Rise of Humanity

Chapter 814: Cave house

Yin Yunkang nodded and went quickly. Yin Kang's is trapped in Tianhe, living in the continent of Tianhe, and there is too little contact with the outside world. Women in the clan are often married to men of the same race, and rarely to foreign races. Even if they marry a foreigner, they often go to Yin Kangshi.

After all, Yin Kangshi was cursed by the Emperor Tianyuan. If the people of the clan landed, their feet would turn into fishtails, and it would be difficult to move. Moreover, there is a ban on the Emperor Heavenly Emperor. Landing of Yin Kangshi is strictly prohibited. Therefore, even foreign races are very rare, and no one wants to be trapped in Tianhe Island forever.

It took a long time for Zhong Yue to unravel the blood seal for Yin Xuan Xuan. I am afraid that it would spread to Yin Kang's family. If Yin Xuan Xuan was married to the same family, it would be difficult, and his wife ’s legs were “played” in public for so long. I know that there will be some mustard in my heart.

Zhong Yue followed Yin Fukang to Yinkang's Holy Land, looked around, and was amazed. Although the Yinkang family is said to be the bottom of the twenty-four emperors, it still has the vision of the emperors. This sacred place is not inferior to the Ancestral Palace and Li Lu's, and the weather is extraordinary.

Looking out from the Tianhe Continent, the stars surround the Tianhe Continent. From time to time, big stars flow from the sky, bright and extremely bright, but it is a rare sacred scene.

Yin Kangshi is full of lights and beams, and the host Yinfu Kang puts on the feast. Please invite many old monsters of Yin Kangshi who have not been able to retreat. Among them, there are even creators and emperors. All of them are old ancestors. Characters!

Coupled with the God of the twenty-one heavens of the Yin Kangshi, it can be said that all the strong were shocked. Attending this grand event was extremely grand.

Anyone who can become the God of the heavens is also the creator's cultivation. He controls the six reincarnations and has great strength. As for the Demon Emperor and Demon Hou, there are even more countless.

Zhong Yue was the protagonist of the event. A demon and the emperor stepped forward to toast and filled him with dizziness. Yuan Shen is also a little stunned. Then, the gods of the various heavens came forward, turned and drank wine, and then the old monsters went on horses, and then Yin Fukang's 100,000 children went out to drank.

Yinkang's wine is also a bit weird. God-like man like him, let alone drink. Even if you drink a vast expanse of ocean into your stomach, there is a place to put it, but Yinkang's fine wine can penetrate into the body and stimulate blood. Invade the various secret realms of the Primordial God and affect the mind.

Zhong Yue was so drunk. I feel like my Yuanshen is not my own. Legs, feet, mouth, eyes, and ears seem to be detached from the body, like riding a horse that is crooked.

In the drunk, I saw the return of Yin Xuan. The beauty became more and more beautiful, and Zhong Yue and those monsters, the emperor, the Lord, and the old monsters were pouring Yin and Xuan wine again. Zhong Yue heard his own laughter coming from a very far distance, and heard those laughter of those who came from the Devil, the Demon Emperor, and so on.

In the Holy Land, everyone drank wine. Songs and dances, laughed into the clouds, shocked the sky, but Yin Xuan Xuan left a heart, did not drink more, just a little drunk.

"Aunt, it's time to change the suit." Several old ladies stepped forward, holding Zhong Yue.

"What?" Zhong Yue couldn't hear clearly.

"Auntie, it's time to change my clothes, and Liang Chen is here."

The old ladies shouted, "We are about to worship!"

"Baitang 喽!" Zhong Yue laughed with Yin 燔 Xuan ha ha.

Yin Xuan Xuan's face changed slightly, she was completely drunk, and quickly broke away from him, asking, "Where is the bride?"

The old ladies laughed: "Congratulations, Miss, Congratulations. Miss, please come with us, put on new clothes, and let us also have some joy!"

Yin Xuan Xuan was startled, and fled outwards as soon as the footwork moved. The host Yin Fu Kang laughed and said, "Take my daughter down!"

As soon as Yin Xuan Xuan flew up, she saw all the ropes coming in, tied her in the air, fell down, and was erected by several old men to change her clothes.

"Dad, he and I haven't known each other for a long time, I'm not familiar at all!" Yin Yunxuan exclaimed.

Yin Fu Kang Haha laughed: "All my legs have been touched!"

Zhong Yue stood next to Yin Fukang, hooked her right hand around the owner's neck, and laughed, "Touch!"

"I am your father-in-law.

Yin Fukang commanded: "Come on, put on a suit for the bridegroom officer!"

"Father-in-law!" Zhong Yue laughed with squinting eyes and was put off.

Not long after, Zhong Yue was put on a wedding dress, wearing a red hat of the groom, a red flower on her chest, and came to the church with joy. On the other side, Yin Xuan was also thrown out of a big red, still **** and struggling may not.

"Baitang, Baitang!" Everyone laughed.

"Aunt, we are getting married!" The old lady next to Zhong Yue cried.

Zhong Yue said, "What?"

"It's time to get married and get married!" The old uncle cried.

"I'm getting married!" Zhong Yue laughed loudly to Yin Yinxuan.

Yin Xuan Xuan was half dead, and the two were dragged to the hall. One was reluctant to be half drunk, and went to the court to get married. The devil of Yin Kang's laughed and went forward to the road and laughed. like.

"Into the cave room!" Many demon laughed.

Zhong Yue laughed, "Go to the cave!"

The two were put into a new house. The new house was lit with lights everywhere, and it was very festive. The incense burner in the hall was warming with smoke and it was very embarrassing. Many happy women threw the two on the bed and asked, "Master, we must arrange a room ?"


