Rise of Humanity

Chapter 618: Imperial Supernatural Power 6

Zhong Yue groaned, dived into hell, entered the cycle, and modified the book of life and death? It doesn't sound like an easy thing to do!

Moreover, he knew nothing about **** reincarnation, how did he get in? What danger is there?

There must be a heavy land of six reincarnations.

There must be an extremely strong presence there to guard, strict guards, I am afraid that the gods and monsters would not want to make waves there!

What is the arrangement there? How is the environment? Where is the book of life and death? How to modify it?

These are big ww.zhu. Novels that involve life and death. Even if there are even a small amount of errors in any part of the link, it is possible to kill the soul and die, and there may be no reincarnation!

The method that He and He said was absolutely insidious!

But He and He are the 98th emperors. If they say so, then they must have a way to enter Hell's reincarnation.

"The books of life and death in Hell's reincarnation are divided into many types. Each family has a book of life and death. There are more than 650 million books, divided into six."

He answered for them, saying: "The Ministry of Heaven, Earth, God, Vientiane, Five Elements, and Prison respectively record the surnames of the heaven, earth, god, vientiane, five elements, and prison world. Blood, well-being, crime, and good deeds, the merits of this life will become the basis of the next life. The good deeds of this world will rise in the next life, so the book of life and death is also called the book of rewards of good and evil. Among them, the defense of the prison department is the weakest, so it is feasible to modify the prison life and death book. "

Nodded his head and said, "The prison world is a big prison cage. All the detainees are imprisoned, and they will suffer forever. Who will go to add their name to the life and death book of the prison world? So the defense is weak. But **** Reincarnation is still extremely dangerous, if it is a demon. As soon as you step into the reincarnation, you will trigger the alarm and be found by the demon and the immense presence that exists there, so you must be a gas refiner to go there. "

"The gas scavenger does not enter the reincarnation of hell. Although it will not trigger the alarm, it will also be found by the **** guard there. If a creature is found to break into it. Kill it on the spot, and the spirit will be scattered."

犴 continued: "But our brother had a chance and got a spirit card to enter the reincarnation of hell, and there are some treasures that can be disguised as **** guards. With this baby, you can mix into **** and enter the reincarnation, as long as you sneak into the prison department, If you find the book of life and death in the prison world, you can pay attention to life and death. Change your destiny, greatly increase your fate, improve your welfare, and the benefits are endless! "

"Since there are so many benefits, why don't your brothers do this?" Shi said easily.

狴 and 视 stared at each other and laughed: "We also intend to sneak into Hell's reincarnation, we need to do one thing. But Brother Zhong must modify the book of life and death, and add your first name and name to the book of life and death. So our brothers can only Give up this opportunity. But what we want to do, you need Brother Zhong to help us complete it. Brother Zhong. Think about it. "

Jun Sixie whispered quietly: "Master, don't agree! Let's think of another way!"

Qiu Yier also said: "Master, I think there is a lot of danger here."

Six old men flashed their eyes and said, "Beware of fraud!"

The teacher couldn't easily shake his head and said, "There must be fraud! These two guys don't look like good people."

Zhong Yue hesitated, preaching: "I don't think they are like bad people, based on their heritage and ability. If it really hurts us, we don't need to have such trouble at all. I look at them with great vigor and broad minds ..."

Jun Si's wicked spirit whispered, "Would the bad guy write on my face that I'm a bad guy? Brother, you must be defenseless!"

Zhong Yue groaned for a moment. Looking up at 狴 and 犴, he said, "I don't know what Xian Kunzhong wants to do?"

狴 and 犴 's eyes lighted, and they shared the same voice: "Hell's reincarnation, there is a prisoner who is detained a hundred times more fierce than the devil in the prison world. He committed a heinous sin and remained there forever until his soul withered. There was a senior there with the words "I'm a badass" on his face. Brother Zhong only needs to rescue him, and when you get there, you can recognize Out of him. "

"Am I a badass?"

Jun Sixie paused: "Did they hear my spiritual message? No, no. Although they were emperors in the previous life, their cultivation strength in this life has not surpassed me a lot. Do they really have someone on their face? It reads, "I'm a badass? How could there be such a person."

Zhong Yue was also wondering. The existence of He and He was very weird, was it too independent?

"I need to know the arrangement of **** reincarnation, where the danger is everywhere, the geography and hydrology of the mountains and rivers, which gods and guards are on duty, and the time for changing the guard."

Zhong Yue Shen chanted: "The location of the life and death book of the human tribe and demon in the prison department and whether there is an escape path."

Xiao laughed and said, "It has been preparing for a long time. We have prepared two sets of activities. In addition to Brother Zhong, who else will go together?"

"This time is extremely dangerous, I will go alone!" Zhong Yue said flatly.

Qiu Aier stood beside Zhong Yue, holding his hand, and said, "I'll go with Brother Shi so that we can take care of each other."

Jun Sixie shook his head and said, "Sister, this time, it is dangerous to go. You stay, I will go with Brother Zhong."

He looked at the second daughter and suddenly said, "Take her."

He was referring to Qiu Yier, Jun Sixie was puzzled, and she was obviously stronger. Why did she choose Qiu Yier instead.

