Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 501: Convergence (Third update)

In a green bamboo forest, Wang Changsheng was walking slowly.

He was satisfied with his harvest and now wanted to join Guangdong Ren as soon as possible. He didn't know where Guangdong Ren had gone.

The roar of "rumbling" sounded.

Wang Changsheng was startled at first and rolled his eyes. He had gotten a bargain before, could he have another chance?

He hurriedly used the Hidden Breath Technique and walked quickly towards the source of the sound.

Before he had gone very far, a lump of earth suddenly bulged out from the ground not far ahead and quickly ran towards his location.

Behind the earth bag, there is another huge earth bag, and the latter is faster.

At the same time, a red light and a blue light flew from the front.

The red light is a big man in a red robe with a strong back and a strong waist. On his head is a pair of horns that are constantly flowing with red light. He has six levels of elixir. The blue light is a beautiful woman in a blue dress with a plump figure and snow-white skin. Her eyes are light gold. , with a pair of blue fleshy wings on its back, looking like a huge bat, with three layers of elixir.

"You fat man, if you dare to snatch food from a tiger's mouth, don't leave."

The big man in red robe shouted loudly, his body glowed red, and a huge red fist flew out and hit the dirt bag in front.


There was a loud noise, and a somewhat embarrassed figure emerged from the ground. It was Huang Fugui.

Huang Fugui's face was filled with fear, his tiny eyes were moving incessantly, and he looked extremely vulgar.

Wang Changsheng cursed, Huang Fugui was the bad guy. He met Huang Fugui twice, but nothing good happened.

When Huang Fugui saw Wang Changsheng, he rolled his eyes, took out a blue wooden box, threw it to Wang Changsheng, and said: "Fellow Daoist Wang, this is your share, hurry up and leave."

Wang Changsheng knew that it was useless to say anything at this time. The two half-demon would not believe his explanation and had no choice but to run for their lives.

He put away the blue wooden box and turned into a blue escaping light and walked away. Huang Fugui's body surface lit up with a dazzling yellow light. He turned on the spot and turned into a yellow hurricane, sweeping towards the distance. Go, very fast.

A huge yellow scorpion emerged from the ground with four wings on its back.

"I'll go after that fat guy, and you go after that guy with the first level of alchemy. No wonder that fat guy dares to snatch food from a tiger's mouth. It turns out he has an accomplice. Don't let both of them go."

The big man in red robe flew onto the back of the yellow giant scorpion, which flapped its wings and chased after Huang Fugui.

The blue fleshy wings on the back of the beautiful woman in the blue skirt slapped hard, her speed more than doubled, and she chased Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng only had one level of elixir formation, while the beautiful woman in blue skirt had three levels of elixir formation. The difference from last time was that the beautiful woman in blue skirt had a very fast escape speed. In less than half a quarter of an hour, she and Wang Changsheng were less than a hundred feet apart.

Wang Changsheng cursed Huang Fugui thousands of times. You said it was bad for you to offend anyone, but you chose to offend the half-demon. He got stronger every time. He didn’t know what Huang Fugui had done. He was always chased by the half-demon. Every time Wang Changsheng was implicated, and Wang Changsheng hated Huang Fugui to death.

He stopped hurriedly, took out the cold bottle, and sprayed out a large piece of white cold air. The white cold air rolled, and five white ice pythons with waists as thick as water tanks rushed out from it and rushed towards the beautiful woman in blue skirt.

The beautiful woman in the blue dress didn't take it seriously. She flapped her fleshy wings lightly on her back, and a loud "chichi" sound broke through the air. A large wind blade shot out, smashing five white ice pythons into pieces.

With a "swish" sound, a blue thunderball the size of a house flew out of the white mist and hit the beautiful woman in the blue dress menacingly.

A look of surprise appeared in the crystal eyes of the beautiful woman in a blue dress. She held out a palm-sized blue feather fan and flapped it gently. A loud whistling sound was heard, and a hurricane with a height of more than ten feet flashed out, welcoming Toward the blue thunderball.

