Rise of Humanity

Chapter 836: Mage Taisei

In Zhong Yue's eyes, the magic is getting heavier and heavier, it is the darkness that devours everything, even the light projection will be devoured by the darkness, and nothing can be reflected!

There are 100,000 kinds of magical properties, and he immediately captured his Tao heart, making his originally pure and flawless Tao heart have more than 100,000 evil thoughts.

"Go to sleep Yin Xuan Xuan! Isn't it a big loss to be married and not sleep?"

"If she doesn't agree, she'll be strong! But she can't give her medicine! A sneak attack, bound her legs and hands, hehe ..."

"Kill! Kill everyone!"

"What **** people do you want to take shelter of these weak people? It is better to die cleanly, and it will only drag me down. I will no longer bear the blood sacrifices of the human race, and can be more powerful!"

"Morality is only a cover cloth. The principle is to deceive oneself. This universe was born without morality. There is no principle. The principle of moral abandonment is broken. I come to enslave the whole world!"

"What do you want to do?" This flame consumed my life, deceived the knowledge from his head, smelt him to death, hehe, I will be free! "

"I want to plant the world so that all souls are surnamed Zhong! Those who resist me, destroy his nine families!"

"What's so funny about Lagerstroemia indica? It's too slow. I want to stir up all the big chaos in the universe. The more the world messes up, the better ..."


Zhong Yue's body was shaking and she was holding on to Dao Xin, even at this time, even if she contemplates that the Emperor can't obliterate his magical nature, the demon's magical nature is getting heavier and stronger, which makes his Tao Xin ’s heart that has not been shaken for 30 billion years appear flaw All kinds of evil thoughts of destruction are constantly flowing, and there are even thoughts of destroying the universe and creating another one.

He is still sensing the demon of the innate emperor, and the pure desire to destroy, to strengthen his demon, but in this way he must maintain the purity of the sober mind of the Yuanshen, and not allow the demon to control himself.

If you want to cultivate the innate magical path and the demon level of the demon master, you must keep your heart and not be controlled by the demon. But at the same time inducing magic. It will make the 100,000 magic in him grow stronger. The erosion of his Tao heart has become increasingly fierce.

His innate magic path is about to be formed. At this time, it is very important. There must be no mistakes!

"It's almost there, it's almost there. Hold on to your heart and fight against the magic. Once I become a congenital demon, I can ... OK ..."

A strange smile suddenly appeared on Zhong Yue's face, shaking with excitement, and smiling lowly: "You can kill them all. Kill everything ... hehehe!"

He stood up arrogantly, and then went out happily: "Go to sleep with Yin Xiaoxuan's little lady first! Attack her, tie her, sleep her ..."

But at this moment, suddenly Zhong Yue's ears suddenly burst into the sound of flutes. The gentle and melodious rhythm suppressed his magic slightly, it was the sound of Yin Xuanxuan's flute.

This flute sound is the magical power of Yin Xuan Xuan. It is the curse of the big demon who stayed in Zhongyue's sea in order to suppress the pain of Zhongyue's division of the Yuanshen.

At this moment, the sound of the flute sounded, holding on to his heart, Zhong Yue's boiling magical spirit subsided slightly. His polluted Tao gradually became clear.

Zhong Yue stayed, his forehead was cold and sweaty, and he immediately sat down, feeling the demon's demon with all his heart.

The 100,000 magical power is more and more powerful under the moisturization of the demon master, and the onslaught of Yin Xuan Xuan is like a powerful army that advances and retreats. The enemy retreats, the enemy advances, and the enemy attacks and defends. It seems like a big master who knows how to attack and defend, protecting his mind.

This shows the power of Yin Xuan Xuan. Yin Kang's is an emperor of the demons. She has a deep research on the magic path, plus the holy spirit body. Although she is not physically here, but by virtue of the left flute Sound magic, can help Zhong Yue resist magical invasion.

However, the magic of 100,000 is getting stronger and stronger, and the flute tone she left is gradually becoming unstoppable. The front line transformed by the flute tone is constantly being broken by magically, and Zhong Yue's eyes gradually become dark.

But at this time, suddenly the sound of Tao buzzed, and his innate magic Tao finally formed!

Zhongyue's spirit was greatly stimulated, urging the innate magic path, and 100,000 magical powers were suddenly raised into the innate magical path. This innate avenue devoured 100,000 magical powers, and immediately began to grow and grow rapidly.

It didn't take long for the innate magic path to cultivate to the level of **** fulfillment.

Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "The Lord of the Devil is really difficult to practice, but this is also the basis for surrendering to other magic ways."

The Lord of the Devil is the most advanced, and he can't do it without chance.

Zhong Yue encounters the innate demon Lord, the innate emperor, and this is the opportunity.

"Thanks to Xuan Xuan's Da Tian Mo Zhen Xin Mantra this time, without her flute, I am afraid at this moment ..."

He looked weird. When Daoxin lost his heart, he shouted that he would go to sleep Yin Xuan Xuan. If there is no flute sound, I am afraid that he is asleep now.

"It's been a hate for thousands of years ..."

Zhong Yue shook her head and looked back at the true body of the Lord of the Ancestral Emperor, who wanted to study his innate magic path, and suddenly dispelled this idea.

"The Congenital Emperor has taken precautions against me. If I delay here for too long, the precautions will be deeper. Now that I have obtained the demon magic path, there is no need to pursue fine details."

He stepped out of the forbidden seal and said: "Congenital Shinto actually sees that the Lord of the Congenious Emperor is the best of his body, and it is the Lord of God.

The deeper the dependence on Mu Xiantian, the deeper the attachment, the Shinto magic will be subject to Mu Xiantian. If he turns his face in the future, Mu Xiantian will be able to restrain him easily. This is what Zhong Yue does not want to see.

