Rise of Humanity

Chapter 903: In my name

Zhong Yue heard that “themselves” described to the prehistoric **** kings the beauty of the Tao world. The Tao world is a pure world of Tao. Because there is no dirt, they swim in it, there is no dispute, no distinction between gods and demons. The war between the gods and the innate demon no longer exists. ? W.suimeng.lā

In the world, any avenue is the most perfect, and they are also the most perfect.

They can stand outside of time, they can be independent of space, they are detached like chaos, but they have their own sense of independence.

They put eternal supremacy over the acquired spirit, sitting on the rise and fall of the world, everything in the world is in their eyes like watching the fire, the acquired spirit will never be able to keep pace with them, or even surpass.

He painted so beautifully that these **** kings were very excited.

Many gods and kings joined forces to build a mansion here. As a place to open the sky, this mansion surpasses Lagerstroemia indica, and is an ideal position to open up the world of Taoism.

The mansion is extremely sturdy. They intend to open up another universe in the mansion and open up the Taoist realm. In this way, the mansion becomes the entrance connecting the Taoist realm and Lagerstroemia indica.

They also teamed up to build a perfect **** ship that should have existed only in imagination. In their ideal, this ship can enter and exit the Tao realm, bringing more innate gods into the realm.

The boat of gods gathered their avenues, gorgeous.

At this time, there were many opposing voices in the congenital gods and demons, who opposed the grand command to hand over the ancient universe and Lagerstroemia to the acquired souls, thinking that this is the place where they were born and cannot be abandoned.

In the same way, the glory of the innate gods and demons must not be abandoned, and they cannot withdraw and tolerate the innate souls. Dominate them and enslave them!

The diehards and radicals in the ancient innate demon set off a turmoil. After the slaughter, the innate spirit led to a massacre.

The acquired spirits rebelled, and the inborn spirits fell, so that the acquired spirits for the first time saw that the original invincible invincible spirits were not so powerful. They are not invincible. The acquired spirits can also be as powerful, even stronger, or even stronger than them. Slaughter God!

Some of the innate souls called themselves gods, and they called themselves demon gods. They called for the strong inborn spirits to launch counterattacks against the ancient gods.

Daquan's pioneering cultivation system gave the acquired souls a powerful power. His interpretation of the Tao was easier to cultivate, easier to understand, and created many arrogant beings. Under the leadership of these leaders, all over the universe began to expand the ancient gods. Counterattack.

For the first time, the rule of innate gods in the dark era has shaken.

Many ancient **** kings who are building mansions and godships on the Ziwei Starfield have also diverged from this upheaval that has swept the universe.

The ancient **** kings such as Houtu Niangniang and Shilong believe that since it is necessary to open up a new universe, Lagerstroemia indica and the ancient universe will be given to the acquired souls, and they will not compete with the acquired souls.

There are also hardliners who believe that **** methods should be used to suppress this riot, maintain the transcendental status of the ancient gods, and let the acquired souls know the awe.

"Don't give up the land that gave birth to us!"

There is a hard-liner of the ancient **** king, heading to Lagerstroemia indica and the ancient universe, and killing the leaders of the innate souls, making the turmoil even more fueling.

This caused even more disputes, and the ancient **** king fell.

The ancient gods in Zhentianfu were angry, and there were several **** kings in the underworld, who planned to smooth out the resistance forces of the innate souls.

"Big boss, you can't let this turmoil continue, otherwise you will be out of control!" Said God King.

Zhong Yue saw "self" get up and walked out of Zhentianfu. At this moment, the universe was silent. All the creatures were trembling, and some hearts rejoiced, waiting for him to slay the killing ring, and deprive all the innate souls of life, while others frowned, lest his heart be angry and kill the unsatisfactory creatures.

There were still trembling and dared not show up.

Even if it is the same innate **** and demon, they have their own thoughts. Zhong Yue suddenly feels that "he" wants to open up a world without disputes. It may be a mistake.

"He" visited Lagerstroemia indica, the entire ancient universe, and there were no disputes.

"He" is too powerful, so powerful that he can deprive him of all life. Who dares to do anything to him?

"He" has not shot for a long time, but he still remembers how terrible he was in the ancient **** king. He used iron and blood to suppress the dispute between the innate **** and the innate demon, and ended the darkness. Chaotic times of the times!

He is the ruler of this dark age. He is not old, immortal, immortal, any other life is only subject to submission!

Today, he cruises the universe, evoking memories of those beings, so they can only lurk and look up.

Then, in Tangu, he met Dasao, the son of Dragon and Snake, Lei Ze, and Hua's son.

The acquired creature of this dragon head is already very powerful. The acquired creature cannot practice the skills of the innate ancient gods and cannot learn Taoism, but the son of the dragon and snake has a different path to interpret the avenue with totems, so that the acquired creature has amazing power. Compete with innate gods.

"The boss is about to kill Dasao!" A congenital devil is gloating, and expects him to kill Dasao.

Dasao is the root of this scourge. It is the power that he gave the acquired souls amazing power, enough to compete with the innate gods.

