Rise of Humanity

Chapter 958: Never slave

? The Yi King who dealt with the Ancestral Palace was to cut off the arm of the Ancestral Emperor, and the eradication of Yin Kangshi was equivalent to the water power of the Ancestral Emperor!

The enemy of the Tianhe Marine Division is Yin Kangshi. Without Yin Kangshi, even if Zhongyue ’s town Tianguan is easy to defend with copper walls and iron walls, even if Zhongyue can defend the town ’s Tianguan, as long as the Tianhe marine master has occupied the town ’s Tianguan Xinghe, the town of Tianguan is also a lonely city, it will sooner or later be captured by the Tianhe Mariner.

The town's Tianguan was broken, Zhong Yue was naturally captured or killed, and both wings of the Ancestral Palace would be threatened!

The sphere of influence of the Xiantian Temple shows that the bird is spreading its wings, soaring and flying for nine days. This is a sign of the emperor of heaven, and luck is prosperous. The town Tianguan, guarded by Zhongyue, is a bird.

If the bird is broken, its wings will be weak, and the innate palace will be broken for nine days, and luck will fade away.

的 And the key to this step is to get rid of Yin Kangshi!

"The Lou Zhengshi is a strategic person."

Admired by Zhong Yue's heart, he immediately came to his senses: "This should not be the plan set by Lou Zhengshi. Lou Zhengshi is the commander of the Tianhe Marine Division. Although he has a high vision and extraordinary ability, he is the leader of the Tianhe Marine Division. The head of all military departments in the court of heaven. The person who made this plan should stand at a high place and look at the overall situation in order to have this vision. Lou Zhengshi is the head of the Tianhe Marine Division and does not have this height. "

He sighed, and came up with this strategy, it should not be the ghost teacher, but only Mo Yin.

Ghost ghosts are savvy in small things, but they ca n’t see the big picture, but Mo Yin is proficient in luck, knowing which point of attacking the innate emperor can break his luck.

From the end of the micro, look at the overall situation and win the world. Fuxi's three flat world methods, Qi Yun Tianshu in the three heaven books are in the hands of Mo Yin, Mo Yin has this ability.

This should be fried in the middle of cooking. Slowly simmer over low heat. Take the outside of Zhongyue. It broke the Yin Kang's. The juice was collected by the high fire.

"The luck of luck cannot be prevented."

Zhong Zhongyue frowned slightly. He didn't understand luck. Although he could discern Mo Yin's strategy, if Mo Yin took action against other forces and swallowed up other forces, I am afraid that Tiandi ’s power would become stronger and stronger.

At that time, Mo Yin integrated and annexed other forces, and the whole world came to attack the Ancestral Palace. Who can resist?

The cause and effect book in the Three Principles of the World should be in the hands of the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law uses the cause-and-effect technique to persecute the world, causing turbulence in the Lagerstroemia indica, the ancient universe and the three thousand and six realms. She also started from the end Move the world.

"Three methods of peace in the world of Fuxi's do indeed have the ability to peace in the world, and one of them can win the world."

Jie Zhongyue looked strange: "What if the three books of heaven all appeared and belonged to different forces? The three books of heaven, strong and weak? The three law of peace colliding, who is the strongest law of peace?"

The descendants of the twenty-six heavenly books should also have appeared. The three Daping world laws will sooner or later encounter, collide, and shine.

This is something worth looking forward to, but also quite helpless.

Finally, the Yinkang sailor came to the continent of Tianhe and drove into a heavy ban. The perimeter of the yinkang's Tianhe continent was heavier and more severe than other emperors. Mainly because of the sinister terrain here, if a strong block is not laid, it is likely to be swallowed by Tianhe.

"These continents of Tianhe are fragments of the emperor star of the Earth Age. It is not easy for Tianhe and Panyu to break in." Zhong Yue looked around and nodded secretly. Yin Kang's indeed established a foothold in Tianhe. Capital.

The emperor star of the Earth Age carries the seventy-seven dynasty emperor heaven emperor. The emperor star of the past emperor's luck has suppressed the emperor star. The emperor star has already been refined to be extremely stable. If the war of the era of the earth era is too terrifying, the emperor exists There are more than 5,000 people, and this emperor star cannot be broken.

虽 Although here is the fragment of the former Emperor Star, the luck is no longer, but the victory is solid enough, and coupled with the layout of the outer Yin Kangshi, it is not difficult to block the Tianhe and Panyu sailors.

In the continent of Tianhe River, the elders of Yinkang's had welcomed them. They had received news that they would hold the fortresses of Tianhe Island and be murderous.

Xun Yin Fu Kang disembarked and ordered the scout to drive a boat to monitor the movements of the Tianhe and Panyu sailors, and then let the sailor's officers rest and rest.

After a short while, the scouts reported: "Tianhe and Panyu sailors did not attack in the future, but went to Panyu Island."

"Go to Panzhizhou?"

Yin Fukang was surprised and laughed: "Is Lou Zhengshi afraid of us, knowing that he can't attack the continent of Yinkang with his power, so he intends to build up the Pan's demon army? He should want to borrow Pan Imperial soldiers? Hey, what if he borrowed Imperial soldiers? I also have Imperial soldiers in Yin Kang's! "

Zhong Zhongyue frowned slightly, and instructed the scouts: "Go again, half a day!"

Xieyin Kang's scouts whistled away.

"Uncle Grandpa, even if Pan Gu and Tianhe Mariner join hands, it is a dream to win my Yin Kangshi. It is not half possible."

Yin Fukang comforted: "I Yinkang and risky, if you still can't keep the ancestors' inheritance, it will be shameless to see the ancestors after death. Tonight will be the memorial for the fallen soldiers, and my aunt also To be there. "

Zhongyue Zheng focused his head. Yin Kang's killed tens of thousands of soldiers this time. These soldiers died for him.

