Rise of Humanity

Chapter 670: Hard Breakthrough Palace

Zhong Yue glanced at the goddess goddess next to her, and said, "It's very majestic to have this lady to follow, and Lord Geng's existence has been frightened into the desert and fled. I don't know when he meets the master of the prison realm, Zhao Zhen , Does he dare to shoot at me ... "

Outside of the ancient area of ​​Shenzang, a sacred bridge suppresses the black hole and connects the prison world heaven.

In the heavenly courts, the main body of the prison realm is large, surrounded by gods, closing their eyes to raise the gods.

Suddenly, the breath of the Lord of the Prison Realm was turbulent, and the gods surrounding him were also shaken up and down, one by one groaning, and some of them could not sit still, and could not help but be surprised.

King Tian looked to him, wondering: "Why is the master suddenly shaking his mind, and the $ 猪 $ 猪 $ 岛 $ 小说 (www). (Zhu) (zhu) (). () Is hard to hold on to?"

"My son is dead."

The grief on the face of the prison world sighed, his voice sighed, his voice was loud and loud, and he even trembled back and forth in the black hole: "My son was killed by a skeleton in the ancient region and died. Poor, I am seven thousand six With more than a hundred sons and daughters, only Watson is the one I love the most and the ability is the highest. Why did he die instead of other children? "

The prison master couldn't help crying and yelled, "I would rather use the other 7,600 sons and daughters to exchange his life, but I hate that skeleton did not give me this opportunity."

King Tian frowned, and said, "Who is so bold and dare to use Ling Lang? Tian Tian, ​​Tian Shi, if you observe the ancient area, you must search for that skeleton!"

Tian Tian Tian Shi was about to observe the ancient area. The prince of the prison realm sighed and said, "No need. Who this skeleton is, I already knew it. God has a pity, but I owe it to him, I must protect his life. , Not to be killed by the King of Heaven, who ever wanted to be a tiger, but killed my child's life. Needless to say, I can no longer let him go. "

King Bitian heard the words. My heart was stunned, and I was secretly pleased: "The skeleton said by the lord should be the human race Zhong Yue! This kid killed my prince Shi Yun. I had long wanted to kill him and vent his anger. How can the jie protect him. Now he killed the jie The Lord ’s beloved son is trying to escape! "

"Zuo Jinwu. You took my name and went to Hell's reincarnation, and asked to see the prison emperor, then you said that I asked him to do something, let my son reincarnate a good birth. In the next life, I want his son."

The master of the prison realm wrote the name 敕 and gave it to Zuo Jinwu, and wrote another name 敕, calling the right Jinwu. Road: "You took my name to Heaven, and asked to see the King of the Protoss, and said that I would like to ask him to be one or two, and to ask for the origin of the Protoss for my beloved son. If it can be achieved, the two are blood relatives. . "

Right Jinwu God will take over the famous prince, King Shang suddenly said: "King Zhen really values ​​the blood of the gods of the side. Although the face of the lord is great, it is difficult to keep the king ruling. God feels. You hold my Ming, come together. Lord of the world. Let's come together and want to come King Juzhen will give us a thin noodle. "

The prison master thanked him.

Although it is a bad thing to lose his beloved son, the superior can turn bad things into good things. If Fa Huasheng can be reincarnated in Jufang Protoss, he can also be related to Jufang Protoss.

The Jufang Protoss is one of the supreme protoss in the heavenly realm, which opens up this relationship. The benefits are endless.

And the reason why the king of heaven also came up with his name is to open up the relationship with him.

"How does the Lord intend to dispose of that skeleton?"

King Tian asked sideways: "If he is in the top ten, he needs to report to Emperor Jie, it will be difficult to move him."

The prison world said: "The ancient Tibetan area of ​​God is so sinister, one or two gas refiners are dead. Shouldn't it be too much?"

King Tian smiled: "Not too much."

The ancient Tibetan area of ​​God, the singing world.

Zhong Yue took Bai Canghai, Ma Sanshou, and the goddess maiden into the realm again, and immediately swam to the palace in the sea. It didn't take long before they came to the palace. Please enter the palace.

"This is where I rested."

The goddess goddess returned to her place of origin, and was a little excited when she heard the song that she left behind. She smiled to Qiu Yier and Jun Sixie, "You can find me here, it's because of me. Don't rush out either, I'll stay here to guide you for a few days. "

Qiu Er'er and Jun's thinking about evil is unknown, so they are a little confused.

Zhong Yue was so happy that he pulled the two aside and talked about the cause and effect. The two women were shocked and disturbed when they heard the origin of the goddess.

Zhong Yue laughed and said, "With her pointing you, she is a hundred times better than me. You will follow her for a period of time, and then your mother will take you away."

"Master, how about you?" Qiu Yier asked.

Zhong Yue laughed: "I want to compete with the heroes of the heavens. The top ten places must be obtained. So I can't stay here, but I need to go outside. I will be a strong person in prison!"

He has been in the bone world for seven or eight years. The number of stars on the soul card is not too much. It would be a bit reluctant to squeeze into the top ten, so he intends to continue to practice.

Qiu Linger and Jun Sixie must not be able to enter the top ten, and it is good to be able to save their lives. Therefore, he is required to break into the top ten and compete with strong players from all walks of life to get the opportunity to enter the Ziwei star field.

"Teacher is more careful." Jun Sixie instructed.

Zhong Yue nodded, leaving Ma Sanshou and Bai Canghai, and returned to the ancient area of ​​Shenzang.

