Rise of Qinglian

4201 The Law of Devouring Shows Its Power

A huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. There is a vast manor in the valley. You can see many buildings and empty spiritual fields.

Ye Haitang walked out of a blue attic that had mostly collapsed. The place had been searched long ago and there was nothing good.

She came to a side courtyard where there was a red palace with an open door and no plaque.

Wang Yidao walked out and shook his head.

"Let's go look elsewhere! This is the outskirts after all."

Ye Haitang suggested, taking out a piece of green animal skin and recording their route.


Wang Yidao agreed and followed Ye Haitang out of here.


A stretch of rolling green mountains. Deep in the mountains, there is a long and narrow valley covered with weeds.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Wang Tuntian, Wang Yang, Wang Huanyu and Wang Chan stood outside the valley with different expressions.

Wang Yang opened his mouth and spit out a stream of golden flames, heading straight towards the valley. A sheet of golden flames flooded the valley, and all the weeds turned into fly ash. The flames dissipated, and the ground showed signs of melting. Some faint threads could be seen. Faintly appearing, emitting weak forbidden fluctuations.

A dazzling yellow light emerged from Wang Tuntian's right hand, and a yellow boulder appeared in his hand. With a flick of his wrist, the yellow boulder flew out and flew towards the valley.

The yellow boulder touched the silk thread, like tofu, and was cut into countless pieces by the dense silk thread.

After a while, the thread disappeared.

"There are restrictions here, take a detour!"

Wang Changsheng said as they walked towards a dark dense forest.

There was a rotten smell in the air and there were many puddles.

Their speed was not fast, so Wang Tuntian activated his spiritual eyes to explore the situation ahead.

Wang Tuntian frowned, stopped, and said, "There is a monster coming from the ground."

Wang Yang opened his mouth and spit out a stream of golden flames, hitting the ground. A radius of 200,000 miles turned into a sea of ​​golden flames. The flames shot into the sky, the ground shook slightly, and a black halo of light swept out. The golden flames dispersed, and the black halo of light went straight to the sky. When they came, wherever they passed, all the big trees disappeared, and there were signs of corrosion on the ground.

Wang Tuntian snorted coldly, opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of yellow glow. This was not the divine light of Devouring Heaven, but the Law of Devouring.

The black aperture collided with the yellow glow and was swallowed up by the yellow glow.

"It's just the Law of Corrosion, but you dare to do anything in front of me!"

Wang Tuntian snorted coldly, and the yellow light on his body radiated, turning into a huge yellow giant rat, covering the sky and the sun. It lightly stepped on the ground with its right foot, and the ground shook violently, and a large number of people appeared. A huge black earthworm flew out of the crack, with a ferocious man's face on its head.

"Human-faced earthworm!"

Wang Changsheng recognized the origin of the black earthworm. He did not intend to take action and just left it to Wang Tuntian and others to solve it.

Wang Yang opened his mouth and spit out a stream of golden flames, transforming into a huge golden crow, emitting astonishingly high temperatures, and the ground showed signs of melting.

The Golden Crow flapped its wings lightly and flew towards the human-faced earthworm.

The human-faced earthworm did not dare to take a direct hit, and was about to avoid it when a powerful force of confinement appeared out of thin air, locking it in place.

With a flash of black light, the human-faced earthworm transformed into a fat old man in black robes, with the cultivation level of a middle-stage Golden Immortal.

He opened his mouth and sprayed out a black sound wave, which collided with the Golden Crow and died together.

A ray of yellow light fell from the sky, covering the old man in black robe. His body quickly shrank and flew towards Wang Tuntian.

"Fellow Taoist, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

The old man in black robe was shocked and begged for mercy, but Wang Tuntian ignored him and swallowed him into his belly.

Wang Tuntian burped, spit out a black storage bracelet, and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng took the storage bracelet, glanced at it with his consciousness, and nodded. There were some fairy medicine and fairy fruits in it, including more than ten golden and jade fairy fruits. They were probably picked here.

They continued to move forward and let go when encountering strong restrictions.

Three days later, Wang Changsheng and others appeared at the foot of a steep mountain peak. At the foot of the mountain was a blue stone tablet more than twenty feet high, with the three characters "Lingtian Peak" engraved on it.