"Father-in-law, this time the Master of the Tianhe River is not just to deal with me, but also to deal with Yin Kangshi, and must not be lazy." Zhong Yue commanded.

Yin Fu Kang was so arrogant that he said, "You can rest assured. The Tianhe Mariner and Pan Yushi can't move my Yin Kangshi! It ’s not so easy to get rid of an emperor, even if I am the twenty-four emperor of Yin Kangshi Bottom of the race! "

At night, the river was still shining with stars. I do n’t know how many of the Yinkang clan came to the Tianhe River. The devil stood on the shore, and the women and children stood behind. Yin Fukang led a ceremonial ceremony with many clan elders and burned incense by the river. Pray that the soldiers and heroes who died in battle will never go away, and will bless the people's health and peace, and the soldiers and heroes who died in battle will never go away, and bless the people with many children, many grandchildren, and more longevity.

The soldiers and heroines who wished to die did not go away, watching the growth of the younger generation in heaven;

The soldiers and heroines who wished to die did not go away and encouraged the heroes to fight heroically in heaven;

The soldier and heroine who wished to die did not go away, and raised his head in the sky to punish the adulterers of the younger generations ...

Uh ...

The deep voices of the clan elders sounded, and the thick nasal sounds hummed the battle song of Yin Kang's. This battle song was very infectious. It was not only the hero who died to commemorate the war, but also encouraged the younger generations to learn the martyrs. humming.

The devil on the bank pushed the boat carrying the soldier's clothing into Tianhe. The blue light on the bow of the boat carried the grief and sustenance of the tribe, and the boat floated into Tianhe.

"When will my people be able to sacrifice the forefathers of the Fuxi Family in a fair and honest manner?"

Zhong Yue looked at the floating ship in the Tianhe River, clenched the palm of Yin Xuanxuan, and said, "There will be this day, there will be it! My ancestors of Fuxi, the martyrs' spirits in Heaven, must still be watching, watching For us descendants ... "

The heroic spirit of Yinkang's commemorating warrior gave him a great touch. Not only did he not forget his ancestors, he did not forget the heroes, but also the soul of the race.

What are the sacrifices of today's people?

Those god-riding wolf tigers and panthers!

High Ruler!

The puppet people should sacrifice their ancestors, not the gods of foreign races, and the demons of foreign races should not worship the gods and demons that suppress themselves and enslave themselves!

"Human race, swore no slave! Never slave!"

The next day, Yin Kang's scout came to report that the Tianhe Marine Division and the Panyu Family remained quiet. Only the Marine Division camped next to the Tianhe Island and drilled by the army. On the third day, there was no movement.

The fourth day, the fifth day is still the same.

But on the sixth day, I saw the fleet of other big battalions from the Tianhe Marine Division coming in, and the warships continued to flow, and more camps were set up.

"No matter how many Tianhe sailors come, it is a dead end."

Yin Fukang laughed: "My Yin Kangshi's soldiers are not vegetarian. Even if all the forces of the Tianhe Marine Division are present, they are only equivalent to the reincarnation of the emperor. They are not opponents of the soldiers. Aunt, you should When I return to the town of Tianguan, I will not leave you. The town of Tianguan is also extremely important. In the future, if something happens, despite my hello, I will help you to keep the town of Tianguan! "

Zhong Yue frowned, Yin Fukang ordered people to prepare the ship, Yin Xuanxuan, Fuli, Hun Dunyu, and others boarded the ship. Zhong Yue also took the boat with him, Yin Fukang took the tribe to the ship. Drive out of the continent of Tianhe and head towards Dixing.

Suddenly, Zhong Yue saw the scout's boat, and her heart moved slightly, so that the scout stopped, and said, "What's going on in Panzhizhou?"

Jaina scouted: "Now there is a small boat, and there is a young man on the boat, who is greeted by Lou Zhengshi and Pan Zhi's senior management."

"Young man?"

Ji Zhongyue's eyes flickered and he said, "How does the young man look?"

The scout scrambled to think about the appearance of the young man with his mental strength. Zhong Yue's face changed greatly, and he yelled, "Fu Li, turn back, go back to the continent of Tianhe!"

Fuli was puzzled, or turned the bow to sail to the island of Yinkang. Zhong Yue's face was cloudy and uncertain, and he said, "The wind is not jealous, and the person who comes is the wind jealous! Lou Zhengshi and Pan Zhishi invited him to come It must be to convince the Fuxi Protoss in a place other than the world! If the Fuxi Protoss also went to war and besieged the Yinkang Family, the Yinkang Family would never stop it! "

The boathouse fire returned, but Yin Fukang hadn't gone far, so he saw the boathouse turn back. UU reading www.uukanshu.com showed surprise and laughed: "Why is my aunt coming back ..."

来 "Come to help father-in-law move!"

Zhong Zhongyue leapt down from the ship and hurriedly exclaimed: "Big things are not good, Tianhe Marine Master joins the Panyu family, and together with the Fuxi Protoss in a world away, this place can't be kept!"

Xie Yin Fu Kang froze for a while, and lost his voice: "Fu Xi Protoss? Those Fu Xi in the world? Sealed in the world, Fu Xi inside can't come out ..."

Zhongyue sneered: "You can come out, did you come out last time?"

Jiyin Fukang's face changed greatly: "In Fuxi, a place outside of the world, there is an emperor-level existence in the world, if you come to attack my Yinkang ..."

Zhong Zhongyue said categorically: "All the people of the Yinkang family have all moved out of this place and headed to Zhentianguan!"

———— It is three more! Brothers, please subscribe if you have the ability to subscribe. Remember to vote for two tickets if you have the votes. Thank you! (To be continued.) 8

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