Rise of Humanity

Chapter 702: Wise Ghost Emperor

His voice had just fallen, and only the weird woman's voice laughed: "Appear? I have been standing by you and walking close to you, haven't you seen me?"

"Walk with me?"

Zhong Yue had a creepy feeling. She looked down at her feet and saw the imprisonment of Jun Sixie, Chi Xue and Qiu Linger. Then the three women and the cage gradually blurred and disappeared. The remaining shadow, a huge shadow .

There was a sound of breath in the back of his head, and a cold air blew across his neck.

Zhong Yue's body was stiff, and that weird woman was standing behind his back, trying to air-condition his neck!


"Do you know now?"

The weird voice behind rang again, giggling: "I've been standing behind you against you, you go and I go, you stop and I stop. The footsteps you hear are my footsteps, you The sight you see is my shadow. What you saw just now is the magical power hidden in my shadow that reflects the secrets of your heart. "

Zhong Yue's voice was hoarse and Shen said, "Why didn't you kill the killer directly and kill me?"

The voice grinned and said, "How can I be willing to kill you, my child? You are my beloved baby, my dear you are too late!"

Zhong Yue suddenly flew forward, suddenly straddling a few miles, and turned sharply, only to see a huge shadow coming forward, dancing and dancing, very strange, could not help but hesitated, "Baizi ghost mother?"

The giant giant who rushed to him had a big belly and was a woman with a big belly. Like a spider, she had long arms, a bare breasts, and a swollen belly, like a pregnant woman. His face was ugly.

There were faces on her stomach, and those faces were alive, still breathing, blinking, yawning, all manner of expressions. Some are teenagers, some are young girls, there are old men with gray hair, beautiful-looking women, and big-handed men, which are very weird.

Hundreds of ghosts mother!

Zhong Yue once saw the magical power of Baizi Guimu on the ancestor, which is the magical power of the ghost **** family. I never expected to see the prototype of magical power today!

The magical power of the Baizi Guimu of the Ghosts and Gods is based on her image!

This is a mother of hundreds of ghosts. Xiu is the ghost emperor of the imperial realm, the great **** of the ghost **** family!

When the mother of a hundred sons saw him turning around, he quickly stopped, covered his face, and giggled, "The son is too ugly, the son is too ugly! Mother is so ugly, you must not want to recognize me, Don't be afraid of your child. Come here obediently to your mother-in-law, who will put you back in your stomach. You will not see your mother's face! "

Zhong Yue's face sank, and Haha laughed, "Hundred sons and ghosts, don't pretend to be gods and ghosts. The faces on your stomach are the strong ones that you eat?"

"I am a ghost and a god. How can I pretend to be a ghost?"

Baizi Guimu still covered her face with a sleeve. Half of the scary face was exposed from the back of the sleeve, but the gesture was very gentle, the woman was very soft, and said softly: "As for them, they are originally mother-in-law's children. When you see me ugly, you don't want me, so my mother I want to put them back in my stomach, so that they won't leave my mother. Good boy, you must go to your mother's belly obediently, our two women should never be separated. "

Her voice was like the call of a loving mother. Unconsciously, you could hear that your mother-in-law was calling on you to go home, and God would know it without knowing it.

Zhong Yue's mind was hazy, as if she saw her deceased mother calling for herself, and was about to walk over. Suddenly she was shocked. She immediately thought about the Emperor, wiped out all ghosts, and suddenly felt in her head.

He opened his eyes and looked, and saw that his mother was in front of him, but a big **** mouth!

The ghost mother did not know when he appeared in front of him, and a huge mouth grew on the belly, covered with barbs, squeezing those faces on the belly aside, waiting for him to walk into the entrance by himself!

Zhong Yue quickly retreated and bowed down to worship, suddenly all the gods and demons emerged, standing on top of a demon Taiji altar, also bowed to worship!

All gods worship!


The ghost mother's body fell down and flew out of the shock, fell into the darkness, and screamed, "You hurt me, you hurt your brother and sister! You filial son, I will eat you, eat Drop! "

Her voice wandered around in the darkness, erratic, unable to recognize her position.

Zhong Yue's face was slightly heavier. Suddenly her neck flickered, and heads were born, facing in all directions, and arms under her armpits were drilled out.

"The ghost mother has a lot of strength, and she can still be full of gas after bearing my blow. It should not hurt much. If it really hits, I may not be her opponent."

Zhong Yue's footsteps moved, going deeper into the prison, her eyes flickered, and she said: "Her magical powers are strange and unpredictable, and she has no shadows and no traces. It is difficult to deal with ..."

He can't beat this ghost mother!

"Hehehe, my son, do you want to see your love?"

The ghost mother's laughter came again. This time, it actually passed from eight directions to Zhong Yue's ears at the same time. The original sound of the prison was suppressed, and she was able to vocalize from eight directions at the same time. Zhong Yue's expectations.

"I can show you guys."

The position of the ghost mother's voice is constantly increasing, this time from more than 50 positions!

Zhong Yue looked around, only to see the boundless darkness, the solitary bridge of light spread in the darkness, where the ghost mother couldn't see at all.

Then, the voice of the ghost mother came from hundreds of different directions, and laughed: "You beat your mother, your mother doesn't blame you, as long as you return to your mother's belly, your mother can make your love Be with you forever. Hehehehe ... "

Zhong Yue was unmoved, and then he saw Prince Geng's cage. A prison cage lit up in the darkness, and Lord Geng was imprisoned in a prison cage, clasped on a shelf, lying flat, his limbs and neck locked, and he was being divided by two little ghosts.

The two little ghosts held the big saw and creakedly pulled the saw, sawing him piece by piece.