"Still see the goddess!"

Zhong Yue did not see the Emperor of Heaven, and asked about it. The Emperor of Heaven was retreating, and immediately walked out of the Palace of Heaven, saying: "The Emperor of Heaven should be ready to break through and build the emperor's realm. If he is an emperor, he is probably the emperor of the world."

"Mr. Yi stayed."

Suddenly a voice came and Zhong Yue looked back and saw the little princess Mu Qingxuan walking with another middle-aged man. She couldn't help but smile slightly and said, "Little princess, the third prince."

The middle-aged man is extremely powerful, profound, and has a deep vision. He is a creator-level existence, and it is Mu Suge, the third son of the Congenital Emperor.

Zhong Yue had met him, and when the innate emperor led the crowd to welcome him back to the Ancestral Palace, Mu Suge was among them. The Grand Prince of the Ancestral Palace had passed away for many years, and the second prince Mu Suwu was the actual Grand Prince.

Although Mu Suge is the third prince, he has a lot of power. He is generous and good at being a leader, and the head of many ethnic groups, the Emperor Demon and the Emperor, obey him.

Na Zhongyue also saw the strength of the Ancestral Palace. There are more than fifty of them alone. And the existence of this level of God Emperor Demon Emperor is as many as two or three thousand!

The children of the Congenital Emperor alone are a force of terror.

Among them, Musuko has the highest power and leads an army. It's called a tiger rider, and His Majesty has as many as millions. They are all tiger and wolf generations selected from the major deities and demons, and they are brave and warlike. The leader is the creator. The deputy commander is the Emperor God and the Emperor, and it can be said to be the strongest army of His Majesty the Emperor.

Mu Suge smiled helplessly: "Sir. The little girl said that she did not want to marry Tian Xuanzi, and came to ask me, and I was helpless. Mr. has a plan, can he come up with an idea. Push this family off?"

Zhong Yue glanced at Mu Qingxuan and said in true color: "This family relationship cannot be eliminated. The Linglings are the eight royal families of the earthen age, and they have deep foundations. Tian Xuanzi has the existence of imperial capital, and the princess marries him. It's not a shame to lose the princess. What's more, in the future, your Majesty will fight against the world and suppress the heroes, and the Lingling family will be a big help to my congenital palace! This marriage must be done! "

Mu Qingxuan's face was pale, and he tore Mu Suge's sleeves quickly. Mu Suge reluctantly said, "I just said the same way just now, but the younger sister was married, how mighty Xuanzi was that day, wouldn't it have aggrieved the younger sister. I heard that Mr. Tian Xuanzi had a relationship, and he gave an idea."

Mu Qingxuan showed the color of praying, Zhong Yue thought for a moment, and laughed: "If the little princess is unwilling to marry, then His Royal Highness is willing to marry?"

Musuko stayed.

Zhong Yue laughed: "If His Royal Highness is willing to marry the Ling Lingshi's female creation, the congenital palace and the Ling Lingshi are also married, and will not hurt feelings because of the little princess."

Mu Suge's complexion looks like soil. How magnificent should that be? Can you marry such a strong female creation yourself?

Mu Qingxuan begged: "Brother, for the younger sister, let's go!"

Mu Suge quickly changed the topic and said in a straightforward way: "Sir, the heavenly court ordered the wild creatures of the ancient universe to rebellion, attack the teleportation **** city that opened the sky, and captured my brother Fuyi from the Astral Temple. Now Brother Fuyi does n’t know whether he lives or not, Tiandi Ordered me to lead a tiger to ride the ancient universe to rebel. I was worried that there was a conspiracy, so I wanted to ask for advice. "

Zhong Yue's eyes flickered, and she smiled, "Heaven wants you to die in the ancient universe. You die there, and the tiger cricket is buried in the ancient universe. His majesty's strength is greatly damaged."

"But Fu Ye was captured by the savage, and I can't help it."

Mu Suge said sorrowfully: "If I send a million soldiers to the ancient universe and mobilize my troops, I will certainly be ambushed by the strong in the ancient universe and I will surely die."

Zhong Yue laughed: "Why don't you ask King Ziguang?"

Mu Suge said: "King Ziguang asked me to ask Mr."

"So it is."

Zhong Yue thought: "The three princes rest assured that you wait for me for a year, and one year later I break through and become a god, and I will go with you to the ancient universe to rescue Fuyi."

Musu Ge was overjoyed and relieved. Mu Qingxuan begged: "Brother, you've married the female creation of Ling Lingshi!"

Zhong Yue returned to Jinyun Holy Land ~ www.readwn.com ~ Looking up, I saw the three heavens hanging high above the Holy Land.

The magnificent power of the heavens is constantly flowing, just like Daohonghong poured into the eight-array map. Under the command of Chisong et al., Millions of gods refine the eight-array map day and night to improve the power of the eight-array map.

This scene is quite shocking.

Zhong Yue nodded secretly: "These demons are the foundation of my future standing. They must be faithful to me. They only listen to me and ignore the orders of the Congenital Emperor. The Congenital Emperor will surely insert many eyeliners here. These eyeliners I ca n’t hide my causal calculations, so I do n’t need to pay any attention to it. It will be cleared in the future. However, the life and death book of eight thousand volts is in the hands of the congenital emperor, and it will become a means to restrain me in the future. ”

Yin Xuan Xuan was still in retreat to break through the realm of heaven and god, Zhong Yue rectified her army, and then set off for Huachen.

"Tensi, how about that Mr. Yi?"

Emperor Xing, a **** on the mountain, the wind said to Tian Si Niangniang: "You should be able to calculate his movements?" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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