Rise of Humanity

Chapter 683: Afraid

The second woman looked a little foolish. The young man of Zhongshan was still like the big boy who had just left the ancestral star. His eyes were as bright as before, but the eyes were filled with vicissitudes and filled with sediment. Down wisdom.

Compared to the life span of a gas refiner, he is still a teenager, but after two hundred and sixty years, it is impossible to live without the wisdom that has settled down through the years.

Behind his head were six light wheels turning slowly. Pangu Shenren sat in one of them and opened six arms to support the six light wheels.

These six light wheels are composed of extremely complex totem textures. They are so small that they can only be seen from a distance, and countless light points form six light wheels.

{猪} 猪 岛 {小} said 3.zhu; a black and white streamer wafted behind his head, encircled the six reincarnations, passed over his shoulders, and came to his armpit, both ends of the streamer Waving behind.

Today's Zhongyue doesn't look like a world-wide gas-refiner, but looks like a high-level demon. Standing by the pool gives people a sense of lofty and vastness.

The second daughter came to him, and the three stood by the pool. Zhong Yue only felt that her mind was empty and there was an unprecedented calmness.

In today's society full of strife and intrigue, this feeling is too rare.

After 110 years of retreat, he finally built a six-course reincarnation avenue, retrieved his "previous life" physical body, and restored his "previous life" mana into recovery. The physical body and the skeleton were perfectly integrated into one.

Now his overall improvement is 30% higher than before the retreat, his strength has increased greatly, and he has improved a lot from the forward state, making him deeper in the true spirit.

But this is not the biggest gain. His greatest gain is the fusion of the accomplishments of the souls of the "previous life", and the semi-awakening of his innate true soul.

Although the innate true soul has not been fully awakened, he always has new insights. The new innate soul totem pattern came to his mind and turned into his own knowledge.

If the innate true soul is fully awakened, he will be much stronger than he is now. If the true soul is awakened and his soul is awakened by innate, it will be equivalent to the innate primitive god!

Primordial spirit includes spirit and soul. He has awakened both the sun and the moon, and he has cultivated to the innate, and then if he awakens the true innate soul, he will form a complete innate innate god, which is equivalent to one fifth of the innate god.

If the ability of the innate **** is divided according to the innate, in addition to the innate innate god, there are innate blood, innate flesh, innate air, and innate avenue. Only one-fifth.

And the innate blood, the innate flesh, the innate air, and the innate avenue are much more difficult to cultivate than the innate primal gods!

And even if all five are refined, they will not become true innate gods, because innate gods have no soul and body, and their bodies are both physical and primitive gods. If they cannot do this, they are not true innate gods. It's just close.

His breath is misty. Qiu Yier looked extremely gentle, just like a little sister next door. Jun Sixie has a kind of big sister-like demeanor. The three stood by the pool talking and laughing, just like a family.

In the past century, the people who have left the ancestral family have only three of them except Feng Xiaozhong. They can only depend on each other.

A few more days passed. Finally, it was time to leave. Zhong Yue contacted Bai Canghai and Ma Sanshou, and left Qiu Yuner and Jun Sixie together with the song.

"Sister-in-law, do you plan to leave too?" Zhong Yue asked.

The goddess laughed and said, "Even if you leave you, I will keep up. Although it is good here. But where is the outside world wonderful?"

Zhong Yue put down her heart, and there was a goddess maiden, even if the master of the prison realm was overbearing, he did not dare to make trouble.

Suddenly, the soul card began to glow, and all the refining men looked at the soul card in their hands, and saw countless totem patterns swirling and flying in the soul card, forming a pillar, forming a small teleportation array. The surface emerges, floating above the soul card.


The teleportation matrix on the Soul card suddenly started, but seeing a stream of teleportation light flow out of the ancient area of ​​Shenzang, flying towards the teleportation array at the end of the **** bridge.

Today there are still more than 7,000 gas refiners in the ancient area of ​​Shenzang, and 90% of them have died, but 90% of them have died, but the transmission optical flow formed by more than 7,000 gas refiners is still quite spectacular!

Zhong Yue looked at the soul card in his hand, revealing the color of doubt. All the soul cards of the gas refiners were glowing, and a small teleportation matrix emerged, but why did the soul card in his hand not move?

His face changed slightly, and he suddenly took out more than 2,000 soul cards from the soul cards. These soul cards were the soul cards that he had killed from other gas refiners and searched from the mysterious realm of those gas refiners.

I saw that these soul cards were also dull, and the eyes of the soul beasts on the soul cards showed a sarcastic look. The eyes of the soul beasts looked at him with the same sarcastic eyes.

Zhong Yue said secretly in his heart: "I killed Fa Huasheng, the son of the Lord of Prison Realm. These soul cards were all made by the Lord of Prison Realm and transmitted everyone, but he didn't teleport me. It seems that he wants me Stay in the ancient Tibetan area and deal with me personally! "

"Shi Shi!"

