Rise of Humanity

Chapter 96: Martial arts defense

The old man dispersed the basalt totem, and saw that the totem pattern on his arm changed with it, and the sword pattern transformed into Gengjin Jianqi was attached to the palm. Gently everything, the jade was cut into large pieces like tofu, laughing "It's okay. Do you see that?"

Bian Zhongyue took a long breath and said, "The disciples see it! Thank you for your guidance!"

The old man got up and left, and laughed: "No need to thank me, pointing you to just do it, you and I have some fate after all ..."

"This old man is very powerful."

Zhongyue watched him go away, and suddenly he heard the sound of a fire in the sea, Zhong Yue was glad: "Salary, you finally woke up!"

Salary jumped out of his eyebrows and said, "I just woke up just now, but I sensed this old man, lest he be aware that I am in your sea of ​​knowledge, and then there is no sound. This old man is the most in Jianmen Mountain. A powerful character, I have repeatedly felt his breath, right in the golden crown of Jianmen! "

"Jianmen Jinding, the most powerful character?"

Zhong Zhongyue's heart trembled and she lost her voice: "You mean, he is the contemporary master of Jianmen? Jianmen master, teach me carving here?"

He was shocked in his heart. This old man with an unremarkable self-proclaimed old man would be the most powerful sword gate master with the reputation of the sword god!

After a while, Zhong Yue calmed down and said, "No wonder Tuo Wuyou will trouble me. It turned out that the sword card was carved by my Jianmen master. I said how the elders would see the sword card, and his face would become so strange. "Well, I seem to have heard people say that the master of Jianmen's gate is called Dazijianjianqi. Isn't the totem of Dazijianjianqi in the sword brand?"

When he fled with Jun Sixie in the wilderness of the Great Plains, he heard Jun Sixie mention that there is a set of peerless skills in the Jianmen, and he only passed on the next master, named Dazijianjianqi.

He Xunhua corrected him and said, "It's comfortable!"

Zhong Yue's face was dignified, and he murmured, "Did the master fancy me and want to cultivate me to become the next master of Jianmen? No, it was a coincidence that I got the sword card. It was given to me by Master Qiu Erer. Yes , The doorkeeper gave the sword card to the sister-in-law to treat her with wood diseases. But I just happened to learn the sword pattern hidden in the sword card.

He breathed a sigh of relief: "Furthermore, there is only Gongfa in that sword card. The Famen method is divided into Gongfa and portals. Gongfa is cultivated, the portal is combat, and that sword is only a boat Gongfa. .I just learned half the freedom of swordsmanship. "

Zihuo thought: "The old man was indeed Feng's. The concentration of Fuxi's blood in his body was three times higher than yours, and his bloodline was like that of Feng. The blood of this Feng's was also so low, it seemed to be in the wild There is no pure Fuxi Protoss ... "

"Salary, based on my current practice, is it possible to purify Fuxi's blood?" Zhong Yue woke up and asked.

Salary shook his head and said, "In fact, you have already started to purify. When you refine the spirit of the beast god, the power of your bloodline has begun to increase, but the purification speed is too slow, you can't detect it. Originally, your Fuxi's blood was very weak, more than ten times lower than that old man. Now that old man is three times higher than you, you can see that you have improved a lot. Continue to refine, and you can catch up with him in just a few months. Or even surpass him. When you surpass him, I can teach you how to use Fuxi's blood and open Fuxi's eyes! "

"Fu Xi's eyes?" Zhong Yue was glad.

"Fu Xi's eyes can see through all the delusions, find out the truth from the delusions, look closely, you can see the mysterious mystery in the totem pattern, penetrate all changes in the totem, and look for flaws."

Xiu Huo laughed: "If you can open the eye of God, why bother with painstakingly caring to comprehend it? Your blood is not pure enough now, you can't refine a drop of Fuxi's blood in your body. . "

Ji Zhongyue took a long breath and murmured, "It only takes a few months to open Fuxi's eyes ..."

"In addition to the eyes of Fuxi, with the help of Fuxi's blood, you can also open Fuxi's fighting body, which can increase your combat power by at least three times. However, turning on Fuxi's fighting body has a huge burden on your body. State, just after the Fuxi fighting body is turned on, it will be shattered by the internal forces. "

Xi Xinghuo fisted his fists and encouraged, "Fuxi Protoss, hurry up and practice!"

At the golden gate of Jianmen, Mr. Pu Lao appeared behind the old man and smiled: "Door, how about Zhongshan?"

"Good seedlings."

The old man with a smile on his face seemed a little naughty, and said, "It's funny to see him treat me as a stranger hidden in the sword gate. If he knows my identity, his expression must be more interesting ..."

Mr. Chang Pu said silently, "Master, the older you get, the more childish you are, but you are right, I also want to see Zhong Shan's expression when he knows your identity."

The two elders looked at each other with a smirk, but did not expect that Zhong Yue had guessed his identity.

"Master, Jun Sixie is back. Although he was slightly injured, the injury has been healed."

Mr. Chang Pu said: "The four of them, has the master decided which one to be the next master?"

The old man groaned and said, "These four people are all good seedlings, born spirits, and Qiutan's little girl. Five people correspond to the five concubines, which is a sign of great prosperity for my Jianmen. But there are ambitious plots against them. In this generation, Jun Sixie's encounter in the wilderness of the Great Plains has shown that someone has betrayed me. The gathering of the five concubines in Jianmen may be a good thing, or it may be a disaster that can't be ignored. "

"Maybe it's Liu Liu."

