Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 987: Going the opposite direction

The Bingfeng Jiao was injured, and its flight speed was not as fast as before. However, it could sense Wang Qingling's eager mood and did not dare to pause at all.

Five sea tribesmen were chasing after him, and there were more than a dozen monster birds swooping down from the sky, heading straight for Wang Qingling.

The sound of "chichi" broke through the air, and dense wind blades shot out overwhelmingly, blocking Wang Qingling's retreat.

Wang Qingling took out a blue flag and waved it hard. The sea rolled violently, setting off waves dozens of feet high, blocking the sea behind him.


The waves were shattered by the dense green wind blades, and the ice wind dragon had already fled far away.

The seawater ahead rolled violently, and waves more than a hundred feet high suddenly rose. Two sea tribesmen appeared out of thin air, blocking Wang Qingling's path.

"Xiaobai, fly high into the sky. They can't control the water to rise too high."

Wang Qingling ordered, and with a thought, the ice wind dragon circled and flew high into the sky at a very fast speed.

"Leave it to me."

An angry man's voice suddenly sounded, and tens of thousands of blue water arrows flew out from the sea water with a terrifying momentum, as if they were going to tie Wang Qingling into a sieve.

Wang Qingling turned a blind eye and waved the blue flag in her hand, and a blue water curtain flew out to protect herself.

With a series of muffled sounds, the ice wind dragon carried Wang Qingling high into the sky, avoiding most of the blue water arrows.

Before the ice wind dragon flew very high, a little bit of blue light suddenly lit up in the void, and a man in a golden shirt with sharp thorns on his back suddenly appeared, blocking Wang Qingling's way.

Five sea tribesmen came from different directions, as well as a dozen third-level monsters.

Seeing that the encirclement was getting smaller and smaller, Wang Qingling gritted her teeth and thought, the ice wind dragon circled, turned around, and pounced towards a short, fat young woman in a green skirt, very quickly.

The young woman in the green skirt is only at the fourth level of elixir formation, and is the lowest among the five.

Wang Qingling used it as a breakthrough, hoping to break out of the siege.

"Stop her, don't let her run away."

The man in the golden shirt shouted loudly, and slapped Wang Qingling in the air with his right palm. Countless blue lights emerged and turned into a giant blue palm several feet in size, slapping Wang Qingling fiercely.

Wang Qingling released a third-level ape puppet beast. The ape puppet beast's eyes lit up with a burst of golden light, and he punched his right fist into the void, and a golden fist shadow flew out.


The blue giant palm and the golden fist shadow collided and died together, erupting into a powerful wave of air.

At this time, the ice wind dragon was less than a hundred feet away from the young woman in the green skirt.

The beautiful appearance of the young woman in the green skirt changed. She controlled two demonic birds to attack him, and at the same time, she launched three green flying knives and slashed at the ice wind dragon.

There was a muffled sound of "Puff", and a large green flame appeared on the surface of the three green flying knives, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

At this moment, the Ice Wind Dragon suddenly changed its direction and dived into the sea very quickly.

The Hai Clan had a great advantage in the sea. The Hai Clan never expected that Wang Qingling would dare to escape into the sea.

Wang Qingling's move was tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

The ice wind dragon escaped very quickly and quickly moved towards the bottom of the sea. Five sea tribes followed and rushed into the sea.

Wang Qingling took out a green gourd, and a large amount of pungent green liquid emerged from the porcelain bottle.

Five sea tribesmen followed Wang Qingling, and the cyan liquid rushed towards them. They did not dare to be careless and put up defenses for themselves.

The strange thing is that the cyan liquid is not offensive in any way, and it hits their defense without any abnormality.

Although their escape speed is fast, the speed of the Ice Wind Jiao is not slow either.

The strange thing is that the ice wind dragon is moving towards the depths of the seabed, which makes the five sea tribes even more unpredictable.

The Ice Wind Dragon is an ice-based monster. No one dares to use water speed to block the Ice Wind Dragon's path. That would be courting death.

The deeper the ice wind dragon dives, the harder it is to escape.