Qiu Linger screamed and was caught by the teleportation stream. Qiu Yuaner quickly scrambled to catch Zhong Yue, but was swept away by the teleportation stream and disappeared.

Jun Sixie, Bai Canghai, and Ma Sanshou were also engulfed by teleportation light, and sent to the sky. There was no time to take him away!

Just listening to the sound of 唰 唰 唰, all the gas refiners in the prison realm were sent away by the stream of light, and went towards the end of the bridge in the black hole. Only Zhong Yue remained in the ancient Tibetan area. .

"Why are you still here?"

The goddess goddess stood beside him, wondering, "Aren't you supposed to be teleported?"

Zhong Yue took a long breath and looked dignified. She said, "The world has come to kill me. Madam, I don't have the strength to leave the ancient area. Can I ask you for help?"

The goddess laughed and said, "How difficult is this?"

At this time, outside of the ancient Tibetan area of ​​God, in the prison realm of prison world, Fa Zhaozhen, the master of prison realm, suddenly shook his body. Many of the princes of prison realm were shaken out by him, and they fell to the ground, but they saw Fa Zhaozhen. Step forward, cross the black hole, and head towards the ancient Tibetan area of ​​God.

At the same time, the King of Heaven also shakes off His Eight Gods, moves with his feet, and walks with him toward the ancient Tibetan area of ​​God.

The remaining princes, the eight gods and the gods immediately joined forces to urge the court to resist the distortion and refinement of the black hole.

Today, more than 71,000 gas refiners have died in the prison world. These gas refiners are blood sacrifices to the heavens and earth in the ancient region, which greatly reduces the danger of the ancient region, thereby allowing the monk Fa Zhaozhen to dare to enter the ancient region. .

The ancient area is dangerous and unpredictable. More than 78,000 gas refiners cannot explore the opportunities and treasures in the ancient area and search for them. In fact, the treasures they found are only nine cattle and one hair. There are many more in the ancient area. Better treasures and chances are just too dangerous, and powerful men like Zhong Yue cannot pass through the dangerous.

The monk Fa Zhaozhen possesses such terrible strength, and now the danger is greatly reduced, so the two existences took the opportunity to enter the ancient area.

"And kill my beloved, how can I tolerate you?"

Fa Zhaozhen straddled a lot of space between the steps, entered the ancient area of ​​Shenzang, and walked towards the direction where Zhong Yue was. Zhong Yue also carried his soul card, no matter where he went, he couldn't hide his eyeliner.

Whether or not to transfer Zhong Yue depends purely on his mood, and now he is in a bad mood.

"Human race--"

Zhong Yue stood still, and suddenly a thick voice came from outside the sky. The sound rolled like a thunder, and it came in all directions, shaking the sky and the sky.

The terrible and mighty divine power descended from the sky, that is the power of the emperor, the majesty of the emperors of the gods, covering the earth and holding everything.

Suddenly, another mighty divine power descended from the sky, only listening to another voice and laughing: "Master, have you found the arrogant who killed Ling Lang?"

Zhong Yue looked up and saw the figures of two mighty shores coming in midair. The whole body was utterly light, and the glare of gold was hard to look at.

Zhong Yue has been regarded as the most advanced existence among gas refiners, but in the face of the coercion of the two emperors, he was almost crushed to his knees and had no resistance.

After all, the emperor and the emperor who are high above him, every move seems to conceal heavenly principles, raises his hands, and seems to conform to the avenue. Regardless of cultivation or realm, he must surpass Zhong Yue.

Fa Zhao Reality Lord and Heavenly King come together!

The breath of the two emperors spread all over the world, slowly walking down, and suddenly saw the goddess maiden beside Zhong Yue, both emperors were slightly surprised.

King Shang wondered: "Master, why didn't you teleport this woman?"

Fa Zhaozhen shook his head and said, "I have never seen her from the soul card, never. She should not be among the gas refiners in the prison world ..."

Suddenly, his face changed drastically, and he looked at the goddess goddess with a trembling body.

The King of Heaven also changed his face dramatically, taking a few hiccups.

The two emperors did not dare to move.

A congenital god!

There was even an innate **** in the ancient Tibetan area of ​​God!

The two emperors suddenly groaned ~ www.readwn.com ~ Only felt the terrible breath pressed against them, the breath was higher, more ethereal, stronger than the emperor, and concealed the innate way It's crushing.

There was a crackling crackling in the two emperors, and the flesh shrank rapidly. It didn't take long for the two emperors to be squeezed to be only three inches high, and stood there blankly.

"Master, King, do you have something?" Zhong Yue looked down at the two emperors and asked.

The two kings twisted their necks hard and shook their heads very slowly.

"Since nothing is wrong, then the junior has retired." Zhong Yue smiled.

The goddess **** moved slightly, took him to the sky, and turned into a streamer. Her breath still remained here, suppressing the two emperors hardly, leaving them almost still unable to move.

Here one year, one day outside, the two emperors stood here for a full year, and then they felt that the horrible premature weather disappeared, and they couldn't help but sweat and look at each other, they were both afraid. (To be continued.)

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