Rise of Humanity

Chapter 620: Secretly silent

This Tauren is definitely the level of pure sun gods. Even if Zhong Yue shots with all his strength, it is impossible to defeat the opponent in one move, let alone control the opponent's life and death.

Now, such a powerful demon was suddenly dragged into the Six Souls by him.

"Six soul magpies are imperial supernatural powers. Could it be said that the power of this supernatural power is too strong? No, no, I know a lot of imperial supernatural powers, and even my supernatural powers such as magic magic and pantheon worship have reached The level of imperial supernatural powers, but it is impossible to capture the demon in one stroke ... "

He was puzzled. The power of the Six Souls in his hands was too strong. Only two of them could display this magical power, and he could easily display it alone, and the power was better than that in 狴 & 猪 & 猪 & 岛 & The novel {www}. {Zhuzhu} {}. {} Is stronger in the hands.

His cultivation is still not as deep as that of He and He, but the magical power is stronger, so it is strange.

In fact, the main thing is that his innate true soul is too strong, and he has refined his soul to the innate level. Although he has not yet awakened, his soul is far stronger than this tauren.

Zhong Yue took out the spirit card entrusted to him by He and He, and dangled in front of the tauren in the Six Souls: "Do you recognize this spirit card?"

The tauren-god showed a color of fear, and repeatedly scratched his head and said, "Shang Shirao life, Shang Shirao life!"


Zhong Yue froze for a moment, and said, "It seems that the spirit cards that He and He handed over to us are very good. They are either ordinary tokens or they don't know how high the status of this messenger is."

Qiu Yier also took out a spirit card, and said coldly, "Since you recognize the spirit card, do you know our responsibility?"

The fear on the face of the Tauren was even worse, and he bowed his head and said, "Hell inspector holds this token, inspects hell, cuts first and then plays. The two envoys. The little **** knows wrong!"

Zhong Yue and Qiu Er'er looked at each other, they could see the surprise and joy in each other's eyes.

"Brother, the name of the **** inspector can be used. Maybe it will make us unhindered in the **** reincarnation. It will be much easier to modify the book of life and death this time, and it will be much less dangerous."

Qiu Yier said: "Since the role of the spirit card is clarified, how does this tauren-god deal with it? Is it killed or released?"

"Do not kill or let go."

Zhong Yue Si was a moment. "He is very useful to us, and he needs to lead the way. He is a snake of the earth, and he must be very familiar with the arrangement of **** reincarnation. With him, we can save a lot of trouble and save a lot of danger."

Qiu Linger nodded silently.

When they first arrived, they must be unfamiliar with their lives. Although there are spirit cards for **** inspections, if they encounter investigations. Maybe the horse's feet will be exposed. It is better to take the Tauren, even if encountering the investigation, let the Tauren to pass, but it is easier and the danger is much less.

What's more important is that this tauren has a handle in their hands, which is convenient to control, and it is better than worrying about his betrayal.

"What's your name?" Zhong Yue's mind moved slightly. Release the soul of this tauren, and let him return. Asked.

The Tautou man quickly said: "The little **** is the Tautou family of the Tautou god, who is called the God of Lanyu Zun, who is called Xiaoxiaoer and is ordered to guard this bridge."

"Lanshan's Lanlang respects the gods ... I'll offer you!"

Zhong Yue clenched her fists with both hands, her voice deepened, and she cried, "Hell princes are cheating for malpractices. I was ordered to wait for an unannounced visit to Hell to monitor reincarnation, but there are criminals who have committed crimes and went to heaven. Xiaoyu, I was smashed by you today. We are. Do you know sin? "

Lan Zunzun was so frightened that he couldn't keep his house, and quickly laughed with his companion: "Little **** convicts, little **** convicts! This boy, I will not eat him, let him give birth ..."

Qiu Yier sneered: "Presumptuous! The majesty of these fierce gods devours millions of souls, and puts him into reincarnation. What is the majesty of hell? Breaking into the abyss of the town prison, letting him never be reborn, and suffer forever, until the soul is gone!"

Lan Zunzun was startled, and fought a cold war. He said, "This punishment is a bit heavy, so I have eaten millions of souls, and he will not be put into prison ..."

He just intended to eat the demon's spirit, which is already a violation of the **** order, but even so, he has no intention to eat even the demon's soul.

And into the abyss of the town prison, eternal life can not be reborn, to suffer until the soul died, this punishment is more cruel than eating the soul.

Qiu Linger said coldly, "Do you dare to doubt my decision?"

"Don't dare!" Lan Zunzun quickly bowed his head.

Zhong Yue secretly praised the cleverness. The reason why Qiu Linger wanted to drive this devil into the abyss of the prison was not to bully the gods, but that the existence that He and He asked to be rescued was suppressed in the abyss of the prison.

With this reason, they can enter the abyss of the prison and rescue the existence.

"Little sister, this punishment is not excessive."

Zhong Yue slowly said: "The behavior I have done to the **** princes recently is inconspicuous, committing crimes, committing malpractices, colluding with some of the six paths, disrupting the order of the six paths, and I am very upset. It is to find out to what extent **** princes have been corrupted. "

Lan Zun respected God and trembled, and did not dare to speak. He struck the soul of the demon into the spirit, and then tied it strong.

