Rise of Humanity

Chapter 754: Fire

Yi Wanjun moved forward with the lantern. There seemed to be no division between heaven and earth, no concept of four o'clock, no time flowing, no sound, light, color, and only the copper lamp in her hand could illuminate a short distance.

Here is empty.

Completely empty, nothing.

"Where exactly are we?"

She walked forward, not knowing how far the darkness was, or the end, and not seeing any other light.

Yi Wanjun is a stubborn temper, who believes that one direction keeps moving forward, thinking that he can come to an end sooner or later.

I don't know how long she has been away, only that time seems to have no meaning here, whether it is months or years, it can't be counted at all. There was a kind of fear in her heart, what if the darkness never ended?

She panicked in her heart. The darkness really looked like it would never end. Now she can only go on.

There seems to be endless monsters lurking in the darkness, waiting for the opportunity to move, she can feel those monsters, extremely scary and terrible, but fortunately, she has this copper lamp in her hands, those things in the dark are always approaching, light One shot turned into a shadow.

It's like a nightmare, with a twist like a dream.

She almost collapsed as she walked, and at this moment she heard a familiar voice, which was the blade whistle, and the clear whistle of Zhong Yue's mouth.

She was shocked, and quickly followed the voice, and the sound of the sword became clearer and clearer.

She ran forward, followed by the sound of a knife for months, and then saw a shocking scene.

She saw the light, alone, with a knife.

It is not so much a man as a God, because he has a God-like perfect body. Fu Xi's true body is flawless, showing an incomparable beauty between movement and silence, as if born in harmony with the road.

There is magic in his sword. The sword and the Tao are combined, and the magical powers shown are like the avenues of heaven and earth being cut off. Perfect and impeccable.

Yi Wanjun has never seen such a subtle and so profound magical power, can not help but feel a little confused, that perfect existence is as great as the emperor, generally unparalleled, or Zhongyue?

"That's not Zhong Yue."

The copper lamp in her hand made a sound, saying: "It should be the spirit in the sword, and the spirit of the last generation of Fuxi Tiandi entered Zhong Yue's body. The magical power he exerted is an emperor-level magical power, even stronger!"

Yuanhuo's vision far surpassed Yi Wanjun. Naturally, Zhong Yue was in a wrong state at this moment, just like the revival of an emperor in ancient times, confronting evil.

The evil existence made a great curse, cursing future generations Fu Xi and unlocking the blood seal, he will return to his soul 100,000 years ago and meet with him, thereby severing all future generations Fu and human race hope.

If there is Fuxi in later generations, unsealing the blood seal. Even an incomparable wizard can encounter evil and be wiped out by him. In this way, when one awakens one dead, the Fuxi Protoss will wither, and the blood seal will deepen, and the human race will not be able to awaken the blood.

The current Zhong Yue is exactly back to 100,000 years ago. In a certain time and space, he encountered the evil existence that made a great curse 100,000 years ago.

What really worries Yi Wanjun is not Zhong Yue, but the boundless darkness. It's the darkness they walked through.

Only now did Yi Wanjun see the true colors of darkness. The place where they were walking was not empty. Not empty, but a pure black wheel.

Cycle of reincarnation.

It was a huge six reincarnation. It is a projection of the power of the meta-mysterious existence of horror. They just walked in the huge light wheel behind that evil existence!

What a terrible scene?

What is the existence of the projection of the power of the Yuan God, so dark, without even a trace of light?

She opened her eyes wide, but she could not see the evil existence, she could not see anything, she could only see the black robe reflected in the light of the sword, and the six pure black light wheels turning slowly.

Yi Wanjun left this big horror behind, still a little confused, and said, "Heavenly Emperor? Does Zhong Yue have a past life, and he is a emperor in the past life?"


Salary shook his head, sighed, and some shouted, "That was the last generation of Emperor Fuxi, who came from 100,000 years ago with the help of his flesh."

"Sword hilt?" Yi Wanjun said suddenly, where is there any hilt?

The handle of the congenital magic knife in Zhong Yue's hand was the exquisite sword handle of the last generation of Fuxi Tiandi. She didn't know this, so she was a little confused.

For Yi Wanjun, it was difficult to understand it back to 100,000 years ago, and then the hilt, sword spirit, and spirit of Tiandi ’s divine sword appeared, which was even more difficult to understand, beyond her cognition. .

The concept of time and space involved here is obscure.

But for the fire, it is not difficult. The last emperor of Fuxi's family died 100,000 years ago. The gods of war of Fuxi escorted the Lingxi Emperor's coffin to the ancestor for burial. On the way, they encountered an evil existence and the ambush of their party As the Emperor's soul descended from the void, into the dead body of the Lord, the evil existed and he was forced to dormant for thousands of years.