There is a humanoid corpse halfway up the mountainside. The body is pierced with holes, and it seems to have been killed by some kind of sharp weapon. The upper part of the mountainside is shrouded in white mist, and the situation above the mountainside cannot be seen clearly.

Wang Ruyan urged Lihuo Zhentong to investigate, frowning slightly, and said, "The control hub is at the top of the mountain."

"Master, let me give it a try!"

Wang Tuntian volunteered. He understood the Law of Devouring, and ordinary restrictions could not help him. This was not the core area of ​​the Ten Thousand Immortals Continent, and the restrictions had been weakened a lot, so there should be no problem.

"Be careful. Don't force things."

Wang Changsheng warned.

Wang Tuntian put on a medium-grade Chaos Armor and strode towards the mountain. As soon as he went up the mountain, the void shook and twisted, and slender golden lights appeared in the void, turning into golden arrows. Ben Wang swallows the sky and comes.

The golden arrows hit the Chaos Armor stomach one after another, and there was a "clang" sound of gold and iron clashing.

He walked towards the mountain, and a large number of golden arrows appeared out of thin air, hitting the stomach of the Chaos Armor one after another. He was unharmed.

Walking halfway up the mountain, Wang Tuntian found a golden storage bracelet from the corpse and ate it.

There were ripples in the void ahead, and golden spears emerged out of thin air, hitting Wang Tuntian one after another. Protected by the Chaos Armor and Maw, nothing happened to Wang Tuntian.

He walked into the white mist, his eyes flashed, and he appeared in a vast square. There was a magnificent palace in the square. The door was closed, and the plaque read "Lingtian Palace" in three large silver characters.

There are two huge skeletons lying on the square, one looks like a crocodile and the other looks like an ape. There is a storage bracelet on the bones.

It seems that there is a strong restriction on the square. The two skeletons are treasure hunters and died under the restriction.

Wang Tuntian walked forward. When he took ten steps, a burst of thunder resounded from high in the sky, and a thick golden lightning streaked across the sky and struck Wang Tuntian.

At the same time, countless mysterious golden runes emerged from the ground and turned into two thick golden chains, locking Wang Tuntian's feet.

Wang Tuntian opened his mouth and spurted out a ray of yellow light, covering the golden lightning, and swallowed it. He turned his right hand, and a long knife with flashing yellow light appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards the golden chain.

With two "clang" sounds, the golden chains shattered, but soon, dense golden lightning crackled down and went straight to Wang Tuntian. At the same time, a thick golden light curtain emerged, covering the entire square, and a large number of people appeared in the void. The slender golden light turned into slender golden flying needles, heading straight for Wang Tuntian.

Wang Tuntian was not afraid at all, and used the Devouring Law to swallow up all the falling golden lightning. The dense golden flying needles hit the Chaos Armor's stomach, and the sound of gold and iron clashing was heard.

The yellow light on the surface of Wang Tuntian's body shined brightly, and turned into a giant yellow rat. It sprayed out a stream of yellow glow and covered the golden light curtain. The golden light curtain twisted and deformed, and then broke.

He flew down to the door of Lingtian Palace, pushed hard with both hands, and the door slowly opened. A spacious and bright hall came into view. The hall was empty, with a bluestone passage on the left and right sides.

Wang Tuntian took out a shining yellow magic plate and entered a magic formula. Wang Ruyan's voice sounded: "Tuntian, there are no restrictions in the palace. You walk into the bluestone passage on the left, open the first stone chamber, and stop the formation. Operation."

"Yes, Mistress."

Wang Tuntian agreed and strode in. There was indeed no restriction.

He walked into the bluestone passage on the left, followed Wang Ruyan's instructions, and opened the first stone room. A magic array hundreds of feet long came into view. In the center of the magic circle were two fist-sized pieces of Gathering Immortal Jade.

Wang Tuntian put away the Gathering Immortal Jade, the aura of the magic circle dimmed, and the magic circle stopped functioning.

"Mother, the formation has stopped functioning. You can come up now."

Wang Tuntian said.

"Got it, we'll go up right away."

Wang Ruyan agreed.

Soon, Wang Changsheng and others joined Wang Tuntian.

Wang Changsheng opened the door of the second stone room, and a stone room over a hundred feet in size came into view. On the left hand side was a gold and jade shelf with some jade slips, ores, and formation flags placed on it.

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