Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 168: Monarch of Night

[Almon city, Deep Abyss Prison]

In Almon city, Deep Abyss Prison is very special, it is the most horrible place to where one can end up. The most dangerous criminals in the history of the Buraford Kingdom have all been sentenced to life imprisonment here. A place void of sunlight with only endless darkness.

Inside a dim cell, a man chained to the wall was looking at the person wearing a mask clad in black assassin robe behind that person stood a bald man.

"Why... Why are you here Night Monarch? Why are you helping the royal family of the Buraford Kingdom? Why...why..why!!!"

"Tsk, you are too loud, leader of the Shadow Squadron or should I call you Marko Sapis," said Night Monarch in a deep tone. He looked at Marko with indifference, turned around, and whispered something to the bald man.

"Take care of our guests, let them know what it means to go against the creed of Assassins that was established by the assassin organization. I want all the vital information he can provide, I believe I can count on you, Thousand Deaths Monk. Right?" saying that he placed his hand on his right shoulder and with each second the grip of the Night Monarch became tighter as cracking of bones could be heard. 

With the feeling of constant pain together with a sharp gaze that was directed at him, cold sweat started to form on his back. Without any hesitation, he hurriedly nodded his head. In a blink of an eye Night Monarch vanished and the pressure disappeared, Thousand Deaths Monk kept staring into the darkness, and only after a couple of seconds did his stiff body relax.

'That person stands at the pinnacle of all assassins in the organization, he is the only one who has the right to command everyone in it. This was my first time meeting him and getting so close'

Thinking so he looked at the Commander of the Shadow Squadron, Marko Sapis, and wickedly smiled.

"You truly are an unlucky fellow to think that you will dump upon Night Monarch and still dare to challenge him to a fight. Not only yours but also your subordinate's life is the hands of our master. You better open that mouth and speak out the truth, or we can use other methods. Like, this one" said Thousand Deaths Monk and giggled wickedly.

He took out a glass flask with a green gas substance inside it and slowly put it on the ground making sure it would not break.

Marko looked at the potion and smiled arrogantly "Do you think that a potion can make me speak out the truth? In your dreams. I am Marko Sapis, you're foolish to think that my mental strength is so low that I will give up so easily? No chains can hold me!" He let out a loud cry, gritted his teeth, and tried to pull the chains.

Clank, clank, clank, susu susu. 

The chains rattled and the sound echoed throughout the prison.

Looking at it in amusement, Thousand Deaths Monk shook his head.

'He is so naive that he thinks he can escape from this prison. Just like he had done in another one'

Not long after, Makro noticed that his magic power was getting drained at a very fast rate. He looked at the Thousand Deaths Monk with hate and killing intent.

Thousand Deaths Monk lips on the other hand curled up. Looking at the struggling to break the chains Marko is trying to break from he sighed.

'The Chains are connected to a magic extraction device and are strictly forbidden by the three Empires to be used on magic users. Even I was quite surprised by the suggestion of Lord Jai to get them installed for military interrogation with the integrated condition rune. After the magic is drained out of the magic-user. The magic-user will mentally and physically start to become week till the moment their magic origin itself starts to breakdown and the magic-user dies, that's why the condition rune is important, it will halt the process only when their magic origin is close to getting destroyed'

Thinking about it, Thousand Deaths Monk held his breath for a moment, quickly opened the cap of the glass flask, and let Marko Sapis inhale the gas, then he quickly closed it and moved some steps away and spoke with a mocking tone.

"Let's see how long you can keep that arrogant smile on your face"

Then he turned around and left, leaving Marko alone in the dark silent prison dimly illuminated by the fire torches on the walls.

Looking his disappearing figure, Marko shouted "I don't know what the assassin organization is planning or why you are taking command from the Buraford Kingdom but don't even dream about getting any information from my mouth"

Hahahahaha hahahahaha hahahahaha

Marko's eyes widened in horror as he noticed that he wasn't able to stop laughing, his entire body started to burn from the inside.

"Ahhh!!!! hahahahaha what...haha... have... you.. done.... hahahahaha"

The laughter of Marko sounded throughout the prison with his painful cry. Hearing that Thousand Deaths Monk shivered in horror, he stood three meters away from Marko and observed him from the darkness.

Marko was rubbing his twisting red burning body with the cold ground to get some relief from the burning sensation. His crazy laughter continued to ring in Thousand Deaths Monk ears.

