Rise of Qinglian

4138 Nangong Yunhua

Tianfeng City, Tianfeng Garden.

Nangong Yuwei was sitting in a blue stone pavilion, holding an immortal mirror with flashing white light in her hand. On the mirror, a potbellied old man in gold robe could be seen.

"Ancestor Yuwei, members of the Chahar tribe discovered a Hongmeng spiritual treasure in the Immortal Meteor Valley. The daughter-in-law installed by Baerhu found out about it and sent people to the Immortal Meteor Valley. The strange thing is that neither party recognized it. Hongmeng Lingbao thought that the other party had obtained it, so they fought hard, and several Taiyi Golden Immortals fell."

The old man in golden robe said.

Nangong Yunhua, Taiyi Golden Immortal, a spy placed by the Nangong Immortal Clan on the Chaos Beast, took refuge in the Chaos Beast and became a pseudo-immortal.

Of course, the Chaos Beast did not know his true identity and only thought that he was a casual cultivator. When he took refuge with the Chaos Beast, he was only in the Golden Immortal stage. He worked for the Chaos Beast and made a lot of contributions. He obtained the resources to cultivate immortals and was promoted to Taiyi. Golden Immortal Period.

Chaos beasts are a special kind of creature and cannot use immortal weapons. It is inconvenient to develop spies among chaos beasts to transmit information, so there is no problem with pseudo-immortals. It is not easy to place an immortal among the pseudo-immortals. In order to avoid the detection of the Chaos Beasts, the Nangong Immortal Clan obtained a top-grade immortal artifact, the Heaven-covering Bead, in the Immortal Meteor Valley, the ancient battlefield. This treasure was refined into the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure. Some injuries caused Nangong Yunhua to be refined into his body and merged with his eyes. Even if he used the best immortal weapons to detect, it would be difficult to find abnormalities.

The Sky Covering Bead has a very good effect against immortal weapons such as the Immortal Mirror. Only then did it escape the detection of the Chaos Beast and successfully penetrate into the pseudo-immortal. It inquired information for the Nangong Immortal Clan and also made elixirs for the Chaos Beast to cultivate. The Immortal Armor Army and the True Spirit Army deal with the immortals.

"Hongmeng Lingbao! No wonder the Chahar tribe stopped fighting." Nangong Yuwei suddenly realized.

Chaos beasts don't know how to refine weapons, and pseudo-immortals can refine weapons. However, chaos beasts can't use fairy weapons. Naturally, they won't be so kind and give the Hongmeng Lingbao to the immortals for use. Instead, they donate it to the Shifang Zimu Tower.

The Chaos Beast has the Taoist weapon Shifang Zimu Tower. Strictly speaking, the Shifang Zimu Tower allows the Chaos Beast to help capture immortals and assist in its own cultivation. The Taoist tools Hongmeng Bang, Yiyan Palace, Qiankun Tower and Shifang Zimu Tower are The mortal enemy, apart from the Shifangzi Mother Tower, the Chaos Beast has no other Taoist tools, while the Immortal has more than three Taoist tools.

Taoist tools can be divided into innate and acquired ones. Shifang Zimu Pagoda, Hongmeng Bang, Yiyan Palace and Qiankun Pagoda are all innate Taoist tools. Immortals can refine Taoist tools. This is also one of the advantages of immortals. However, acquired Taoist tools It is very difficult to refine, and it is basically cultivated from Taoist embryos.

For the Shifang Zimu Tower, the Hongmeng Lingbao is a great supplement, and it is also something that the Chaos Beast tribe fights for. If they grab the Hongmeng Lingbao and donate it to the Shifang Zimu Tower, they can get additional places for evolution. This It is an irresistible temptation for any Chaos Beast tribe.

"Yes! They are busy fighting for the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, and they don't know who got it." Nangong Yunhua said.

Nangong Yuwei frowned and said, "You mean, someone stole the Hongmeng Lingbao first?"

"Well, I don't know if it's other Chaos Beast tribes or immortals who dare to snatch things from the Chaos Beast's mouth. They are very courageous." Nangong Yunhua said the last word with a look of admiration on his face.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. It's just a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, and it's not the ultimate immortal weapon refined into the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure."