Thousands of years later, the emperor of the first six realms reincarnate. The great saint emperor crashed, and the evil existed. After the wound was healed, the customs were destroyed. The six reincarnation of the first six realms was destroyed. All life in one of the blood sacrifices became a curse. The bloodline of the Fuxi Protoss in the universe, and leaving behind the great curse of "If the seal is released, the soul sees me", in order to kill all the Fuxis that have risen in future generations.

In the ambush battle thousands of years ago, the soul of Emperor Fuxi should also hide two hands. The first hand is to create an evil existence, to fight for thousands of years for Fuxi, and the second hand is to deal with the millennium with great aspirations. Big curse.

He should have anticipated the scene after the millennium, and foresee the scene where the bloodline of Fuxi was cursed by the seal after the millennium, so this big aspiration should be the Fuxi who has the authority of the Emperor of Heaven. When encountering the great curse, the sword handle will take him The remnant encounters evil again.

The sword handle obtained by Zhong Yue, the authority of that emperor, was the tool to touch the great aspirations.

This is not the confrontation between Zhong Yue and the existence of evil, but the renewed confrontation between the two existences that crossed the 100,000-year time gap!

This is the confrontation between the big curse wish and the big grand wish!

It is a late emperor who confronts the emperor who is still alive in the world. From the battle of 100,000 years ago, it has been pushed back for a thousand years!

"The spirit of Emperor Fuxi is afraid that it will not last long."

In the bronze lamp, the pay fire looked far away. This was an imperial battle. It was terrible. The blade of light reflected all darkness, but it could not completely cut off the darkness.

Following this trend, the remnant of the Heavenly Emperor will inevitably die and die completely, and Zhong Yue will be beheaded and killed, and no longer exist!

"It's not fair, it's not fair ..." Salary murmured.

This battle is indeed extremely unfair. It was just as unfair as the emperor battle that happened 100,000 years ago. In that emperor battle, the soul of the last generation of Fuxi Emperor lived in the dead body, and this battle was before the death of the Emperor's soul. The great wish issued by the moment of weakness of ours to confront the restored evil existence with a weak soul!

The result of this battle was actually doomed in the emperor war a thousand years ago. In the emperor war a thousand years ago, although Fuxi Tiantian wounded the evil existence, he also dissipated his soul and ceased to exist.

"But at the last moment of that battle he won, and the evil existence retreated."

Salary murmured: "In the war he destroyed the existence of evil. If his soul dies here, he cannot destroy the existence of evil and force the existence of evil to retreat. Something must have happened, let him win, let Zhong Yue Back to the world in 100,000 years ... "

The situation is getting more and more critical. The darkness has overwhelmed the shadow of the sword, and even the congenital sword cannot reflect anything, it can only reflect the boundless darkness.

The defeat has been set.

How amazing the vision of Xuanhuo was, seeing that the spirits of Zhongyue and Tiandi were bound to perish, and there was no second possibility.

"What dispelled evil and darkness, and brought the remnant of Heavenly Emperor back to the war thousands of years ago, and destroyed evil and darkness?"

The fire is also at a loss, and the situation is getting more and more dangerous. The spirits of Zhong Yue and Tiandi may be completely drowned by the darkness at any time and completely devoured.

Suddenly, Yi Wanjun only felt that the copper lamp in his hand was getting brighter and brighter, and only listened to the sound of the copper lamp in a nightmare low voice: "I know, I know, it's me ..."

Salary whispered: "I helped Zhong Yue and the spirit of Heaven Emperor defeat the evil, and it was I who burned all the kerosene to help them through this disaster ..."

The lights are getting brighter and brighter, Yi Wanjun just feels that the copper lamps in his hands are thousands of times brighter than the billions of suns combined. She seems to hear a universe among the copper lamps roaring, singing, and burning !!

The lights are constantly increasing, and the light is constantly improving. The boundless divine light is flowing in all directions like a tide, dissipating the darkness and illuminating time and space!

"I know, why this little girl jumped in without any hesitation ~ www.readwn.com ~ Jump to 100,000 years ago ..."

The voice in the copper lamp murmured, "I know what it means to be here ..."

"The emperor of the Fire Age created me, and asked me to pass on his spirit, what he learned, and I was his salary. I searched for his descendants from generation to generation, and passed on his spirit and what he learned. Go down. "

"Now the Emperor's race is gone, and the Fuxi's race will be gone. In order to leave a Fuxi, maybe I should go out of it."

The flames, like a galaxy galaxy exploding with all its energy, are the galaxy burning its soul.

How dazzling, how strong?

At the moment when the light was most blazing, all darkness was dispelled, leaving only the evil existence reflected by the knife light, and the light of the fire reflected the face of the darkness.

There was a look of misery and horror on his face.

Daoguang cut off. (To be continued.) For mobile phone users, please visit http: // m.

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