Rise of Humanity

Chapter 757: Pong thigh

Finally, on this day, the Tianyuan reincarnation mirror was teleported to the heavenly realm of the Six Road Realm of Tuoshan. Zhong Yue and others flew out of the Tianyuan reincarnation mirror, recording Tianwang and other emperors Tianyun and the eighteen emperor. They were finally excited. Meet!

The Emperor Qianshan and others immediately took out the totem **** column and tried to contact Lord Geng, while Zhong Yue silently changed his appearance and bloodline to become a gas refiner of the Bifang Protoss, so as not to be seen through his true identity.

It didn't take long for Qianshan Emperor to show his joy and said, "The Lord is really in the heavens, and he is regarded as a guest by the emperor of Tuoshan Six Roads!"

The King of Records was relieved and laughed: "The emperor of the six kingdoms of Tuoshan is called the Emperor Changming. It is a very powerful existence. Although the mountains are not exposed, the strength is extremely terrible. He and the cloud! Pig! Pig! Island! Novel. Zuzudo. The emperor of the mountain world is hostile, and the kindness to treat the grandfather definitely also wants to support the king and the emperor of the mountain.

"Master Zhong, Lord Geng is already here. We can meet him as long as we wait here for a while."

The eighteen emperors of Tianyun also changed their appearances. From the appearance and momentum, they are just ordinary demon. They must follow Zhongyue to leave the prestige Liudaojie for a long time, and it is estimated that they will be seen by the emperor Yunshan. The Emperor Yunshan must have speculated that Zhong Yue had taken them away.

So changing your appearance is a safe move.

Not long after, the teleportation flashed and saw the divine light overflow. A young demon stepped out of the teleportation, glanced around, and fell on the King of Record, etc., and couldn't help but be shocked and happy, and hurried up Come here.

This young demon is exactly Lord Geng. He is very familiar with the King of Records and others, even if they change their appearance and recognize it at a glance.


Lord Geng suddenly bowed down to Zhong Yue, and Zhong Yue quickly kicked him up and laughed, "How do you recognize me at a glance?"

"I asked the eighteenth emperor Tianyun to follow my elder brother. Now that they are here, the elder brother is naturally around them."

Lord Geng looked at Yi Wanjun. Haha laughed: "And I also know that my brother will never dress as a woman. Not to mention that since Jun Wudao follows you, then it is only possible that you are my brother!"

He glanced around and saw that the teleportation array was located in a holy city in the sacred place in the heavens. The gods and qiqis were coming and going, shaking his head and saying, "It is not convenient to speak here. We return to my mansion. "

The crowds entered the teleportation circle again, and it didn't take long for them to go to another sacred mountain on the mountain. Zhong Yue looked around and saw that it was a camp of gods and demons. Many gods were training, about 300,000 gods. , Formed a front to fight each other, strong soldiers and strong horses.

"The Emperor of the Changming Realm valued me, and I was discovered by him as soon as he came here. After I became a god, he was the governor of the heavenly navy master, and was in charge of the 300,000 demon army of the navy master."

Lord Geng led the crowd to the large account of the army, and said, "The princes of all the sailors listened to my lord's orders. I did not decline this priesthood. The emperor Changming wanted to use me to deal with the emperor Yunshan. I also We must borrow him to start a fight with Yunshan. "

Zhong Yue shook her body and recovered her body, and everyone took their seats. King Tian recorded with a smile: "Prince Geng was originally the left arm and right arm of the emperor, and was good at uniting the army to fight. The emperor Changming used you as a sailor's governor or a dagger."

Lord Geng shook his head and was about to speak. Suddenly a voice came from outside his account and laughed: "Master Geng, you really are a talent for military training. It's only been a few years of hard work. You will rectify the sailor to be refreshing. I have no use. You are wrong! "

Lord Geng's face changed slightly, and the spirit fluctuated. Zhong Yue said, "The emperor of Changming has arrived!"

Zhong Yue shook her body, changed her face again, and reversed her blood. But at this moment, I saw the big account shaking, the space shaking, a giant stepped into the army's big account, and laughed: "Master Geng, are you still a distinguished guest? These are the eighteen emperors of Tianyun? "

Zhong Yue didn't have time to escape, and met the giant, both of them were slightly surprised.

Lord Geng's face also changed slightly, and his heart was uneasy. Although Zhong Yue changed his face and blood, it was not known whether he could hide it from the Emperor Changming!

After all, this is a creator.

This giant is indeed a magician with unique eyes. There is only one huge eye in his face, and the glare in his eyes is like a torch. When he glances at it, there is a crackling noise in Zhong Yue's body.

Zhong Yue was also inexplicably shocked, staring blankly at this Emperor Changming.

They have seen each other. Among the lighthouses, the giant used his one-eyed eye to see the way for him, dragged him into the lighthouse, and teleported him, erasing the traces of teleportation!

He is one of the reincarnated Fuxi who attacked the six realms of Polo!

One hundred thousand years ago!

He said so at the time.

Zhong Yue never expected that the giant who rescued himself would actually be the emperor of the Six Road Realm of Tuoshan!

"If he is the emperor of Changming Realm, what will be the existence of other rescue me?" Zhong Yue's heart vibrated, secretly.

