Rise of Humanity

Chapter 878: Earth-shaking

The innate emperor was extremely fast. He took the Ziguang monarch to Zhentianguan on his own. It took the idle **** Hou Shenhuang more than a year to get here, and he only needed more than ten days.

The two monarchs came to Zhentian Pass, looked up, and saw that Zhentian Pass had changed greatly, with a two-tailed snake coiling on the tower, and the black chain hole pierced through the body of Yuanshen and locked its change.

Another black hairy ape mixed with iron rods stood on both sides of the city gate.

Also, the man-made tiger teeth with eyes longer than the armpit were prototyped, turned into giant salamanders, limbs, and tied to the gate of another city gate.

There are also thousands of gods holding a double-headed divine bird. The divine bird is also a creator. It is a savage protoss. The body chain is pierced through the flesh and body gods to lock its changes. The divine bird struggles, screams, and shakes. Many gods are turned to the west.

Suddenly a prince stepped forward to sacrifice the chains, and saw that the chains were entangled like pythons, and locked the brutal creator tightly, trembling with pain, but unable to struggle.

"Throw it into Xinghe, and let him be sober!" The prince shouted loudly.

Thousands of gods will throw this savage creature into the Tianhe under the city, and the rivers of countless stars will hit the creator, making his physical body gods scarred.

Soon after, many gods pulled the chain and dragged out the brutal creature with scaly wounds. The **** bird recovered and turned into a bird with a wingspan of tens of thousands of miles. The crouching crouched at the gate to guard the gate.

The congenital emperor and the king of purple light were stunned. This is just the corner of the town's Tianguan. There are other forty or fifty creators captured in other places, trapped in chains, locked in the flesh, and blocked the changes in the flesh.

There are 28 sacred sites of the Protoss and Demons around Zhentianfu. These sacred sites were beaten by Zhong Yue with soldiers. The creators of each sacred place fled to death. The others were captured and the King of Purple Light counted. Total There are fifty-six creators.

Some creators were surrendered, led by gods, and let them enter the galaxy to salvage treasures. Those creators shuttled in the galaxy and were crushed by the galaxy, but were afraid to resist.

"If these Creators rebel ..."

The king of Ziguang's eyes fluttered and whispered: "His army of millions of gods and demons is simply not enough for these creators to eat! Not to mention there are so many **** emperors, tens of millions of captives! What a joke!"

The Congenital Emperor was also a bit frightened, but then saw the other end of the chain that locked these creations buried in Xinghe. Then he was relieved and laughed: "These creatures are locked in the physical body gods. If you dare to rebel, immediately They will be dragged into the Xinghe by the chains, and they will be destroyed by the power of the Xinghe. Ziguang, you are too worried. "

The King of Light shook his head and looked at the city. I saw the city was in hot air. Twenty to thirty million captives of the demon were building various gods in the heat. The fire was burning and the male guard was shining red, saying: "His strength is only left More than 800,000 people have died and injured more than 100,000. How can we suppress the demon prisoners of 20-30 million? It is still too aggressive. "

The princes and princes were not in a hurry to enter the city. First they watched the movement of the Tianxiong Pass outside the pass. Inside the pass, portals, sacred buildings, high towers, buildings, shrines, and shrines were erected, which constantly attracted the stars and the magnetism gods in the galaxy. Light, connects those portals, **** towers, towers, and buildings to enhance the power of the magic soldiers.

Zhongyue and Mu Suge's gods and monsters are busy running through the portals. These portals are star gates. They draw power from the galaxy and can be transmitted to and from all directions.

Not only that, they also saw thirty-six heavens, like thirty-six pearls hanging over the pass!

Three of the thirty-six heavens were given by the innate emperor, and the other thirty-three were looted from the surrounding holy places!

The thirty-six heavens are thirty-six horrible treasures, which are very useful whether they are used to refine treasures or to be used as combat soldiers!

But now, Zhong Yue regards these thirty-six heavens as a source of strength for refining treasures, and the endless power of the heavens is flowing like a tide of light to those **** soldiers who are being forged.

"Yi Jun has too few troops. If he has enough troops, he can keep the Zhentian Pass."

The Emperor Tiantian took the situation of Zhentianfu into the eyes and laughed, "And today the army of the court is coming, I am afraid that he cannot stop the attack from Tianting. If he is given thousands of years, he will certainly build Zhentianfu Extremely solid and easy to defend! "

But at this moment, when the gates of the city suddenly opened, the congenital emperor and the king of purple light were stunned. They saw a huge planet fortress flying, a barbaric tribe holding up the sun, spinning around the fortress, and came here. .

"Barbaric people of the ancient universe!" King Ziguang muttered.

That planet fortress is Xinghumborg. After seven years, the star fortress finally rushed from the ancient universe to Ziwei Star Field and came to Zhentianxiongguan!

At this moment, the city gate of Tianxiongguan Town is wide open. It is obvious that Zhong Yue has learned that Xinghumborg is approaching, so he actively opens the city gate to welcome him.

"Xing Humboldt seems to have experienced a fierce battle!"