Not long after, a strange neighing sound sounded, and a large group of crimson dolphins rushed from all directions, very fast, aiming directly at the five sea tribesmen.

"What's going on? Why did you attract so many fire dolphins?"

"Damn it, I know. Those cyan liquids are made from the excrement of female fire beasts. Male fire beasts are very sensitive to female excrement. They will stop us from pursuing the human female monks."

The man in the golden shirt frowned slightly and ordered: "You two stop these fire dolphin beasts, and the three of us will continue chasing."

Five sea tribe soldiers divided into two groups, two blocked the incoming fire dolphin beast, and three pursued Wang Qingling.

The man in the golden shirt chased while controlling other monsters to attack Wang Qingling. The ice wind dragon's escape speed was very fast, and these monsters could not catch up.

A quarter of an hour later, the Ice Wind Jiao reached the bottom of the sea. Under his feet was a large brown seabed, and in the distance was a colorful coral reef.

Wang Qingling released the earth dragon, and the surface of the earth dragon's body lit up for a burst of yellow light, and most of its body sank into the seabed.

The seabed itself is land, which is the most suitable place for earth dragon earthworms to use earth escape techniques to escape.

"No, stop her, don't let her run away."

A burst of blue light suddenly lit up near Wang Qingling. She seemed to have thought of something and released a huge crab puppet. The crab puppet waved its huge pincers and rushed towards the area where the blue light was.

A giant blue hand suddenly appeared above Wang Qingling's head and slapped her head. Wang Qingling's body lit up with a burst of golden light and jumped towards the ground. However, she was still a little slow and was hit in the back by the giant blue hand.


Wang Qingling spat out a large mouthful of blood and fell to the ground. She put the ice wind dragon into the spirit beast bead, jumped on the back of the earth dragon earthworm, and disappeared into the seabed.

There was a flash of blue light, and a young man in a blue shirt suddenly appeared, and the Crab Puppet Beast rushed over.

The young man in blue didn't dare to be careless and quickly used his magic weapon to resist. The other two sea tribesmen wanted to chase Wang Qingling. A black ball flew out from the bottom of the sea bed and suddenly exploded. A large black liquid spread out. The young man in blue shirt did not dare to be careless. Quickly avoid it.

When a huge monster shrimp touched the black liquid, it suddenly became violent and attacked the blue-shirted young man crazily.

The young man in blue shirt punched the monster shrimp on the head, and the monster shrimp's head immediately split into pieces.

"What to do? She ran away along the seabed."

They never expected that Wang Qingling would dare to run to the bottom of the sea and use earth spirit insects to escape. He was so courageous.

It was because they didn't expect that Wang Qingling had the chance to succeed.

They are proficient in water spells, but not earth spells. In addition, Wang Qingling has endless methods, and they dare not catch up rashly.

"Forget it, leave her alone. Our mission is to capture Golden Scorpion Island and establish a stronghold. We can advance and attack, retreat and defend. If our front line hadn't advanced quickly, the human race would have sent heavy troops to garrison Golden Scorpion Island. Now, guarding Golden Scorpion Island is the key."

The man in the golden shirt thought for a while and said this. Their goal has been achieved. They will continue to pursue Wang Qingling. If Wang Qingling kills him, it will be bad. In a land battle, not even the Black Turtle clan can defeat Wang Qingling. Get a bargain, let alone them.

"This matter cannot be spread outside, otherwise people will laugh out loud. They will say that her dragon escape speed is faster. If anyone dares to talk nonsense, I will skin him."

The man in the golden shirt said coldly. If this matter spreads, he will be embarrassed and his competitors will use it as an excuse to attack him.

The other two sea tribesmen agreed and followed the man in gold shirt towards the sea.

Hundreds of feet below the seabed, Wang Qingling was lying on the back of the Earth Dragon Earthworm, which was moving quickly.

"Earth Dragon Earthworm, whether you can escape or not depends on you."

Wang Qingling said to herself that she was sure that the Sea Clan did not expect her to escape from the bottom of the sea, so she took the risk of escaping from the bottom of the sea. Now it seems that she made the right bet.

The yellow light on the earth dragon's body surface swelled and it sped up its escape speed.

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