Rise of Humanity

Chapter 712: Emperor authority

Zhong Yue stared at the scene in the stream of light with wide eyes. The reason why he widened his eyes was mainly because he was afraid of tears, and his tears evaporated in the eye sockets.

The emperor of Fuxi's family is dead. The soul belongs to the Nether Realm, but now he descends from the Nether Realm and fights again!

After his death, he fought fiercely, welcoming powerful enemies with swords.

This spirit should be the spirit of Fuxi, right?

But this battle has been doomed from the beginning. Evil is powerful and boundless. His allies are countless, all of them are top-level gods and gather into a great power!

& n = pig = pig = island = fiction = www = zhuua =; their face is not visible, obviously they do not want to know their true identity.

They didn't dare to move before Tiandi died, but Tiandi died old, and they didn't have any fear.

The purpose of this battle was to stop Fu's nucleus and **** the emperor's body to be buried, which must be the most important existence of the emperor.

Killing them will make Fuxi's masterless for thousands of years, and inherit a huge fault!

The old Emperor Fuxi's Heavenly Emperor fought again. The former emperor was stunning for an era and suppressed it. He was the most powerful emperor in the entire earth age. He was the most powerful emperor in the world. He is the Fuxi.

But his physical body is old. Zhong Yue has seen many old gods and demons. When they are old, their spirits begin to lose, their mana begins to dissipate, and when they die, the avenue of refining will be returned to heaven and earth.

This is the death penalty.

The hero is late, let alone the hero is dead?

The combat power he gained by burning his soul was still not comparable to his peak moments.

Once the most powerful being ever returned to the world from death can't change the already doomed ending.

He is no longer Heaven Emperor, he is just an old man, an old soul.

No Fuxi backed up, no Fuxi escaped. Guarding the coffin of the emperor, fighting around the deceased emperor, a war **** of the Fuxi Protoss fell.

Zhong Yue couldn't bear to look at it anymore. It was his ancestors who were fighting and bleeding. It was the tribe's ancestors struggling for their future destiny.

at last. The battle ended, and the old emperor could not change the battle situation. In the end, the soul and spirit were completely burned and turned into a final blow.

His sword is amazing for years.

The existence of evil was severely hit, and the boundless shadow receded quickly, leaving as tide.

"At least it can stop you for a thousand years."

The deceased old emperor stood on his coffin, smirked the sword, and smiled. His flesh dissipated into spiritual light, and his soul dissipated into spiritual light. Even the sword in his hand was disintegrating and dissipating.

He will cease to exist.

"I hope that in the next millennium, my juniors will rise and turn the tide ..."

His body and soul had completely disappeared, and the emperor's coffin was shattered.

The last Emperor of Fuxi's family failed to return to the ancestral land of the Protoss to be buried.

The tears in Zhong Yue's eyes had dried up, standing sternly at the bow. Although the last Emperor of Fuxi's fought for thousands of years. But after thousands of years, there were no characters who turned the tide, and Fuxi's still fell.

Evil existence emerged from the head of the Pangu **** man in the first six realms. Taking advantage of the reincarnation of the great saint emperor, the blood sacrifice of the first six realms, let the era of the terrestrial era come to an end.

"Strange, why did it happen 100,000 years ago?" Shang Tianwang murmured.

The light flow of the Emperor's Road gradually became dim, and that ancient battleship also became mottled, and it seemed to be back in time.

This is a recurrence of 100,000 years ago when transmitting optical flow. It is the imprint in the optical flow. Just now the imprint didn't know why it broke out, so they made them mistakenly think that they went back to 100,000 years ago and experienced the war.

Now that the light flow has disappeared, the scene of nature has also disappeared.

"Look. Look!"

The eyes of the gods in the eight gods will suddenly startled: "What's there!"

Everyone looked at it, and saw that there was a ray of light in the transmitted optical flow that was about to completely dissipate, and it was still bright and dazzling.

"what is that?"

Everyone looked at it, even the King of Heaven tried hard to widen his eyes, trying to see what was in the light.

It's just that the light is really peculiar. Even his **** emperor can't see it clearly, and although the heavenly eyes will win the power of the Six Realms, he can't see the light.

But everyone can see that the light is flowing, and it is moving to this side, because the light was only a little bit at first, but now it looks much larger.

Feeling awful, Shang Tianwang hurriedly exclaimed: "Set sail, set sail soon! Get out of here!"

Many heavenly demons on the fleet hurriedly urged a building ship to sail outwards.

Behind them, the light grew brighter and brighter, and the light shone, and their bodies seemed to be transparent.

Not only their bodies appear transparent, even the floor boat under their feet looks like a transparent hull!

Even when they looked at their bodies, they saw countless particles, strange particles, not only their physical bodies, but even their primitive gods, as well as their mana.

Together with the floor boat under their feet, it seems to be decomposed into countless finest particles!