The King Ziguang looked carefully, his heart was shocked, and he immediately understood something, exclaiming: "That's it, this is it! Emperor, the savage of Xinghumborg sneaked into the army of heaven! Now, I am afraid that the army of heaven has collapsed!"

The Congenital Emperor stared and saw that there were many prisoners in heaven in the depths of Xinghumborg, about a million or so, were suppressed by these savages, and many of the planets around Xinghumborg were still not badly damaged. People collided with a great force not long ago and fought a battle!

"Ziguang, now those creators can still rebel, still have a chance to seize Zhentianguan?" Xu Tianxun asked instinctively.

King Ziguang shook his head and exclaimed: "With the barbarians of Xinghumborg, these 30 million slaves of God and Demons will have no chance of turning over. These gods will be integrated by Mr. Yi into the army of Gods and Demons, turning Zhentianfu into iron. Jiang Jiangshan! "

He hesitated and said, "The emperor should recall His Royal Highness the Third Prince."

The congenital emperor appeared doubtful and laughed: "You asked me to send an overseer to supervise Yi Jun. I sent Su Ge, why now let me recall Su Ge? Could you change your mind and think that Yi Jun Won't betray me? "

The Prince of Purple Light said: "Your Majesty Yi had few gods and demons before, but only about one million. Now he has an army of thirty or fifty million gods and demons. His Royal Highness can't stand against him in court. If he rebels, His Highness will become a proton that threatens the emperor. So he asked the emperor to recall His Royal Highness. "

Congenital Emperor smiled: "That's the case. Ziguang, you worry too much. If Yi Jun thought he could threaten me with my third son, he would not be my esteemed husband. It would be nice for Su Ge to follow him. . "

The King of Purple Light had a creepy feeling.

The implication of the innate emperor is that even if Mu Suge was taken down as a proton by Zhong Yue, he would not care about his son's life or death.

He left Mu Suge here to monitor Zhong Yue's actions.

"Zijun, let's go back, and now Zhentianfu no longer needs us to worry about it."

The congenital emperor laughed, left first, and said leisurely: "He can indeed support the two wings of my congenital palace, Yi Jun, indeed a god-man!"

King Ziguang glanced at Zhentian Mansion and praised him secretly. Then he glanced at the two statues of Fuxi Nuwa in the mainland of Xinghumborg, shook his head, and returned to the Ancestral Palace with the innate emperor. Mr. is a loyal minister, and it will be easy for the emperor to occupy the throne. However, I always have an ominous feeling ... "

Inside the Tianxiong Pass of the town, Zhong Yue greeted Xing Humboldt and smiled, "You all have been hard."

The people in Xinghumborg have always been brave. On the way, they encountered the army sent by Tianting to receive the town's army. They were attacked from the rear by the Xinghumborg people and killed the Tianting army. They lost their helmets and armor, captured countless gods.

Zhongyue determined that there would be a nearby sacred place invading and occupying Zhentianfu, and the heavenly court is still far from here, which is about the same time as Xinghongbao came to Zhentianfu, so let Xinghongbao speed up, sneak on the road, and easily Resolved the crisis in Zhentianfu.

With the strong power of Xinghumborg, Zhong Yue immediately divided his forces and distributed the captive nearly 30 million demon to the human deities of Xinghumborg, either as a mount, or as an army, or as a slave.

With these strong human races, Zhentianfu is extremely stable. It is impossible for those captive gods to rebel. He can also relax.

Fuli returned the 700,000 troops of the Tiger Rider to Mu Suge, and Zhong Yue also distributed many prisoners to Mu Suge as many as one million. His supreme deities were as high as 2.6 million. Be regarded as a small force. It's just insignificant compared to the innate banned forces and the Terran Army.

The fifty-six creators had the idea of ​​escaping or even seizing Zhentianfu, but when they saw the barbarians, there were many strong men, and among them, the creators who were extremely powerful were not in the minority.

Zhong Yue asked the strong human race of Xinghumborg to set up the fortress in Kannai ~ www.readwn.com ~ 30 billion people lived in Guanzhong, and the leaders such as the old patriarch Fu Qizhi saw the richness of this majestic pass, one by one. Marveled, walked out of Humboldt.

"At that time, the grandparents escaped from Lagerstroemia indica. It has been more than 80,000 years. I did not expect to return to Lagerstroemia in a day."

Fuqi Zhilao tears, kneeling on the ground, kissing the land, and murmured, "When will the Terran have a day when they can straighten up again? When will the day when the glory of their ancestors reappear?"

The other leaders of the clan looked far away, and the eight thousand volts mobilized the slaves of the gods to create pieces of powerful and terrible soldiers. They could not help feeling a strange dislocation from space and time.

"Eight thousand volts, has Fuxi reappeared?"

Fuqi stood up and led all the elders and leaders of the tribe to salute Zhong Yue, and Shen said, "The bell of Qiyun, respect the lord!"

"The bell of luck, salute the lord!"

Zhong Yue laughed, and stunned them to get up, and said, "Why were you polite when you were a family 100,000 years ago? Get up, get up!" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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