The eyes of the two met, the only eyebrow of the giant frowned, looked at Lord Geng, and looked at the Eighteenth Emperor Tianyun, silent.

Zhong Yue was also silent. Lord Geng and the eighteenth emperor of Tianyun were sweating on the forehead, and their hearts were extremely tense. The Emperor Changming discovered the true identity of Zhong Yue, afraid that he would kill the killer and kill Zhong Yue!

With the strength of this Emperor Creator, none of them is an opponent!

"The emperor doesn't have to kill his heart."

Zhong Yue suddenly said: "I and Lord Geng worshiped each other and became brothers of different surnames. He already knew that I was Fu Xi and would not betray me, and the emperor did not need to kill the killer."

Both Lord Geng and the Eighteenth Emperor Tianyun were dumbfounded, staring at Zhong Yue dumbfounded, some unbelievable what they heard.

Zhong Yue even told the Emperor Changming not to kill them?

Shouldn't the Emperor Changming kill Zhong Yue first? Why did they kill Zhong Yue instead?

"So it is."

The Emperor Changming nodded slowly and said, "I didn't expect to meet you again so soon. What are your plans? Running around like you is not a thing, I can see you through, and other emperors can also See you through. "

Zhong Yue Zhan Yan smiled and said, "I'm going to visit Lei Ze, pass the ceremony, and become a god."

Emperor Changming nodded and said, "Be careful all the way."

He turned off directly.

The meaning of this sentence was that he did not want Zhong Yue to stay here, and hurried Zhong Yue to Lei Ze.

Zhong Yue had no choice but to take Yi Wanjun's hand out of the army's large account and head straight for the teleportation array.

In the large account of the army, the emperor Changming was sitting on the general seat, and the one eye at the center of his eyebrow was slowly closed. His fingers gently touched the throne armrests, tuk, tuk, tuk, and the account was silent, and no one spoke.

The inside of the big account was very quiet. There was only the sound of a tuk-tuk's percussion. This sound seemed to percussion on the hearts of Lord Geng and the Eighteenth Emperor Tianyun. Every time they struck, their blood trembled suddenly, it seemed As long as the Emperor Changming struck a little harder, their hearts would be shattered!

"Fu Xi told me not to kill you, but I may not listen to his words."

After a long time, the Emperor Changming opened his mouth slowly, but he still closed his eyes and did not open: "He is not secure enough. He thought he would not betray his brothers. Hey, in this six era, let alone worship the brothers. Brothers will betray ... "

There was irony in his voice, obviously remembering the old things, thunder and thunder in the big tent, the situation was swaying, it was really wind and rain, and it was erratic.

He is the creator. When he thinks about the creation, his mood changes, and the horoscope also changes. The wind and rain in this account is obviously the vision that caused him to remember the past.

Lord Geng said suddenly, "Your Majesty, if my brother is going to get into trouble, why is he alone?"

Emperor Changming Xu Xu said: "You go on."

Lord Geng said in a deep voice: "You killed us, killed his brother, who else dares to trust him and associate with him? What forces does he have to fight against the world? Is it just you?"

The stroke stopped, and the emperor Changming never opened his eyes. Tianyun Eighteen Emperor was uneasy. Just now the emperor Changming closed his one eye because he had not yet made a decision on whether to kill them. Just open his eyes, Open your eyes and kill, kill them all!

Now why does the Emperor Changming still not open his eyes?

If he opened his eyes, did he kill them or let them go?

At this moment, suddenly footsteps came from outside the account, and only heard the voice of Zhong Yue, he turned back and laughed: "I forgot to say, Lord Geng is my brother. Lord Geng, don't send me away, leave. "

His footsteps went further, and the one eye of the Emperor Changming slowly opened up, and he got up and walked out of the account, saying, "Fu Xi takes you very seriously, so come back to protect your life, don't make yourself wrong. Dear ones who died in my hands Brothers are not in the minority, if you betray your brothers in the future ... "

Both Lord Geng and the Eighteenth Emperor Tianyun were relieved, and looked at each other with fear.

Suddenly, Lord Geng couldn't help crying, and laughed aloud: "At that time, he asked me to worship, and I thought it was his dead skin and embarrassment that haunted me ~ www.readwn.com ~ Now it seems that I am by him Thigh! "

He didn't know what it was like. He obviously wanted to take care of Zhong Yue, but was repeatedly taken care of by Zhong Yue, and it seems that the Emperor Changming also seems to be Zhong Yue's power. This feeling of being close to the thigh is cool, but also cool. Frightened.

"Brothers, how did your eyes heal?" Lord Geng asked.

"It's also Lord Zhong Zhong's shot that lifted the seal for us." Lu Tianwang said.

Lord Geng's eyes widened, and after a long time, he sighed, "I'm convinced that I've taken it ..."

Lei Ze star field, the sky suddenly shook, four evil spirit gods pulled a Baodi out of the void, rushed into the real world from Hell's reincarnation, and entered the Lei Ze star field.

Zhong Yue took Yi Wanjun out of Baodi, and said loudly: "Fu Xi's Zhong Yue, come and cross Lei Ze, complete the unfinished adult ceremony, and please the patriarch to complete!"

———— Sorry, there was something wrong with the automatic reply of the WeChat public account. The house pig has forgotten the related keywords. It was discovered only by a book friend's reminder. Now it has been fixed. (To be continued.)

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