Rise of Humanity

Chapter 873: Vulnerable

Zhong Yue stepped out of the Ancestral Palace and handed the scriptures of the Emperor's Concubine to Fuli, so that he immediately went to the ancient universe to bring Xinghumborg, without having to return to the Ancestral Palace, directly to Zhentianfu.

"Fuli, you shouldn't delay too long. I'll give you seven years, enough to move Xinghumbao?" Zhong Yue asked.

"Mr. Yi, rest assured!"

Fu Li left immediately, Zhong Yue returned to Jinyun Holy Land with the seal of warrior, and saw that the eight thousand volts and the millions of demon are still continually honing eight maps, and now the eight maps are already the treasures of the emperor. The power of the treasure is getting stronger and stronger.

With millions of gods, and the constant blessing and sharpening of the power of the three major first-class heavens, the power of these eight-volume maps continues to increase.

At this speed, ascension to the treasure of creation is just around the corner.

These eight maps are treasures made by Zhong Yue, and the control power is still in his hands. The powers of Qian, Zhen, Kan, Gen, Kun, Kun, Li, and the eight scroll maps are different and each has its own magic. .

In order to make the treasure of creation, you need to have a great understanding of the realm of the creator, and Zhong Yue is not lacking. Although his realm is the realm of the gods, he has cultivated six innate avenues, but he is a dip in the realm of the creator It can be said that it is not inferior to any creator!

Therefore, it is not impossible for him to elevate the eight-array map to the level of the treasure of creation. But if you want to elevate the eight-array map to the level of the emperor's treasure, then it is impossible.

His understanding of the realm of the emperor is not yet ready to be refined into the emperor's treasure.

However, if the eight-volume map can be elevated to the level of the treasure of creation, it will be a huge leap. At that time, the power of creation was contained in the eight-volume map, creating space and heaven and earth. The mystery of the six reincarnations of Tibet is inscrutable.

And although the eight-array map is an eight-volume array, it is internally integrated. The eight-volume array can be combined into one, becoming a powerful soldier who gathers all the power of the eight-array map!

Not only that, the eight-array map is not a complete array. Zhong Yue has greater ambitions. His eight-array map is external, and the inner is the Taiji map.

If he puts himself in the formation, displays the Taiji map of the demon, controls the avenue power of the yin, yang, and the demon, and transforms it into the eight map of the innate demon Taiji, then the power of the map will rise linearly again!

How horrible the power would be then, Zhong Yue himself did not dare to imagine!

After all, the Eight-Array Map of the Innate Demon Taichi is not just as simple as the Eight-Array Map, but a Nine-Array Map. If it is fully motivated, its power is probably equivalent to Zhong Yue in the realm of the Creator!

How strong is Zhong Yue in the realm of the Creator? Zhong Yue herself has no bottom.

At this moment, in the eight-array picture, Bing Rong, Qiu Yi, Huo Rong, Qi Rong, Jin Yun, Cang Ya, Tai Sui, and Li Hua each led more than one hundred deities to smash. The power of the map was triggered, and the eight-volume maps collided with each other, rumbling, and the encounters between the deities and the maps were a big hit, and they were destroyed.

Chisong was standing above the eight-volume map, and was ready to control the eight-volume map at any time, so as to avoid many deaths and injuries.

"Fu Jun."

Yin Xuan Xuan is welcoming. She now has extraordinary strength and even gives Zhong Yue a sense of oppression. If there are still people in the world who can go with him in the same realm or even surpass him, this woman is definitely one of them!

Today, Yin Xiexuan's repair is unpredictable, and her affinity for the avenue is stronger than when she was above Tianhe. Zhong Yue wants to compete with her again, but she is worried that she will be ugly before she defeats her subordinates.

The superiority of the born Holy Spirit is not something you can catch up with.

"The husband has worked hard all these years, but he forgot his own home."

Yin Xuan Xuan laughed: "Is the husband coming back with his front foot this time and leaving with his hind foot?"

"That's not true."

Zhong Yue talked about the innate emperor and worshiped, saying: "Now I am going to lead His Majesty and Demon to Zhentian Mansion. This time, the shoal of dragons enters the sea, and the phoenix and phoenix fly for nine days. Pack! A companion is like a companion tiger. I ca n’t stretch my fists beside the Congenious Emperor, but when I am outside, I can show my big picture! Xuan Xuan, you also go to Zhentianfu with me. "

Yin Xuan Xuan frowned and said, "I'm afraid the innate emperor would not let go, and would leave me as a proton."


