Getting inside his room with Dilo. He found that room was not so big or small with a length of 5meter and breath of 3meters with a bed, book selves full of books,wardrobe, bathroom toilet and two chairs on to side of windows.

For the ventilation they have used air attributes magic orb to circulate air from outside and magic lamps to lighten the room which can on and off, just like in academy.

Aside from the Kai also notice that this room is a portable cultivation room and there is a door on the left side and on openning it. He found it's leads to a narrow path so that one person can reach other rooms.

David told them that they will get food in dinning room which is in the middle of all rooms with a attached meeting room and cooks room.

While train driver room is attached with the control room.

Seeing all this Kai didn't think much and sat down on one of the chair beside the window and enjoy the view of green farmland and tree which are getting out of his vision at a very high speed.

After sometime Kai turned his head and look at Dilo who is sitting on the bed without saying anything and will panic everytime I look at him.

Through he had heard from his classmates, that he is a shy guy and find it hard to talk with others. Why is he so scared of him?

Do I look like a demon, who is going to eat him or something?

Finally Kai cannot take it and approach Dilo.

"Hey Dilo, why are you scared and start panicking whenever I look at you?"asked Kai with sincerely and gentle voice.

He truly wants to know why is Dilo is acting like this.

Hearing Kai question, Dilo remained silent for a moment and replied in a low trembling voice.

"It's because... It's.. my.. first.."

"Ha!"Kai look at Dilo with doubt"Don't you have any roomate in academy"

"My..last.. roomate.. was.. my.. senior.. who.. graduated.. as soon advance.. course..."

"Why is your voice shaking so much? If you have any problems just let me know. I just want to talk with you and become your friend"

Hearing Kai words Dilo look at Kai who had a serious expression on his face.

"Now, that I look he does not look like a bad guy, but what about that filling I had earlier like no secret can be hidden from his eyes and want to devour him"thought Dilo and relaxed his tensed body and panicking mind.

Returning back to his usual clam and expression less face.

"Ok, let's first start with introduction ourselves"said Dilo in a low voice not much confidence, can be felt.

While Kai felt relieved. He never knew talking with someone can be so hard and started introduced himself in plane and simplest manner.

"My name is Kai Seft. 17years old born citizen of Buraford Kingdom and the uncrowned king of Buraford Kingdom. I have joined Chronos Magic Academy's Battle Mage branch on 1th July this year, the mission of ancient battlefield is my first mission"

Hearing that Kai is the uncrowned king of Buraford Kingdom. Dilo was surprised because he also have heard rumours about the new king of Buraford Kingdom and didn't thought that Kai will be that person and will want to become my friend.

On the other hand he was worried that Kai will find out his secret. So hesitated and felt complicated in his heart and finally decided to introduce himself.

"I am Dilo,19years old and born citizen of Romand Kingdom and had been student of Chronos Magic Academy's magic users branch for last 14years and plan to graduate after completing this mission to return back to my kingdom and help it make more prosperous"

Hearing Dilo introduction, Kai was quite suprise that this person want to return back to this birth kingdom after all he had heard about the issue of power struggle between the different overlords of the continent.

"Are you sure that you want to return back to your kingdom while knowing about the power struggle between different overlords of the continent"

Dilo nod"I have been told about the power struggle of various forces of the continent. but I will definitely not abandoned my kingdom due to fear of death. I was born a citizen of Romand Kingdom and will die as a citizen of Romand Kingdom"

Kai nodded and look at the determination and confidence without a hint of doubt in his words unlike his former self and sighed"Romand Kingdom is really lucky to have a guy like you who is willing to sacrifice even his life for his birth kingdom.I was first thinking of inviting you to work under me after seeing your talent and sensitivity towards the space attribute magic. But it seems you are determined to walk this path, so I will not force you and only let you know if there comes a day when you need help and need selter. Doors of Buraford Kingdom is always open"declared Kai with upmost sincerity and respected Dilo decision.

"I am also quick impressed with the patriotic feeling you have for your motherland, if only Buraford Kingdom also had some like you. It can grow further even faster"said Kai 

While Dilo blushed and tried to hide his face with his hands but Kai can see a smile on his face but Kai didn't said the words after that 

"If you ever face me in the battlefield don't expect any mercy. Even if you beg me"

which can truned his mood down and ruin the process he had made and smiled while looking at Dilo and thought"You may want to serve your kingdom in the future but that will only happen if it's still continue to exist.

One way or other you will serve under me. Only difference will be wether you will act as my direct subordinate who will command others or a comman soldier who will listen to others command"

As Kai and Dilo continued to take about various topics and little by little Dilo opened up to Kai and started sharing his experience of different task and his student life.

While they continue their journey to ancient battlefield and their relationship continue to develop further.

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