Rise of Humanity

Chapter 623: Earthshaking (Happy New Year's Eve!)

"Sin barrier, you make a big noise, really when this is a vegetable market, do you want to come and go?"

The big bell trembled, and the Eighteen Halls of Judgment actually came through the wall of the bell, as if the wall did not exist, and surrounded the **** and the demon hidden in the dark clouds in the center.

Zhong Yue and Qiu Yi'er looked up and saw that the eighteen palaces have different descriptions. Some have three eyes, some have four heads and eight arms, some have thousands of arms, and some have no face and face. There was only a huge eyeball on it, covering the entire face.

Another government ruled that it had no skull, a big belly, a poop, a face on the belly, holding a double axe, and hehe laughed, "You are too arbitrary, how dare you appear?"

&% 猪% 猪% 岛% 岛% Novel ww.nbsp; There is also a house sentenced by hundreds of tentacles behind the tentacles, with a large mouth on the top of the tentacles, full of teeth, but no mouth on the face, each tentacle Shouted: "If you don't show up, we can't do anything for you, but since you show up, let's stop thinking about it! In the abyss of town prison, you have a room!"

There is also a court sentenced to the Sphinx, smiling: "There are many ways to torture you in the abyss of the prison, making you unable to survive or die. You will not be held until the soul Shouyuan and the soul fly away. I am grateful that I can finally die without being tortured again. "

Another government judged his indigo and green horns as a horn, and sneered: "In the outside world, you have the means to reach the sky, but in the reincarnation of hell, all your abilities are useless, and you want to live here for the rest of your life!"

"Heavenly Hawk!"

The owner of the golden paw hummed, still unable to see clearly, sneered: "Just a few of you, and you want to stay with me? I have experienced countless battles in my life, and I have killed many powerful people. The death book is worthless, if you don't pay it. The land government will smash you! "

"Don't talk nonsense with him, just catch it!"

The eighteen palaces moved together and attacked the demon together. Shields, chains, shackles, fans, Hades, Hades, tombstones, axes and other land government soldiers blasted to the demon.

The eighteen halls ruled that the ups and downs were uncertain, and the bells trembled from the sky. The bell sounded powerful, but strangely it didn't smash anything, but when the bell sounded, the demon was shocked and hard to stand on.


The bells were melodious, and Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier snorted hummingly. Blood was continuously flowing from the eyes, ears, nose, and nose, and the stunned gods were so impressed that the blood flowed into Qiqiao.

The blood they shed was the blood of the gods. The blood of Qiu Linger's Yuanshen is green, and so is the Lanzun respect for God. The bleeding of Yuanshen's blood will continue to burn and turn into ghost fire.

But Zhong Yue's blood was bright red, the same as the blood of the body.

He started the six rounds, and the blood of the flesh communicated with the Yuanshen, so the blood flowing from the Yuanshen was also the blood of his flesh.

His blood was shaken out, but very active. It does not burn into a ghost fire at all, but drills into the body along the skin pores. There is no half drain.

The power of the bell was not directed at them, but at the demon, but even the aftermath made them unbearable.

And that demon is extremely fierce, and his strength is also overwhelming, but in the reincarnation of hell. The physical body is useless, only the spirit and soul can exert their power.

His soul is extremely powerful, although he has studied the magical powers of Hell, but the magical powers are not mastered, and he has no weapons at his disposal. Ordinary magic soldiers can't fight the **** magic soldiers sentenced by the government at all.

He can only play at most 10% of his abilities, but even if he is 10%, this person is still brave. Those courts ruled that he could not afford a slight collision with him, and was shocked to spit green blood and fell and flew away.

As soon as those blood had contaminated the **** air, it immediately burned and turned into a ghost fire, which was weird.

Nineteen statues existed in the battle, and the waves that destroyed the world came from top to bottom. Zhong Yue and Qiu Er'er immediately led the goddess to back away from the battlefield, but there were still terrible throbbings that passed them on. Keep avoiding.

Zhong Yue drank, big day and bright moon emerged in her eyes, and a hand probed, blocking the influx of destruction, shook her body, and blood in the eyes, ears, nose and nose overflowed more.

His shape revolved around Qiu Linger and Lan Lingzun, blocking the aftermath of the magical powers coming from all directions, and was shocked like Lan Lingzun's blood.

Fortunately, he has his own physical body as the backing, and the blood flows out and back into the body, so he won't die.

How terrible is the strength of the Eighteen Palaces and that demon. Although it is not directed at them, the power of the magical waves is overwhelming. Against the soul, although Zhongyue has become an innate true soul, the true soul has never awakened, and there is no such distance from them. There is still some distance.

Some of the magical aftermaths are extremely powerful, and even he is shocked and unable to persist!

"If you want to protect yourself, you can only show the form of Fuxi's true spirit, but only then, I am afraid that there will be many variables ..."

