Rise of Humanity

Chapter 962: Xanadu


Feng Jikai's hand suddenly exploded. The wine was scattered all over, and the pieces were scattered and the wine was overflowing. He stared at Zhong Yue blankly, his thick voice was low, and rolled around in the temple.

"The two ghosts who often listen to my father come to me ..."

He shivered and stared at Zhong Yue. He knew the two ghosts. His father Feng Changyang mentioned them more than once. He said to him that he was trying to go to the future, and there were two unexpected guests in the future. Boarded his ship and came to the present from the future.

The two uninvited guests stayed beside him, and never left, as if an observer observed his every move, observed his words and actions, like an invisible spur, prompting him to make a perfect fuxi.

"They watch you born, watch you grow, and you can't see them."

Feng Changyang said to him, "Maybe in the future, they will come to you and will mention this to you. This is your secret, and no one can tell it. You will bury it in your heart and wait for them Come to you. "

"I don't know if they are good or evil, or evil, and they will not be worse than they are now. Being good will make Fu Xi's situation better."

"You stay here and stay in this cage, you have to gather your minions like a lion, and become a lazy cat, you have to lurk like a dragon, like harmless as a water snake, like a frustrated person, like decadence. The incompetent lurks and endures. "

"You will become a Fuxi again, a real Fuxi, you straighten your waist, you raise your chest, and make a Fuxi upright!"

There was an inexplicable anger in Feng Ji's open chest. He had endured for too long and had been incubating for too long. I wondered if his blood could still heat up and still boil!

I don't know if I have been kneeling for too long. Can I still stand up and straighten my chest?

His body was still trembling, the Yuan Shen was trembling, and the light in his eyes was getting brighter and brighter.

"Ghost" is here.

The "ghost of the future" mentioned by his father finally came, and came to him!

This secret can never be known to outsiders, he never mentioned it, so the half-volt, half-scattered person in front of him is definitely the ghost his father said!

"why are you?"

Feng Ji's eyes suddenly dimmed. Haha laughed, lost, shook his head and said, "Why a dog? Really make me mess. I waited for 70,000 years to keep my body young. Let your primordial spirit stay in the highest state, wait for 70,000 years, but wait for a dog! "

Zhong Yue stepped forward and Feng Jikai suddenly coldly said, "Stop! Don't come near me, kill you to be afraid of dirty my hands."

"My surname is Zhong, the family of Fuxi, the inheritor of the fire, this is my innocent face sneaking into this place, in order to come to you. My true colors ..."

Zhong Yue was about to disperse, stealing the sky and changing the sun, and her original appearance appeared. Suddenly, there was a laughter outside, and she quickly stopped restoring her original appearance.

Feng Ji flashed a fine flash in his eyes, took out a jug, and fell down on the throne to take care of himself.

"Patriarch, I am in the will of His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor, and at the invitation of the Panxi Family, I come to ask the Fuxi Protoss to help, and we will jointly destroy the Yinkang Family."

Zhong Yue flickered, fell on a futon, and sat silently, vocally, "Please ask the patriarch to complete!"

Feng Ji opened his eyes and was fascinated, and said indifferently: "My Fuxi Protoss can only stick to a place outside the world, and can't step into Lagerstroemia indica. This is the rule left by the ancient emperors. This is a place outside the world, not in the universe. The heavenly emperor in the outer universe has nothing to do with the land outside my world, Mr. Wuji, please come back. "

Suddenly, an old voice came from outside the temple, laughing: "Patriarch and slow!"

Looking at Zhong Yue, he saw several old men of the Fuxi Protoss entering the temple, each sitting on a futon, vast in flesh, extremely deep and terrifying, each of whom was not inferior to the peak monarch of Fuxi.

The old men of the Fuxi Protoss triumphed at Zhong Yue one after another, and Zhong Yue quickly got up and saluted each other, and laughed: "Wu Ji has seen several seniors! The seniors are just here, the kid is discussing with the patriarch on the issue of borrowing troops. It's true. This time I came without fear, I was accompanied by the handsome seal of the Emperor Tian and Pan Zhi, and the future patriarch of the Chaos, accompanied by the emperor soldiers of the Chaos, which can be said to be grand and full of sincerity! No ... "

He lowered his eyebrows, whispered, and generally behaved in the same manner as the wind, and even those who are close to the wind may not see any flaws.

The old men of the Fuxi Protoss are exactly the old ones, some from the traitor, some of them are reincarnated from ancient times to the Fuxi Protoss. When they heard that, they laughed and said, "You are welcome!"

"Patriarch, although we are here outside the world and are not under the jurisdiction of the Emperor of Heaven, everything that happens in the universe is also related to our outside world!"