狴 explained: "Her spirit is much stronger than you, and she is about to awaken the congenital wooden spirit. This time into the reincarnation of the hell, the physical combat power is next. The key is the spirit. Her spirit has great combat power. And you Innate water spirit, there is still a long way to go before awakening. "

He nodded and said, "The reason why our brother chose Brother Zhong is precisely because he is a dual-spirit Sun and Moon. He can exert a strong combat power in the reincarnation of hell. One can be worthy of the two of us. Plus this A girl is equivalent to three innate spirits, and is more powerful. "

Jun Sixie had no choice but to answer.

Zhong Yue trembled in her heart, puzzled: "In the reincarnation of hell, the physical body cannot exert its strength, but the spirit can do it? What is the truth?"

Wu He's mental strength fluctuated, and she turned the data of the Hell Reincarnation collected by her into complicated information and poured it into Zhong Yue's and Qiu Yue'er's minds, saying, "This girl still has a little awakening of congenital wooden spirit, separated by a line. But the difference in strength is vast. There are no stars born of congenital wood spirits in the whole prison world. Therefore, you may be very difficult to awaken the true spirit in the prison world. Fortunately, in our reincarnation body, there is a wooden cricket for a lifetime. Spiritual body. Shanyu, you take this girl over and let her practice for three days next to the spirit of our previous life. Three days later. Regardless of whether you can awaken the innate true spirit, you must go to **** and reincarnation. "

Shan Ying should claim to be and leave Qiu Yinger.

"Brother Zhong's sun and moon are two spirits. We have no way to give directions, but it's a pity. But this time, Zhong Zhong is the top priority. Even if the girl's true spirit is awakened, I am afraid that she is not as powerful as your spirit."

He and He's eyes flashed, saying: "Master, **** magical powers and soul soldiers are different from other magical powers, soul soldiers. Hell magical powers and **** soul soldiers are specifically targeted at the soul. Especially the attack on the soul, and the guards in **** are also souls Born to be powerful. There are deities such as bull heads, horse faces, ghosts and gods, and night gods who specialize in eating wandering souls. Our brothers know a thing or two about **** magical powers, and we will attack you with **** magical powers during these three days. , You first understand the way **** fights. "

"Hell magic?"

Zhong Yue was also curious. Laughing: "The two brothers even understand these?"

"Slightly understand, but better than the Protoss of Hell. That is far worse. Master Zhong Zhong be careful!"

Suddenly he yelled, his voice was low, like a dull roar from the depths of the ghost, Bai Canghai yelled and passed out, Jun Sixie also wobbled, and his expression became pale. The teacher is not easily dizzy and swollen, and even retaliates. Only the six old men are just shaken, and it is not a big deal.

"This is Soul Roar."

I was shocked to see that Zhong Yue didn't have any abnormalities. He secretly praised his powerful soul and said: "The guards in Hell's reincarnation are all proficient in soul roar, much stronger than the magical power of three-legged cats such as me. If they find you, they can shake your soul, or even shake them. Detach soul and spirit. "

I was also taken aback: "Brother Zhong's soul is so strong and stable. But you also need to be careful. The only weakness of the gas practitioner is the soul. You must not underestimate the soul roar."

Zhong Yue didn't feel any abnormality, wondering, but seeing the attitude of Shi Yi, Bai Canghai and others, the power of this soul roar is really no small matter, even the teacher is not easy.

His soul is even stronger than the sun and moon dual spirits together. Although the roaring soul roar is strong, it cannot shake his soul at all.

犴 Mind moved slightly, suddenly a chain flew out, and the chain was transparent, like black flowing water, interlocking, and 唰 whispered into Zhong Yue's sea of ​​knowledge, saying: "This is the magical power to capture the soul, called the chain of souls If your identity is revealed, there will be a tauren who locks you up and captures your soul. If the soul is captured, it will be useless for one's ability and cultivation! This magical power is specifically aimed at the soul and is in full swing! "


The chain hit Zhong Yue's eyebrow, but it made a loud noise, and failed to penetrate into his body.

Xi and He were startled, Bai Canghai was awake, and smiled, "Is your magical power wrong?"

唰 ——

The chain flew out, flying into Bai Canghai's brows, locking his soul firmly, pulling it gently, pulling it out of his body. Bai Canghai yelled and passed out.

I returned Bai Canghai's soul, and Bai Canghai woke up warily, and closed his mouth quickly, afraid to talk.

"Did Zhong Shi eat what kind of panacea that can greatly enhance the soul?" Frown frowning ~ www.readwn.com ~ Zhong Yue shook his head.

狴 and 犴 looked at each other and said, "Then you try this magical power again!"

The two brothers yelled in unison, and the countless totems inside the two flew out, turning into a large salamander, with various totems intertwining on the aisle, turning into six beams of light, shaking against Zhong Yue!

Zhong Yue groaned, only feeling that her soul was throbbing, and she was shaken a little, and said with emotion: "What magical power is this?"

"Six souls."

Wu He's face changed greatly, and she lost her soul and said, "The imperial supernatural power is a supernatural judge who owes us a feeling and imparts supernatural power to us. The two brothers can only perform together ..."

"Six souls are stunned, and they are not bad." Zhong Yue sighed.

狴 and 犴 looked at each other and said, "How strong is his soul? How is his soul cultivated? It is also a top-level existence in those reincarnation guards, and his soul can be trained faster than the judges!" Continued.)

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