Rise of Myriad Magic Emperor

Chapter 98: Secrets of Past(Part-1)

Entering the old temple Kai felt like he had entered a completely different world.

World of books and scroll that was the first thought he had on seeing the endless collection of books and scrolls neatly placed inside the shelves with carefully and orderly arrangements, forming a circle of collection of shelves surrounding the hall rising upward towards the sky with no end.

Making it seems like it's endless.

"Just how huge is this place or is this some illusion or some high level space magic. Whatever this is definitely not simply. Maybe the Teacher can tell me something about this place"thinking so Kai tried to connect with Master Daoma but got no response.

Getting no response from Daoma.

He decided to confirm it himself if this some kind of illusion or everything is real and move towards a shelve beside the door and tried to pull a book. But it didn't even move an inch from it's position.

"At Least this confirms this place and book are not some illusion but this space is created from high level space magic"

Seeing his efforts are useless. Kai decided to do what David had told him before he entered the temple and walked towards the centre of the hall and stood there and started releasing his battle aura but no reaction occurred and yet, Kai kept on releasing his battle aura.

After ten minutes there was still no reaction and Kai started to wonder if David had lied to him or not.

"Sir, would not get any benefit if I fail, so does that mean no battle art here is suitable for me"

As he looks at endless columns and rows of books reaching out towards the sky while still releasing his battle aura.

After thirty minutes Kai sighed with disappointment.

"Look like this place has no battle art suitable for me. Waste of special permit and opportunity given by Headmaster Oliver"and turn around to walk towards the door after taking his battle aura back.

Just as he left the centre of the hall the whole hall vibration.

Not knowing what is happening, Kai looked around and finally looked up to find a giant black vortex sucking everything inside itself due to its extremely strong suction force.

"What is happening here? David never said anything about this kind of phenomenon occurring inside the temple"shouted Kai as he ran towards the shelves and held tightly to stop himself from getting sucked into the black vortex.

Finally after ten minutes even the shelves Kai was holding cannot withstand the suction of the black vortex and cracks started to form in the wooden shelves.

Ka ka kaasa

Kai heard the sounds of wooden shelves breaking apart and getting sucked into Black vortex with books and scroll.

While outside the temple. David is impatiently waiting for Kai as he talks out his pocket watch and sees forty minutes have passed since Kai have entered the temple and still have not returned.

'Just what are you doing Kai? Why is it taking so much time? Doing my time, it only took five minutes before a book flew into my hand and that book had the battle art suitable for me. So why is it taking so long for Kai.'

Thinking so David kept on waiting for Kai not knowing about the crises faced by Kai inside the library.

[Inside the temple]

Finally the shelve Kai was holding cannot withstand the suction and break apart completely throwing Kai in mid air as the suction force pulled him towards the black vortex.

Seeing nothing to hold on to, Kai used his magic to create a barrier around him before getting absorbed by the black vortex with only had one thought in his mind.

'Who would have thought I would die like this.'


[Unknown World]

In a complete white world with no other colours. A bed was placed and Kai's unconscious body was lying on it.

While the nine groups of shining balls of different colours were floating around him as they were observing him and a man wearing a single piece white cloth wrapped his body was sitting beside him on a white stone throne.

"Dai Yusa are you sure is really lucky to have a disciple of such potential."

"A great potential and wielder of great power but still naive and childish."

"He looks not so handsome but possesses a special type of charm. Ah.. his sleeping face is so adorable."

"These guys have strong muscles and strong bodies. Not so bulky also."

"Don't say it like that. He is still young and his cultivation is still at the level of beginner."

As they were talking and noticed Kai's body vibrated a little.

"It looks like he is walking up,"said one of the balls of light.

Kai who was lying on the bed slowly opened his eyes with confusion and looked at the white world around him and found that he was lying on a bed and a black haired young and handsome man sitting on a throne beside him with nine balls of light floating around him.

'Where am I? What is this place?Who is this young man.' thought Kai.

"This place is the world created by me and I am Great Emperor Dai Yusa. The person who invited you to this place."said the young man.

Getting such a reply, Kai heart almost jumped up and looked at the young man who called himself Dai Yusa.

'Can he read my mind or something.'

"No, it's really easy to guess what you are thinking by seeing the expression on your face,"said Dai Yusa.

Kai looked at Dai Yusa with doubt

'From his way of talking this guys did want to harm me. Still, what do he mean by inviting me and that he created this place?'

Dai Yusa smiled"I invited you because of three reasons, one I have wanted to meet you for a long time. Second, because I wanted to re-establish my soul link with my other part of soul as well as create a new body for him".

"Soul link? New body?other part of your soul"asked Kai with curiosity.

Dai Yusa nodded and took out a globe from his clothes. Daoma was sleeping inside it soundly.

"Master."shouted Kai anxiously

"Don't worry, I don't mean to do any harm to him. Just like I said, your master Daoma is part of me or you can say part of my soul which I divided a long time ago to observe the outside world. Your master and I are the same person but at the same time possess different personalities. I am a Great Magic Emperor of the ancestral stage. You must heard from Kira(Tool spirit of Myriad World Ring)."

Nodded Kai but suddenly looked at Dai Yusa

"How do you know about Kira?"

"Get a hint, I am an ancestral level great magic emperor. It's easy for me to observe, what is going on around the continent even if I am sitting here and inviting you also has something to do with the hidden danger of the continent, well I will tell you about that later."said Dai Yusa while touching his chin.

"Third reason is this battle art,"said Dai Yusa as he took out a black cover book.

As soon as Kai saw the battle art book. Kai released his battle aura and his battle aura started to resonate with the battle art.

"This battle art...."

Dai Yusa nods"This battle art is my personal battle art and created by me. I never thought anybody else can also cultivate this art as the requirements are really high for anyone else to cultivate it. But looks like this battle aura completely suitable for you"

"If you start cultivating this battle art without my guidance.Just to master and use the first part of it will require ten years of fully devoted life. But worry not, I will teach you and promise to make you master the first part in one year of time. Under by guidence."

"You will teach me.Why?"asked Kai

"Kai you are Daoma's disciple that means you are also my disciple and it's teacher duty to guide his disciples. Yet, before that I want to talk about the hidden danger of the continent" "Billions of years ago, we made a mistake which lead to suffering of later generations to come."said Dai Yusa with painful expression with low tone different from earlier happy and cheerful voice.

"Continent hidden danger is due your mistake and misjudgement?"said Kai with doubtful expression.

While the words came out of the nine balls floating around in union.

"It's not just you. Dai Yusa don't blame yourself. It was also our decision also and how could we have known those guys of the second era will act in such a way just to maintain their domination over the third era. It's also our fault that we cannot guide them and stop them from taking such actions."

Sad and disappointed can be felt from their voices.

Dai Yusa nodded and took a long breath.

Looking at Kai, Dai Yusa asked

"Will you hear my story.The story of a young man and nine mystic and the heavenly punishment for our actions for interfering with the heavenly laws."

Kai nodded, He was really interested in knowing about Dai Yusa, more than that Kai became interested due to the title of the story which makes him feel like he has a great secret of unbelievable level behind it. Whatever may be the case. The story told by a great magic emperor will not be some kid's bedtime story.

Kai is interested in knowing and listening to the story. Dai Yusa begins.

"My story starts with the creation of great mystic universe."

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