Rise of Qinglian

4458 Major Harvest (gone today)

Yunchuanfang City, the largest city in Yunchuan Continent, is also one of the frontline strongholds against the Chaos Beasts. A large number of Immortals gather here, business travelers gather here, and it is very prosperous.

Immortals who come to Yunchuan Continent from other places will most likely come to Yunchuanfang City to collect resources for cultivating immortals.

A five-story golden attic, with three large silver characters "Tianhao Pavilion" written on the plaque.

In the attic, Lieyang Immortal Lord and the young woman in silver skirt were sitting on chairs, and a tall, thin young man in a green shirt was reporting to them.

"There are many immortals who have entered Yunchuanfang City, looking for an unknown target, but there is no way to find out. Uncle Liu, do you have any other clues?"

The young man in green shirt asked cautiously.

Without any clues, he didn't know who the target was.

Lieyang Immortal Lord frowned, there were indeed too few clues, they were just trying their luck.

"Have any big events happened recently? For example, some famous high-level immortal suddenly appeared."

The young woman in silver skirt asked.

Xing Xin, the early stage of Daluo Jinxian.

"Some time ago, a tide of Chaos Beasts broke out, and many immortals were killed. A few Taiyi Golden Immortals performed well. They..."

Before the young man in green shirt finished speaking, there was a loud scream coming from his body. He took out a magic plate with flashing green light and inserted a magic formula. There was a look of surprise in his eyes.

"What happened?"

Immortal Lord Lieyang asked.

"An ancient monk's cave has appeared in the world, located in the Haake Grassland. The Haake Grassland is the territory of the Haake Tribe. There are several Daluo Golden Immortals in the Haake Tribe."

Reported by Qingshan Youth Exchange.

"The ancient monk's cave? Do you know whose cave it is?"

Immortal Lord Lieyang asked.

"We don't know yet. The movement of breaking the ban was too big and was discovered by several Taiyi Golden Immortals. They kept reporting it and now it has spread throughout Yunchuanfang City."

The young man in green shirt said.

Xing Xin took out a shimmering silver dharma plate, entered a dharma secret, and his eyes lit up.

"Yun'er deduced that Shen Ting's Nascent Soul may be located in a place with the word "Ha" in its name. What a coincidence!"

Xing Xin said.

"A place name with the word "ha"? Harker Grassland! It seems that he entered the ancient monk's cave."

Lieyang Immortal Lord frowned and said.

If it were anywhere else, Lieyang Immortal Lord would have killed him, but the ancient monk's cave was in Ha Ke Grassland, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

"That is the territory of the Haq tribe. This person dares to go there, which means that the ancient monk's cave is very important. It is probably the residence cave of Daluo Jinxian. The ancient monk's cave is likely to contain heavy treasures or assist Taiyi Jinxian in attacking Daluo Jinxian. Something, or maybe this Daluo Golden Immortal is particularly famous, such as the Ten Immortals of the Wilderness."

Xing Xin analyzed.

"It's hard to get news about this person. We can't let this opportunity pass by. Mrs. ?”

Lieyang Immortal Lord suggested.

"Just do it! I hope we can catch this person."

Xing Xin said.

"Maybe not one, but two or more."

Lieyang Immortal Lord said.

They left Yunchuanfang City. Almost at the same time, a large number of immortals left Yunchuanfang City and rushed to Haake Grassland.

In Harker Grassland, a cyan light door floats high in the sky. Chaos beasts enter the cyan light door from time to time. A large number of chaos beasts gather near the cyan light door, and the lowest is a five-color chaos beast.

Inside the blue light gate, there is a steep mountain peak. On the top of the mountain is a vast manor. You can see many spiritual fields, but the spiritual fields are empty.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Tuntian stood at the door of a blue pavilion, with three golden characters "Wancao Pavilion" written on the plaque.

A thick golden light curtain covered the entire attic. They found many elixir plants in this elixir garden, all of which were more than 30 million years old.

Wang Tuntian opened his mouth and sprayed out a stream of yellow glow, covering the golden light curtain. This was the law of devouring.

The golden light curtain twisted and deformed, breaking like bubbles.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and the door of Wancao Pavilion opened. A girl in a blue dress covered with mysterious runes walked in without touching any restrictions. Only then did Wang Changsheng and the three of them follow.

The attic was simply decorated, with more than a dozen tables and chairs placed in the hall. They turned around and found three stone rooms with closed doors.

Wang Tuntian sprayed out a stream of yellow rays of light, covering the door of a stone room. The door fell into pieces and turned into countless gravels, which fell into his mouth.

A stone room over a hundred feet in size came into view. In the stone room, there was a magic array that was tens of feet in size. In the center of the magic circle was a large piece of Gathering Immortal Jade. Surrounding the Gathering Immortal Jade were a large number of high-grade Immortal Essence Stones. The energy of the Immortal Essence Stone has been exhausted.

They opened the door of the second stone chamber. In the center of the stone chamber was a fruit tree with silver light. Eight silver-white fruits hung on the tree, and there were some lightning-like patterns on the fruit's surface.

"Leitan Immortal Fruit!"

Wang Changsheng was pleasantly surprised.

The Thunder Tan Immortal Fruit is one of the top ten immortal fruits. Its growth cycle is as long as 60 million years. Immortals who take this fruit can temporarily possess the Thunder Tan Spiritual Body. It has a very good effect in resisting the attacks of thunder spells. It is usually used to resist Thunder disaster.

With these eight Thunder Tan Immortal Fruits, it would be much easier for Wang Changsheng to attack Daluo Jinxian.

Wang Changsheng released Wang Ginseng and asked her to pick eight Lei Tan Fairy Fruits.

He sacrificed the treasure and cooperated with Wang Ginseng to transplant the Lei Tanxian fruit tree. During the transplantation process, some roots and stems were broken, but the impact was not significant. Anyway, Wang Changsheng had the gourd of years, and he could use the core to plant a Leitanxian fruit tree.

Opening the door of the third stone room, a stream of extremely pure immortal energy rushed towards my face.

The stone chamber is more than a hundred feet in size, and there is a pool of several dozen feet in the lower left corner. There is some blue-white liquid in the pool, and two silver lotuses grow with half-moon-shaped petals and seven golden lotus seeds.

"Seven-star Immortal Lotus!"

Wang Ruyan was pleasantly surprised. The Seven-Star Immortal Lotus has a growth cycle of 90 million years and has the effect of improving the power of immortality. Daluo Jinxian also has good effects when taken.

Seven-star Immortal Lotus can be used to brew the fourth-level Immortal Wine Seven-Star Immortal Brew, which has the effect of improving the power of immortality.

At this moment, Wang Changsheng frowned and said, "No, an enemy is coming."

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of cracks appeared in the stone chamber, and a large amount of gravel fell down.

Wang Changsheng reacted quickly and quickly took out the five-sided Tianchen Mirror. With a pinch of the magic formula, the five-sided Tianchen Mirror bloomed with dazzling golden glow, covering the falling gravel.

The gravel fell very slowly. Wang Ginseng shook his sleeves, and a green glow swept out, covering the two seven-star fairy lotuses.

Wang Ruyan's right hand bloomed with a black halo of light, and with one palm strike, a black halo of light swept out and headed toward the top of his head.

A nine-color chaos beast in the shape of an orc stood outside Wancao Pavilion. A black halo of light passed over its palm, and its body trembled.

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