He broke the myth of the ancient god, so that the acquired soul became a member of the myth and the protagonist of this era!

Many ancient gods believe that only by killing him can the turmoil be quelled and the old times returned.

The ancient gods of Reize and Huaxu were very nervous. Then they came to Tanggu, and dragons and snakes moved outside Tanggu, looming huge bodies in the fire.

And not far away, many leaders of the innate spirits rushed in, murderous, and intended to rush in at any time. On the other side were a number of radical **** kings, waiting for a big fight to wipe out the unified leaders of the innate spirit.

Tang Guzhong was at peace, and Zhong Yue saw "I" sitting with the big banquet, and "I" was asking Dalou for the Totem Avenue system.

Dasao was very excited to face the ancestor of all life, and told him all the totem roads he had learned, and told him the details of the system he had learned.

"He" communicated with Dasong with innate divine language, and Dasong responded with his own created divine language. The two actually talked for a long time and understood each other's words.

Dasao excitedly showed his findings to "he", thirty maps of heaven, "He" saw the map of heaven, and pondered for a long time.

Then "He" stepped out and made an announcement to the acquired spiritual leaders outside Tang Gu and to those radical **** kings.

"He" will open up a whole new universe. The innate **** and the innate demon will go there with "he", and the ancient universe and Lagerstroemia will be given to the grandmother and the acquired soul.

The innate deities who don't want to leave, the innate deities, can stay and practice the totem avenues created by Grandma.

Prior to the development of the realm of the Tao, no ancient **** or acquired soul should be engaged in war, otherwise "He" will surely kill him!

There was an uproar.

The acquired spirits cheered endlessly, while those radical innate gods were lost.

"He" returned to Zhentian Mansion, united many **** kings and devoted themselves to the construction of the altar, and devoted himself to researching how to open up the realm of the Tao to ensure foolproofness.

Communicating with Daxun broadened the horizons of "He". Seeing Daxun's heavenly discoveries made him have many wonderful ideas.

However, many ancient gods left, believing that he betrayed the innate gods and demons, and actually compromised with the innate souls, gave up the universe that gave birth to them, and gave up their supreme power and status.

Finally on this day, "he" felt foolproof, and it was time to open up the realm.

"He" stood in the center of the altar, and his **** kings stood on the edge of the altar, and the dream moment finally came.

He and many **** kings attracted endless chaos and opened the sky in chaos!

What a spectacular scene?

When the world was opened up, the world was surrendered, the ancient universe and the crape myrtle are trembling, and "he" and many **** kings have boundless power to support a brand new universe. That universe is so magical, so magnificent, like the brightest pearl Hanging on Lagerstroemia indica!

But the pressure to open up the world is all on "He" and many **** kings, pressing them on the altar, so that they have to exert all their power to fight against it!

As much power as they exert, there is as much pressure backing up. Fortunately, they are fully prepared and the Tao world is constantly solidified under their support. As long as another period of time elapses, this impossible world will certainly be opened up by them!

At this time, an upheaval that could not have happened.

A drum sound came from the altar under their feet. The drum sound contained everything that destroyed it. The drum sounded for a moment, the avenue was blocked, the road world immediately collapsed and disintegrated, and the power of heaven and earth destroyed the drum sound. Press on them!

"He" was the first to be forced to kneel on one knee, and that drumming blinded all the avenues, leaving the magical powers and weapons of the **** kings who control the heaven and earth avenues around the altar unavailable!

"He" saw one of the **** kings he trusted the most. At this time, he suddenly exploded and killed the **** kings on the altar, pierced through their heads with strange means, and killed the lives of these former partners!

Shocks and confusions appeared on the faces of the **** kings, and they did not understand why they died. Why did the **** king betray and why they would destroy their plans to open up the world.

At this time, another group of inborn gods and spirits broke into the broken realm from the outside and shouted, "Kill the tyrant!"

"Kill the uncle!"

"He" gave birth to boundless grief, and wanted to ask aloud why he should betrayed "He", but the Tao collapsed completely, and all the strength was on him. He took the world of collapse and tried to give these old men to himself Escape opportunity.

Some of the **** kings fled, while others stayed behind, desperately protecting "he".

"He" saw one of his Taoists falling down one after another ~ www.readwn.com ~ but he was still fighting, but he was not an opponent to the traitors.

"Big fat!"

Shilong came under the control of the **** ship. The dragon **** compatible his physical body with the **** ship and became a part of this **** ship. The eight desolate kings, the space gods, the cosmic gods, the star gods, etc. The King of God stood around the altar and allowed the man to be slaughtered. Their flesh flew to the ship, marking their own avenue and flesh and blood in the ship.

There was an obscure word in their mouths, and Zhong Yue understood the meaning of that word.

"Take my life to guard the Lord;"

"Protect the Lord with my soul;"

"In my own way, guard the Lord;"

"Sing my name, praise my voice, and resurrect your life!"

Those ancient **** kings shouted in unison, and the Tao resounded throughout the world, imprinted in time and space.

"Capricorn Spartan! The priest ordered Tusmodor!"

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