Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 96: Battle Aura Temple(Part-1)

After Instructor left the class, everyone started to discuss the ancient battlefield. Lizel is the most knowledgeable about it currently so everybody surrounded and ask various questions related to ancient battlefield like:

What type of undead particularly are found in the ancient battlefield?

What is the weakness of these undead?

How frequently do these undead are born?

For most of the questions Lizel didn't have answers and left them with no choice but to go to the library to get more information about it.

In a battle or in war information is a very crucial thing which can determine the result of the battle or war. Knowing about the habit, strong, weakness, personality and past are all crucial information aside from that knowing about the landscape, environment and geography of the location is also important for making the right decision when necessary.

While Kai has no plan on going to the library to seek information, if needed he will just ask Master Daoma after all he has lived for such a long time and has seen many things and most know more about undeads than anybody else on the continent. Kai already plans on talking about the ancient battlefield with Daoma``May be the master has answers to my question or can tell me the cause behind the weird phenomenon occurring in an ancient battlefield"thought Kai and was about to leave the classroom when Lizel called him from behind.

"Kai are you also planning to go to library like others"asked Lizel

While Kai turn around and replied"No, instructor told us to make preparations for the journey so I was planning to visit Sir David who is person in charge of me.I also need his help with something"

"That's good let's go together than I am also going to meet instructor David"

Kai nodded as both of them left the classroom to visit David.

After sometime Kai and Lizel finally reached the office of Instructor David and knock on the door"Sir we come in enter"

Inside the office was a mess with various documents and papers spread on the table and David was sitting on the bench while holding a black pen on his hand as he read and signed the documents and heard the knock as well as Lizel voice as he put his down and told them to come inside.

Lizel entered followed by Kai.

As David looks at them and offers them a seat.

"What brings you here too Lizel and Kai?"said David, straightening his back.

Kai allowed Lizel to speak first.

"Sir I want to order six sets of specially made grade 4 magic clothes for battle mage for myself and my five other friends"and glimpsed at Kai who had no change in expression. Lizel wanted to order magic clothes for Kai also as he is part of the class and going to become a part of the group sooner or later even if he is not going to serve under her but after thinking that she knows him for less than a day and there is no need for her to do it, she didn't order a set for Kai.

Hearing that David took out a register and pen to write down Lizel's order on it.

"How soon do you want to get it"asked David as he raised his head and asked

"As soon as possible"answered Lizel.

David nodded as he wrote it down.

"Ok, give me some time. I will pass on your request to the manufacturing department but the cost will be high. Each one will cost one million gold coins, making it a total of six million gold coins. Which is just the base price. The cost of faster manufacturing will cost extra money. I hope you will be able to pay for them"

"That will not be a problem sir, money is not the problem just order it"

David nodded with a smile and closed the register"People from the manufacturing department will contact you within the evening. So I will advise you to be in your dormitory with you friends. They will come and ask about what kind of clothes you want or what specific design of clothes you want".

Hearing that Lizel nodded"I will let them know"

David smiled"Anything else do you need"

"No sir"said Lizel

Hearing that David turned to Kai.

"Kai, what request do you have?"asked David

"I want to talk with the Headmaster. I need to ask him something"replied Kai.

Hearing that David and Lizel were both astonished though they had heard Headmaster Oliver personally met Kai yesterday. It has been a topic of gossip among the teachers who Kai is and why Headmaster Oliver personally met him? What did they talk about?

For a student like Lizel who had been in academy for fifteen years. It was the first time she has heard anybody request a teacher that they want to talk to.

While David was hesitating

If any other student has asked him. He would have completely rejected it. After all, even for a teacher it's not easy to meet the Headmaster. Not to mention a student. But seeing Headmaster Oliver personally meeting Kai yesterday, he directly cannot reject him. You can say he has already become a special student who can get the attention of the Headmaster.