Zhong Yue slowly said: "Punish him, but also knock on the mountain and kill the chicken and the monkey. After talking about him, it's time to talk about you."

Lan Yuzun's forehead was sweating coldly, Zhong Yue grinned and said, "Although we are inspectors, there is no foundation in **** after all. Hell princes are all local hegemons and have great strength. If our identity is revealed, we are afraid that we will not live Get out of hell. So we need a **** snake to cover us. "

Lan Zun respected God's blessing to the soul, and quickly worshiped: "Xiao Zheer is willing to work for two messengers!"

Zhong Yue quickly kicked him up and laughed, "If you do things well, your blame will not be investigated, but you will be greatly promoted and reused."

Lan Zun respected God with surprise and joy: "What a blessing!"

Qiu Linger said coldly, "From now on, we are your servants. You have to be careful, you must not show your feet!"

Lan Zunzun said repeatedly: "Dare to ask the two ambassadors how to call them? The little **** is not asking what it is, but the other beings ask, and the little **** is better to say a name."

Zhong Yue groaned: "You call me Chang Tianji and call her Chang Wuyi."

"Nothing secret?"

Lan Zunzun's heart was stunned, and he didn't dare to say much. Leading them to walk along this Naihe Bridge, on both sides is a huge planet, filled with the ghostly fire.

The world you see in Hell's Reincarnation is very different from the world you see in reality. It's eerie and chilling.

Overcast, a huge fortress floated beside this long Naihe Bridge. Lan Yan respected God and exclaimed: "King Ma Ming, King Ma Ming!"

"What does Brother Lanyou call me?" Asked a horse-head god-man from the fortress.

Lan Zunzun smiled and said, "I have some trivial matters. I have to leave for half a year. I can't be on duty in this half a year. I also ask King Ma Ming to do more!

"Just rest assured."

King Ma Ming nodded, looking at Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier wearing a black, white, and two large robes, wondering: "What are these two impermanent gods?"

"The two obediences received not long ago, haven't you salute King Ma Ming?"

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier bowed. "I have seen King Ma Ming."

The three departed, and after half a day, they walked a long way they did n’t know how long, and saw the Naihe Bridge driving into a huge city. Bone is struggling and seems to want to escape the shackles of this bone city. As he approached the city, he saw the white bones on the wall stretch out his dead hands. Seems to want to catch them.

"God bone!"

Zhong Yue was taken aback. The city built by countless **** bones was huge. Looking around, the walls are even higher than the planet and the shore is magnificent. I do n’t know what kind of enemy to invade.

Planets float around this big city, and the sun appears very small. The grandeur of this city can be seen.

A **** demon full of ghostly fire standing on the wall of the statue, filled with dark air, and the weapon in his hand was also dark and airy.

These gods and monsters looked strange, as if they were near enemies.

"Ghost City Ghost City!"

In front of the city is a bone-stone monument. Up to thousands of miles, I don't know what creature's bones are polished. There is a column of blood under the three deities of "Ghost City".

"The dead enter the city, the living stop!"

Zhong Yue is quite puzzled. Why are the walls of such a magnificent city guarded by countless **** gods and demons? The city walls are designed to defend against invasion by foreign enemies. Is there anything else that dares to be presumptuous here?

Suddenly, a huge face on the city wall fell down from the city, and the square-shaped eyes with green fire swept across Zhong Yue, Qiu Yier, and Lan Zunzun.

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier suddenly felt as if their souls had been spied again.

"Brother Hezhe, why did you check it so carefully today?" Lan Zunzun asked with a smile.

The huge face was slowly withdrawn and his face solemnly said: "Six powerful men invaded, attacked the reincarnation of Hell, destroyed Wangxiangtai, and entered the Heihe gang, which alarmed the courts. Eighteen courts joined forces. Defend the enemy, but also escaped by that being. Now eighteen prefectures are tracing his whereabouts. He was injured and did not escape the prefecture, so the prefecture ordered a strict investigation. Ghost City, Undercity, Ghost City, Yan Luo City Wait for the eighteen major cities to search for his whereabouts ~ www.readwn.com ~ Well, you have verified your true identity and can enter the city. "

Lan Xun respected God with sincerity, and led Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier into the city.

Zhong Yue was surprised and whispered: "There are still intruders in such a stern place as **** reincarnation?"

"It's natural."

Lan Zunzun laughed: "Some crouching tigers, hidden dragons in the Six Realms, although their reputation is not obvious, but they are overwhelming. These guys are untamed, do not want to belong to the local government, and they do not want to belong to the court of heaven. Liudao, not reincarnation. When they are old, their souls still have to fall into the land government. In order to be reincarnated to a good place, and they are not willing to bribe the judge, they have to break into the land government and plan to change their lives against the sky. "

Zhong Yue nodded and suddenly said: "Xiao, take us to check the book of life and death. Some governments have sentenced to collude with powerful people from all walks of life, forcibly linked to death, changed their lives and violated the rules of the sky. I need to check it carefully . "

Lan Zunzun smiled: "Usually it is a bit difficult to check the life and death books. You have to plug up and down the baby to see it. The money is not enough, the baby is too low-grade. I'm too lazy to ignore you. Fortunately, the government sentenced them to track down the intruder, which gave us a chance. "(To be continued.)

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