Zhong Yue laughed: "The congenital emperor was confused about small things, and the big things were savvy. We left immediately, and he couldn't respond. Only the King of Ziguang, the big things and small things were savvy. Now I only care about him, but we set off immediately, even if the king of purple light reacted to me There are countermeasures. "

Yin Xuan Xuan immediately went to pack things, Zhong Yue quickly stopped her and smiled: "No need to pack."

"No need to clean up?" Yin Xuan Xuan froze.

Zhongyue's spirit fluctuated, and all the nine leaders such as Yinyun Holy Land and the Red Pines immediately rectified the demon and stood on top of the eight array maps. With the order of Zhong Yue, the eight array maps surged upward, and the mighty power broke out. The three great first-rate heavens given are entangled.

The three major first-class heavens are three worlds, containing six samsaras. Each of these heavens has six galaxy galaxies, and it also contains **** samsaras. It is an overlapping space that can be said to be extremely heavy.

There are hundreds of millions of living beings in them. These living beings multiply, worship and worship, and let the power of the heavens endlessly and powerful.

However, most of these creatures are low-level creatures, and their status is not much higher than that of the human race. It is difficult to produce strong ones. For these beings, the heavens are a universe, and the creation of the heavens is equivalent to the creation god.

The only place where the heavens are not as convenient as the Six Realms is that the Realms of the Six Realms are much wider, with more natural treasures, and the Pangu gods are extremely powerful. They can feed more souls and give birth to an extremely powerful existence.

This is where the heavens cannot compete with the Six Realms.

But the benefits of the heavens are also obvious, that is, the heavens can be used as **** soldiers and as their source of strength.

These three heavens were developed by the congenital emperor, and they were refined and sacrificed by the congenital emperor to be used by Zhong Yue. Although heavy, the control power was in the hands of Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan, dragging the three heavens to hide in the eight array China is not difficult for them.

"Fu Jun, Congenital Emperor I'm afraid we won't tolerate us taking these three heavens away, right?" Yin Xuan Xuan just felt something wrong, and quickly said.

"The congenital emperor will certainly allow me to take away these three heavens. The three heavens themselves are the conditions that envelop me. The king of purple light will certainly obstruct, but there is nothing he can do."

Zhong Yue put away the three heavens, took out a totem **** stump, contacted Jiang Yizheng, and ordered a few, then collected the totem **** stump, and said, "Xuan Xuan, offering a car."

Yin Xuan Xuan sacrifice Qilin Qilin Baodi, Zhong Yue took her hand to board Baodi, and the couple ordered that one million gods immediately set off and rushed to Zhentianfu.

Soon after, King Ziguang received news saying that King Yi had led the million demon in Jinyun Holy Land to Zhentianfu, missing his voice: "So fast?"

"The major military camps of King Yi's Jinyun Holy Land are all there. Everything is unpacked. Only one million gods have been taken away, so we can leave so quickly."

King Ziguang's face changed slightly: "What about the three first-class heavens given to him by the emperor?"

"It was also taken away by King Yi."

"Where is Mrs. Yi?"

"Mrs. Yi also followed!"

King Ziguang's face changed drastically, and he quickly summoned a divine emperor, saying, "Green tree, go quickly to catch up with King Yi's army and tell him to let him leave Mrs. Yi to guard the Jinyun Holy Land! I'll see the emperor!"

The Emperor Qingshu led the order, leaped up, and stepped on a blue cloud into a blue light and chased Zhong Yue's army.

King Ziguang hurriedly hurried to the Ancestral Palace.

Although the speed of the celestial unicorn treasures is fast, after all, there are many people and horses. Although there are millions of gods and monsters urging the eight-volume array to fly, the speed is much better than the green tree gods.

After three or four days, the emperor of the green tree caught up with Zhong Yue's innate banned army and chanted, "King Yi will stay!"

In the heavenly unicorn treasure, Zhong Yue smiled to Yin Xuan Xuan: "The thing about the king of purple light is coming." Said Chu Yinyin Chisong and others, let them control the eight-array map and continue on their way.

