree. This opportunity is rare and rare.

And now refining this six fruit, although the opportunity is not as good as under the peach tree, but also not far behind, the effect will not be inferior.

He sat stunned, with ninety-eight strains of flowers and 196 golden flowers, and the imprint of the avenue was constantly flowing, turning into various feelings and feelings.

There were crackling sounds in his body, one after another, totem patterns, totem imprints, totem chains, totem patterns, supernatural visions emerged, and turned into thunder, clouds, rivers, high mountains, dragons, flying phoenixes, altars, Visions such as Tai Chi, etc., are decomposed in the explosion, turning into the most subtle totem marks, and then continue to decompose and recombine.

The imprints of Tiandi Avenue are constantly flowing and filled into these totem imprints to make up for the deficiency of Zuxing Avenue.

Any totem pattern, even the lowest-level totem, contains the heaven and earth avenue, more or less. If you think about the totem, you think about it.

The celestial avenue of the ancestral star is incomplete, and the totem that is refined is also incomplete. The totem is conceived into lines, imprints, chains, patterns, and magical powers will be limited because of this. The power of magical powers will be limited, even the soul soldiers and magical soldiers. The power will also be limited.

Therefore, the completion of the avenue is a good time for Zhong Yue and other gas refiners and gods from the first six realms to enhance their strength!

According to the depth of cultivation, the time required to rebuild its own avenue is also different. Among the people, Zhong Yue has the most complicated learning, so the totems that need to be recasted are also the most. They also need their own powerful and boundless check ability, otherwise they cannot be shorter. Do this in time.

Suddenly, strange symbols emerged around Zhongyue. A series of yin and yang yang daisies were combined, and countless singular symbols were constantly changing into dry, mixed, detached, quake, 巽, kan, gen, and kun runes. Huge deduction.

At the same time, the flesh and blood around Zhong Yue's neck wriggles, and a head grows again. Three **** eyes on his face are opened to check various graphic symbols.

More yin and yang were emerging, densely packed and constantly changing, Zhong Yue quickly felt that her two heads could not bear such a complex and complex message. She immediately shook her neck, her neck was getting longer, and she had another head. Grow out.

After half a day, Zhong Yue was still sitting still, and her neck grew to more than ten feet in length. Each neck was like a dragon like a python, moving around indefinitely. There were sixteen heads flying up and down. The symbol of change deduces the totem of perfecting itself.

At the same time, various combinations of Yin-Yang and Yang-Yin have emerged from the yin-yang, god-talent, vientiane, five elements, and blood-line secrets in his Yuanshen, constantly checking and strengthening his secrets.

In the secret realm of Tao Yi, there are more symbols of yin and yang, and changes are faster and more complicated. His main attack direction is still here, trying to use the six Tao fruit and this treasure ~ www.readwn.com ~ to let himself understand Out of the mystery of the innate true soul.

Two days later, Zhongyue had more yin and yang, and more necks and skulls flew out. The hundreds of millions of symbols in the light changed dramatically, which was amazing.

On the cliffs, the 犴 and 犴 look into the distance, and take this scene into the eyes, showing their astonishment.

"This cousin seems to be amazing."

Martyrdom: "The deduction speed of these graphic symbols is too fast, even we don't have such a magical method of deduction."

"I don't know how much he can get in ten days?" 犴 curious.

"Maybe in less than ten days, he occupied our birthplace and burial place. He can absorb too many mysterious mysteries. At his speed, he will soon be full and unable to eat."

Shouted: "Maybe, he will be out in three days."

——Today is the birthday of a house pig. There are red envelopes and red envelopes. Let ’s leave a message to the Humane Supreme Book Review and say, pig, happy birthday! (To be continued.)

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