Rise of Qinglian

4331 Meeting Zen Master Akihito

The painting showed a monk with a compassionate face. Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan recognized the monk at a glance as Wang Mingren.

The dark hall has been collecting portraits of high-level monks, but Da Luo Jinxian rarely shows up. It is not easy to collect portraits of Da Luo Jinxian.

Wang Changsheng had only seen some portraits of Taiyi Golden Immortal from Wanfo Sect, but had never seen the portrait of Daluo Golden Immortal.

"Is this Zen Master Akihito?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

He used to think it was just the same name, but now it seems that Wang Mingren is Zen Master Mingren. Strictly speaking, Wang Mingren is just a clone.

"Well, our family has been looking for this person in the lower world, but I communicated with several Taiyi Golden Immortals and accidentally saw this portrait. Is Zen Master Akihito the person we are looking for in the lower world?"

Wang Qiulin said doubtfully.

Before ascending to the Immortal Realm, Wang Changsheng had seen many monks who looked exactly like Wang Mingren and sent his tribe to look for them. Wang Qiulin also searched for them but never found them. Unexpectedly, he found them in the Immortal Realm.

"Maybe! Don't spread this matter outside, and don't tell anyone else. It's enough for the three of us to know. It won't do us any good if the news spreads."

Wang Changsheng warned.

Master Miaode had not planned to hold a celebration before, but suddenly held a celebration again, and the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect made it very grand. This may be what Zen Master Akihito meant.

Wang Changsheng can be sure that Zen Master Akihito uses these clones to practice and put himself in his shoes. Wang Changsheng does not want the outside world to know about the techniques he practices. If the news spreads, it will definitely affect Zen Master Akihito.

"Yes, grandfather, my grandson understands."

Wang Qiulin agreed.

Wang Ruyan gave some instructions and asked Wang Qiulin to retreat.

"It seems we can meet this senior this time."

Wang Ruyan said.

"It might work!"

Wang Changsheng said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wang Qiulin walked in and said, "Grandpa and grandma, Zen Master Yuanzhi, a young disciple of Zen Master Mingren, is here to visit. He said he has something important to meet with you."


Wang Changsheng ordered.

Wang Qiulin agreed and turned to leave.

Not long after, Wang Qiulin walked in with a yellow-robed monk with a fair face.

"The poor monk Yuan Zhi has met Taoist friend Wang and Mrs. Wang, and the tutor has invited them."

The yellow-robed monk introduced himself and directly explained his purpose.

"Could Master Yuanzhi please lead the way?"

Wang Changsheng said politely.

Zen Master Yuanzhi nodded and led them to the door of a magnificent palace. The plaque read "Akihito Hall" in three large silver characters, and the door was closed.

As soon as the door opened, a majestic male voice came from the hall: "Come in! Yuan Zhi, you can leave."

Yuan Zhi responded, turned and left.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan looked at each other, strode in, and the palace door closed automatically.

Zen Master Akihito sat on the main seat, surrounded by Buddha light.

"Junior Wang Changsheng (Wang Ruyan), pays homage to senior."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan quickly bowed and saluted with respectful expressions.

"You should have guessed the reason why I asked you to come here."

Zen Master Akihito said.

"Juniors don't know, please ask seniors to give you some advice."

Wang Changsheng said cautiously.

"You should know Wang Mingren! That is one of my spiritual clones. The monks you see exactly like me in the lower world are all my spiritual clones."

Zen Master Akihito said.

"Divine Mind Clone!"

Wang Changsheng's expression condensed.

"I noticed your existence as soon as you ascended to the Immortal Realm. I originally wanted to cut off the karma with you, but I didn't expect that your cultivation speed is about the same as that of our elite disciples from the Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect, so I gave up. If you have any questions, just ask me. Just ask!"

Zen Master Akihito said.

"Senior called us here. Did he have any orders?"

Wang Changsheng asked.

How could he dare to ask more questions? It would not be a good thing to know the secret of Daluo Jinxian.

"The technique I practice is quite special. This requires the projection of spiritual thoughts on the monks in the lower realm. With the help of their experiences, love, hatred, and hatred, I practice the law of cause and effect. I don't want too many people to know about this. Do you understand?"

Zen Master Akihito said.

"Yes, this junior understands."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed wholeheartedly, so naturally they would not talk nonsense.

"I have a fate with you. These two relic pills are refined into the crystal core of the eight-color chaos beast of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Stage, which will help you to cultivate into an immortal body. As for whether you can cultivate into an immortal body, that's up to you. It’s up to you.”

Zen Master Akihito flicked his sleeves, and a golden jade box flew out and flew towards Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan thanked them one after another and accepted the relics.

"Senior, is there anything we can do for you?"

Wang Changsheng continued to ask, he did not believe that Zen Master Mingren gave them the elixir for free.

"My spiritual avatar was born in your Wang family. You helped him a lot. I owe you. From now on, we will settle everything."

Zen Master Akihito said.

When they were in Dongli Realm, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan helped Wang Mingren a lot, and indirectly helped Zen Master Mingren. He didn't want to owe Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan, so sending the elixir was a good deal.

"Junior, I would like to ask, why don't you, senior, just cut off the line of cause and effect between us and make us forget your existence?"

Wang Changsheng asked curiously.

There are lines of cause and effect between masters and disciples, relatives, and friends. If you want to cut off cause and effect, you must master the law of cause and effect. If you cut off the line of cause and effect, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan will no longer remember Wang Mingren.

"Do you think it's easy to cut off the line of causality? When I wanted to cut off the line of cause and effect, you had already advanced to Taiyi. Cutting off the line of cause and effect at this time would also affect me. Apart from you, the people in your family who know my existence Quite a few, and the causal line between me and them needs to be cut off, the impact will be too great."

Zen Master Akihito explained, his tone changed, and he continued: "Of course, I can still cut off the line of cause and effect, but when you were summoned by Kunlun Daozu, I gave up. In addition, it is also a good relationship!"

The Green Lotus Immortal Couple has great potential, and they may be promoted to Daluo Jinxian in the future. Zen Master Akihito does not need to cut off this relationship, but he does not want to get too involved in the affairs of the Wang family and the Green Lotus Immortal Couple. Using two relics Dan settles the cause and effect.

After hearing this, Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan suddenly realized that this was the case.

It seems that Kunlun Daozu summoned them, which also has a certain deterrent effect on Daluo Jinxian.

In the past, it was because of the influence of Zen Master Akihito that he did not cut off the line of cause and effect. Now he is afraid of the existence of Kunlun Taoist and gives up on cutting off the line of cause and effect. The two are completely different.

"It is not easy for immortals to have two supreme beings. I hope you can go further and further on the road! Chaos beasts are our mortal enemies. I hope you can contribute to the immortals."

Zen Master Akihito said earnestly.

"Yes, I will follow the instructions of my seniors."

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan agreed wholeheartedly, with respectful expressions.

"Okay, nothing happens anymore. You can go back! Don't tell anyone what happened today."

Zen Master Akihito ordered.

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