Rise of Humanity

Chapter 889: 0 St. Lotus

This golden lotus is swaying gently and has not yet bloomed. The light from the other ninety-nine golden lotuses is constantly flowing. Every few days, the first petals of the golden lotus are starting to wither.

The cormorants and cormorants sitting in the golden lotus throne also began to wither, and the essence of the Yuanshen dies away, like a flower withering.

The dying of a golden lotus, which means that Xiuyi and Xiuyi Xiu were absorbed by their afterlife, and the new lotus bone blossom grew up a point.

When the ninety-nine Biandi lotus and their ninety-ninth body are completely absorbed by the new lotus bone, then the two will start to regenerate and become extremely powerful!

Yin Xuan Xuan was surprised: "This technique is so strange that you can practice it like this?"

"Gongfa is called Baizhu Rebirth Red Dust Scriptures, one red dust and one redemption. After a hundred fables, they have achieved great achievements, and now their Gongfa will be greatly completed."

Zhong Yue said: "Now they absorb the body of the century, and integrate the cultivation of the century into the road of cultivation. Their achievements are not trivial."

Yin Xuan Xuan nodded, and then found out, wondering: "No, they used to be lotus flowers. Why is there only one lotus flower now?"

Zhong Yue took a moment's notice and noticed this.

Nine and ninety-ninth are brothers, so the reincarnation of the ninety-ninth was born from the twin lotus, and now in this hundredth century, only one lotus has grown in the sea!

Two lotus bodies will grow in the lotus throne of Shuanglian, and the two brothers will be born again, but now there is a lotus flower. What happened?

Zhong Yue suddenly awakened: "Xun is the fifth child of Xun Long's family, and has always called Xun and Xun as the fourth or fourth elder brother. Could it be that their brothers have always been one?"

He thought that He and He had a strange connection, as if they were a single person. He had made him curious, and he said why the brothers were so synchronized.

Now that I think about it, maybe 狴 and 犴 have always been alone, so they can explain.

They are two bodies separated by the same person, both bodies practice at the same time, you cultivate yours, I cultivate mine, you appreciate your avenue, I appreciate my avenue, so you can do more with less!

This kind of thing is not in the minority, such as the Tianwu Protoss. The Tianwu Protoss is even more perverted. It can be divided into eight and turned into eight double-finned golden owls.

Moreover, 犼 is also a kind of **** tiger, and 狴 and 犴 also have the blood of white tiger. Could it be said that this is a unique talent of the **** tiger?

"The cultivation of the 198th is that the 198 emperors who are in a perfect state, the cousin is going to go against the sky!"

Zhong Yue marveled: "They have different avenues. If they were two, how many avenues would they gather?"

Best Lotus has not yet opened, so it has a strange fragrance. The fragrance Zhong Yue and others have never smelled it. The fragrance enters the nose, only the appetite is wide open. I can't wait to bite a bite on the lotus!

This lotus gives people the feeling of a supreme holy medicine, surpassing any magic medicine, even better than the six fruits of the six magic trees, I know how many times!

"It's so fragrant ..." Yin Xuanxuan swallowed her mouth unconsciously. The scent was so seductive that she didn't even want to take a bite.

The scent was transmitted to the outside, causing many gods to shrug their noses, sniffing the fragrant smell vigorously, their index fingers moved, and they looked at the ancient ships.

Although the ancient ship was banned outside by the dragon dragon, the innate dragon god, the fragrance was strange and seemed to penetrate space.

"Sir, what kind of fragrance is it?"

A loud voice came from outside Fuli and asked loudly, "Taste for me!"

Musu Ge's voice came from his own path, saying, "Sir, what kind of medicine is this?"

"Holy medicine!"

Several creators became irritable, earning a chain banging and clamoring, hoping to jump straight up.

Zhong Yue frowned slightly: "This fragrance seems to be a bit wrong ..."

Suddenly, the spirit of the dragon dragon, which was talking with Feng Xiaozhong, shook his head suddenly, opened the red robe, and turned it into an innate dragon. The dragon's head suddenly plunged into the golden lotus ocean, and the huge dragon head bowed down. The dragon must fly, and the dragon's head is like a scorching fire of Shenyang!

He opened his mouth wide, salivated in his mouth, his eyes filled with greed, and he stared at the lotus flower that had not yet bloomed.

Zhong Yue's hair was frightened, and she shouted, "Cousin Xiaolong, that's your son!"

Xiaolong yelled, turned his head in a hurry, his body was trembling, and he did not want to see the 100-day Holy Lotus.

"So fragrant, so fragrant—"

The dragon's huge claws trembled like a mountain range, and low-pitched dragons groaned in its throat, teased by the aroma, sometimes sensible and sometimes muddy.

"This is my son. I can't eat him ..."

That innate dragon was whispering, the beard was wandering, the sound was sometimes weird and sometimes solemn and loving, and suddenly it became cunning and wicked, and chuckled: "But this is the supreme medicine. After eating him, I can get He has a great avenue! I have not yet established the emperor's realm, and it is said that my imperial realm is to fall on my son! "


Shenlong roared: "Tiger poison does not yet eat a child, how can you, as an innate dragon, eat your own son!"