'I never thought Miss Ellie's new potion, a mixture of laughter potion and life-severing poison, would have such a wonderful effect. No... It's a deadly effect. To torture others with the combination of plain and laughter while burning them alive from the inside'

Thought Thousand Deaths Monk as he waited for Marko to reach his breaking point and start begging for mercy.

[Ellie's Laboratory]

Ellie was busy mixing some potions when she heard a knock on the door.

Ellie was busy mixing liquids when she heard a knock on the door.

"Come in," said Ellie without turning around. Her eyes were completely focused on the liquids, it was important to mix it in the correct proportions to prevent an unexpected reaction from occurring. If that happens, the liquids can become unstable which can lead to unnecessary reactions and a potion failure. 

A Person clad in Dark Attire entered the room and noticed that Ellie was completely focused on making potions, slowly he closed the door. The person pulled the hood and a mask down revealing the original appearance of the Night Monarch, the most dangerous assassin in the continent.

She was a slim young woman, a height of 183 cm, long white hair with tiny curls at the ends. Two bangs on the sides reached her breasts; the rest covered her forehead. The hair on her back reached down to her waist. She had gorgeous big blue eyes, a curvaceous body with big breasts. She wore a tight-fitting black suit with arm guards, a miniskirt, and knee-high black heel boots

She looked around trying to find an empty spot but was not able to. The entire room was filled with various instruments made of glass. Moreover, the shelves were full of different potions with wooden trunks placed below them.

Seeing no option available, she stood still where she was and dared not to disturb Ellie further remembering the first they met.

It was only two months ago that she was hired to infiltrate Duke Michael Castle to find and kill the person behind the rise of Buraford Kingdom, only to be caught by Ellie.

She was very surprised by her skill, Ellie hid perfectly in the surroundings while standing behind her and placing a short dagger on her throat. It was her first failure in her three hundred years career, she was preparing to die. It's a fact that in the life of an assassin there is no second chance. Yet, she was given a chance to live on by making a magic contact with Ellie. She is her servant but she didn't interfere or give any orders against her principle.

Slowly and steadily she had witnessed by her own eyes, how her master had one by one integrated all assassins and spies from various forces and made the assassin organization submit before her and form the shadow wing legion.

Following, she witnessed with her own eyes how her Master slowly and steadily integrated all assassins and spies from various forces and made the Assassin organization submit to her, forming the Shadow Wing Legion. 

She was appointed as the head of the Shadow Wing Legion Department that is responsible for information gathering through the entire continent, espionage, and infiltration in different organizations. The only thing she didn't understand was why her Master had formed this department without informing the king. Although it was understandable. One month ago they didn't even exist. According to her Master, she wants them to be shadow forces of the Buraford Kingdom and will inform the king about them after he is crowned as the King of the Burafold Kingdom

Not long after, Ellie was finally done with her work and turned around to find her standing before the door.

"Sorry to keep you waiting Mirajane. Have you brought Moon Lily from the Romand Kingdom?"

Mirajane nodded then took out a wooden box and gave it to Ellie.

Getting her hands on the box. She carefully opened it and checked the quality of the herb.

Keeping it away, she looked at Mirajane "You did a good job Mirajane. I can finally start creating the cure for the life-severing poison"

"It's my fortune that I was able to help my mistress. I want to report something extra. I have captured the infamous Shadow Squadron and their leader, Marko Sapis. They tried to infiltrate Almon city with ill intention but before they were able to do any mischievous work. With the help of others I have captured them"

"At the moment they are imprisoned in the lower chamber of the Deep Abyss prison. Thousand Deaths Monk is trying to get information from Marko Sapis about the one who sent him as well as his purpose."

Hearing that Ellie smiled "Well done, Mirajane. But, no need to ask them any questions, kill them directly. We already have full information about the one on whose command he was trying to infiltrate Almon city. He is the enemy of our master, silence him for good. But, if his subordinates are willing to submit to me and swear loyalty to my lord. You may spare them"

"It will be done, mistress," said Mirajane with a bow, covered her face with a black cloth and put on her hood before leaving the room to carry out her orders.

Seeing her leave, Ellie continued creating potions. These days she is not getting any free time to relax and have a casual talk. Too many tasks to complete, her hands are completely tied to her work.

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