Rise of Qinglian

4719 Assessment of the strong in the era of chaos

Chapter 4736 The assessment of the strong in the era of chaos

In the Wind and Thunder Fairyland, in a certain sea area, hurricanes blow from time to time on the sea surface, dark clouds are dense in the sky, lightning and thunder are loud, and the sound is huge.

On a deserted island with a radius of hundreds of miles, there is sparse vegetation on the island. Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger are standing on the top of a peak. Wang Qingshan is holding a green animal skin with the three characters "Fenglei Ruins" written on it.

The Wang family had peripheral organizations in Fenglei Immortal Domain. Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er found the clan members, inquired about the situation of Fenglei Ruins, and obtained many maps of Fenglei Ruins before entering Fenglei Ruins.

There are old Julei trees deep in Fenglei Ruins, which are very restrictive. More than a hundred years ago, a dozen Taiyi Golden Immortals entered Fenglei Ruins to hunt for treasures, but they all died. No one knows what happened to them.

Since the emergence of Fenglei Ruins, many high-level immortals have entered Fenglei Ruins in search of treasures, but there have been few survivors, and the few survivors have not gone deep into Fenglei Ruins.

Some people say that Fenglei Ruins is the battlefield left over from the Immortal Hun War. Others say that Fenglei Ruins is the dojo of a Taoist ancestor. There are also reports that Fenglei Ruins is the main altar of an ancient sect. There are different opinions.

One thing is certain, Fenglei Ruins is very dangerous, even if Daluo Jinxian breaks in, there is a risk of falling.

"No one survives after entering the depths of Fenglei Ruins. We have to be careful."

Bai Linger said.

Wang Qingshan nodded and said: "According to the map, Juleimu is deep in Fenglei Ruins. We have to pass through a place with many thunder attribute restrictions."

We've made some preparations and there should be no problem.

Bai Linger's face was full of confidence.

After so many years, the power of the ban must have weakened. If they are careful, there should be no big problem.

Wang Qingshan put away the green animal skin, and the two of them flew towards the northwest.

After flying fifty trillion miles, they appeared in a sea area filled with thunder and lightning. Lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and huge celestial thunder pierced the sky and struck at them.

Wang Qingshan's right hand released a golden halo, blocking the falling fairy thunder.

Wang Qingshan flipped his right hand, a flash of green light appeared in his hand, and a flashing green bead appeared in his hand. Infused with the power of immortality, the green bead bloomed with a dazzling green light.

"No space restriction found! You can pass."

Wang Qingshan said.

They flew forward, and the deeper they went into the Fenglei Ruins, the more and more powerful the immortal thunders struck. A series of strong winds swept through them, but they were all blocked by Wang Qingshan's use of the Law of Time.

More than an hour later, they appeared on a calm sea with gusty sea breeze. There was a vast island in the distance, and a giant tree could be vaguely seen.

There was lightning and thunder behind them, and the wind was howling. It was calm and calm here, like two worlds, very weird.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er's consciousness was widened. They scanned the island carefully and found nothing unusual.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er urged the top-quality immortal weapons to investigate, but found nothing unusual.

"Is there only a thunder attribute restriction outside? It's too easy to get Juleimu!"

Bai Ling'er said doubtfully.

If it was that simple, she wouldn't believe that no high-level immortal had left this place alive over the years.

"Be careful. Use the Immortal Mirror to contact the tribe first and tell them about this matter."

Wang Qingshan took out an Immortal Mirror with flashing green light and inserted a spell into it.

More than a quarter of an hour passed, but there was no response from the Immortal Mirror. Bai Ling'er took out other communication treasures and found the same result. There were obviously special restrictions here, and all the communication treasures were invalid.

"Exit first, tell the clan members about the situation here, and then come back to investigate carefully."

Wang Qingshan said.

Bai Ling'er nodded, and just as they were about to leave, there was a ripple in the space, and a powerful force of space emerged, and they flew towards the island uncontrollably.

Wang Qingshan was horrified and quickly released a golden halo, hoping to block the power of space, but it was of no use.

"Fifth-level Immortal Formation! Dao Ancestor?"

Wang Qingshan said in surprise.

It is impossible for Daluo Jinxian to ignore the law of time, unless he is a Taoist ancestor or a fifth-level immortal formation.

They appeared on the giant island, and all the vegetation turned into flying swords, heading straight for them.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er quickly activated their sword laws to resist these attacks.

They all had ten apertures opened, and with the blessing of the aperture fusion technique, they easily blocked the incoming flying swords.

"The secret of fusion! Sword cultivator! It's interesting. If you pass the test, you can live, otherwise you will die."

A cold male voice sounded.

"Assessment? Who are you?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

"Only when you pass the assessment will you be qualified to know my name."

The man's voice was cold.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground shook violently. Pieces of gravel, fallen leaves of plants and trees, and a large number of water droplets rose into the sky. After a blur, they turned into the form of flying swords, covering the sky and the sun with great momentum.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er launched their flying swords one after another and activated the flying swords to face the enemy.

The densely packed flying swords collided, and powerful air waves erupted, shattering the void, but soon, the cracks healed.

"What exactly is the assessment?"

Bai Linger asked.

She was answered with silence, and the other party had no intention of telling them the answer, or in other words, only by finding the answer could they survive.

Wang Qingshan pinched the magic formula, and a golden halo swept out to meet the flying sword.

The incoming flying swords touched the golden halo, and all stopped in mid-air, motionless, as if they were frozen.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger flew towards Juleimu. Before they could fly far, a huge sky-high sword light swept over them.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Ling'er's right palms burst out with dazzling green light and white light respectively, and they slashed towards the void. A huge sword light swept out and faced them.

The three sword lights collided and died together.

Wang Qingshan and Bai Linger were both shocked. They used the Fusion Technique to barely block it? Is the other party Daozu?

They continued to fly towards Kuleimu, and a large number of flying swords flew from all directions. Most of them were incorporeal, some were solid, and there were many top-quality immortal weapons among them.

Wang Qingshan's body surface bloomed with a golden halo, activating the law of time to block all these flying swords. Bai Ling'er activated the law of sword to resist the incoming flying swords.

The island is full of sword lights, sword energy is like a tide, and various fairy lights collide in the sky.

Less than half an hour later, they appeared near Kulemu.

"Who is your Excellency? Can you come out and see me?"

Wang Qingshan asked.

A ray of silver light flashed in Koleimu, and a tall, thin old man in silver robes appeared.

"Soul body! No, remnant soul!"

Bai Ling'er said in surprise.

"I am indeed a remnant soul!"

The old man in silver robe said.

"Junior Wang Qingshan, this is my wife Bai Ling'er. I wonder what you call me, senior?"

Wang Qingshan asked politely.

The silver-robed old man was a remnant soul, but Wang Qingshan felt that the other party could kill them.

"Sword Two!"

The silver-robed old man's voice was loud and his face was filled with pride.

"Jian Er? Senior is Dao Ancestor? We have never heard of you?"

Bai Ling'er asked puzzledly.

"It's normal that you haven't heard of it. I was from the Chaos Era. There is a historical gap in the middle. Of course you can't know about it."

Jian Er explained.


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