Rise of Humanity

Chapter 883: Rebirth

The word "Yu" in the innate divine language is precisely the description of the space avenue, and the texture of the wings on the hull is also the space avenue imprinted by the innate gods in the dark ages.

Therefore, Zhong Yue felt that if she could fully understand the word, she might inspire the mystery of the wings of the ancient ship.

The husband and wife were full of interest and connected with each other, and continued to participate in the deduction. The enlightenment was the strongest, and the deduction was Zhong Yue's strongest. The husband and wife are complementary and do more with less.

The innate **** words and legends passed on by the dragon to them have many repeated **** words, which together add up to more than 700 words, but even the repeated words have many differences.

This language is also vague for today's congenital demon, and the innate demon born after the Fire Age rarely knows this language.

The innate divine language is too obscure, everyone has a different understanding. It is almost impossible to understand all the mysteries of these 700 words, which is equivalent to fully mastering more than 700 avenues!

What Zhong Yue and Yin Xuanxuan did was just to comprehend the Taoism that their predecessors had comprehended, master it first, and then perfect it in the future.

This is the case. It took the couple more than a year to grasp the mystery of these words and to be able to talk barely. As soon as the innate God's Word comes out, it will cause a vision of heaven and earth, resonate with all things, and have great power to speak freely!

It's just that this isn't the true way of speaking, and the way of speaking without fear should be to intercept the most powerful words in the innate divine language. The words are spoken quickly, and the time for the formation of power to burst is very short. Xuan's mastery of congenital divination is very long, and they can't figure out how to use it to attack and become supernatural.

Therefore, if you want to truly follow the method, you should also need specific skills.

During this time, Xiaolong has been lying side by side with that pair of Tao bones. Seeing the exquisiteness of Tao bones, Shilong has achieved the degree of condensing the innate avenues without any totem pattern. All the bones and bones are pure avenues. Far beyond him, it was the state he dreamed of.

Chen Long's realm level surpassed Zhong Yue and others too much. Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan couldn't comprehend the mystery of Dao bones, but he could.

I saw that this innate dragon was shaking, his flesh and blood faded, leaving only one keel, two keels side by side, each with their own differences.

Chen Long's bones are not formed by pure avenues like Tao bones. The surface of his bones has many complex totem textures, which are disillusioned.

Some of these totem textures are the totem textures he was born with, innate totem patterns, and some are the mysteries of the road that he realized after his birth, imprinted on himself and enhanced his strength.

His strength is already difficult to go any further. After all, it is the innate **** born by the power of sacrifice. After the sacrifice of sentient beings has been completed, he has also restricted him. Now when he sees the bones of the dragon, he realizes that he has broken through.

Every once in a while, the dragon's bones vibrate. Every time he shakes, many innate totems on his bones are broken, and they are turned into light spots, and many impurities in the bones are constantly peeling off. The bones are clearer and more pure.

It just takes a long time for him to completely transform and turn into a bone of Tao.

But if he completes this transformation, he will definitely get a great promotion!

The innate gods are difficult to cultivate, and each ascension is commendable. This time the appearance of Shilongdao bone is also a great opportunity for him.

Zhong Yue and Yin Xuanxuan left Xiaolong here, the two boarded the deck of the ship, looked at each other, and suddenly spoke together.

The innate divine language poke out of their throats. It was a strange rhyme, mysterious and magical. The ancient Taoism seemed to resonate with the avenue between heaven and earth, shaking the space.

Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan recite the word "Yu". The syllable is completely different from the word "Yu" in the divine language. It is a distinctive Tao sound that resonates and resonates in the space avenue, as if two ancient gods Try to control space.

Zhong Yue raised his hand and pulled out the innate sword. The knife suddenly changed and was decomposed into the emperor-class innate Yidao. The innate Yidao merged with this ancient ship. I saw the ancient ship's hull with wings on it. Opening slowly and constantly shaking, this ancient ship was slowly lifted.

His congenital Yidao changed in these wings, turning it into a avenue of space, and the Taoism in the two populations continued. Zhong Yue suddenly felt as if he had a wonderful connection with the ancient **** who controlled space in the ancient dark age!

He is connected to the spirit of Yin Xuan Xuan, he has established a connection with the ancient **** who controls space, and Yin Xuan Xuan has also established this connection, and this feeling is very strange.

The ancient innate meat wings of the ancient **** who mastered space formed his wings. As the words of the two people continued to spit out, the texture of the innate meat wings became clear, and various mysterious messages came in!

The magic of the ancient ship's wings poured into their minds. They seemed to have thousands of wings and took control of the space. They could roam anywhere in the world!

The sound of the Tao from their mouths was more complicated. The innate meat wings on the hull of the ancient ship had a span of 100,000 miles, and thousands of pairs of wings shook the space, allowing the ship to float above the town's Tianxiongguan.

At this moment, tens of millions of demons and spirits in Zhentian Xiongguan suddenly felt a burst of heart palpitations, as if the master who controlled the space was resurrected, and as if he was waking up from a deep sleep, the vast Zhentian Xiongguan was constantly shaking!

"Anomalies are coming!" The old **** suddenly trembled.

He is a veteran guarding the place and has seen this scene!

The galaxy is oscillating, setting off huge waves, the nebulae formed by those waves are extremely bright, and the stars are blooming at this moment, emitting an extremely strong light.

The star waves passed the walls of Xiongguan and towers, as if the towering tsunami surrounded the town of Tianxiongguan!

Tens of millions of gods watched this scene dumbly, and their hearts were frightened. Even the top creators such as Fuli and Musuge had the feeling that they could die under the sky at any time.