As soon as the blue thunderball approached the hurricane, it was swept into the hurricane by the strong airflow, and was crushed to pieces.

A rumbling roar sounded, a dazzling blue light lit up in the hurricane, and a powerful wave of air swept away in all directions.

Ten huge white ice pythons flew out of the white cold air and pounced on the beautiful woman in the blue dress from all directions.

The beautiful woman in the blue dress frowned, and the feather fan in her hand shined brightly, and she fanned it towards the void. The whistling sound became louder, and a powerful gust of wind appeared out of thin air, turning into a huge blue wind dragon, and rushed toward the white dragon with its teeth and claws. Ice Python.


More than a dozen white ice pythons were smashed by the blue wind dragon and turned into a large piece of white cold air.

More than a dozen light blue talismans flew out of the white cold air without any warning, bursting almost simultaneously. Countless blue runes rushed out, swirled around, and turned into a large piece of white cold air, covering Beautiful woman in blue dress.

The beautiful woman in the blue dress felt her eyes flash as she suddenly appeared in a land of ice and snow. Big snowflakes fell from high altitude, the cold wind howled by, and the temperature suddenly dropped.

It is the third-order mid-grade formation talisman, the June Feishuang Formation.

Wang Changsheng did not expect this formation to be able to kill a half-demon with the third level of alchemy. He could just trap the opponent for a period of time.

He put away the bottle of cold wine, turned into a blue light and walked away through the air.

A quarter of an hour later, there was an earth-shattering loud noise, and the white mist dissipated. A beautiful woman in a blue dress emerged from the trap. The clothes on her body looked a little tattered, and a hint of bright red was faintly visible on her left arm, which made her look a little embarrassed.

She sniffed the air with her nose, flapped the blue fleshy wings on her back, and ran towards the direction where Wang Changsheng escaped.

Her mother is a half-demon of the Green Mastiff clan, and her father is a demon cultivator in the transformation stage of the Blood Bat clan. She is very lucky, inheriting the talents of both clans, with a keen sense of smell and extremely fast flying speed.

Above a green mountain range, a blue light flew from the distant sky and landed in a dense forest.

"We shouldn't be able to catch up!"

Wang Changsheng said to himself that after using the Liuyue Feishuang Formation Talisman, his confidence was somewhat lacking.

Now he secretly prayed not to encounter Huang Fugui again.

Wang Changsheng used the Hidden Breath Technique, restrained his breath, and strode forward.

The dense forest was dark and damp, the ground was covered with rotten leaves, and the air was filled with a rotten smell.

A piercing scream sounded, and Wang Changsheng took out a pale silver bead, and the aura flickered.

It is the mother-of-pearl of Xuan Yue, Guangdong Ren is within a radius of five thousand miles.

He raised his palm, and the pale silver ball flew out of his hand and flew toward the southwest. Wang Changsheng hurriedly followed.

After a cup of tea, Wang Changsheng appeared in an open field, and a giant lake of more than ten acres appeared in front of him.

Guangdong Ren was sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a red cauldron in front of him, and he was drinking soup with a spoon.

Wang Changsheng couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this scene. Guangdong Ren didn't forget to eat at this time. Was he here to pick the elixir or to relax.

"Fellow Daoist Guang, I have finally met you."

Guangdong Ren took a sip of the hot soup and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Wang, you came just in time. I just killed a third-level low-grade three-headed python and used it for cooking. This is a great tonic, better than dry pills." The medicine tastes much better.”

Wang Changsheng chuckled lightly and was about to say something when he frowned and looked up high in the sky. A blue light flew towards him. After a while, the blue light stopped. It was the beautiful woman in the blue dress.

A look of surprise flashed across his eyes. Are all half-demon noses so sensitive? He has run thousands of miles, and if he calms down his breath, the other party can still catch up.

"Half-demon! It seems that you are from the blood bat clan! Is there a half-demon named Golden Bat in your clan? Is he okay?"

Guangdong Ren narrowed his eyes into thin slits, with a cold light flashing in his eyes. From his tone, it seemed that he didn't like the blood bat clan.

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