"This time the prison world is a big comparison. It is necessary to open the kill ring to enter the top ten and get a place. There is no good class in the prison world, but there are many masters. I have to be careful to avoid capsized ships in the gutter."

Zhong Yue asked Ma Sanshou, and said, "You are familiar with the geography of the ancient Tibetan area of ​​God. Is there any dojo or something nearby?"

Ma Sanshou was startled, and quickly said: "Brother Xie Shen intends to attack the dojos of other gas refiners? This is absolutely necessary! Absolutely dangerous, no less than the encounter with Lord Geng and other strong men!"

Zhong Yue was surprised and said: "Are all the terrible existences like Lord Geng established the dojo?"

"That's not true."

Ma Sanshou cautiously said: "Often dozens of gas refiners in my prison realm work together to open up a dojo. The purpose is not only to get the chance inside, but also to enslave the lower realm and let the souls of the lower realm worship and worship. When attacked by powerful enemies, these gas refiners will gain the blood power of hundreds of millions of souls and blood sacrifices from the Nether! "

Zhong Yue Yiyi: "Blood offerings to the underworld?"


Ma Sanshou said: "How many creatures are there in the Nether? A blood sacrifice of tens of millions and millions will be more terrifying than the gods, and the strength will be comparable to that of the gods! If you sacrifice hundreds of millions of souls, that is God-like power! Want to attack the Dojo. Difficult! Brother Evil God, you can level off Lord Geng ’s dojo, mainly because Lord Geng is not there. Those gas refiners dare not sacrifice the blood sacrifice. If they are blood sacrifice sings, you would not be so Relaxed. "

Bai Canghai nodded and said, "I once followed a strong man, as if named Mingshan. The strength is very good, His Majesty has sixty or seventy followers. Mingshan led us to attack a dojo, and the gas refiner who defended the dojo The blood sacrifice of the spirits in the lower world killed us in a few strokes, and Mingshan was also killed. Only I escaped. It is said that that time, the Qiqi blood sacrifice 30 million souls. "

Ma Sanshou was startled: "Mingshan is dead?"

Bai Canghai nodded and sighed: "That was the fourth team I followed, after Mingshan died. There is no more gas refiner willing to join me ..."

Ma Sanshou's face was cloudy and uncertain: "Mingshan is a rising star in my prison world. I have heard several princes mention him and said that he is very likely to squeeze into the top ten of prison world. I did not expect ..."

Zhong Yue snorted and said indifferently: "The power obtained from the blood sacrifice is not the power that has been cultivated for thousands of years. After all, it's better to deal with other gas refiners. It's a bit reluctant to deal with me."

"Evil gods should not belittle the enemy!"

Ma Sanshou said quickly: "The life in the Nether is endless. Constant blood sacrifice at all times allows the Lord of the Dojo to possess God-like power at all times. The power is terrible. Forcing the Dojo to death is better than walking around. Look for some gas conquerors. "

Zhong Yue shook her head: "Where is there still a single scourgeman who is swaying in and out? Needless to say, take me to the nearest dojo, rest assured, I have my own share. If you get benefits in these dojos, it's all you. of."

Ma Sanshou had no choice but to lead the way.

After a few days, the three came outside a dojo, and saw the mountains rolling up and down like eight Wolongs. A palace stands in the middle of the eight Wolong Mountains, and looks far away like a dragon head.

However, it is quite strange that the palace seems to face the dragon head no matter from which direction.

"Qingfeng's dojo here, Qingfeng's strength, is no less than that of Mingshan. It is also a gas fighter who hopes to squeeze into the top ten."

Ma Sanshou said: "Brother Evil God, his dojo is called the Eight Dragon Overlord Palace. Each of the eight roads has its own restraint. There is a **** in the restraint matrix. It is a **** and demon born in the restraint. It needs to be fed. Only if they can pass, otherwise they will die in the forbidden formation. In order to get through this dojo, the gas refiner under Qingfeng's death was seriously injured. However, after he opened the palace of the Eight Dragons, he led the public to guard the place and heard that Uncle Ye also Wanting this dojo, leading the crowd to attack, and the result is also to come back. "

Inheritance of the amazing Shushu Ye from the past, with extremely high strength, is on par with Li Tianxing, Fa Huasheng, and Jun Wudao.

Qingfeng relied on this place, she could force Uncle Ye to retreat, indeed!

Zhong Yue thought for a moment, and said, "You stay here, I'll take a look."

He walked towards one of the canyons, and saw the steep cliffs on both sides of the channel, and the cliffs were covered by various totem patterns. ~ Www.readwn.com ~ The spirit was banned, and the evil spirit was born in the formation. However, if you pass through the canyon under the cliff, you will be extorted by these gods and begged for blood. If you do n’t give it, eat it directly.

In addition, these forbidden gods can't kill, and their appetites are large. One or two gas sacrifice sacrifice is not enough for them to eat. Therefore, they often have a heavy loss of life if they want to open up a dojo.

Unless the strength is really overbearing, it is possible to kill the past, but there are very few such gas refiners.

"Well, here's another delicious dish ... Well, it's actually a skeleton. Don't say three or two pieces of meat on your body, you can't even find a tendon!"

Suddenly a cliff goddess, unkempt face, indigo face, fangs exposed, rushed to Zhongyue, and laughed: "But I am planning to change my taste these days!"

He flew to mid-air, and suddenly two rays of light in Zhong Yue's eyes shot out, turning into a dragon and a dart. When the air was cut, the **** forbidden was cut off by the waist.

Dragon Scissors!

The **** forbidden shouted, his two body parts flew up, and he disappeared into the cliff. (To be continued.)

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