Half a month has passed, Tiansha City.

In a quiet manor, Mo Yinyin, Qinghou Daozu, Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan, Xu Yan and Liu Yixue were sitting in a blue stone pavilion, drinking tea and discussing Taoism.

"Fairy Mo, it's been so long and you still haven't contacted fellow Daoist Zhou?"

Qinghou Daozu asked.

"No, the master may be in retreat and I can't contact him. If fellow Taoist Qing wants to leave, I can take you out."

Mo Yinyin said.

"No need to trouble Fairy Mo, just Fellow Daoist Xu will send me out."

Qinghou Daozu said.

"Xu Yan doesn't know how to get out, I'll take you out myself!"

Mo Yinyin said.

"No rush, we'll talk later. I still have many things I want to ask Fairy Mo for advice."

Qinghou Daozu said.

Mo Yinyin looked at Wang Changsheng and the other three, and Wang Changsheng said, "I've excused you for a few days, we're ready to say goodbye."

Wang Changsheng originally thought that he could see Zhou Dian, but there was no way to see him in person. He could also contact Zhou Dian, but it was impossible. There was little point in staying.

Mo Yinyin nodded and was about to say something when her eyebrows furrowed. She took out a magic disk with flashing yellow light and entered a magic formula. Several light spots could be seen on it.

"Someone broke in here, I don't know if they are friends or foes."

Mo Yinyin frowned and said.

"We came here using Brother Wang's Ruyi Gate. Even if someone wants to follow us, it won't be that easy!"

Qinghou Daozu said in confusion.

"Why don't you go out and take a look? If it's an enemy, fight if you can. If you can't, run away."

Xu Yan suggested.

"You stay here, control the formation, and we go out to take a look."

Mo Yinyin ordered.

In a vast desert, a huge golden light rises into the sky, and the air waves billow.

With a scream, the golden raccoon dog flew out of the golden light, its breath was sluggish, its body surface was dripping with blood, and it looked like it was seriously injured.

A huge ax with glittering golden light flew out from the golden light and struck at the golden raccoon dog.

The strong wind blew up, and countless yellow gravels were blown up by the strong wind. They quickly gathered together and turned into a yellow giant sword, slashing towards the golden giant axe.

With a muffled sound, the yellow giant sword was cut in half by the golden giant axe.

Taking this opportunity, the golden raccoon dog also flew out with a look of caution on his face.

The golden light dissipated, revealing two ten-color chaos beasts. Judging from their auras, they were both in the middle stage of Dao Ancestor.

"Who dares to ruin our good deeds?"

A ten-color chaos beast shouted loudly.

"It's bad luck for you to intrude on my territory."

A cold female voice sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind blew by, and the five of Mo Yinyin appeared, standing high in the sky, with different expressions.

"The Multi-Eyed Clan! You are from the Multi-Eyed Clan."

Qinghou Daozu saw Jin Raccoon's size and features and recognized his origin.

"Fellow Taoist, is Qinghou Taoist? I have seen your portrait. The Chaos Beast discovered our clan's hiding place and dispatched many Taoist ancestors to deal with us. I fought my way out of the siege and asked all my fellow Taoists to help me to rescue the great elder. them."

The golden raccoon dog begged, his tone weak.

"You, the many-eyed tribe, have been fighting with the Chaos Beasts since the Age of Chaos. Naturally, we will not stand idly by."

Mo Yinyin nodded and inserted a spell into the yellow array disk in her hand.

The wind was strong, and countless yellow gravels rose into the sky, turning into yellow sand blades, covering the sky and the sun, with no end in sight. These yellow sand blades went straight towards the two ten-color chaos beasts.

"Come to us quickly, fellow Taoist."

Qinghou Daozu greeted.

The golden raccoon dog responded and flew towards them.

When he was a hundred feet away from Mo Yinyin and others, a strong wind blew up, a strong force of gravity appeared out of thin air, and his body fell uncontrollably toward the ground.

At the same time, Liu Yixue's right palm burst out with dazzling white light, and he slapped it into the void. A giant white palm flashed out, carrying the power of the four original laws, and headed straight for the golden raccoon dog.

