Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 280: News of the Dragon Gate Ceremony (Second Change)

Wang Changsheng didn't hide anything, and told the truth about what happened. He took out the blood essence of the third-order flood dragon, just in exchange for a quota. There was no strong reason, and it was simply not justified. He didn't say that he needed heaven and earth spiritual water to practice, but said that he needed a few four-hundred-year-old elixir to refine some kind of elixir to assist in cultivation.

"I can give you a quota, but you can't take away too many elixir. If he can come out alive, he can only leave one-tenth of the elixir. The elixir that is more than five hundred years old cannot be taken away, except for the elixir. Other things he got can be taken away, the map you mentioned, you have to take it out."

Guangdong Ren pondered for a while, and said so.

He didn't fully believe Wang Changsheng's words, but the most precious thing in the Tianyue Secret Realm is the elixir. The five sects of Wei State and the three sects of Yaowanggu teamed up to open the secret realm for the purpose of picking elixir and refining the Foundation Establishment Pill. As long as they control the Foundation Establishment Pill, You can control the affiliated Cultivation Family.

Wang Changsheng was good at refining puppet beasts. Guangdong Ren guessed that Wang Changsheng needed some kind of high-year spirit wood or some kind of ore. None of these had anything to do with him. Guangdong Ren cared about refining foundation-building elixir.

Wang Changsheng was secretly delighted, with a bitter face on his face, he said: "Master, Qingshan is no match for the elite disciples cultivated by the sect, what if he only brings out the elixir that the disciple wants?"

"If that's the case, then let him take it away. As long as it's not the elixir of the Foundation Establishment Pill or the elixir of more than five hundred years, there is no problem."

With a grateful expression on Wang Changsheng's face, he took out a bottle of Jiaolong blood essence, a larger piece of Jiaolong meat, and a map, and handed them to Guangdong Ren.

Of course, the map he took out was only a partial map.

"Okay, it's not easy for you to come all the way. Stay in Bailingmen for a few more days, and I will ask Su Cheng to send you a foundation building pill later. I won't take advantage of you as a teacher. Next time If you get the blood or meat of a third-level monster, you must send it to the teacher. In addition, for things like killing people and seizing treasures, you should either not do it, and do it cleanly if you want to save it. Wipe your ass, if it's okay, you can go down!"

Wang Changsheng repeatedly agreed, and retreated with Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingshan.

After leaving the Earth Fire Palace, under the leadership of the Bailingmen disciples, Wang Changsheng and the others came to Su Cheng's residence.

Wang Changxue was teaching Su Bingbing the knowledge of cultivating immortals. Su Bingbing saw the three of Wang Changsheng and looked at them curiously.

"Bingbing, quickly call Uncle, Aunt, Cousin Qingshan."

"Uncle, aunt, cousin Qingshan."

Wang Changsheng looked at Su Bingbing with doting eyes, took out a white jade box, and handed it to Su Bingbing.

"I haven't seen you for a few years. Bingbing has grown so big. This is a gift from my uncle."

Wang Ruyan and Wang Qingshan also took out a gift and handed it to Su Bingbing.

Su Bingbing thanked and accepted the gift.

"Ninth brother, you are spending too much money, you can give Bingbing so many things in one trip."

Wang Changsheng smiled slightly, and said: "My family, there is nothing to spend. By the way, Second Sister, why do you want to teach Bingbing the knowledge of cultivating immortals yourself? Doesn't Bailingmen have a special person to teach the knowledge of cultivating immortals?"

"Yes, but Bing'er is too naughty. The last time she practiced spells, she froze Junior Brother Li's grandson. Her father reprimanded her severely and planned to put her in confinement. Later, Senior Uncle Guang came forward. You Brother-in-law didn't confine her, but since then, Bingbing has been learning about cultivating immortals at home."

Wang Ruyan explained slowly.

"Second Sister, Qingqing is a few months older than Bingbing, Qingqing is still at the fourth level of Qi Refining, Bingbing is already at the sixth level of Qi Refining, her cultivation speed is too fast! In less than a hundred years, Bingbing will definitely become the second A monk of alchemy."

