Rise of Humanity

Chapter 894: First Life Form

The picture flickered by, and they were not able to see the specific situation of creating the Six Realms.

Then countless pictures flipped around. They saw a world-renowned heavenly emperor, a magnificent battle, saw the changes of the universe, and the emperor emperor from generation to generation.

"Fu Xi!"

One of the Fu Xi generals, who had been congenitally forbidden, lost his voice: "I saw Fu Xi's ancestors!"

They saw the history of the entire Earth Age. It was the glorious years of the Fuxi Protoss. It was exciting, and an indescribable pride sprang up!

Suddenly the world changed, and they saw the war destroyed by the Fire Age, a terrible war that swept the universe and destroyed the Fire Age.

It was just that the picture passed too fast, so that they had no time to observe in detail what had happened that led to the collapse of the most powerful Pygmy's at that time.

Then there is the history that has been obliterated, the magnificent civilization of the Fire Age, the figure of the emperor and emperor of the Fire Age, and the brilliant dynasty deduced from generation to generation.

Finally, they saw the establishment of the Fire Age, which was also an extremely terrible war. Countless ancestors' generous tragedies and courageous dedication to life finally led to the rise of the Paz.

In the dark universe, the fires of countless civilizations are lit, gradually illuminating the situation of the floods and famines of the universe. The scene makes people unable to bear the tide of surging, there is a kind of shock that shocks the mind, and makes people cheer for the grandchildren of Kushiro.

Seeing the fire of those civilizations dazzling the eyes of ancient gods on the ancient ship is the beginning of civilization and the beginning of the innate spirit controlling their own destiny.

The ancient ship has entered the dark age. The dark age is purely barren years. There is no civilization, only wild nature. It is the era when innate gods and innate deities rule.

In the picture of time, they witnessed the birth of the existence of a great and great shore, as well as the demise of the existence of a great and magnificent shore in the dark days.

"Is this ancient ship taking us back to the dark ages?" Yin Yun Xuan murmured.

Zhong Yue nodded, just about to speak, and suddenly the time of the boat going backwards began to reverse, from the dark age to the fire age!

The previously appeared pictures roared past, the dark age passed, entered the age of the fire age, the death and rise of an emperor and emperor, and then entered the age of the earth age, and then the age of the age age annihilated, the age of the age of God appeared!

"Look at that ship!"

A demon exclaimed, "Look! The ship is exactly like ours!"

On the ancient ship, all the gods held their breath, staring at an ancient ship, and the ancient ship also shuttled in time and sailed to Zhentianfu.

There are more than a thousand gods on the ancient ship, and they look blankly to them.

The captain of the ancient ship was a young man, surrounded by a peerless beauty, and seemed to be as blank as other gods.

That's another Zhongyue, and another Yin Xuan Xuan!

Zhong Yue and Yin Xuan Xuan could not help feeling a creepy feeling, they saw another "self" in time!

Yin Xuan Xuan said blankly: "Aren't we back to the dark age? Why do we see another us?"

Yin Xuan on another ancient ship is also at a loss.

Zhong Yue looked to the back of the ancient ship on the opposite side, where there were four emperors who were chasing the ancient ship.

"They are us in time!" Zhong Yue muttered.

This picture was fleeting and disappeared. The picture outside the ship was constantly changing. A war that swept the universe broke out.

Win the Empire!

This is the battle for imperialism that has not yet occurred in this era!

Yin Xuan Xuan suddenly felt a big shock and saw herself, she lost her voice: "We are heading for the future!"

In the picture, her mother is in the world, sitting in a glorious god, she saw that she was married to a strange man, which is a Fuxi, the emperor of Fuxi!

Yin Xuan Xuan's state of mind was shaking. That is the true face of Zhong Yue. She had met once and said that she was not as elegant as Mr. Yi.

Zhong Yue also saw himself in the future. He finally ruled the universe, became the emperor of the universe, established a brilliant dynasty, and ruled the universe.

The picture flickered again, and Zhong Yue's face changed drastically. He saw himself falling. In the future, he was beheaded by a powerful being. The stunning and terrible light cut off his head, killed his Yuan Shen, and killed him!

The **** dynasty he created collapsed, countless followers, countless priests and gods will be killed and bloodwashed by the existence of terror in a great turmoil!

Even, he also saw the extinction of the salary fire, the death of Yin Xuan Xuan!

"I lost ..."

Zhong Yue's heart was cold. In the future picture, he lost, died, died at the most glorious time, and failed to realize his lifelong wish.

In the future, Fuxi still does not exist. He still fails to change the human race and change Fuxi's fate.

Zhong Yue Muran, the future pictures have clearly shown his failure and his death.

