Rise of Qinglian

4309 Golden Prism Eavesdropping

Wang Changsheng nodded: "Qiulin and Yidao are probably fast. As long as they can open the 108 Immortal Apertures, it won't be a problem for them to survive the thunder tribulation."

Both Wang Yidao and Wang Qiulin have perfected their laws and are retreating to Qinglian Island to attack the Taiyi Golden Immortal. They also plan to spend more time polishing their immortal power to avoid making the same mistakes as Wang Qingcheng and others.

"I hope they can succeed, but we are holding a large auction this time, and the Chaos Beasts may come to cause trouble."

Wang Ruyan said.

When they held the Taiyi celebration, the Hada tribe came to cause trouble, but there was no trouble. This time Qinglian City held a large-scale auction, which attracted many Taiyi Golden Immortals to participate. Chaos beasts may cause trouble.

"I do hope that the Chaos Beasts will come over. They haven't attacked the city, but I feel a little uneasy."

Wang Changsheng's expression was heavy.

It is really strange that the Chaos Beast has not attacked the city for hundreds of thousands of years. Wang Changsheng is worried about the nine-color Chaos Beast that has mutated four times in the Chahar tribe. Once such a Chaos Beast appears, it will be more powerful if it advances to the Great Luo Jinxian. .

"If I were a Chaos Beast, I would definitely not miss this opportunity. There are so many Taiyi Golden Immortals gathered in Qinglian City. If we capture Qinglian City, we can capture many Taiyi Golden Immortals."

Wang Ruyan analyzed.

The Chaos Beast attacks the city, firstly to eliminate the high-level immortals, and secondly to capture the immortals to sacrifice to the Shifangzi Mother Tower. Now Qinglian City has gathered a large number of immortals, including dozens of Taiyi Golden Immortals. The Chaos Beasts There's no reason to miss this opportunity.

"As long as they dare to take action, Tuntian should be able to eavesdrop on some secrets..."

Before Wang Changsheng finished speaking, he frowned, took out an immortal mirror with flashing blue light from his arms, and inserted a spell into it. Wang Tuntian's face could be seen on the mirror.

"Master, I overheard the conversation among the top leaders of the Zalandin tribe. They followed the orders of the Chahar tribe and prepared to attack Qinglian City. This time, they mobilized the strength of five tribes, and the Chahar tribe will also send people to join the battle."

Wang Tuntian said.

Wang Changsheng held a large-scale auction just to lure the snake out of its hole. He handed over the Huang-class fairy ship to Wang Tuntian and asked him to eavesdrop outside the Zalandin Mountains. He had been there for several months and finally eavesdropped on important information.

"Do you know the time?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

"They plan to take action on the day the auction is held. The nine-color chaos beasts of the Chahar tribe will lead the team. It is conservatively estimated that there are seven nine-color chaos beasts. It is not certain that there are chaos beasts that have mutated three times."

Wang Tuntian said.

"I know, be careful and don't let them find out."

Wang Changsheng warned.

"I understand, Master. I'm on the periphery. It's safe. Within ten trillion miles, as long as someone talks to you, they can't hide it from the Golden Prism. If a Chaos Beast from the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage comes, I will withdraw."

Wang Tuntian said.

Wang Changsheng nodded, gave some instructions, and put away the Immortal Mirror.

"It seems that my husband did a good job of luring snakes out of their holes. They were really fooled."

Wang Ruyan said with a smile.

"It's hard to say. The Chahar tribe may not inform the tribes under its true purpose. It's better to be cautious. Let's go to Tianfeng City and report to Senior Nangong. The news returned by our spies can be said to be vague. Lake a little bit to avoid exposing the existence of the golden prism."

Wang Changsheng said that it was impossible for him to reveal the existence of the Golden Prism to the Nangong Immortal Clan. With this treasure, every move of the Chaos Beast Tribe bordering Qinglian City was under his control.


Deep in the Hada grassland, there is a huge city covering a vast area. A square blue plaque hangs above the city gate, with the three characters "Hatta City" written on it.

There are a lot of chaos beast activities in the city, and some pseudo-immortals can also be seen.

In the northwest corner of Hada City, there is a huge valley surrounded by mountains on three sides. Yang and thirteen Chaos Beasts from the Taiyi Golden Immortal stage gathered in the valley and were talking about something.

"Chahar's Ministry has given an order, asking me to personally lead the team. Wei, Ge, you go with me, hoping to capture Qinglian City in one fell swoop."

Yang said.

"Will the Chahar tribe send people to join the war? We alone may not be able to win Qinglian City. Qinglian City is different from other dungeons. There are many high-grade immortal-killing cannons and maybe high-grade immortal-killing arrows."

Said an eight-color chaos beast that looked like a dove.

"Master Zhu of the Chahar tribe has also considered this and will send tribesmen from Jiuse to support. What we have to do now is to gather manpower, send people to inquire about information, and collect as much intelligence as possible on Qinglian City and the cities under its jurisdiction, in order to prepare for the attack. The city is preparing.”

Yang ordered.

"Yes, Priest Yang."

The thirteen chaos beasts agreed in unison, left one after another, and went down to make arrangements.


Tianfeng City, Tianfeng Garden.

Nangong Yuwei was sitting in a blue stone pavilion. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan stood aside, reporting to Nangong Yuwei.

"Is the news reliable? Is the Chaos Beast planning such a big battle?"

Nangong Yuwei asked with a frown.

"It must be reliable. This is the information my people bought in exchange for their lives. However, they may adjust their deployment, but one thing is certain, the Chaos Beast will attack the city."

Wang Changsheng said seriously.

He didn't say too much. If the Chaos Beast temporarily changed its plan and delayed the siege time, it would be difficult to say.

"You still have spies! If this news spreads, it will implicate him!"

Nangong Yuwei said.

"It will definitely affect him. It's best not to spread. If you lure the enemy deep, you can inflict heavy damage on them under Qinglian City."

Wang Changsheng suggested.

"You guys go down first and I'll send someone to verify it. For such a big matter, I can't just listen to your words."

Nangong Yuwei ordered.

"Yes, Senior Nangong."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed and retreated.

Nangong Yuwei took out an immortal mirror that flashed with white light and inserted a spell into it.

After a while, the white light on the mirror shined brightly, and Nangong Yunhua's face could be seen.

"Ancestor Yuwei, what are your orders?"

Nangong Yunhua asked.

"What happened to the Chaos Beasts recently? I received news that they may attack the city."

Nangong Yuwei asked.

"Nothing happened. I didn't receive any news. Is the news reliable?"

Nangong Yunhua asked.

"There shouldn't be a problem. They don't need to lie to me. You can check to see if there are any signs of the fake immortal being transferred. If there are signs of the fake immortal being transferred, you don't need to contact me. If there are no signs of being transferred, please contact me within seven days. Find a way to clear the relationship and don't let the Chaos Beast doubt you."

Nangong Yuwei ordered.

"Yes, Ancestor Yuwei, if the pseudo-immortal is transferred, I will not contact you. Stay with the Chaos Beast and dispel any doubts. If there is no transfer, I will contact you."

Nangong Yunhua agreed and cut off contact.

"The Wang family is so capable that they were able to detect such secrets. It seems that the Wang family's spies have a high status in the Chaos Beast Tribe."

Nangong Yuwei said to himself.

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