Wang Ruyan smiled and complimented.

Wang Changxue shook his head and said: "Bing Bing will become the second alchemy cultivator of Bailing Sect. In a few years, the Seven Great Immortal Sects will hold the Dragon Gate Grand Ceremony. Uncle Guang plans to send Bingbing to Taiyi Immortal Sect. There are ten immortals in Bailing Sect. A quota, with her ice spirit root aptitude, she should be able to join the Taiyi Immortal Sect."

"Dragon Gate Ceremony? Second Sister, what is this Dragon Gate Ceremony? Why have I never heard of it?"

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Not many people know about it, at least few people from the Xiuxian family know about it."

Wang Changxue carefully explained the origin of the Longmen Ceremony. Small sects such as Bailingmen are affiliated forces of the Seven Great Immortal Gates. The Seven Great Immortal Gates will open their gates to recruit disciples every hundred years. The affiliated forces have a certain number of recommended places. After passing the assessment, You can enter the fairy gate.

This is a way for the Seven Great Immortal Sects to recruit talents, and it is also a way to control affiliated forces. The relationship between the Bailing Sect and other small sects and the Immortal Sect is similar to the relationship between the Xiuxian Family and the Sect. It will become the backing of the subordinate forces. The reason why Huangsheng Palace can become the head of the five sects of Wei State is because Li Haifeng's granddaughter holds a high position in Taiyi Xianmen.

After listening to Wang Changxue's statement, the three of Wang Changsheng suddenly realized, and looked at Su Bingbing more cordially.

With the aptitude of Su Bingbing's ice spirit root, he will definitely get better development in Taiyi Xianmen.

Hearing this, Wang Changsheng also wanted to send Wang Mingren to the Taiyi Immortal Sect, but he just took out the blood and meat of the dragon, and only the scales and soul of the black dragon were left to impress Guangdong Ren.

If he took out these two things, Guangdong Ren would definitely suspect that he had slaughtered a third-tier flood dragon, and if he was asked to hand over the inner alchemy, he would not be able to take it out.

He thought about it again and again, and dismissed the idea.

The price and risk of sending Wang Mingren to the Supreme One Immortal Sect was too high. Moreover, the Bailing Sect only had a recommendation quota and had to pass the assessment before he could join the Supreme One Immortal Sect.

"By the way, Ninth Brother, did something happen in the clan when you came this time?"

Wang Changsheng shook his head and told what happened. Of course, what he told Wang Changxue was the truth.

"With the strength of Qingshan alone, it may not be possible to successfully obtain the heaven and earth spirit water. The fourteenth brother also wants to send his disciples into the secret realm, so it is better to call the fourteenth brother and his disciples to get to know each other, and help them in the secret realm. "

"That's a good relationship, please trouble the second sister."

Wang Changxue took out a communication plate, hit a spell on it, and said, "The fourteenth brother, the ninth brother and the ninth younger brother and sister are here. They are here with me now. You take your apprentice over here."

"Got it, Second Sister, I'll take them there right now."

After cutting off contact, Wang Changxue told Wang Changsheng about Wang Changping's situation in these years.

After the foundation was established, Wang Changping took in four disciples to help him collect materials or run errands. Two disciples came from small families and would pay Wang Changping a tribute every year and festival, and the other two disciples helped him with chores.

This kind of situation is very common in the sect. After the monks of the sect build the foundation, they will accept disciples. The disciples are responsible for helping the master to collect resources, inquire about the situation or run errands.

Wang Changxue also took in two disciples to help her look after the Lingtian.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changping appeared in front of Wang Changxue and the others with three apprentices.

After a brief greeting, Wang Changping introduced three disciples to Wang Changsheng and others.

The eldest disciple, Sun Siwen, was born in the Ninth Level of Qi Refining, and was born in a family of cultivators.

The second disciple, Liu Yue, is on the fifth level of Qi Refining. His parents are both Qi Refining monks of Bailingmen, and he has a wide network of contacts.

The third disciple, Zhang Hongshi, is on the seventh level of Qi Refining. Born in the Xiuxian family.

The fourth disciple, Sun Hong, went out on business and has not returned yet.

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