Yin Fukang glared at them and said, "Go down, the master will seal the cave house."

"What's the rule?" The happy ladies wondered and stepped back.

Yin Fukang waved and sealed the palace. After thinking about it, he took out a big bell and raised it, and saw that the big bell became bigger and bigger, and the clock wall became more and more transparent. Eventually it became invisible, and the palace was reversed. Cover it.

"I haven't run now." Yin Fukang laughed and left.

No words overnight.

"My head hurts ..."

Zhong Yue's eyes opened staggeringly, and only felt a headache, not only a headache, but also Yuanshen.

"How do I lie here?"

Zhong Yue was surprised, she only felt as if she was lying in the clouds, the bed under her was as soft as clouds, fragrant, and the tent was made of clouds, so she was light and unrestrained.

The sequelae of the hangover gave him a headache again, and he was embarrassed, as if remembering what happened yesterday: "I was drunk a lot of alcohol by the old guys of Yin Kangshi yesterday, and then it seemed ..."

Zhong Yue blinked, and she seemed to be watching a twisted world in her drunk state. The faces and bodies of all people are distorted. It seemed as if he had put on a big red robe in a dim way, and then married a certain woman who was suspected of Yin Xuanxuan, and was very happy.

"I'm most likely drunk, and my memory is biased. Drinking is really a mistake, and I still have a headache ..."

Zhong Yue turned over. The palms and legs were pressed against a soft body, and could not help but excite, a young girl in red on the cloud bed stared at him with glaring eyes. With shame and anger on his face, he was tied tightly with flowers.

Zhong Yue's eyes widened. Then closed his eyes and a snoring sound came from the nasal cavity. After a while, Yin Kang's aunt secretly opened a line of eyes. The girl in red still stared at him.

"Don't pretend to sleep!"

Yin Xuan Xuan grinds her teeth and angers, "Hurry up and untie me!"

Zhong Yue turned over. Stumbled: "Where is this? I must be drunk and go to the wrong room. Strange, what's wrong with my eyes? My eyes can't see anything ..."

Yin Yanxuan gritted her teeth and said, "Don't pretend!"

Zhong Yue stunned. Turning around, he said, "Last night, we ..."

"Nothing was done!"

The phoenix crown on Yin Xuan's head shook slightly, and resentfully said, "You only opened my Xia Xuan and threw it to the account, and said that it would be a marriage to throw Xia Xuan higher, and you fell asleep!"

Zhong Yue looked up at the gauze tent. Sure enough, there was a phoenix inlaid with phoenixes floating among the cloud tents, and the forehead couldn't help but sweat: "Why don't I have the slightest impression on this matter?"

He only remembered to marry him, he laughed and said he wanted to go to the cave, but he couldn't remember it later.

Yin Xuan Xuan said, "The clothes on me are still on, and the clothes on you are still on, naturally nothing has been done. You will untie me!"

Zhong Yue thought about it, leaving the girl **** on the bed still on the bed, and walked out, she said, "It's a big deal to get married, it's better to take the opportunity to sneak away ..."

"you come back!"

Yin Xuan Xuan was angry, and just said this, Zhong Yue turned back and smiled: "Xuan Xuan, this is your father forcibly twisting our two melons. The twisted melons must not be sweet. We only know a few days ago, How can you just get married like this? Your dad is a bit messy, and I won't let you embarrass me, I will escape now. But I promised to teach you the method of breaking the blood seal, and I will not break my word. "

He reached out his finger, gently tapped the girl's eyebrow on the bed, passed all the methods of breaking the seal of Yin Kang ’s bloodline, and walked out, laughing: "After I escaped, you said that I regretted it after drinking, I don't want to confess this family thing and push sin on me. "


A loud noise came, and Zhong Yue bumped into the ban of the host Yin Fukang and was bounced back.

Zhong Yue scrutinized carefully, reached out and touched, the ban came up, and the dense ban blocked the entire palace.

"The emperor's ban? It's difficult, but I can't help it."

Zhong Yue lifted her spirits and observed carefully. Her fingers leaped continuously on the ban, observing the trajectory of the various bans, and she suddenly smiled. The whole person was affected by these bans as if they had become liquid, and they were integrated into the ban. Move outward.

He was extremely slow, and after a long time he passed the ban and walked out of the hall.


Another loud noise came, and Zhong Yue hit the transparent big bell left by Yin Fukang, and the bell wall emerged. Zhong Yue's eyes widened, looking at the bell wall, and looking dignified.

This bell is not a ban, but a magic soldier. If you want to go out through this magic soldier, it will be difficult.

"Since you can't go out directly, and it's not easy to break the bell, go from underground. If it is underground, the seal should be the power extension of this big bell ~ www.readwn.com ~ but there is no big bell itself , Easier. "

He had just thought of this, and suddenly only heard a whisper from the temple, Zhong Yue looked back, and saw Yin Xuanxuan broke off the ropes, leaped up from the cloud bed, and hit the ban under Yin Fu Kangbu.

The woman, too, knew her father's ban well, and quickly passed through the ban.

Zhong Yuexi said: "Xuan Xuan, your father's soldiers must be able to control, you come and start this bell ... what do you do?"

Yin Xuan Xuan photographed with her palm, her magical power was hidden in the palm of her hand, and her mighty power was extremely magnificent. The big bell roared, and Dangdang's bell rang out of the sky, shocking the continent of Tianhe.

"You're bad, I'm innocent!" Yin Xuan Xuan flew like a red butterfly, her magical powers hidden between her fingertips, between her palms, between her sleeves, between her clothes, between her skin and her hair.

"I don't!" Zhong Yue angered.

Yin Yanxuan gritted her teeth and said, "After you opened my Xiayuan, you still ..." (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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