Mr. Pu Lao laughed: "Will Zhongshan be a born sundial spirit body? You see, he doesn't get the spirit of my sword gate, but has the spirit of Da Ri Jin Wu, but the spirit of Da Ri Jin Wu only It appeared on the sundial spirit body. "

The old man nodded and said, "Zhongshan's is like a sundial spirit body. If he is a sundial spirit body, I am afraid that there will be a corresponding moondial spirit body. Five elements live together, yin and yang balance, there is a sundial and a moondust! No matter Whether or not Zhongshan is a sundial spirit body, he has no chance to be the next master. His practice time is too short, and my life is short. If I find him a few years earlier, this is still possible. Now ... "

He shook his head and said, "Actually, I really like him. The time it takes for him to realize his freedom and sword energy is shorter than mine, and it shows that his understanding is amazing. Unfortunately, I can't live the moment when he grows into a human giant. Therefore, the next Jianmen master can only choose one of the four people: Feng, Fang, Lei, and Jun. But there is already a traitor among them. "

"The demons can't destroy our great waste, the demons can't destroy the great waste, and the gods can't destroy the great waste. Only we can destroy us."

He stood up, tall and thin, and the death on his face was more intense. He murmured: "The stars are all together, is it a sign of my tribe's great prosperity or a sign of great fierceness ... Before I die, I must be like me Like the ancestors of Jianmen Zongzong, to fight for 500 years of peace for my great waste, but also to eliminate all hidden dangers in Jianmen! What I have to pay is just my old life! "

Suddenly outside the cave house of Zhongyue, Tuo Wuji, Huang Luoshi, and others have waited for more than half a month, waiting for their forefingers to scramble. Huang Luoshi said, "Is this Zhongshan family a hare that does not sit in a nest to cultivate to become refined? How do you like to run around? Which of the other gas refiners does not practice in a cave house on weekdays, but he only returned for a few months. A trip to Dongfu! "

Takuo gritted his teeth, and suddenly only heard the sound of Dangdang, all four gas refiners changed their faces slightly, and quickly got up and rushed in the same direction: "What happened to the bell in the inner court to call us? "

In Yulin, Zhong Yue took off his shirt without wearing a ray of light, behind him was the reincarnation of the sun, constantly shining on the tempered flesh. At the same time, basaltic totem patterns appeared on the surface of his skin. .

嗤嗤嗤 ——

There were eighteen sword qis rising into the sky, a total of eighteen. Surrounding his entire body, or stabbing or cutting or chopping or picking or wiping, it is the eighteen coral sword qi contained in the red coral tree.

He only listened to He's explosive sound, and swords of energy fell on him, only to see the Tengwen flashing a beam of light, blocking the sword's gas.

Suddenly, the skin under his ribs was cut by the sword gas, exposing a thin wound.

"You still have some inconvenience when you run the martial arts method, and there are some flaws in the operation."

Xuanhuo stood on his shoulder and said, "Xuanwu Jinlingjue, you need to mobilize forty-six totem patterns to form the dragon-tortoise totem and the snake-totem.

Zhong Zhongyue frowned, calmed down to review her mistakes, and after a moment, the sword revived, turning continuously around him, falling like rain!

After a short while, another sword gas pierced his neck, and Zhong Yue turned his head to avoid the sharp edge of sword gas. The sword gas only cut through the skin of his throat and did not cut the throat!

"There are fewer flaws this time, but they are not enough. The dragon snake coils the dragon turtle. The dragon turtle defends and the snake snake unloads, but you haven't caught the essence of it."

His eyes were old and hot, and he quickly discovered the cause of Zhongyue's injury ~ www.readwn.com ~: "You forgot a little, Teng snake unloading force, where to unload the attacking force. Force is to unload the power on the dragon tortoise's back, and you are unloaded into your body, so you will be injured. "

Zhongyue suppressed the sword marks on her neck to prevent blood from flowing out, thinking: "You mean that you can't look at the snake and dragon turtle separately, but you should treat them as a complete totem?"

Wu Xinghuo praised: "That's the truth."

Zhong Zhongyue quietly thought, then got up and tried again.

受伤 He was injured again and again, and dozens of wounds, large and small, gradually appeared on his body, as if he had undergone **** assaults with gas refiners.

I don't know how long, the dense sword energy stabs around him crazy, just listening to Dangdang's explosive sound, the totem pattern of Zhong Yue's body keeps flowing, blocking all the power of sword energy.

Even, Coral Sword Qi was stabbed to his eyes, Zhong Yue closed his eyes, Sword Qi stabbed on the eyelids, and the power was removed by the totem pattern on the eyelids, without hurting the slightest.

Not only that, but several sword qis ran straight to his armpits, navels, and even between his legs, and the sound of crickets came, Zhong Yue was unscathed, taking all the power of sword qi.

"Finally, I learned the defensive method of the master of martial arts."

Zhong Yue put on her shirt and let out a sigh of relief: "However, the attack power of Coral Sword Qi is not enough, which is only equivalent to the power of the Spirit Refiner when shooting. If I changed to Dragon Sword, I would not be able to stop it. Therefore, the main defense is to rely on the basalt gold spirit shield. Now, let's try the dragon's totem printed on the bone, what is the effect? ​​"

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