"Guard the Star Humboldt!"

Fuqi branch immediately yelled loudly, and the strong human race of Xinghumborg immediately urged mana to protect Xinghumborg!

"Don't panic!"

The old **** exclaimed: "This is just an anomaly. It is a projection of the dark ages and will not harm us!"

The countless stars that make up the galaxy are emitting strong divine light, the space of Zhenxiongguan is distorted, the divine light emanating from the galaxy is like a slurry formed by light flow, and the charming glory floods this vast continent. Everyone drowned.

Among the surging divine light, the tens of millions of gods who guarded this magnificent pass were shocked to see the existence of a powerful and powerful shore coming from the depths of the divine light, with steady steps and solemn appearances.

They are so magnificent that even the Creator feels small and can only look up.

Those great shore beings passed by them, and even they felt that they had passed through the bodies of these beings, and they could only feel a tinge of numbness, as if a ray of light passed through their bodies. Obviously these are only projections, and are the imprints hidden in time and space Is not real.

"They are the **** kings of the dark age!" The old **** shouted.

The **** kings who came in the dark ages are extremely powerful, each one is an innate **** and has unimaginable power!

On the ancient ship, Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan were shocked. They looked down and saw the solemn and solemn expression of the gods and kings in the dark age. Each **** was a perfect body born from heaven and earth. The flesh is one, they are so perfect that one cannot pick out any faults.

Perfect, flawless, it's them!

This scene was so shocking that Zhong Yue and Yin Xuanxuan forgot to recite the innate divine words, but at this moment, the divine light flowing from the galaxy gradually faded, and the bodies of the **** kings in the dark era coming from the divine light It is also getting lighter.

"Xuan Xuan, don't stop!" Zhong Yue said quickly.

The two continued to chant the a priori God's Word, and the mysterious Tao came, and the Xinghe continued to shake more and more intensely, and the body of those **** kings in the dark ages gradually became real.

Zhong Yue's body shook, and she looked at those **** kings in disbelief. He saw the goddess goddess among many **** kings!

Or should be called after the soil mother!

At that time, Hou Tu Niang Niang had not shed her past body, she was one of many **** kings.

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor-"

Incomparable Taoism came from the mouths of the **** kings, chanting mysterious a priori God's Word in unison, and thousands of voices were linked together, making this voice deafening and shocking!

This kind of Taoist Zhong Yue has never learned it, and I don't know what it means, but it must be no small matter to see the God King of the Dark Age so solemn.

They were solemn and solemn. Thousands of ancient **** kings surrounded this ancient ship at the foot of Zhong Yue, and the words in their mouths trembled and repeated over and over.

Suddenly, in the hull, the dragon bone of the dragon began to move, and the huge dragon bone suddenly opened, sending deafening words, overlapping with those of the **** king's projection in the depth of time and space. recite.

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor-"

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor-"

"Capricorn Spartan, the priest ordered Tusmodor-"


Next to the keel, Xiaolong suddenly woke up and saw that the sibling of the first dragon was also chanting, and couldn't help but wonder: "What's going on? What is Shilong talking about? What are they talking about?"

He flew out quickly, landed on the deck, and stood with Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan, and saw that the ancient ship was shaking gently, and the strange textures on the ancient ship were dazzling, turning into a shocking movement. God's innate **** light soared into the sky.

The beam of light penetrated the infinite space, and it shone on Zhentianfu, which hung above the Ziwei star field!

Suddenly, the old **** was stunned, and the sermon involuntarily came out of his mouth: "Capricorn, spartan, priest and prince—"

In Zhentian Xiongguan, a **** and a demon had no eyes and could n’t help but recite it. Soon the prince and the emperor followed the fall and shouted involuntarily: "Capricorn, priest, priest, and priest. -Capricorn and Spar, the priest ordered Tusmor-''

A creator was at a loss, looking at this frenetic scene blankly, wondering what to do.

The strange Taoism became more and more exhilarating, and the light on the ancient ship became more intense.

At this time, a light flashed outside the Zhentian Xiong Pass, suddenly stopped, and turned into a sacred mountain floating outside the Pass. Feng Xiaozhong looked up and looked at the abnormal phenomenon of Zhen Tianxiong Pass, showing his excitement and madness ~ www.readwn.com ~ Mumbled: "Innate divine language, the legendary Taoist language is really pleasing to the ear, this is the purest Taoist sound. Brother, is this what you caused?"

Behind him, the hundred deities of Zhongyue walked out and said, "I just tried to read the Yu word in the Dao language, and it resulted in this anomaly. But what do they mean by the Dao language, I don't know. . "

"The Tao of Innate God should not learn its meaning. If you learn it, it is very simple. You should understand its essence. Their language contains the avenue. You can understand what they are saying when you understand the meaning of the avenue. "

Feng Xiaozhong was dressed in white. He closed his eyes and listened to the words. After experiencing it, he suddenly laughed and said, "They are trying to resurrect their master. Those two words mean resurrection. The master of the dark ages is interesting. It should be An exceptionally powerful innate god? I wonder if he can really be resurrected? If he can study him thoroughly, he will gain a lot ... "

"Master of the God King?"

On the ancient ship, Zhong Yue's face changed drastically, and he quickly stopped the sound of Tao in his mouth, and said loudly: "Xuan Xuan, don't read it! Cousin, let the bones of Shilong Road be shut! All gods and demon orders, stop now! , Fuli, let them speak up immediately, can't say this kind of saying again! "(To be continued.) Activate the new website

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