The golden raccoon dog couldn't avoid it, so he punched out, and a giant golden fist flashed out, carrying the power of the four original laws to face the opposite side.

The golden giant fist collided with the white giant palm, and they both died together, erupting into a powerful wave of air.

After the loud rumbling sound, a large number of cracks appeared in the void.

There was a flash of blue light, and a giant peak with flashing blue light appeared on top of the golden raccoon dog's head and smashed down on it.

There was a loud noise as the giant blue peak sank into the sand pit.

"We are really fools. What a coincidence, we escaped from the pursuit of the Chaos Beast and just happened to escape here."

Mo Yinyin sneered.

"Mo Yinyin, it is indeed you."

A cold male voice sounded.

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden escaping light appeared in the distant sky and flew towards here quickly.

Not long after, the golden escaping light stopped.

The light disappeared, and a golden flying boat appeared. Three chaos beasts and golden raccoon dogs stood on it, headed by Gang and Entropy.

"Weren't you killed?"

Liu Yixue said in surprise.

"In order for you to show up, I have to use a precious Nine Suns Magic Talisman."

Jin Raccoon sneered.

"No, it's Gang, retreat quickly."

Mo Yinyin looked a little flustered when she saw Gang.

The five of them flew towards the path they came from. Mo Yinyin punched several magic spells into the array. The strong wind blew up, and countless yellow gravels were blown up by the strong wind, turning into yellow sand blades and slashing towards the Chaos Beast. and golden raccoon dogs.

Just as they were about to fly into Tiansha City, a huge yellow light curtain appeared, covering the entire Tiansha City.

"Xu Yan, how dare you bully your master and destroy your ancestors!"

Mo Yinyin was furious.

"How is it possible? I've clearly tested it with a low-grade Taoist weapon, and there's nothing wrong with Daoist Fellow Xu!"

Qinghou Daozu said in confusion.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan frowned. This was not a good thing. Who would have thought that Xu Yan was a traitor.

"He has a higher-level Taoist weapon, so he should specifically restrain the Taoist weapon from being detected!"

Wang Changsheng analyzed.

At this time, a giant golden fist flew towards Mo Yinyin.

Five chaos beasts and golden raccoon dogs took action to deal with them one after another. Gang and golden raccoon dogs dealt with Mo Yinyin, Entropy dealt with Qinghou Daozu, Wang Changsheng and three others each dealt with a chaos beast, and Xu Yan controlled the formation to attack Mo Yinyin.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan's opponents have developed four original laws and condensed Taoist foundations. It seems that the Chaos Beast is going to get rid of Mo Yinyin this time.

Both Gang and Entropy have developed seven original laws. Gang has a supreme original law, and Entropy has no supreme original law. They both condense the Tao foundation and are powerful.

Wang Changsheng flicked his sleeves, and nine Dinghai Pearls flew out. With a squeeze of the magic formula, the nine Dinghai Pearls suddenly burst into dazzling blue light, and countless blue seawater gushed out. With them as the center, the area covering hundreds of millions of miles was submerged by the seawater.

The sea water rolled and surged, and two huge blue water dragons flew out from it and pounced on the two ten-color chaos beasts.

Two ten-color chaos beasts respectively wielded a golden long knife and a cyan giant axe, and struck into the void. A huge golden sword light and a cyan ax blade swept out, accurately hitting the blue water dragon.

With a loud rumbling sound, the bodies of the two blue water dragons exploded and turned into countless seawater. The seawater rolled and surged and turned into a huge blue water curtain, trapping Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and the two chaos beasts inside. .

There was sea water flowing on the surface of the blue water curtain, and the runes were flashing. Qinghou Daozu and others could not see clearly what was going on inside.

Wang Changsheng and Wang Ruyan did not hold back and used all their strength to kill the two ten-color chaos beasts.

On the other side, Mo Yinyin was under great pressure as she faced the siege of Gang, Jin Raccoon Dog and Xu Yan.

Daozu Qinghou could handle Entropy alone.


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