Nangong Yuwei said.

Generally speaking, the immortal weapon refined into the Hongmeng Lingbao can be called a Tao weapon embryo. This is a broad term. It is limited by the skill of the immortal weapon master. The refined Tao weapon embryos have different grades. Likewise, It is refined into the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure. The power of the top-grade immortal weapon and the low-grade fairy weapon are very different, and the value is also different.

When a low-grade immortal weapon is refined into a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, it is much more powerful than an ordinary low-grade fairy weapon. If it goes one step further, it will only be a middle-grade fairy weapon. On the other hand, when a top-grade immortal weapon is refined into a Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure, it will become a Taoist weapon. This is the gap.

Some immortal weapon masters have a relatively low level of weapon refining. They combine Hongmeng Lingbao with other materials to refine the weapon, and the quality of the refined weapon is not high. The Years Gourd is one example.

"Yes, Ancestor Yuwei."

Nangong Yunhua agreed. He remembered something and said, "By the way, the Chaos Beast is looking for an innate Taoist artifact." "What? Looking for an innate Taoist artifact?"

Nangong Yuwei exclaimed.

Monster clan ability

Overwhelming all clans and becoming one of the best among immortals, apart from the number of Taoist ancestors, it has a lot to do with the demon clan's possession of an innate Taoist weapon, the Tianlong Sword.

"The Chaos Beasts have given orders a long time ago, and I only found out about it recently. However, they are not looking for innate Dao artifacts, but are looking for Dao artifact embryos. However, the description of the Dao artifact embryos is very similar to innate Dao artifacts. I also I found out that this innate Taoist weapon participated in that battle and injured a sub-tower of the Shifang Zimu Tower, which is no small matter."

Nangong Yunhua said.

"How did you know such confidential information? You didn't attack high-level chaos beasts, did you?" Nangong Yuwei said with a frown.

"I had to take risks when it came to Taoist artifacts, but I did it very cleanly. I followed an informed eight-color Chaos Beast into an ancient battlefield and destroyed it. The Chaos Beast Tribe at best thought it died on the ancient battlefield. .”

Nangong Yunhua explained.

"Don't do this kind of thing. Your safety is the most important thing. I understand. The information you revealed is very important. It can damage the sub-tower of the Shifang Zi-Mother Tower. This innate Taoist artifact is extraordinary. I will send someone to pay attention to it. , that’s it! Just be more careful.”

After Nangong Yuwei said this, she cut off the contact.

"Could this innate Taoist artifact be the one that Kunlun Taoist Ancestor is looking for? If our Nangong Immortal Clan finds it, the Chahar Tribe will be in trouble."

Nangong Yuwei's eyes were fiery and he said to himself.

She took out a golden dharma plate, entered a dharma formula, and made a series of gestures.

A vast expanse of green mountains and a secret underground cave. Xuanling Tianzun sat cross-legged on the ground, his face pale and his breath weak.

He accidentally got a treasure map and entered the Immortal Valley of the Immortal Ancient Battlefield to search for treasure. He unexpectedly found a Hongmeng spiritual treasure. In addition to powerful restrictions, it was also guarded by a seven-color chaos beast from the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage.

He finally killed the seven-color Chaos Beast, broke the restriction, and took away the Hongmeng Spiritual Treasure. However, he was also injured. He returned along the same route and encountered two groups of Chaos Beasts fighting each other on the way. It seemed that they were fighting for that. A piece of Hongmeng Lingbao, Xuanling Tianzun had to take a detour, triggered a restriction, and was seriously injured.

"I need to find a reliable immortal weapon master to help me refine Hongmeng Lingbao into my natal immortal weapon. This can greatly improve my strength." Xuanling Tianzun said to himself, holding a piece of light golden jade in his hand , with fiery eyes.

He is in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, and his natal immortal weapon is still a mid-level immortal weapon. This is also the case for most Taiyi Golden Immortals. It is not easy to promote his natal immortal weapon to a high-grade immortal weapon. First of all, he requires a high level of weapon refining. The Immortal Weapon Master needs rare materials.

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