Even the King of Heaven could not help but be shocked. His Yuan Shen, flesh, and imperial soldiers were shone by that light, and they showed the most subtle forms!

He couldn't help but develop a great sense of fear, and hissed, "It's the aftermath of the sword!"

It was the last sword of Emperor Fuxi, known as the sword that shattered everything. Its magical powers were stunning. If it was caught up with the aftermath of this sword's magical power, I am afraid that all of them will completely disintegrate and completely crush!

The King of Heaven roared, shaking all mana, urging the building ship to gallop, swept away, and fled away. But his efforts seemed futile, and the light behind them was faster. After a short time to breathe, the light came behind them.

The light was so bright that everyone saw nothing in front of them, and could not see anything. Everyone just felt as if they had broken down into the smallest particles.

The huge ball of light drowned all the fleets of buildings and ships, and the world was quiet.

Dead silence.

Suddenly, the light disappeared, and the ship fleet reappeared. Everyone on the ship was blank. Gradually, some gods were breathing heavily, some gods were paralyzed, some gods were There was a feeling of trembling to escape.

King Tian's legs were trembling, trying to speak, but his throat was dumb, and he could not say anything. His primordial spirit was also shuddering.

Others are like this too, terrible, the light just now is terrible.

Zhong Yue was also very worried, and suddenly, he felt something more in his meta-mystery.


Zhong Yue Yuan was throbbing and trembled and said, "Salary, that light ..."

Salary entered his mysterious realm. In the secret realm of Dao Yi, he saw the group of light that had just chased them quietly floating on the side of Pangu **** man in Zhongyue.

"In this light, it seems like ..."

He looked up and down, wondering: "A sword hilt!"

Inside the light, there is the hilt of a magic sword. There is only the handle and no sword body. The shocking light is emitted from the hilt. It is this hilt that scares the thousands of gods and scares them.

"Sword hilt?"

Zhong Yue wondered, looking inward at the light group, and suddenly her heart shook slightly, she lost her voice: "This sword hilt, is it ..."

"That sword."

Yuhuo nodded and turned up and down around the hilt of the sword, saying: "The Divine Sword of the Old Emperor did not completely disintegrate, leaving the hilt. It must be that the hilt of this sword sensed the blood of Fuxi, so after chasing it, it will You scared the spirits to jump out. Fuxi, it seems that it is really only you and your life. "

He was a little sad and whispered: "Otherwise it would not be possible for you to pass this emperor's way for 100,000 years ..."

The hilt of the Emperor Sword has remained here, waiting for Fuxi to pass, but this class is 100,000 years, it did not wait for any Fuxi. Only today, Zhong Yue passed by here by boat, and then it felt the blood of Fu Xi and flew in.

Although the Emperor Sword only had the hilt, Wei Neng was also a shocking thing. When it flew out of the Emperor Road, it caused the imprint in the Emperor Road, so there was the scene seen by Zhong Yue and others.

"The reason why this hilt chooses you is probably because you are the only Fuxi passing by here." Salary said.

The only Fuxi.

Zhong Yue's heart is heavy. He is the only Fuxi who has passed through the place for 100,000 years. Sadly, his Fuxi has not been fully awakened by blood, and he has only awakened by thirty-five.

"Although this sword has only the hilt, it cannot be underestimated. After all, it is the sabre of the emperor who created the six reincarnations, which symbolizes the highest divine power of the Fuxi Protoss."

Salary Road: "The sword handle of Emperor Fuxi Tiandi fell into your hands, and I don't know if it is good or bad for you."

This is the authority of the Emperor of Heaven. The authority was granted to Zhong Yue. From the point of view of the fire, there is a lot of meaning in it, but at the same time for Zhong Yue, he is afraid that the burden will increase and the danger will increase.

He did not regard Zhong Yue as a true inheritor. After all, Zhong Yue was not a pure Fuxi ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he regarded Zhong Yue as his friend, so he could not bear to watch Zhong Yue carry this burden.

"Perhaps the sword hilt should be thrown away," Sui Huo suddenly said.

Zhong Yue shook her head and could not throw it away. This is the relic left by the last Emperor Fuxi, how can you throw it away?

This hilt is a gift from the deceased emperor. Since he chose him, he must keep it!

He suddenly had an urge to cry. The old keeper Fengshang chose the next keeper. He did not choose him. He chose Jun Sixie. The emperor who lived in Ziwei Star Field chose the next emperor. He did not choose him. He chose Gongsun Xuanyuan.

He did not choose him as a successor, but still stubbornly waited for a pure blood Fuxi.

And now, this sword with only hilt left him!

He has a feeling of being identified, a sense of being identified by his own race, and a feeling of satisfaction in his heart.

"Fu Xi ... I'm Fu Xi!" He looked up, showing a bright smile. (To be continued.)

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