Zhong Yue stepped out of Baodi, looked at the Emperor of the Tree, and smiled, "It was a friend of the tree. What's wrong with you?"

The Emperor Qingshu quickly bowed and said, "Sir, King Ziguang has ordered me to ask you to stay, please invite the lower lady to stay in Jinyun Holy Land and guard this Holy Land."

Zhong Yuezhang wondered: "It was Brother Ziguang's idea. Little tree friend, do you have a concubine?"

The Emperor Qingshu stayed for a while and shook his head, "No."

Zhong Yue laughed: "I and Ziguang are left and right, both are emperors. How can I obey the orders of the emperor? If you bring the emperor's order, I will obey. Qingshu, go back. "

The Emperor God of God had no choice but to rush back and report to the King of Light.

King Ziguang rushed to the Ancestral Palace, and suddenly realized on the way: "The Emperor of the Green Tree can never stay traitorous, and he will definitely be sent by his words! Where is his traitorous opponent?"

He had just arrived at the Ancestral Palace, and when he saw Musu Ge coming, he smiled, "Why is Zijun so rushed?"

King Ziguang quickly grabbed Mu Suge and said, "His Royal Highness, you immediately catch up with King Yi, so that he must leave the three heavens given by the emperor, and let him leave Mrs. Yi to guard the Jinyun Holy Land! It matters a lot! , I will explain to His Royal Highness again! "

Seeing his solemnity, Mu Suge quickly got up and went.

King Ziguang broke into the Ancestral Palace and sought to see the innate emperor, but learned that the innate emperor was invited by Jiang Yifu at the moment, saying that Jiang Yifu asked the innate emperor to discuss the human race, and said lamely: Going to the emperor really messed me up. "

He quickly rushed to the holy place of the human race and said, "I hope the third prince will be able to hold back the perishable footsteps ..."

After more than ten days, Mu Suge overtook Zhong Yue's innate army of the Forbidden Army and yelled, "Mr. Yi stayed on!"

Zhong Yue stopped Baodi, came out and laughed, "Your Highness, have you come to quit with me?"

Mu Suge landed, and said, "No. It is Mr. Ziguang who ordered me to leave you three heavens, and your wife to guard the Jinyun Holy Land."

Zhong Yue's face sank, and she was furious: "The purple light treacherous came to harm me again! The three heavens were rewarded to me by your Majesty, how can you stay? I am a million gods guarding Zhentianfu, originally a major general. This is to kill the family and kill me! I'll tear him up! "

Mu Suge ran a cold sweat and hugged him, saying, "Mr. Xi!"

Zhong Yue struggled and angered, "I have been married to my wife for so long, and I haven't had time to be affectionate. This old thief has to separate me from my wife. I must chop him!"

Mussugane said: "I thought it was a bit wrong. Sir, I went back and talked to him."

Zhong Yue gritted her teeth and said, "His Royal Highness and I scolded him fiercely!"

Musu Ge nodded again and again and returned to the Ancestral Palace.

Zhong Yue watched him leave, immediately returned to the car, and even said: "Hurry up! Hurry up! It is only half a year away, even if there is a chase after us, it is half a year later, when we have reached Zhentianfu ! "

Yin Xuan Xuan looked at him up and down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Suddenly a smile, Zhong Yue smiled to her and said, "What is Xuan Xuan laughing?"

"My laughing husband is pretending to look like him, and he looks more and more like a hero."

Yin Yinxuan groaned with a smile, and suddenly his face changed slightly, Zhong Yue wondered: "What's wrong?"

"Slim legs have been itchy these days, I don't know if some of the blood seals have not been removed." She frowned lightly.

"It's impossible to relapse, I've obviously removed your bloodline seal ... don't panic, I'll show it for you."

Zhong Yue lifted up her skirt, placed her long legs on her knees, looked at them carefully, examined them, examined the blood of her feet, and thought, "There seems to be no seal left ..."

Yin Xuan Xuan blinked slyly, saying: "The body always feels like it's going to become a fishtail, and the husband takes a closer look." (To be continued.) () "Humanity Supreme" only represents the author's house pig Opinions, if the content is found to be inconsistent with national laws, please delete it. The position is only dedicated to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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