"Oh, I am a congenital god, Shou Yuan is infinite, and I will live with heaven and earth. What son?"


Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan were horrified. I saw this innate dragon struggling inside, sometimes turning his head, exposing fierce light in his eyes, and sometimes turning his head, showing kindness.

The seductive power of the 100-day Holy Lotus is too powerful, especially because He is his own flesh and blood. The lotus's medicinal power is most useful to him, and this innate dragon can not help but collapse.

The second lotus flower withered, and the fragrance of that hundred-day holy lotus was even more intoxicating. The dragon shouted, and the sea was sometimes set off by strong winds and waves, and the wind and wind were swaying.

Zhong Yue burst into drink: "Cousin Xiaolong, you should leave! This is not where you stay, go! Go as far as possible!"

Xiaolong was sober for a moment, shouting, and lifted a roll of red robe, the body became smaller and smaller, turned into a dragon godhead, the red robe covered the body, and whistled away.

Suddenly, Dragon Claw came and grabbed Feng Xiaozhong: "I lost with you. In the past ten years I belong to you. Whatever you want me to do!"

He took Feng Xiaozhong away and galloped away without daring to stay.

Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief. If Xiaolong did not take away Feng Xiaozhong, he would not be able to keep the hundred-day holy lotus. With the character of Feng Xiaozhong, he would immediately start to fight against the hundred-day holy lotus!

He also took him away to protect his son. However, in the past ten years, Xiaolong must have suffered.

"No wonder I want to protect them. The last calamity is the most terrible calamity, and the holy medicine refined by the century may lead to unpredictable existence."

Zhong Yue frowned slightly and said, "Can I protect them?"

He was a little scared, and now only two Pandial lotuses have disappeared, and the scent even seduce him even to want to start this sacred lotus!

Nightmare Xuan heard a nightmare-like voice: "If I can take this holy medicine ..."

"wake up!"

Zhong Yue burst into drink, Yin Xuan Xuan woke up, could not help but fight a cold war, lost his voice: "This hundred-day holy medicine even interfered with my Tao heart! Fu Jun, we cannot stay here for a long time, otherwise we will be affected by the holy medicine Out of control! "

Suddenly, Zhong Yue's face was cloudy, and an evil voice came from her mouth: "I bear the burden of reviving the race. This burden weighs me almost out of breath. If, if ... if I eat him, hehe, If you eat him, you can save my countless years of penance and reach my dream state! Eat him, eat their brother ... "

Yin Xuan Xuan sacrificed the jade flute, the twenty-four note-dong flute sounded, and Da Tian Mo Zhen's mantra invaded, making Zhong Yue's disturbed Dao Xin immediately clear.

The couple looked at each other with a creepy feeling!

"He trusted me and asked me to be their last guardian. If I were insecure and guarded against theft, how could I deal with them?"

Zhong Yue gritted her teeth, and suddenly there was a sound of rage from outside. I don't know how many gods were disturbed by this aroma, and they were attacking this ancient ship, and even the ancient ship was shaken. It must be the creator's shot!

Yin Xuan Xuan flew out, came to the deck, and the sound of flutes spread across the wild. The gods and demons who were attacking the ancient ship were awake for a moment, sobered up, and then left in fear.

Yin Xuan Xuan sacrificed the jade flute to maintain the flute sound with mana. She quickly returned to the cabin, worried that Zhong Yue would lose control and eat the flute.

But at this moment, when Zhong Yue took out a pearl, his head suddenly plunged into the pearl, leaving only the headless body outside, startled Yin Xuan Xuan.

There was no head on Zhong Yue's neck, and a small pearl stood on it. This scene was really weird.

This pearl was the six realms that Sima had handed in his hands, with the seal of Fuxi inside. Zhongyue's head penetrated into the six realms, and he sniffed hard, still smelling a scent, and frowned slightly.

He looked up, and saw that Fuxi was still sitting there, entangled with chains, a picture of despair and despair.

"It's absolutely safe here!"

Zhong Yue pulled her head back and raised her hands. The lotus sea was lifted up by him with great mana, and sent to this pearl!

However, for a moment, Lianhai and the 100-day Holy Lotus were sent by him into the six realms inside the Pearl.

Fu Xi looked up, ashamed.

Zhong Yue put down her heart ~ www.readwn.com ~ Quickly walked out of the six realms, put away the pearl, and said, "The six realms can't cover the fragrance of Shenglian, but it should be able to delay for some time."

Unconsciously, another three months have passed, and the aroma finally came out from the pearl. Zhong Yue's heart fluttered, and she had to let Yin Xuanxuan continue to urge Yu Xiao, so that the gods and demons in Guanzhong would not disturb the mind.

After barely more than two months, a roar suddenly came from outside the gate. I saw a huge demon who hurried to Zhentian Pass, walked across the river, and was caught in the river and shattered.

"Master, what's not great ..."

There is a future report from God, but needless to say, Zhong Yue also knows it is not good, because he has seen tens of thousands of gods and spirits coming from all directions in Tianxiongguan.

噗通, 噗通 ...

A **** and demon danced and fell into the galaxy and was devoured by the galaxy!

Their Tao heart has been deceived by the scent of the 100-day Holy Lotus, and they do not know the danger at all! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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