An old red-faced tribe named Fu Baozheng laughed: "Now Ziwei is turbulent, and the battle to win the emperor is indeed the best time for my Fuxi protoss to escape from the world. The other races are standing in line, even the Chaos Stand in line, can we not stand in line? "

Another female tribe is full of wrinkles, named Fu Baoer, hehe laughed: "Standing in the team now, the emperor is stable in the future, we can also share a cup, maybe we don't have to be locked in here. The old age was also the one who wandered the universe. If the strong man is buried here all his life, wouldn't he betray his youth? "

"The new emperor's ascension will be good!"

Another tribe, with a long beard, named Fu Baotian, was old-fashioned and said: "After all, the patriarch is still young and hasn't seen the flower world outside. We have all seen it. Endless, there are countless beautiful men and women outside! The patriarch is bored here for tens of thousands of years, and some of our old bones can take the patriarch out and be happy! "

Another old man with a shameful face, named Fu Baoqi, sneered, "In that year, how much hard work did we make to destroy the Fu Ji ... how much effort did we pay? Huh!"

He angered: "We helped those old things to lay down this mighty country, and we helped them win the war! His mother-in-law, when he enjoyed the blessing, he threw Lao Zi aside and suppressed it here. The babies have nothing to do with us! If we don't fight, we won't rob, and his mother-in-law will die here all the time! "

As he said, other patriarchs are also full of resentment, and the old man Fu Baoer said fiercely: "The mother-in-law laid down the mountains and mountains, but she is not blessed, but is detained like rebellion, the aging mother is fed up! You can do it, you can't do it, you can't help it! "

"That's right! Even if you want to eat, you have to give the bowl a residue!"

The red-faced tribe Fu Baozheng became pale at the moment, sneering: "Our great credit, we don't even eat the leftovers. In this case, then we go to snatch! We were able to destroy the Jiji In the times, it is natural that another Emperor of Heaven can come out and stand on our side! "

Zhong Yue's heart sneered, these fugues' traitors, the great magical men in the flesh and blood of Fuxi, actually made this cheap work!

Not to mention the backbone, they don't even have a shame!

"You seniors are saying."

Zhong Yue smiled and said: "The patriarch considered and considered. To be honest, I also grumbled for your predecessors. You predecessors worked hard for the Age of God, even bearing the name of a traitor. They worked hard and worked hard, but they could n’t enjoy it. To be suppressed in this place. Wuji is deeply worthless to all of you! Patriarch, why not fulfill the fist heart of your predecessors to serve the world? "

Feng Ji's eyes fell on him, and his heart suddenly suddenly understood Zhong Yue's meaning. He drunkenly stood up and said lazily, "I didn't have real power originally, I just put up a patriarch's vanity. Why ask me? You? Go where you want! "

All the clan elders laughed, and the old man Fu Baoer trembled and said, "After all, you are still the clan leader, this scene is still going to pass."

Feng Ji sneered and walked away.

"This boy, drink so much every day, drunk himself sooner or later!"

Many ethnic groups got up and laughed, "He has been decadent for so many years, even if he has a shocking ability, it is not a cause for concern."

Zhong Yue stood up and said, "You seniors, it is a great honor to be able to invite your seniors to come out this time ..."

"Wujiu Xiaoyou don't say that, it's very kind."

Fu Baoer laughed: "At that time, we were also friends with your Master, and everyone was not an outsider. We help you, but we also think about it and think about turning around."

Zhong Yue was grateful for a moment, hesitating for a moment, and said, "Seniors, today the court sailor and Panyu Shui master have already gone to attack Yin Kang's. The rebels of Yin Kang's intend to betray the Emperor of Heaven. Take the Kang Kang's rebel, and I beg you to come and help. "

Many ethnic groups nodded and laughed, "Is it Yin Kang's? It's easy to take it down, and you can rest assured."

Zhong Yue hesitated, and said, "If the seniors don't dislike it, they can be called nephew. UU reads www.uukanshu.com The little nephew heard that the blood of Fuxi was opened here, and it would not be restricted by the curse. Although it is open. I wonder if I can let the nephew stay here for a few days? When the seniors arrive at the Tianhe Marine Division, they must be said to be the seniors invited by the nephew, and they must be my fame!

He smiled suddenly, and said, "Heavenly Emperor remembers the merit, and rewards merit in the future, my nephew ..."

The tribe always knew and laughed, "Slip-headed ghost. You can rest assured that we will put this credit on your head. You stimulate the blood of Fuxi, do you need our help?"

Zhong Yue said calmly: "Front-line battles are important, and I would like to invite your predecessors to rush to the front line. If Yin Kang's is eliminated, the predecessors will make great contributions to be happy in the flower world! The little things of the younger generation do not need to bother you! "

The older you are, the more you look at him, the more you admire, "Wujiu Xiaoyou is really exquisite, and in the future will surely be the dragon and phoenix of God!"

Zhong Yue sent these clan members to the edge of the world, watching them disappear into the heavy seal, his eyes flickered, and he said, "Congenital Emperor will certainly not tolerate the incident of Yin Kangshui. As long as a rebel and a reincarnated supernatural person intervene, he will appear to be a killer. How many of them can survive, it depends on the innate emperor's shot! ”(To be continued.)

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