Zhong Yue groaned. Suddenly, Qiu Ling's daughter-in-law turned into a human-faced bird with wings and a pair of dragons. The impermanent robe could barely cover her body.

Fortunately, this impermanent robe is also a **** warrior, which can change, as it grows larger and smaller, and can also change according to physical changes.

Qiu Yier assisted, and her current form is the form of the true spirit of Muya. It is only one step away from the awakening of the innate true spirit, and her strength is also extremely powerful. With her help, Zhong Yue only felt the pressure greatly reduced.

The two came and went like the wind, guarding Lan Zunzun in the middle, and Lan Zunzun was very grateful: "These two ambassadors are really real. It seems that they really took me as their heart ..."

Eighteen court judges in mid-air also noticed the situation below. One court judge gave a frivolous stance, and became suspicious of Zhong Yue and Qiu Yier's fighting power.

"What are the origins of these two impermanent gods? With such strength, there is a head and face in my local government. Why haven't I seen them and heard them?"

But now the fighting is fierce, and the court has no time to ask them.

The demon gradually lost to the wind, fell into the wind, more and more wounds on his body, the combat power is not as good as before, even if he wants to escape, there is no way, this transparent bell I do not know what level of refinement Treasure, even if he tried his best, he couldn't break it.

The eighteen halls were relieved and said, "This time, he can't escape anyway. This fierce **** broke into my hell, killed an unknown number of **** gods, and was shattered by him. The coming soul, these are trivial matters. The key is that if he can't win him, my hell's face will be gone, and that's the big deal! "

In the dark city, tens of thousands of **** gods stood in the midst of the sky, with a strong body, surrounded by the bell, set up a heavy battle, killing and killing, the stars of Yunhan were trembling and horrible.

The demon was getting heavier and heavier. He couldn't stand his eyes, and suddenly roared. The sky trembled violently, and even the big transparent bell was buzzing.

A government judge sneered: "It's no use yelling at you again, only the end result of defeat and capture will never turn over forever!"

His words didn't fall, suddenly the sky broke, and horrible things happened. I saw a figure standing out of the sky outside the sky. The thick totem avenue formed a chain pattern and twined the stars.

That is the true body of this demon!

His true body actually formed a chain pattern on the Totem Avenue, penetrating many stars and making his own treasure!

Today, his soul is lost, and he has to come to support him, tearing the time and space of **** and reality, to rescue his soul in the reincarnation of hell!

Hell and reality are two worlds and two overlapping spaces. In terms of common sense, the physical body cannot enter Hell at all. Only the soul, which is the primitive god, can enter Hell.

But now, this existence has to break this common sense, and the flesh enters the reincarnation of hell!

He was too powerful, in an incredible state, one foot had stepped into the **** space, the huge sole was covered with golden wool, and he stepped on the transparent bell!

咣 ——

The big bell trembled, and these terrible treasures were also stamped with a deep footprint!

The extermination of all extinctions invaded in all directions along the big bell. All the huge building communities in the Undercity were shaken up and shattered in mid-air. The battle set by tens of thousands of **** deities was hit by terror. , Fall apart, the bursts of disintegration, countless **** gods have been hit!

The demon screamed and tried to fight the laws of heaven and earth in the two spaces. Half of his body was squeezed into the cycle of hell. This scene was terrible!

"My life is mys, I can't help it!"

The horrible face of the **** and demon appears on the sky, full of white hair, showing the old and vicissitudes. This is an old god, who is old enough to die, but the fighting power is still sky-high, dragging it out of the six realms. A large stick full of golden light, roared, "If you don't give me my life, I'll pierce the land!"

Before the mouth of the **** soldiers had penetrated into the space of the prefecture, Wei Neng had shattered the sky of Hell to pieces, terrible. If this soldier comes in, God knows how terrible damage it will cause!

The faces of the eighteen courts changed drastically, and they could not help but lose their nerves, and yelled in unison, desperately attacking the demon's soul, and wanted to capture him before his flesh and soldiers entered the palace ~ www.readwn.com ~ —

The golden rods fell from the sky, and they were severely knocked down. When a loud noise broke the bell, the spirit of the demon immediately rose to the sky and was compatible with the flesh.

And his physical body penetrated into the hole opened by the bell, grabbed Liu Daolou, uprooted the Liu Daolou, and the old voice laughed: "Ha ha ha ha, from now on, there is no life or death in hell. Rebirth, all beings can control their own destiny, without heaven and earth! "

The eighteen courts looked bleak, and the laughter did not fall. Suddenly, a deeper turbulent atmosphere turbulent in the deepest part of the government. A black palm flew out of the darkness and buckled above the big bell. Suddenly closed, severed that big furry claw.

The black hand held a big clock, and held his soul before his soul returned to the flesh.

"It's really wanton, and the demon monkey wants to turn the world upside down, and also wants to cover the earth?" A deep voice came from the deepest part of hell.

——Brothers, Happy New Year's Eve, house pigs are so tired, not much to say, rest. (To be continued.)

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