Suddenly, a soft hand took hold of his hand, and Yin Xuan Xuan also saw the picture. Yin Kang's heavenly girl seemed to want to give him confidence through the temperature of her palm.

Zhong Yue was so desperate that he pursued the goal of his life for all his life. Now suddenly collapsed. In the future, he lost, failed to save the human race, failed to revive Fuxi, and even died with his fire.

This is an extremely desperate future.

It is the future that Chaos has never shown to him.

"This is not the future."

Beside him, the woman said softly: "If you are discouraged and absolutely desperate for the future, you will not be able to see the future picture you see, you cannot marry me, you cannot establish a dynasty, and you cannot become the emperor of heaven. , It is impossible to be beheaded. "

Zhong Yue rolled her eyes, a little vitality was restored in her eyes, and her voice was hoarse: "Do you mean that the future must not be revealed?"

"The future can be changed."

Yin Xuan Xuan laughed: "After all, the future has not happened, time is still passing, isn't it? If everything in the future is clear and clear, isn't it desperate? Dignified wise man, dignified Mr. Yi, call the wind and the rain , Will the wind and the waves stir up the existence of Lagerstroemia indica? Will it be overthrown by future pictures? "

Zhong Yue was energized, holding her hand firmly, and smiling: "I'm too persistent. Xuan Xuan, you are right, if everything in the future is already doomed, what fun is there to work hard? Just sit and wait. Now. The past can't be changed, but the future can change. I don't believe that's my end! "

Yin Xuan Xuan laughed: "I don't believe it's my end. You haven't beat me yet, how could I be in the same room as you ... in the same room?"

Zhong Yue Haha laughed and said, "You can rest assured that I can definitely defeat you and take you to bed!"

Yin Xuan Xuan stared at him, and the two seemed to disperse the haze that had just enveloped him.

Zhong Yue looked out of the boat, her heart was overcast, her mood was still heavy.

Out of the boat shows his future. Although Yin Xuanxuan makes his mood less chaotic, why does that future appear?

Doesn't this mean that if he continues on the current path, the future scene will become a reality?

And if you make a change, is it still in the future picture, or will it eventually go to that ruined end?

How can we change that desperate future?

How can I get out?

The scene outside the ship is still constantly changing, the timeline is gradually chaotic, and sometimes a corner of the future picture and sometimes the past picture appear, which makes people wonder whether this ancient ship will go to the future or return to the past.

"This ship is not going to the future or going to the past."

Zhong Yue suddenly said: "It is to go to the impossible world, to Zhentianfu. The impossible world should be independent from time, so we will see so many weird things on the way."

"An impossible world?"

Yin Zhenxuan felt a slight shock in her heart and looked up at Zhentianfu in front of the ancient ship.

This road is getting closer to Zhentianfu.

The scene outside the boat was still changing. At this time, prehistoric situations appeared. Time recorded the unknown past in prehistoric times, and suddenly went to the future, showing the picture of the future.

Every scene of the past passing by the boat, Zhong Yue suddenly saw a picture.

In that picture, he saw the endless chaos. There was a sea of ​​fire on the chaos, as if it was the Holy Land of Jinwu's, the sea of ​​fire formed by the chaos.

There is Chaos God Ao undulating in the sea of ​​fire. Suddenly, a Chaos God Ao paddled on all fours, landed ashore, and came to this universe. The head of Shen'ao crawled for a few steps and turned into a creature away, without returning to chaos.

Zhong Yue's heart trembled slightly: "Chaotic creatures came ashore? I remember Chaos told me that if they came ashore, they would become the creatures of this universe as we are, and they would have joy, anger, sorrow, and old and sick.

"But chaotic creatures can travel time, go to the end of time, or go to the beginning of time. Doesn't this mean that this ashore chaotic creature knows everything about the future?"

"Who is he? When did he land?"

"Is it in the past or the future?"

Zhong Yue frowned. The current time is disordered. I do n’t know if this scene is a thing of the past or the future ~ www.readwn.com ~ The ancient ship is getting closer and closer to Zhentianfu. A picture suddenly appears outside the ship, which is the universe. The scene at the beginning of life was full of chaotic earth, water, fire and fire, the universe was creating, creating the starry sky, creating the galaxy, and creating countless small worlds.

However, there was still silence and no life.

Time is endless. I do n’t know how long it took. In an innate holy land, the first innate demon and the first life in the entire universe were born.

Life in the chaos emerged, transformed into a god, chanted to him, and blessed him.

Chaos God is praising his power, he is the origin of all life in the future, and is the master of all innate gods and innate deities in later generations.

The first innate **** suddenly stepped forward, taking the first step in life.

The chaos gods blessed in unison: "Praise the big commander—"

———— The second more today! Thank you all for your love, the pigs work hard to repay everyone! !! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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