Noticing the hesitating expression on David's face. Kai said"Just call him and tell him that I have some questions related to Cultivation and about the things we discussed yesterday"

Hearing Kai's words, David nodded and opened the door of his desk and searched for a voice transmission rune device which is connected with the headmaster. Only important officials of the academy have one and mostly, they use it only during emergencies or need to deliver important notices to important messages to the headmaster which can affect the entire academy. Being one of the heads of the department of students affairs and instructor of inner court, he was also given one. Looking at the device, he never thought he would use it just for talking with the Headmaster and finally activated it.

[Headmaster Oliver Office]

In an empty office office. The voice of the tool spirit sound can be heard

Buzzz Buzzz

Call incoming from device code 9059....

Please pick up the call.....

Please pickup the call.....

Finally an old man entered in a hurry and picked up the call.

"What happened David? Why are you calling? Did any unfortunate incident occurred in inner court or spies have entered inner court"

David who was on the other end was completely silent and didn't know how he should tell him that he was calling him due to a student request.

After a little pause David replied"No, Sir headmaster nothing like that occurred. It's just the student who you met yesterday named Kai Seft wants to talk to you. It's seems like he is having some problems in cultivation and wanted to discuss about the topic you guys talked about yesterday"

Hearing that Oliver felt relieved "What does Kai want to talk about. Is he having problems in cultivating the battle god scripture. But he didn't say anything about that yesterday"thinking so Oliver told David to give the device to Kai and leave the room.

[Inner court Battle Mage Academy, David Office]

David handed over the phone to Kai and took Lizel out of the room with him leaving Kai alone in the office.

"Hello, Headmaster Oliver how are you?"asked Kai

"No need for the formalities. Just tell me what you wanted and what problems are you facing"

"No No No. I am not facing any problems with my cultivation. I just wanted to ask you if I can release my Spirit outside and let him walk around with me"asked Kai 

While the angry voice of Oliver came out of the device"Did you contact me for such a small matter do you know how busy I have been since this morning because of the change in Ancient battlefield. Meeting after Meeting with core members of the academy and making decisions as well as how to react to it. I came running from the Grand Hall to My office just to pick up the call"as heavy breathing sounds came out of the device as he paused for a moment to catch his breath.

"Anyway Kai. You definitely can't do it. You definitely can't let your spirit walk around freely. May forces of the continent knows that I am a battle mage who also is contacted to Spirit. Like Golden star cross and there is also some trouble some fellows who are my personal enemies. If they know you are the same as me, they will think you are somehow connected with me and trouble will come looking for you. At Least before you reach the same cultivation stage as me in the future. You can't. But I allow you to release your spirit in your personal space or before people who you can trust. You can hear me right, listen my words and don't do anything troublesome. Remember your life is not just your own but also connected with the people around you. You have to take part in heavenly god trial, your family survival depends on you"anxiousness and worry can be felt in oliver words as he talked to Kai.

Kai also felt warmed in his heart hearing Oliver's words as he replied"Don't worry Headmaster. I will follow your instructions"

Oliver on the other end felt glad on hearing Kai reply when he suddenly remembered that Kai is also student of 4year and going to take part in Ancient battlefield mission and asked Kai

"Kai do you remember I told you that you can choose any battle techniques or art from the Grand Library after you master the basics of battle techniques"

"Yes, I remember. You said that if I master the basic battle techniques created by you. I can later choose any battle techniques from the Grand Library"

"Yes, yes, that one. You don't have to go to the library and give the device to David. I need to talk to him"said Oliver in a hurry.

Kai nodded and called David inside the room as he handed him over the phone.

David took the device and listened to what the headmaster had to say.

Some time later his body trembled"Headmaster are you sure about it. After all, Kai has just entered the academy and has not made much contribution to deserve such treatment. If others know they will protest"

Oliver 's deep voice full of authority and power came from the other end"who will protest against my decision. Take Kai to that place. I am issuing a special permit to Kai as for what he will get from there will depend on his destiny and fate"

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