Although Lord Geng was imprisoned in the cage where the Emperor and the Creator were, his strength was naturally not comparable to that of the Emperor and the Creator. These little ghost jailers could not help the Emperor and the Creator, but it was easy to deal with him.

Lord Geng has also been immortalized, and can be quickly restored even if it is sawn into pieces. But this heartbreaking pain is inevitable. And these two little ghosts have been sawing all the time and will not stop at all!

Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a face lay down in the darkness above his head, gradually emerged from the darkness, and grinned, "You really are a gangster."

Zhong Yue looked up and saw that this white and miserable face was familiar. It's a face on Ghost Mother's belly!

"Are you going to rebel?" Another face emerged from the light bridge in front and asked curiously.

"Why are you beating your mother? Your mother is angry!"

An old face emerged from behind him, and trembled, "You shameless, you can't stand upright!"

Around Zhong Yue, faces appeared from the darkness, surrounding him in the center.

The corners of Zhong Yue's eyes were beating. Some of these faces were gods, some were gods, true gods, and even two **** emperors!

He was surrounded by the faces of these strong men. I finally understand that the voice of the ghost mother just came from a hundred different directions. The ghost mother just spoke by the soul of these powerful men!

"Fortunately it's just faces, no body ..."

Zhong Yue just thought of it, and then saw one by one flickering flesh coming out of the darkness, as if just born, clean and slippery, without a ray, and even slimy amniotic fluid was flowing on his body. Seems to have just crawled out of the womb!

These walking bodies are invisible, and their faces are blank. Can't find eyes, ears, nose and tongue!

Then, the walking flesh leaned out their palms, grabbed each face, and stuck it to their blank faces. They squeezed their eyebrows and adjusted their mouth and nose positions. But still a little crooked.

They are the spirits of the powerful who were eaten by the ghost mother. The ghost mother gave birth to a flesh, and they settled in these flesh, got the body, and then took their own faces.

A demon roared. Roaring again and again, Zhong Yuefei flew from all directions, screaming: "You hurt your mother, those of us who are brothers and sisters, we must teach you and teach your mother!"

A three-legged, bi-winged god-man appeared on Zhong Yue's head, grabbed a big salamander, and six samsaras emerged on the cheeked face. He swaggered hard, and saw the flying gods, true gods, and mistresses suddenly screaming. Was included in the six souls!

A corpse plopped and fell from the air. Only the two gods and spirits were powerful and not taken away by the six souls.

At the same time, a three-legged, six-eyed god-man emerged from the top of his head, but it was the true spirit of the astral star toad that urged the mana to become an altar and rolled up the corpse together with the six souls Sent to the altar and sacrificed together.

The congenital Jinwu Zhenling drank together with the congenital star toad Zhenling, urging the altar, turning it into majestic energy, countless totem patterns flying around, forming a sharp pointed cone with two ends!

Mysterious way!

Behind Zhong Yue's head, a light wheel suddenly emerged and turned rapidly. The six reincarnation avenues shuttled between the six light wheels and surrounded the gods of Pangu, like a dragon walking.

Zhong Yue burst into drink, pushed out with both hands, and shook the magical powers of the two great emperors, chanting loudly: "Master Wang Geng, rest assured, I will save you!"


The attack of the two gods collided with his hands, Zhong Yue snorted, and backed away, shocked by various totem patterns in the body crackling, and the totem patterns that had been worked hard almost broke!

He opened the blood chakras, and the Yuanshen communicated with the physical blood, even bleeding like the physical!

The two **** emperors rushed again, Zhongyue Changxiao, struggling to counterattack, trying to maintain the power of Xuanqi broken road, and continued to grow the power of Xuanqi broken road.

A violent collision sound came. Zhong Yue was bruised all over, but always maintained the mysterious broken path, and his two innate spirits did not participate in the battle. Before Yue was killed, he completed the mysterious path and rescued King Geng!

The two emperors struck each other, Zhong Yuezheng, his injuries were getting worse and worse, but the mysterious path was finally completed.

There was a smile of relief on Zhong Yue's face, and Xuanqi's streamer went to the cage where Lord Geng was located!

"Master, my subordinates can finally rescue you ..."

Zhong Yue laughed, and put down his hands in the face of the two **** emperors, as if exhausted, ready to sit and wait.

The two emperors rushed fiercely, and at the same time, Xuanqi broke the road and went straight to the cage where Lord Geng was located. He had reached the light wall of the cage.

Suddenly, Xuanqi's broken path turned sharply, instead of shooting at the light wall, but above the prison cage!

Blood is shining!

The huge body of the ghost mother emerged from behind the prison cage ~ www.readwn.com ~ The chest was shot through a large hole by Xuanqi's broken path, and a sharp hissing noise came from the mouth, which was deafening!

"Ah ah ah--"

The cage in front of her disappeared like a water pattern, and it was no longer a cage to suppress Lord Geng, but her shadow!

The two emperors who rushed to Zhong Yue were dumb-minded and fell to the ground one after another. Zhong Yue's eyes **** with light, the two rays cut across, two heads fell to the ground, and then the congenital Jinwu Zhenling waved six souls. The emperor and the soul are captured!

"Ghost mother, you count me, why am I counting you?"

Zhong Yue laughed, walked towards the screaming ghost mother, and said coldly: "You are guarding against my killing tricks, so you use the prisoner of King Geng to induce me to show my killing tricks, and then I dare to kill I. But you have already performed this magical power in front of me, and if you use it again, it will be an opportunity for you to lose your life, and give me a good chance to wreck you! "

———— A chapter with more than 3,600 words! !! (To be continued.)

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