Rise of Qinglian

Chapter 585: The Crying Baby Beast (Third Update)

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's kill that baby-crying beast as soon as possible! This is a hundred kilograms of Xuanyue Youshui."

Fairy Ziyue said as she took out a blue porcelain bottle and handed it to Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng removed the cork from the bottle, and a biting chill surged out.

He tilted the mouth of the bottle and poured some black liquid into his palm. A biting chill came from his palm.

The palms freeze quickly and are covered with a thin layer of ice.

Wang Changsheng nodded with satisfaction, put away the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Water, and said: "Without further delay, let's set off now!"

He and Fairy Ziyue flew outside. Fairy Ziyue flew behind Wang Changsheng. Her eyes lit up with a faint blue light. She glanced at Wang Changsheng and the smile on her face deepened.

Wang Changsheng briefly told Wang Huashan and Wang Ruyan what happened. Wang Ruyan had no objection, and she would not refuse anything that was beneficial to Wang Changsheng. Wang Huashan was trying to hunt down the third-level monster! Agree as well.

The four pill-forming monks hunted down a third-level mid-level monster, and with the help of the formation, it could be said that they were sure of victory.

Fairy Ziyue raised her hand, and a metal ball the size of a watermelon flew out, and with the sound of a mechanism, it transformed into a five-foot-long golden giant eagle.

The giant golden eagle has a red mouth and three legs.

This is a third-level mid-grade puppet beast. According to the market price, the price of this puppet beast is close to one million spiritual stones.

Wang Changsheng's eyes were a little envious. No wonder Ziyue Fairy dared to hunt monsters with them. It turned out that there was a third-level middle-grade puppet beast. This was revealed by Ziyue Fairy. Maybe she had other trump cards.

Fairy Ziyue flew on the back of the golden eagle. The golden eagle made a strange chirping sound, flapped its wings, and flew towards the northwest.

Wang Changsheng and the other three looked at each other, turned into three rays of light and followed them.

One day later, the four of them appeared above a half-moon-shaped island. The vegetation on the island was sparse and there was no spiritual vein.

They landed slowly on the beach. A gust of sea breeze blew, and the clothes of the four of them swayed unsteadily. The sea breeze had a salty smell.

"Fairy Ziyue, is the crying baby beast here?"

Wang Ruyan looked around the island and asked curiously.

"That's right, I will set up the formation first, and then lead it here. By the way, I would like to remind you that the Crying Baby Beast has flesh wings, can fly, and has thick skin and thick flesh. Ordinary magic weapons cannot hurt it, so please don't Let it run away."

Fairy Ziyue took out hundreds of cyan formation flags, inserted them into the ground near the beach, buried several cyan jade plates under the beach, and held a cyan formation flag with impressive aura in her hand.

She took out a stick of demon-baiting incense, lit it, and inserted it into the formation's eye. She threw a several-foot-long red carp on the beach, scratched the red carp's belly, and sprinkled some green powder on it.

"Hide quickly, the Baby Crying Beast will appear soon."

Fairy Ziyue found an open space and cast a spell to hide it.

Wang Changsheng and the other three also cast spells to hide themselves and restrain their own mana fluctuations.

Time passed little by little, the weather was calm, and no monsters appeared.

An hour later, there was still no sign of the crying baby beast.

Wang Changsheng glanced at Fairy Ziyue and said nothing.

A strange roar sounded, and more than a dozen black demonic birds swooped down from high altitude, targeting the red carp's body.

This group of demon birds is only the second level, and their grade is not high.

They were extremely fast and soon landed on the beach, biting the carcass of the red carp.


The calm seawater suddenly rolled violently, and a huge creature suddenly emerged from the sea.

The shape of this monster resembles a huge rhinoceros, but its head is somewhat similar to that of a mouse. It has a pair of fleshy wings on its back, red scales all over its body, and three eyes.

It is the crying baby beast, but it is only a third-level low-grade beast.

The sea water rolled violently, and a larger crying baby beast emerged from the sea, a third-level mid-level beast.

The two cry beasts let out baby cries, and a thick red flame flew out from their third eyes. When the black demon bird touched the red flame, there was no burnt residue left.

The black demon birds flapped their wings and flew high into the sky, but before they could fly high, a large piece of red flame came and fell on them.

Several screams were heard, and not a single feather of the black monster bird was left behind.

Two babies' cries rang out, and the two cry beasts spread their wings, flapped lightly, and flew up towards the beach.

They quickly arrived in front of the carp, and before they had time to eat, a large piece of blue mist suddenly appeared on the ground around them.

The two crying beasts sensed something was wrong and breathed flames to attack the formation.

"Quickly use your strongest attack to destroy them. The third-level low-grade formation cannot trap them for long. The main formation flag has been repaired before, and the defense of the formation is not as good as before."

Fairy Ziyue said loudly, the main formation flag in her hand glowed brightly and sprayed out a large piece of cyan mist.

Wang Changsheng, Wang Ruyan and Wang Huashan looked at each other and used their magic weapons to attack the baby cry beast.

What Wang Changsheng sacrificed was the Hanyun Bottle and the Jiuqu Sacred Sand. The Hanyun Bottle sprayed out billowing white cold air, and the Jiuqu Sacred Sand transformed into a huge yellow sand dragon and pounced on the two crying beasts.

Wang Ruyan held Xuan Yue Pipa, and her slender jade fingers quickly passed over the strings of the pipa. A low pipa sound sounded, and dozens of huge cyan wind blades flew out and hit the two crying beasts.

Wang Huashan had a flying knife magic weapon on his body and slashed at the crying baby beast.

There was a constant rumbling sound, vaguely mixed with the cry of a baby.

Fairy Ziyue saw a trace of disappointment in her beautiful eyes when she saw Wang Changsheng offering a magic weapon to attack the crying beast, but she quickly returned to normal.

The Baby Crying Beasts are fire-attribute monsters, and the Hanyu Bottle can't do anything to them. The magic weapon hit them without leaving any trace. They ran rampant in the formation, releasing flames to attack the formation, with constant explosions and flames. Roll.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, there was a deafening loud noise, and a large red flame erupted in the green mist. Heat waves rolled in, the green mist dissipated, and several small cracks appeared on the surface of the array disk.

"No, they broke through the formation! Use your strongest means to destroy them."

Fairy Ziyue's appearance changed drastically, and she lost her voice. With a pinch of her magic spell, the giant golden eagle spurted out a thick golden beam of light, hitting the smaller Crying Beast.

The Baby Crying Beast was originally the target of Wang Changsheng and the others' care. It had some scars on its body. The golden light beam hit a wound, widening the wound. It let out a weird roar, its eyes turned red, and its wings He pounced towards Fairy Ziyue.

Fairy Ziyue hurriedly controlled the giant golden eagle to stop the crying baby beast.

The third-level mid-level cry baby beast opened its bloody mouth, revealing a row of white sharp teeth, and pounced on Wang Changsheng.

Wang Changsheng snorted coldly, took out the Ruyi Xuan Jade stick, and injected it with magic power. The Ruyi Xuan Jade stick's light surged, and it quickly grew longer and thicker. It hit the Baby Crying Beast with overwhelming force.

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