Rise of Humanity

Chapter 898: 8 King Kojin

In the distance, they saw a magnificent altar. The altar was immensely wide, and I did not know what material it was made of. The altar had cracked, and chaos gas overflowed from the cracks.

On the edge of the altar is a huge corpse bone, which is a natural Tao bone. There is no totem pattern on the bone. It is a pure road refining. The road bone has a terrible road power.

He has eight heads and faces in eight different directions. On the back, he can see the wing bones formed by the rotten feathers. These four pairs of wings are still flying and fluttering.

And in his hands he was holding various types of magic soldiers, which were innate magic soldiers, still filled with terrifying power, making them emperors.

He has eight arms and only bones left in his arms. The innate emperors in the eight hands are different, and are treasures condensed from the height of Tiandi Avenue.

He grabbed Qinglongyu on behalf of Donghuang Avenue, Suzaku on Nanhuang Avenue, Baihu Sword on Xihuang Avenue, and Xuanwu Shield on Beihuang Avenue.

One hand grasped the Thunder King Hammer representing Zhenhuang Avenue, the other was the fire basket representing Lihuang Avenue, the other was the Great Seal of Genhuang Avenue, and the weak water bottle representing Kanhuang Avenue.

"The King of Eight Wastelands!"

The four emperors all took a sip of air conditioning. This skeletal body is definitely the **** king who controls the Eight Deserted Avenue in the dark age!

Every head, every wing, every arm, every weapon represents a wasteland, which is a total of eight wastelands!

Such innate gods are gone today and no longer exist.

Today, the innate deities that can represent the Eight Wilds are often born by the sacrifices of beings, and they are the innate gods or innate deities representing the Yihuang Avenue. The demon sacrifices are born of the innate deities, and the protoss sacrifices are born of the innate gods. The magic can't be unified.

As for the congenital gods and gods born in Heaven and Earth, the four emperors have never heard of them, they may, but they may not.

And the **** king who gathers eight wasteland avenues, I am afraid that only the one in front has appeared from ancient times.

However, the eight desolate kings are already dead. Each of the eight heads has opened a large hole, which was directly obliterated by his powerful existence. He could not die anymore!

"What is it that killed him?"

In the distance, Zhongyue had approached the majestic altar, approaching the dead body of the Eight Deserted God King, like a little ant, trying to climb up the bone of the Eight Deserted God king.

"Yi Xiaoer wants to collect the bones and weapons of the Eight Desolation Gods!"

The four emperors were greedy and hurried to speed up to the bones of the Eight Wild Gods.

The eight dead kings had huge bones and undulating bones like mountains. The four emperors rushed there, and they wanted to exhibit the celestial celestial lands. Suddenly, each murmured, and the celestial celestial lands were directly destroyed and beaten back to their original shapes.

The four emperors were shocked and furious. The heaven and earth road here was completely disordered. The law heaven and earth is the law of law heaven and earth, and the image of earth and earth is to use the heaven and earth law heaven and earth road to strengthen themselves and make themselves extremely powerful.

If they display the heavens and the earth, the size of their bodies is not inferior to the way of the Eight Desolate Kings.

But now that they ca n’t perform the law, they can only rely on their own bodies. Although they are emperors and their bodies are quite extensive, they still look very small in front of the dead body of the Eight Desolation Kings.

He appeared in real form, with nine heads and nine tails, and a dragon body, jumping like a fox. The real body, the tiger's face, the light around the body.

The four monarchs climbed quickly, jumping vertically, approaching Zhongyue.

They are fast and slow. The "oldest four" unfolds the wings behind them, flutters and flies at the fastest speed, and jumps continuously. The speed is also amazing. Only the female emperor with leopard print and the "second brother" with human tiger print. Slightly slower, but not much slower.

Zhong Yue has now come to the ribs of the Eight Waste Gods, is climbing through the ribs, trying to reach the first arm bone. The arm bone falls on this rib, touches it, can be climbed through the rib, and then can access the weapon in the arm bone.

Holding a handful of innate soldiers in the hand bones of this arm bone is a weak water bottle representing Kanhuang Avenue!

Zhong Yue ran fast along this rib, but at this moment suddenly a huge shadow flickered, and stopped quickly, and saw a human face, bird, god, and man with wings closed, landed on this rib, and then the bird's claws opened, Flying at a rapid pace, the body kept spinning towards him!

唰 ——

The feathers of the bird, the bird, the god, the man, and the wings were like thousands of sharp swords.

He is as big as a mountain, moving extremely fast, with thousands of feet of feathers, which is very shocking when cut.

"Akamatsu! Eight formations!"

Zhong Yue burst into drink, and Akamatsu immediately mobilized the eight-array map in the mysterious realm of the Yuan. Ten gods and demons urged the eight-volume array map. Zhong Yue's body shook and entered the core of the map. Suddenly he only cultivated as the mana climbed.

Zhong Yue's mind moved slightly, and she needed to procure the magical power, and then suddenly groaned. He had just thought about the magical power, and the totem road was almost ruined.

铮铮 铮 ——

A series of feather swords cut into his body, three consecutive swords, almost cut his waist, cut into two sections!

Zhong Yue quickly retreated, opened her mouth, and spit out Yuan Dan, turning it into a magic field of innate gods. Thousands of feather swords with human and bird bodies cut into the magic field of innate gods. They were immediately blocked, and the rotating body was fixed.

Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief. The three swords had just cut to the spine of his waist, and almost cut off his spine.

He ca n’t use power here. He is quite disadvantaged. His most powerful thing is his perception of the avenue. With the eight-array map, he can reach the summit of the Creator and shake the human face and the bird.

In the realm of the Creator, he is definitely an overwhelming existence, of which his perception of the avenue allows him to directly confront the peak emperors such as humans, birds, and gods!

But unable to perform magical powers, he can only rely on the physical body, Yuandan, Yuanshen, Dongtian and other basic things, which is quite a loss.

The human sword, the bird, and the man's feather sword were blocked. He immediately probed his claws, grabbed his innate force field, and sneered, "Yi Xiaoer, hand over the holy medicine! You are the emperor's minister, the emperor and us are friends. , Also our subjects, why bother committing it? Otherwise, you will be punished with a sin of infidelity! "

Zhong Yue withdrew Yuan Dan and suddenly raised his feet. His legs and feet suddenly turned into the claws of the congenital Jinwu, colliding with his claws, and the two claws were interlocked.

Human face, bird body, and sneer sneered, and felt that Zhong Yue's physical strength was not inferior to him, but apparently the physical strength was not as delicate as his own.

This is a fatal weakness. Although Zhong Yue used the power of 18 million gods and eight arrays to forcibly elevate himself to the realm of the Creator, after all, he was not his own mana. There is bound to be some astringency when adjusting the power, not so bright.

He was about to lift Zhong Yue, and suddenly Zhong Yue grabbed another claw, quickly shaking his wings and flying, and the other sharp claw greeted him.

"I rip you off and take the potion!"

The human face, the bird, the man, and the man laughed, and exerted strength on both feet, to tear Zhong Yuesheng into two halves: "I swallowed the holy medicine alone, I am the emperor, the emperor! The second brother Taifeng cannot catch up with me at all! If I get it again I am invincible of these eight innate soldiers, and I also help the emperor to compete for the position of the emperor? I am the emperor! "

Zhong Yue gave birth to wings, and flew from the vibration, and then the third leg protruded, turned into a Jin Uli claw, and grabbed his chest.

The human face and bird body were dull. He only had two legs, and he could not take the third leg at all. He was immediately caught by Zhong Yue's third leg and caught his chest. Jin Wuli's claws were inserted into his muscles, passed through the ribs, and scratched. To the heart!

Click, click.

The sound of broken bones came from his chest, his scalp was numb, his wings trembled, and numerous swords were cut.


A thunderbolt sky furnace emerged from Zhongyue's body to protect the body. The thunder skylight furnace was immediately chopped by the feather sword, and the feather sword was near the body. This sword chopped him is not a threat to his life. He has an immortal body, but chopped him, and the gods and demons he succumbed to.

At that time, the eight-element map is bound to be conquered by the feather sword, and countless gods and demons will be buried under the power of the feather sword!

The eight-element map can never be broken, which is his capital to ascend to the realm of the Creator.


Zhong Yue drank in anger, opened the sky, and held down a mouthful of feather swords. The pressure of the congenital cave sky became more and more unbearable, while the human face and the bird and the man on the other side also protected his heart with the sky. Can't catch it.

Zhong Yue raised her hand, took out the innate God knife, held the knife in both hands, and cut it with a knife. The human face and the bird and the man in the opposite direction also grabbed his own emperor's treasure. Alas, Zhong Yue waved the knife wildly, and he even chopped hundreds in an instant. The sword, suddenly the human face, bird body, and **** man felt only a light in their hands, and the emperor's treasure was cut off by one's life.

Zhong Yue slashed face to face, the human face and the bird body did not dare to connect it, and countless feather swords came up, but saw the swords break, the sword light fell, and his right wing was cut off with a bang. The man screamed and fell from the air.

When Zhong Yue's wings were closed, she had just landed on the ribs, but she saw that the nine-tailed and nine-tailed crickets rushed back, shaking the wings quickly, and flew obliquely toward the weak water bottle in the palm of the arm of the Eight Wild Gods ~ www .readwn.com ~ I ran wild, and came to the place where the ribs and the arm bones were connected. The emperor's buttocks twisted, and the nine tails flew out, like a white horse that would entangle Zhong Yue who flew on the palm of the Eight Wild Gods. Fuck him, and pull him off.

Zhong Yue clasped the huge phalanx of his palm with both hands, and he couldn't pull it by pulling it hard. Suddenly the tail shortened, and the whole person flew up into the sky, and fell to the palm of God King.

Zhong Yue drew his sword to Jiuwei, and knowing that he had a powerful sword, he quickly closed his tail.

The two jumped vertically, jumping between huge phalanx bones and attacking each other. Suddenly Zhong Yue turned over and flew up, and was locked again by Jiu Jiu just after taking off. Zhong Yue struggled to flutter. , Will fly up with me.

———— It's still three outbreaks today! This is the first change! For three days, the brothers gave eight or ninety thousand pieces to the Supreme Humane. The second change after ten minutes!

The third change is at 8 this evening. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the house pig was introduced to pick up guests in the QQvip book group ... Well, it was a book friend discussion. VIP group: 320724211, welcome everyone to harass! !! (To be continued.) Enable new URL

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